The journey to Atlantis

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Everyone travel moving trucks to journey.

"Okay, people, saddle up. Lieutenant, I want this convoy moving 5 minutes ago"

"Moliere, you're on the point. No, Vinny! Audrey's taking the oiler. You know the rules: I want you 50 yards behind that truck of all times. And, Packard, put out the cigarette"

Rourke turns to Milo, he loud beeps a horn on the truck. Rourke gets annoyed and took off a horn to him.

"Are you sure you're checked out on this class of vehicle?"


"Can you drive a truck?"

"Pfft! Heh, heh! Of course I can drive a truck. I mean, sure, you got your steering, and your gas, and your brake, and, of course, this metal, uh, looking... thing. Okay, so it was a bumper car at Coney Island, but it's the same basic principle!"

Rourke sighs, "bad guys I want you with me, let's go governor"

The scenes switches to Milo who's drives a truck, but it move and stops, brakes squeal 3 times.

"What's the hold-up?"

"Come on, move it!"

"Sorry abou- Sorry about that"

Mole beeps his digger gettin' started Milo in the truck, and everyone follows him.

"Come on, civilian!"

Milo is now being carried by the driller as they journey forth to the path and then they come across a split path Milo looks at the journal and then points to the left, as they go off and a giant insect monster comes out and roars as they back away.

Milo looks at the journal again as Milo points to the right and the group look angry at him as the fade to the expedition group continuing on and shadowy figures run by and fade to Milo drinking from a canteen.


"You didn't just drink that, did you?!"


"That's not good! That's nitroglycerin!" Milo holds his breath, "Don't move, eh, don't breathe, don't do anything. Except pray, maybe"

Mole jumps up behind Milo, scaring him, "BOOM!"


Vinny and Mole laugh. And fade to the group continuing forth. And then Sweet helps the other up except for Milo, and leaves him down there, princess looks back at mole, concerned about him.

The group takes a break, as the group are around the firepit Milo got a lot stuff of books, searching the journal for the time, princess reads with him, Next one, the stage move on to chasm.

"Good night! Will you look at the size of this? It's gotta be half a mile high, at least. It-It must have taken hundred-- No, pfft, thousands of years to carve this thing"

Vinny drags Milo away as he then blows the pillar up, and it falls down over a chasm.

"Hey, look, I made a bridge. It only took me like, what, 10 seconds. 11, tops"

They go furthered across the pillar as the figures from before run through and one of them stopped to observes the expedition group.

Go to the snowy part of the cave, as Milo shivers and then points the way, and then the scene pans to them stopping at a blockway.

"Looks like we have a little roadblock. Vinny, what do you think?"

"I could un-roadblock that if I had about 200 of these" points to a stick of TNT in his hand, "Problem is I only got about...10. Plus, you know, 5 of my own. And a couple of cherry bombs. A road flare. Hey, too bad we don't have some nitroglycerin, eh, Milo?" Milo gives Vinny an angry look while Mole guffaws.

"Looks like we're gonna have to dig"

"It would be my pleasure" Then the digger starts to dig, but it breaks down as Mole gets frustrated.

"Oh! Stupid!" bangs his head against the steering wheel, "You are stupid!"

"I don't understand it. I just tuned this thing up this morning"

Audrey climbs into vehicle and throws random bolts and pipes out.


"It looks like the rotor's shot! I'm gonna have to pull a spare from one of the trucks"

"Can I-"

"¡No toques nada! I'll be right back" Audrey walks away.

Milo grabs Audrey's wrench and begins turning valves, then hits it. The vehicle starts again.

"She lives!"

"Hey, what'd you do?"

"Well, you know, the boiler in this baby is a Humac model P54/813. Now, we got the 814 back at the museum. The heating cores on the whole Humac line have always been a little, you know, temperamental, so sometimes you gotta, boom, persuade 'em a little"

"Yeah, yeah, thank you very much. Shut up" She closes the compartment and spins around to face Milo, her hand clenched in a fist to punch him. Milo flinches, "Two for flinching" punches Milo twice.

Mole laughs as the digger digs through the rock as the vehicles follow it slowly as it circles to the cave for glowing firefly hive.

"This is it. It's gotta be"

"All right, we'll make camp here"

"Why is it glowing?"

"Pah! It is a natural phosphorescence"

"That thing is going to keep me up all night, I know it"

Cookie bells time, serves everyone the same, nondescript slop.

"Come and get it! For the appetizer, Caesar salad, escargot, and your Oriental spring rolls"


"Yummy" piranha swallows it whole.

"I wanted the escargot"

"Knock yourself out"

"There you go, Milo. Put some meat on them bones"

"Thanks, Cookie. That looks...greasier than usual"

"You like it? Well, have some more You're so skinny, if you turned sideways an' stuck out your tongue, you'd look like a zipper"

"You know, we've been pretty tough on the kid. What do you say we cut him slack?"

"Yeah, you're right. Hey, Milo! Why won't you come sit with us?"

"Really? You are don't mind?"

"Nah. Park it here"

"Gee, this is great. I mean, you know, it's an honor to be included in your-"

Mole puts a hot water bag underneath him, and it makes a fart noise, and Mole falls to the floor and guffaws.

"Mole!" Vinny, Sweet and Audrey says in unison.

"Ah, forgive me. I could not resist"

"Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book?"

"Yeah, you must've read it a dozen times by now"

"I know, but this... this doesn't make any sense. See, in this passage here, the shepherd seems to be leading up to something. He calls it the Heart of Atlantis. It could be the power source the legends refer to. But then it just... it cuts off. It's almost like there's missing page"

"Kid, relax. We don't get paid overtime"

"I know, I know. Sometimes I get a little carried away. But, hey, you know, that's what this is all about right? I mean, discovery, teamwork, adventure. Unless, maybe, you're just in it for the money"





"I'm gonna"

"Well, I guess, I set myself up for that one"

"What, something wrong with your neck?"

"Oh, yeah. I must've hurt it when-"Sweet adjusts Milo's neck, "Aah! Ow!"


"Yeah! Hey, how did you learn to do that?"

"An Arapaho medicine man"

"Get outta here."

"Born and raised with 'em. My father was an army medic. He settled down in the Kansas Territory after he met my mother"

"No kidding"

"Nope. I got a sheepskin from Howard U., and a bearskin from old Iron Cloud. Halfway through medical school, I was drafted. One day, I'm studying gross anatomy in the classroom, the next, I'm sewing up rough riders on San Juan Hill"

"Main course!"

"I couldn't eat another bite"

"Thanks anyway. Beside, I'm watching my weight"

"No, no, no. Don't make me, don't ask"

"Ha, ha, ha! Don't you worry. It'll keep, and keep, and keep"

"Thank God I lost my sense of taste years ago"

They put slide the food trade in the fire-pit it goes off. Everyone starting rap it a rope in the tents.

"Pruncess, I wanna show you something" Diane says as everyone builds their tents.

When princess and diane are alone, diane pulls a hidden object in a wrapped cloth.

"I wanna show you a special gift, I been keeping it for so long" in the cloth was a atlantien necklace.

"Wow, it's pretty"

" I discovered it awhile back during a heist and made sure it wouldn't be discovered by others" when she touched it. it glowed meaning she has a connection to it.

"I don't know why but there's something about this crystal that u feel connected to it, but I wants to pass it down to you"

When Diane hands princess the necklace, princess touches it then it glows too.

"Keep it hidden I don't want anyone else seeing it" Diane whispered.

"Ok" she hides from the others so she can examine it more.

"Aren't you going to pitch after tent?"

"Uh, I did" Vinny gives sleeping bag to him and sets up his tent.

"I guess I'm still a little rusty at this. I haven't gone camping since... well, the last time my grandpa took me"

"I never got to meet your grandfather. What was he like?"

Milo Thatch rolling a sleeping bag over in the tent, "Where do you start? He was like a father to me, really. My parents died when I was a little kid, and he took me in" he chuckles.


"Well, I was just thinkin'. One time, when I was 8, we were hiking along this stream, and I saw something shining in the water. It was a genuine arrowhead. Well, you'd think I'd found a lost civilization, the way Grandpa carried on about it. It wasn't until I was older that I realized that the arrowhead was just some compressed shale mixed with zinc pyrite that had fractured into an isosceletic triangulate"

Mole took an animal mole toy, "That is so cute!"

"Say, Audrey. Uh, no- No offense, but how does a teenager become the chief mechanic of a multi-million-dollar expedition?"

"Good question" webs asked.

"Well, I took this job when my dad retired. But the funny thing was he always wanted sons, right? One to run his machine shop, and the other to be middleweight boxing champion. But he got my sister and me instead"

"So, what... what happened to your sister?"

"She's 24-and-0, with a shot at the title next month. Anyway, I'm saving up so my Papí and I can open another shop"

"Forget your jammies, Mrs. Packard?"

"I sleep in the nude"

Wolf and snake covers princess eyes.

Sweet throws a sleep mask to Milo, "You're gonna want a pair of these. She sleepwalks"

"Ugh" the bad guys were disgusted.

"Well, as far as me goes...I just like to blow things up"

Sweet pulls sleep mask to Vinny, "Come on, Vinny. Tell the kid the truth"

"My family owned a flower shop. We would sell roses, carnations, baby's breath, you name it. One day, I'm making about three dozen corsages for this prom. You know, the one they put on the wrist. And everybody, they come. "Where is it?" "When is it?" "Does it match my dress?" It's a nightmare. Anyway, I guess there was this leak next door of gas or what. Boom! No more Chinese laundry. Blew me right through the front window. It was like a sign from God. I found myself that boom"

Piranha was intrigued by it then Mole digs down into the hole, turns light off and he chuckles.

"What's Mole's story?"

"Trust me on this one, you don't wanna know. Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't have told me, but you did, and now I'm tellin' you, you don't wanna know" he Blows the light off it gets dark to black.

Meanwhile, Everyone sleeping on the tents, Kida appears and hunters with the masks while hunting trip.

She look for Milo's bag search for picture to Thaddeus and Milo and he's yawning up out of the tent. Kida and the hunters startled runs off the tent. Milo turns a flashlight on with the shovel toilet paper.

Cookie Snores in the tent, "The redhead's got a gun"

at princess and diane's tents where the necklace that princess put on was hidden underneath her, starts to glow shortly when Kida's crystal is near it.

But As Milo took the flashlight sees a Firefly hive, glowing flies, he zip down the pants, it buzz off the fireflies then drops a flashlight and squish by shovel toilet paper turns to fire.

"Holy- Whoa!" Fireflies start to burn the tents and there many glowing flies fly out of hive.

"Fire" Fireflies chase him and he alarm calling to everyone out of tent.

"Fire! Fire! FIRE! FIRE!"

Commander Rourke Glances at a clock reading 2:00 A.M, "I'm gonna kill him. Thatch, go back to bed"

He sees in shock the campsite on fire as the crew tries to put it out.

"Huh?" Snake and wolf look through the tent to see the huge fire.

"Diane get princess out of her" wolf hands her to Diane, she ran.

"The rest of you go help out"

"Get some water on that fire!"

"No time! Get us into those caves! Move it! Move it! Move it!" They start riding away from the fire.

"Yah-ha! Gertie, pull!" They Cross the bridge.

"Milo, Jump! Right now!" Milo jumps to Audrey as the fireflies destroys by watertank truck, and the truck is on fire as the crew member screams in horror as the engine blows up, and then another vehicle is blown up, that caused the other vehicles crash his trucks it burns by fireflies, The Hive breaks down to the bridge as Mole's digger backs up to steering tires squealing wheel.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

The Bridge crash down by glowing fireflies in the cave, as everyone drive trucks going back down into Big Hole, and hitting bumps ahead get shocked by an accidents.

"Whoa! Whoa!"



the screen cuts to black, and a crash is heard. And Rourke lights a match.

"All right, who's not dead? Sound off"

Everybody groans; Rourke accidentally puts out match.

"Danged lightnin' bugs done bit me on my sit-upon. Somebody's gonna have to suck out that poison. Now don't everybody jump up at once"

Then the lights turned on as the others goan in pain and the vehicles were damaged.

"Audrey, give me a damage report"

"Not as bad as it could have been. We totaled rigs two and seven, but the digger looks like it'll still run. Lucky for us we landed in something soft"

"Pumice ash. We are standing at the base of a dormant volcano"

Helga pushes the telescope eye back to Mole with the flare gun, and shoots up the volcano.

"It just keeps going"

"Maybe that's our ticket out of here"

"Maybe not"

"The magma has solidified in the bowels of the volcano, effectively blocking the exit"

"I got the same problem with sauerkraut"

"Ugh" piranha groan in disgust.

"Ok I didn't need to know that" webs says.

"Hold on, back up! Are you saying this whole volcano can blow at any time?"

"No, no, no, no. That would take an explosive force of great magnitude"

Everyone looks at Vinny, who is fiddling with a time bomb.

"Maybe I should do this later, huh?"

"If we can blow the top off of that thing, we'd have a straight shot to the surface. Mr. Thatch, what do you think? Mr. Thatch? Thatch?"

"Wolf's gone too, I'll see if I can find him" snake sayssnake says as he goes through the cracks to find any soliders or any of his friends trapped underneath.

"So is princess and Diane, I can't find either one" shark says looking worried.

Milo is injured with a cut on his chest and princess a small wound on her hand.

Wolf regained consciousness with Diane who rubs her head.

"What happened" Diane asked

"I don't know, princess you ok"

"No, I got cut" she cried.

"Help let me see" he picks her up and holds her hand to see the cut.

"Milo's pretty bad shape too" Duane tries to help him up.


Then a Atlanteans appears, "Supak. Supak. Tegg. Yob. Yob top"

Princess Kida Nedakh, "Weh-shek, Beh-ket"

Milo gasps shocked by the groups of Atlanteans warriors, wolf backs up, thinking they are a threat and he slowly pulls his hidden dagger.

"Beh-ket, Beh-ket-yoakh"


Milo feels pain on his chest as it bleed on each hand. The same thing with princess, Kida took a Mask off, she has face thin of blue eyes in sight to him. Kida hold under shirt to Milo's chest to uses a magic crystal pendant to heal Milo and touch him with the magic light. The bleeding is gone, disappears. Milo sighs. She carefully takes princess hand as wolf glares at her but she uses the crystal to heal princess hand.

She put the Mask on, after that, the Atlanteans scared away from the crew.

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