The city of Atlantis

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"Hey wait!"

"Did you see that" Diane says when she and wolf look at princess healed hand.

Mole's digger starts going as Milo begin to chase after Kida's hunters.

"Who-who are you?! Where are you going?! Come back!"

"Milo wait" they followed him.

He climbs up and then sees a light up top and then he comes out of a small exist and then runs toward a cliff and stops.

"Hey, wait a minute! WHO ARE YOU!?"

Then the drill has dug through and the others come out along with snake.

They see a giant waterfall and a lake and then the scene zooms out to reveal an entire city of Atlantis.

"Sweet mother of Jefferson Davis!"

"Wolf you alright"  snake asked.

"Yeah we're fine"

"It's beautiful"

"Milo, I gotta hand it to you, you really came through"

Snake shocked by Atlantis, "told you it was real" Diane says. They are suddenly ambushed by Kida's hunting party.

"Uh, I take that back"

"Holy cats, who are these guys?!"

"They... they gotta be Atlanteans"

"What? That's impossible"

"They are"" princess says.

"I seen this back in the Dakota. They can smell fear just by lookin' at ya. So keep quiet"

"This isn't Jurassic park" piranha says.

she with the Mask as speaks in Atlantean, "Kashekim Nedakh! Who are you strangers and where did you come from?"

"I think it's talking to you" Mike grabbing Milo's arm.

"Who are you strangers and where did you come from?" She speaks in Atlantean.

Milo speaks to Atlantean, in halting Atlantean with Kida.

"Who... are you strangers and... where did you come from?"

"Your manner of speech is strange to me"

after Kida speaks to them in Atlantean, replying in halting Atlantean.

"I... travel... friend"

"You... travel-- So, you are a friendly traveler?"

Kida tries to communicate with Milo, going through various languages.

"Ita, sum amice viator. So, my friend, I am a traveler"

"Dices linguam Romae You speak the language of the Romans"

"Parlez-vous francais? Do you speak french?"

"Oui, monsieur! Yes, sir!"

"They speak my language! Pardon, mademoiselle?Pardon, miss?"

motions to Kida with his finger, and she bends down to Mole, smiling sweetly.

"Ah, voulez-vous..."

He whispers something to Kida. She gives a disgusted look and punches him like a superhero knocking out a villain.

"Ooh, I like her!"

"Hmm! 'Bout time someone hit him. I'm just sorry it wasn't me"

"Buenos dias. Ciao. Guten tag. Konnichiwa. Namaste. Ni hao. Good morning. Hello. Good day. Hello. Hello. Hello there"

"How do they know all these languages?"

"Their language must be based on a root dialect. It's just like the Tower of Babel"

"Well, maybe English is in there somewhere. We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace"

"Welcome to the city of Atlantis" Kida then grabs Milo's arm and pulls him with her.

"Wow" princess looks around.

"Come, you must speak with my father now"

"Squad B, head back to the shaft and salvage what you can"

"Yes, sir!"

"We'll rendezvous in 24 hours"

"Let's move it, you heard him"

Everyone drive a trucks to follow the Atlanteans to cross the bridge in the city of Atlantis.

"I'm so excited!" The trunks cross a wooded bridge as the birds screech and then cut the explorers and the Atlanteans going on.

"Now, what's really amazing is that if you deconstructed Latin, you overlaid it with a little Sumerian" Tap a pencil in journal with Rourke and Helga in the truck, "throw in a dash of Thessalonian you'd be getting close to their basic grammatical structure, or at least you'd be in the same ballpark"

"Someone's having a good time"

"Like a kid at Christmas"

"Commander, there were not supposed to be people down here. This changes everything"

"This changes nothing"

"Take that, Mr. Harcourt!"

look here the city empire been of flames Atlantean to see a King's Chamber. It cuts, the guards open a doors to sees King's Chamber, a throne room to King Kashekim Nedakh.

"Greeting your Highness. I have brought the visitors"

"You know the law, Kida. No outsiders may see the city and live"

"Father, these people maybe able to help us"

"We do not need their help"

"But Father-"

"That is enough. We will discuss this later"

"Your Majesty? On behalf of my crew, may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city"

"Ahem. Uh, excuse me? Commander?"

"You presume much, to think you are welcome here"

"Oh, sir, we have come a long way looking for.."

"I know what you seek and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain"

"But we are peaceful explorers, men of science"

King Kashekim Nedakh chuckles grimly, while seeing Rourke's sidearm.

"And yet you bring weapons"

"Our weapons allow us to remove... obstacles we may encounter"

"Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force. Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once"

"Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable"


"Not now, son"

"Trust me on this. We better do as he says" Rourke then thinks of something and turn to the king.

"May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply and be ready to travel by morning"

"Hmm. Very well. One night. That is all"

"Well, thank you, Your Majesty"

They walk away as Milo turns to Kida as she sighs and then the explorers are out of the throne room as the doors closed leaving Kida and the king.

"Your heart has softened, Kida. 1,000 years ago, you would have slain them on sight"

"1,000 years ago, the streets were lit, and our people did not have to scavenge for food at the edge of a crumbling city!"

"The people are content"

"They do not know any better! We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins. The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen"


"If these outsiders can unlock the secrets of our past, perhaps we can save our future"

"What they have to teach us, we have already learned"

"Our way of life is dying"

"Our way of life is preserved! Kida, when you take the throne, you will understand" Commander Rourke returns to the group.

"So, how'd it go?"

"Well, the King and his daughter don't exactly see eye to eye. She seems to like us OK, but the King... I don't know, I think he's hiding somethin'"

"Well, if he's hiding something, I want to know what it is"

"Someone needs to talk to that girl"

"I will go!"

"Someone with good people skills"

"I will do it!"

"Someone who won't scare her away"

"I volunteer!"

"Someone who can speak the language"

"For the good of the mission, I will go!"

"Good man, Thatch. Thanks for volunteering" rouke pats Milo on the shoulder.

"Go get 'em, tiger"

"Mr wolf, you and Diane will assist him and take your daughter along with you"

"I don't know if it's just a good idea" wolf says.

"OK, Milo, don't take no for an answer. "Look, I have some questions for you... and I'm not leaving this city until they're answered!" Yeah, that's it. That's good, that's good" but Milo turns to find her gone.

"I have some questions for you... and you are not leaving this city... until they are answered"

"Yeah, well, l... OK"

"Shh! Come with me. Oh, there is so much to ask about your world. You are a scholar, are you not? Judging from your diminished physique... and large forehead... you are suited for nothing else. What is your country of origin? When did the flood waters recede? - How did you..."

"Wait a minute. I got a few questions for you, too. So let's do this, OK? You ask one, then I'll ask one... then you, then me, then... Well, you get it"

"Very well. What is your first question?"

"Well, OK, uh, how did you get here? Well, I mean, not you personally... but your... your culture. I mean, how did all of this end up down here?"

"It is said that the gods became jealous of Atlantis. They sent a great cataclysm and banished us here. All I can remember is the sky going dark... and people shouting and running. Then, a bright light, like a star... floating above the city. My father said it called my mother to it. I never saw her again"

"I'm sorry. If it... if it's any consolation... l-I know how you feel, because I lost my... Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Whoa, back up! Wh... what... what are you telling me... that you remember because you were there? No, that... that's impossible... because, I mean, that would make you... you know 85 88 years old"


"Oh, well, hey, uh, pfft! Lookin' good. Just, uh, ahem... You got another question for me?"

"Yes. But it is for the child and friend behind you" she approaches Diane made princess holding the

"This necklace, it is one of ours, how did you come across it" she asked Diane.

"Well....during an expedition up on the serface i found it under a rock in perfect condition and I kept it as a memory but for some reason me and princess have a strange connection to it I don't know why"

" and How is it you found your way to this place?" She asked Milo.

"Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't easy. If it weren't for this book, we never would have made it. OK, second question. Legend has it that your people possessed... a power source of some kind that enabled them..."

"You mean you can understand this? Yes, I'm a linguist. That's what I do, that's my job. Now, getting back to my question..."

"This, right here, you can read this? Yes, yes, I can read Atlantean, just like you" but they realize, kids and her kind can't read their language.

"You can't, can you?"

"No one can. Such knowledge has been lost to us... since the time of the Mehbelmok"

"Huh?" Wolf asked.

"the Great Flood" princess says.

"Wait you can't understand the language too"

"Show me. OK, uh..."Follow the narrow passage for another league. There you will find the fifth marker." Yeah. Yeah, that's it. How was my accent?"

"Boorish, provincial... and you speak it through your nose"

"Yeah, gotta work on that. Here, let me show you something"

"What? It looks like some sort of vehicle"

"Yes. But no matter what I try... it will not respond. Perhaps if..."

"Way ahead of you. OK, let's see what we got here. OK"

But princess beats him to it, "Place crystal into slot."

"Yes, yes, I have done that!"

"Gently place your hand on the inscription pad."


"OK, did you... turn the crystal one-quarter turn back?" Milo asked.

"Yes. Yes! While your hand was on the inscription pad?"

"Ye... No"

"Ah, well, see, there's your problem right there. That's an easy thing to miss. You know, you deserve credit... for even... even gettin' this far. OK, uh, give it a try"

Princess uses the crystal that activates it which suprises them.

"Princess don't?" Wolf and Diane warn her but when the vehicle flies, they were amazed.

"Yeah, you got that right. Oh, th... this is great! With this thing... I could see the whole city in no time at all. Wonder how fast it goes"

"So, who's hungry? By the way, we were never properly introduced. My name's Milo"

"My name is Kidagakash. Ki-Ki-Kidamaschnaga"

"Uh, hey, you got a nickname?"


"OK, Kida. I can remember that. Wow"

"What is wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just... got something in my eye. You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories... about this place as far back as I can remember. I just wish he could be standing here with me"

"Ah! Ah! Ee-yah!"

"Tell me more about your companions. Diane is a fox queen"

"Well I wouldn't say queen"

"And princess isn't an actual princess it's just her name"


"And your wolf named me wolf"

"That's right"

"Your physician, he is called Cookie?"

"No, that's Sweet"

"What is?"

"The doctor He's Sweet"

"Oh, he is kindly"

"No, no, no, that... that's his name"

"His name is Kindly?"

"No, Sweet. Well, I mean, he's kindly, too. So all of your doctors are sweet and kindly?"

"No. Well, l-I'm sure some are. Ours is, but that's not a requirement. You're missing the point"

"You are confusing me"

"Wow. Look at all those tattoos"

"Shoot. That ain't nothin'. Look here what I got. All 38 United States. Watch me make Rhode Island dance. Go on, baby, dance. Dance. There you go"

Princess plays with some of the Atlantean children, "Cookies are sweet, but yours is not. Sweet is kindly, but that is not his name. Audrey is sweet, but she is not your doctor. And the little digging animal called Mole... he is your pet?"

"Close enough"

"And your companions are named what type of animal they are" kids asked wolf.

"Oh, don't forget to eat the head. That's where all the nutrients are"

but unknown to them rorke is loading soldiers with weapons with sinister plans in his mind.

In the night, Milo catches firefly and Kida using glowing jar stick to the surface by glowing flies.

"You know, Kida, the most we ever hoped to find was some crumbling buildings, maybe some broken pottery. Instead, we find a living, thriving society. Heh-heh! These guys are kinda cute when they're not, you know, formed into a fiery column of death"

"We are not thriving. True, our people live, but our culture is dying. We are like a stone the ocean beats against. Which each passing year, a little more of us is worn away"

"That's terrible" Diane says.

"I wish there was something I could do"

"I have brought you to this place to ask you for your help. There is a mural here with writing all around the pictures. And if you and the child can help-"

"Yeah, well, you came to the right guy and child. For a 7 year old I'm surprised she could understand this language as complex as this" Milo says.

"Some kids are into toys but not this one, she's into culture" wolf says.

""Okay, let me see. Let's start with this column right here. Uh, well this, uh, uh, Kida? Uh, heh, what are you doin'?"

Kida Take off her skirt to reveal a bikini bottom and wolf feeling embarrassed covers his eyes.

"You do swim, do you not?"

"Oh, I swim pretty girl. Pr-pretty good! Pretty good. Sw... Good, swim good, pretty good. I swim pretty good"

"Smooth move" wolf nudges him.

"Good. It is a fair distance to where we are going"

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea, cats don't swim" wolf says but he sees princess already joining kida.

"Hey, you are talkin' to the belly-flop champ at Camp Runamuck" then Diane and wolf went in the water.

he filled the underwear, Kida giggles, he flusters repeatedly when she suggests they swim.

"Come on, we're... we're wasting time" he jump into the water, as Kida look down and he's rises to the surface back in the water.

"Why don't you lead the way because...I have no idea where we're going"

Kida hold a breath to jump into the water and Milo and the others hold a breath head down, they swims in underwater to find a Heart of Atlantis, she rises to the surface and he rises hitting his head.

"Are you all right?"

"Well, I didn't drown so--"

"Good. Follow me!"

Kida swims down in the underwater mural it reads the Atlantean text writing script it and rises to the surface with Milo.

"This is amazing; A complete history of Atlantis! It-It-It's just like Plato described. Well, I mean, he was off on a few details, but--"

"The light I saw; The star in the middle of the city, what does the writing say about that?"

"I don't know yet. But we're gonna find out. Come on"

Kida swims down underwater mural with Milo, they searching for the Heart of Atlantis, Kida holds the crystal, Diane holds princess crystal for her to read, Milo and princess reads the Atlantean text in the underwater mural, He got the Kida's crystal light and rises to the surface with Kida.

"The Heart of Atlantis"


"It's the Heart of Atlantis! That's what the shepherd w-was talking about! It wasn't a star, it was-- it was some kind of a-"

"crystal. It was a crystal" princess says.

"Yeah Uh," Milo Holds up Kida's crystal, "Like these! Don't you get it? The power source I've been looking for, the bright light you remember; they're the same thing!"

"That cannot be"

"But how are me and princess connected to it, it don't make sense" Diane asked.

"It's what keeping all these things, you, all of Atlantis alive!"

"That's amazing" wolf says.

"Then, where is it now?"

"I don't know, I don't know. You'd think something this important would be in the journal, but it--Unless...the missing page"

"What missing page" wolf asked.

"There was a tore page in the book"

"I think we might get our answers up on the surface"

Milo, resurfaced from the water as he is confronted by Rourke.

"You have a nice swim?" Zoom out and the others, who are holding guns, holding the bad guys as hostage.

"What's going on?" Wolf asked

"Something bad I think" diane says.

"Hey, guys. What's going on? What's- What's with all the guns? Guys? I'm such an idiot. This is just another treasure hunt for you. You're after the crystal!"

"Oh, you mean this?"

"The Heart of Atlantis"

"Yeah, about that, I would've told you this sooner, but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis, and, well, now you know. I had to be sure you were one of us" he raises his hand to Milo.

"Welcome to the club, son"

"I'm no mercenary"

Rourke's mercenaries grab Kida, resulting in a struggle which takes place, as Kida breaks free and attacks the men and she takes out a knife and about to stab the man, but knife is knocked off by a bullet which is shot by Rourke, which ends with Kida restrained.

"Mercenary? I prefer the term "adventure capitalist". Besides, you're the one who got us here. You led us right to the treasure chest. How about you Mr wolf I know based on your background record you have a knack for treasure"

"Commander, I hate to break it to you but I have a daughter do you really this is an example you really need to be showing her" wolf growls at him.

"Then she'll know in some expeditions you got to take what you can or want" rourke turns to princess but she looked frightened.

"You don't know what you're tampering with, Rourke!"

"What's to know? It's big, it's shiny, it's gonna make us all rich"

"You think it's some kind of a diamond. I thought it was some kind of a battery, but we're both wrong. It's their life-force. That crystal is the only thing keeping these people alive. You take that away, and they'll die"

"Well, that changes things. Helga, what do you think?"

"Knowing that, I'd double the price"

"I was thinking triple"

"Rourke, don' this"

"Academics. You never want to get your hands dirty. And you ex criminals would've known better"

"Sorry not interested" wolf grunts his teeth.

"Think about it. If you gave back every stolen artifact from a museum you'd be left with an empty building. We're just providing a necessary service to the archeological community"

"Sounds a lot like stealing to me" Diane says.

"Not interested"

"I got to admit, I'm disappointed. You're an idealist, just like your grandfather. Do yourself a favor, Milo. Don't be like him. For once, do the smart thing" Milo silently stares at Rourke with anger along with wolf and Diane.

"Oh. I really hate it when negotiations go sour" he Snap his fingers allowing his men to point the gun at Kida, wolf and Diane and cock them.

"Let's try this again"he shows Milo and princess the missing page on the Heart of Atlantis again.

Rourke and the others destroy the door to the throne room with a bomb.

"Knock, knock"

"Room service!" Nedakh's guards raise their spears.

Helga Holds Kida as hostage, "Tell them to drop their weapons, now!"

Nedakh, in Atlantean, tells his guards to drop their spears and they do so.

"Spread out! Search everywhere!" Rourke's men search the room for the Heart of Atlantis.

"You're not applying yourself, son. There's got to be something else"

"Well, there isn't. It just says "The heart of Atlantis, lies within the eyes of our king."

"Well, then maybe Old King Cole here can help us fill in the blanks. How about it, chief? Where's the crystal chamber?"

"You will destroy yourselves"

"Maybe I'm not being clear"

Rourke punches Nedakh hard in the chest, shocking everyone including Kida. Nedakh falls on the ground, wounded, princess gets scared covering her face.

"Commander please, my daughter is just a child, she's sensitive to these kinds of things" wolf says

"Oh I'm just trying to teach her a lesson, you see sweetheart adventures like this are always like fairytales that you read sometimes someone has to get hurt" he takes her book and throws it.

"Stop it!" Wolf gets angry at him"

"Rourke, this was not a part of the plan!"

"Plan's changed, doc. I'd suggest you put a bandage on that bleeding heart of yours. It doesn't suit a mercenary" he Sits on Nedakh's throne, knocking over a bowl of fruit and spilling its contents everywhere.

"Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us. Now I'm going to count to 10 and you're going to tell me where the crystal is. 1. 2." He cocks the pistol and Aims at Nedakh. Audrey, Sweet and Vinny all stare in horror, shark picks up princess covering her face.

"9. T-" he stops as he looks at the water than back at the book.

The presence of Heart of Atlantis has been revealed in the water.

"The heart of Atlantis lies in the eyes of her king"? This is it, we're in!" He throws the Shepherd's Journal back at Milo and heads to the entrance to Heart of Atlantis.

"Rourke, for the last time, you've got to listen to me. You don't have the slightest idea what this power is capable of"

"True, but I can think of a few countries who'd pay anything to find out" He gets on the platform as it starts to activate.

"Hurry. Get on" Milo, Kida, wolf, Diane, princess, Rourke and Helga get on the platform leading to find the Heart of Atlantis



They see the crystal orb surrounded by stone carvings as Kida is in tears to see it.

"The kings of our past" She bows down and prays in Atlantean softly.

"Thatch, tell her to wrap it up. We got a schedule to meet."

"Um... Kida... I'm sorry"

Rourke then kicks a small rock into the water and the crystal shines red lights and the seven are worried.

"Come on, let's get this over with. I don't like this place"

"All right, Thatch, what's next?"

OK, there's a giant crystal hovering 150 feet above our heads over a bottomless pit of water. Doesn't anything surprise you?"

Then the light shines on Kida, princess and Diane.

"The only thing that surprises me..."

"Mahtim" then the three of the girls eyes glowed.

"That thing's not on the truck yet. Now move it!"

"I don't know how to move it. I don't even know what's holding it up there"

They see Kida, princess and Diane are under a trance walking toward the water as Milo and goes to them, but Rourke stops them.

"Princess what are you doing? Diane?"

"Talk to me, Thatch. What's happening?"

"Look, all it says here is that the crystal is alive somehow. It... I don't know how to explain it. It's their deity. It's their power source"

"Speak English, professor"

"They're part of it. It's a part of them. L... I'm doing the best I can here"

"Well, do better"

"Oh, I know. Why don't you translate and I'll wave the gun around"

Princess, Kida and Diane speaking a Atlantean language.

Translating: All will be well, Milo Thatch. Be not afraid. Milo, wolf and Rourke are confused.

"What did they say?"

"I don't know.... I didn't catch it"

"Only princess can translate but I don't know what's wrong with her" wolf says.

Kida along with diane and princess get entraced by the power source and fuse with it turing them into crystal.

"Hold your horses, lover boys"

"Kida. Kida"

"Princess, Diane"

"No, don't. Don't touch them"

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