The search of atlantis

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Milo is on a ship, with him barfing. And then to the whole ship which is sailing onward. Then go back to Milo.

"Carrots. Why is there always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots"

"You alright?" Wolf pats his back.

"Yeah fine" he almost barfs again as he hold it in.

Wilhelmina Bertha Packard is over the PA system.

"Attention. All hands to the launch bay. To whoever took the "L" from the Motor Pool sign... ha ha, we are all very amused"

Milo had down to the launch bay and come across a person.

"Excuse me? I need to, uh, report in?" It was Helga.

"Yes, Mr. Thatch?"

"Aah! Uh, it's you!"

A man on wagon is being loaded down named: Jebidiah Allardyce "Cookie" Farnsworth.

"Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you"

"Hold that thought. What is it this time, Cookie?"

"You done stuffed my wagon full to bustin' with non-essentials. Look at all this! Cinnamon, oregano, cilantro. What in the cockadoodle is cilantro?" Throws out the crate and picks up lettuce.

"And what is this?"

"That would be lettuce.

"Lettuce? Lettuce?!"

"It's a vegetable, Cookie. The men need the four basic food groups"

"I got your four basic food groups! Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!"

"Didn't know you have cowboys here" snake says.

And when cookie sees princess he takes out a knife, "you know cats make good meat"

But wolf and snake get in front, holding princess and glaring at him.

"Back off" they shout.

"Easy cookie we need her" helga says, Then the warning alarm sounds.

"All right, cowboy. Pack it up and move it out"

"Attention. All hands to the launch bay. Final loading in progress"

The heroes and the men go to the elevator and they made it to the next floor, where the submarine, the Ulysses is there.

"Hey, junior. If you're looking for the pony rides, they're back there" says a man named Vinny.

He looks down to see princess, "you're not gonna find mother kids for her to play with here"

"Um, excuse me, excuse me. You dropped your dy-dy-dy-dynamite. What else have you, uh, got in there?"

"Oh, eh, gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepads, fuses, wicks, glue, and...paper clips; big ones. You know, just, uh, office supplies"

"What kind of office supplies need dynamite" webs asked.

"That is so awesome" piranha says as Vinny then walks off.

"Milo! Mr wolf Where you been? I want you to meet Commander Rourke. He led the Iceland team that brought the Journal back"

"Milo Thatch. Pleasure to meet the grandson of old Thaddeus. I see you got that journal. Nice pictures, but, I prefer a good western myself. And these must be the bad guys pleasure to meet you ah and thus must be your daughter it's an honor to have you on board little missy" he salutes her as he bows down.

"Pretty impressive, eh?"

"Boy, when you settle a bet, y-you settle a bet"

"Well, your granddad always believed you couldn't put a price on the pursuit of knowledge"

"Well, uh, believe me, this'll be a small change compared to the value of what we're gonna learn on this trip"

"Yes, this should be enriching for all of us"

"Attention all personnel. Launch will commence to 15 minutes"

"Mr. Whitmore"


"It's time"

Milo Thatch Tripping to Launching the submarine.

"Bye, Mr. Whitmore!"

"Make us proud, boy!" The door closed down as the Ulysses prepared for launch.

"Rig ship for dive!"

"Aye, sir! Rig ship for dive"

"Lieutenant, take her down"

"Diving officer, submerge the ship"


"Make the depth 1-5-0 feet"

"Make the depth 1-5-0 feet"

"Dive, dive! 5 degrees down bubble"

"Take us down" They press all the button and then the sub is launched into the water as Whitmore gives a thumbs up and the put his crossed fingers behind his back.

The Ulysses dives down into the ocean as Milo looks through the window and the Ulysses continues to dive down further.

"Attention. Tonight's supper will be baked beans. Musical program to follow...Who wrote this?"

Milo goes in his cabin, princess comes in and sees he lays on the bed, a pair of telescopic eyes looks at him.

"Aah!" He bang his head.

"You have disturbed the dirt" says Gaetan "Mole" Moliere

"Uh, pardon me?"

"You have disturbed the dirt! Dirt from around the globe" he Pulls off blanket, exposing clumps of dirt with little European flags, "spanning the centuries! What have you done?! England must never merge with France!"

"What's it doing in my bed?"

"You ask too many questions. Who are you? Who sent you? Speak up!"

"Me? I'm, uh--"

"Bah! I will know soon enough" he grabs Milo's hand.

"Hey-hey-hey! Let go!"

"Do not be such a crybaby. Hold still" he takes a tiny dirt sample from Milo's fingernail with tweezers.

"Aha! There you are. Now tell me your story, my little friend. Parchment fibre from the Nile Delta circa 500 B.C., lead pencil No. 2, paint flecks of a type used in government buildings, you have a cat, short hair Persian, two years old, third in a litter of seven. These are all the microscopic fingerprints of the mapmaker" licks it dirt twice, "And linguist"

"Hey, how did you--"

Mole throws Milo's bags and jacket at him, "This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out, out, out, out, out!"

He tries to push Milo out of cabin, princess moves until they runs into a big strong man: Sweet.

Dr. Joshua Sweet, "Uh-oh. Sat in the dirt, didn't you? Moliere, now what have I told you about playing nice with the other kids?"

Mole tries to protest, but Sweet holds up a bar of soap and shoves it in Mole's face.

"Get back! I got soap, and I'm not afraid to use it" Mole hisses at the soap bar.

"Back, foul creature! Back to the pit from which you came!"

Sweet whips his towel at Mole, who flees to the top bunk, and runs to his bed.

"The name's Sweet, Joshua Sweet. Medical officer"

"Yeah. Milo Thatch"

"Milo Thatch. You're my 3:00" reaches into his back and pulls out a saw.

"Well, no time like the present" Milo stares at the saw.

"Oh, boy"

"Nice, isn't it? The catalogue says that this little beauty can saw through a femur in 28 seconds. I'm bettin' I can cut that time in half" he puts the saw away and comes out with a tongue depressor.

"Now, stick out your tongue and say "Ahh."

"Oh, no, really, I have a--" Sweet puts tongue depresser in his mouth.


"So, where you from?" Milo grunts something.

"Really? I have family up that way. Beautiful country up there! Do you do any fishing? Me? I hate fishing. I hate fish. Hate the taste, hate the smell and hate all them little bones" as he speaks he does several things from putting the depressor away to taking Milo's pulse, then finally pulls up two bottles.

"Here, I'm gonna need you to fill these up"

"With what?!"

Then wolf came in, "sorry I'm just looking for my daughter"

Then she came right behind sweet, she ran to him and he picks her up.

"Dr. Joshua Sweet" he introduces himself.

"Mr wolf"

"Oh yeah I heard about you guys"

"Would Milo Thatch please report to the bridge?"

"Thank you. I mean, uh, uh, nice meeting you" He runs off.

"We should get going too, see ya" wolf says.

"I'll need the girl back for an examination" he says.

Dr. Joshua Sweet watching Milo run off, "Uh-huh, nice meeting you too" Mole watches quietly the whole while. Then the sub goes further down as it operates.

"So I says to him, "What's wrong with my meatloaf?" And he says to me... Oh. Hold on a second, Margie, I got another call. Sir, we're approaching coordinates. Hello, Margie? Yeah, so anyways, he says..." Milo comes through and goes up the steps.

"All right, let's have a look around"

"Aye, sir. Set course to 2-4-0. on the bow planes. Come right 2-4-0"

"Welcome to the bridge, Mr. Thatch. OK, everybody, I want you to give Mr. Thatch your undivided attention"

"Good afternoon. Can everyone hear me OK?" Then a girl, Audrey blows her bubble gum.

"Heh, OK, uh, how... how 'bout some slides? The... the first slide is a depiction of a creature. A creature so frightening that sailors were said to be driven mad by the mere sight of it"

He puts in a slide and it shows Milo in his swimsuit with his cat, the crew laugh at this.

"Hubba, hubba"

The bad guys snickered getting a scolding look from princess.

"Uh, I'm sorry. That's... wrong"

"Geez, I used to take lunch money from guys like this" says Audrey Rocio Ramirez.

"Tell me about it what a nerd" webs says.

"Anyway, this, uh... OK" He puts the correct slide in and it shows a creature attacking a ship.

"This is an illustration of the Leviathan the creature guarding the entrance to Atlantis"

"With something like that, I would have white wine, I think"

"Hey" piranha gets defensive

"No offense"

"It's a mythical sea serpent. He's described in the Book of Job. The... the Bible says "Out of his mouth go burning lights, sparks of fire shoot out." But more likely it's a carving or a sculpture to frighten the superstitious"

"So we find this masterpiece. Then what?"

"When do we dig?"

"Actually, we don't have to dig. You see, according to the Journal,.." he draws the diagram of an tunnel and an underwater cave, "the path to Atlantis will take us down a tunnel at the bottom of the ocean, and we'll come up a curve into an air pocket right here, where we'll find the remnants of an ancient highway that will lead us to Atlantis. Kind of like the grease trap in your sink"

"Cartographer, linguist, plumber. Hard to believe he's still single"

"He just needs to find the right girl" wolf says.

"You said there'd be digging"

Helga Sinclair pushes Mole away, "Go away, Mole"

"Captain, you'd better come look at this, sir"

"OK, class dismissed. Give me exterior lights"

The sub has turned on the lights and the crew see a bunch of wrecked ships from years ago as the crew are shocked to see how many wrecked there were.

"Look at that"

"There are ships here from every era" The Ulysses swims through the shipwreck, as something moved from the ground and the swims off. And then it reveals to be a creature swimming below the Ulysses and vanished between the rocks

Packard put a smoke igniting match, turns the Radio static, it hearing the Leviathan and call the hydrophone to Rourke.

"Commander, I think you should hear this"

"What was that?" Princess asked as Diane grabs her.

Milo Thatch To Rourke and Helga, He looking the shepherd's journal, but Packard is on the P.A system phone.



"...logtu nug..."


"...nah geb. Enter the lair of the Leviathan."


"There you will find the path to the gateway."


"Yes, Mrs. Packard. What is it?"

"I'm picking up something on the hydrophone, I think you should hear"

"Put it on speakers@

Packard put it on speakers, about the sound of the groaning and whooshing is heard over the speakers.

And then the creature swims observing the Ulysses and goe off elsewhere.

"What is it? A pod of whales?"

"Uh-uh. Bigger"

"It sounds metallic. Could be an echo off one of the rocks"

"Do you want to do my job? Be my guest"

"Is it just me, or is that getting louder?" Then the sound then stopped as the crew are puzzled.

"Well, whatever it was, it's gone now"

"Helmsman! Bring us about. Tighten our search pattern and slow us-"

Then something hit the Ulysses as the heroes fall down. The creature swims on top of it. Audrey runs through the room.

"Out of the way!"

Then she goes up the ladder. And then the creature roars as it swims and hits the Ulysses again, and Audrey sees water coming inside.

"Tell Cookie to melt the butter and bring out the bibs. I want this lobster served up on a silver platter"

"Load the torpedo bays! Subpod crews, battle stations!"

The Leviathan hits the ship again, knocking Helga to the rails.

"Battle stations!"

The men, Vinny, and Mole jump in the subpods as they get ready for battle, wolf picks up princess to her somewhere safe.

"Steady, boys. Don't panic!"

Then Leviathan grabs the Ulysses and Milo falls down to the window and look at the mechanical eye.


"Jiminy christmas! It's a machine!"

"No kidding" piranha says.

The leviathan holds on to the submarine, and Audrey goes to the door and while the men run through and the two made it out from the water except for one.

"Launch subpods!"

"Subpods away!" Subpods launch by the Submarine to going to the Leviathan.


The subpods shoot the torpedoes to the Leviathan and drop the submarine.

"We're free, all ahead full!"

The Leviathan escapes submarine, and attacks the subpods.

"Fire torpedoes!"

"Fire torpedoes!"

The Leviathan gets hit by torpedoes, however, the Leviathan retaliates by firing an electric bolt blasts that severely damages the submarine.

Then, the screws start popping off as Audrey runs and goes up the leader.

"Get me the bridge!"

"Sir, it's engineering on 4"

"Rourke! We took a big hit down here, and we're taking on water fast! I don't wanna be around when it hits the boilers!"

"How much time do we have?"
"20 minutes, if the bulkhead holds" hears a distant explosion, "You better make that 5"

"You heard the lady. Let's move!" They make a run for it.

"Move? Where? Move where?"

"Packard, sound the alarm!"

"He took his suitcase? Marge, honey, I don't think he's coming back"


"I have to call you back. No, no, I'll call you" Milo runs through the hall putting on his coat.

"All hands, abandon ship"

"Abandon ship" piranha was terrified as each bad guts member looked at each other.

Wolf ran, grabs princess and they make a run for it, "ok we need to go"

Helga Sinclair to Milo, Audrey and Sweet in the Aqua-Evac.

"Move it, people! Sometime today would be nice!" She Gets inside the Aqua-Evac, "Come on! Everybody grab a seat and buckle in"

"Lieutenant, get us out of here!" The submarine going down deep in ocean, The Leviathan roars like a Gallimimus from Jurassic Park.


"I'm working on it!"

The Leviathan roars swims deep down below it another electric bolt blasts and blows up the ship submarine. She take on a brake and the door opens up.

"Hang on"

It then pursues the escape before the Submarine getting explosion killing all the crew, which princess had to watched and the Leviathan chases swims down in the deep ocean to subpods and aqua-evacs.

"Where to, Mr. Thatch?"

"We're looking for a big crevice of some kind"

"There! Up ahead"

"All craft, make your mark 20 degrees down angle"

"Roger! 20 degrees down angle"

"Right behind you!"

The Leviathan swims around through, it roar attack to destroying a few with its claws a subpod.

"Sacré bleu!"

"We're getting killed out here!"

The Leviathan knocked over the side, it roars in pain. However, when the survivors pass through a crevasse, the Leviathan becomes stuck.

The Leviathan destroys another escape sub as the rest escape before the last crew of the crew escapes into an underground cave system.

"Look out!"

It destroys a aqua-evac, but the another aqua-evac and another subpod still there.

"It's only a grease trap, it's just like a sink! It's only a grease trap, it's just like a sink!!"

However, it continues to fire electric blasts at them, and they avoided the blasts can, until the subpod and aqua-evac goes up, the subpod break his glass, it durable hulls, everybody out the subpod and aqua-evac with the crew, as Helga turn flashlight on, when seen where we going as well.

Then they see the broken sculptures, and statues as the scene fades to Sweet putting the cap with a lit candle as survivors hold a memorial for the presumably hundreds killed by the Leviathanz

"7 hours ago, we started this expedition with 200 of the finest men and women I've ever known. We're all that's left. I won't sugar-coat it, gentlemen. We have a crisis on our hands. But we've been up this particular creek before and we've always come through, paddle or no paddle. I see no reason to change that policy now. From here on in, everyone pulls double-duty. Everyone drives, everyone works. Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you, Mr. Thatch. You and that little book"

"We're all gonna die"

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