The expedition

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At Milo's apartment, the bad guys help Milo inside as he arrives.

"Thanks for the help" Milo says.

"It's no problem man" wolf says.

"I'm home. Fluffy. Here kitty" He turns on the lamp but nothing happened.

"Huh? The electricity must be out" webs says, "I'll see what I can do"

Then something catches snake's eye, "I did know you had a wife"

"I'm not married" Milo says.

Then snake turns to look worried, "then who's that" he points. then a woman was there on his chair.

" Who... who are you? How did you get in here?"

"I came down the chimney. Ho, ho, ho"

Wolf does a wolf whistle at her, only to her smack in the back of the head by Diane.


"My name is Helga Sinclair. I'm acting on behalf of my employer, who has a most intriguing proposition for you. And the bad guys Are you interested?"

"Your... your... your... employer Heh. who's your employer?"

"Wait? Is he the one that sent us the telegram?" Wolf asked.

"Yes" helga says.

"But how did you know we would be here" wolf asked.

"And why couldn't he call us" webs added.

"Who is this employer" snake says.

"Why us?" Piranha says.

"All your questions will be answered shortly"

Thunder is heard as the car drives across the drive through the gate and into a mansion, as the scene cuts to Milo and the bad guys entering inside with Helga.

"This way, please. And don't drip on the Caravaggio. Step lively. Mr. Whitmore does not like to be kept waiting"

He enter an elevator as they go down and Helga is straightening up Milo and Mr wolf.

"You will address him as "Mr. Whitmore" or "Sir." You will stand unless asked to be seated. Keep your sentences short and to the point. Are we clear?"

Milo gulps and the elevator finally stops at a room with pictures and artifacts.

And relax. He doesn't bite... often" Milo and the bad guys look through the room as he then sees a portrait of Milo's grandfather.


"That's your grandfather?" Webs asked.

"Finest explorer I ever met"

"Who said that?" Wolf asked.

"Preston Whitmore. Pleasure to meet you, Milo. And your friends too"

"Well these aren't my-" Milo shakes Whitmore's foot as Whitmore relaxes himself.

"Join me in a little yoga?"

"Uh, no, no. Thank you. Did you really know my grandfather?"

"Oh, yeah. Met old Thaddeus back in Georgetown. Class of '66. We stayed close friends till the end of his days. Even dragged me along on some of his danged fool expeditions. Thatch was crazy as a fruit bat, he was. He spoke of you often"

"Funny. He... he never mentioned you"

"Oh, he wouldn't. He knew how much I liked my privacy. I keep a low profile"

"Look let's just cut to the chase" wolf pushes Milo.

"What do you want with us?" Wolf asked.

"It's not you that I want, it's your daughter I want" he points down at her.

Then snake grabs her, "and what exactly do you want with our daughter"

"Mr. Whitmore, should I be wondering why I'm here?"

"Look on that table." Then, Milo goes to the table where a package is on it.

"Ah! It's for you and princess"

"Huh?" The bad guys gasped.

"It's... it's from my grandfather"

"But who does princess fall into this" wolf asked.

"He brought that package to me years ago. He said if anything were to happen to him, I should give it to you and a child named princess when you were ready whatever that means"

Milo then opens it and reveals to be a book and Milo recognizes what it is.

"It... It can't be. It's the Shepherd's Journal. Mr. Whitmore, this journal is the key... to finding the lost continent of Atlantis!"

"Atlantis! Ha ha ha! I wasn't born yesterday, son"

"You mean it's real" snake was shocked.

"Ha I told you so" Diane smirked.

"Atlantis is real, I knew it" princess says. He goes behind the fold and then gets undressed

"No, no, no. Look... Look at this. Coordinates. Clues. It's all right here"

"Yeah, looks like gibberish to me"

"That's because it's been written in a dialect that no longer exists"

"So it's useless"

"No, no, just difficult. I've spent my whole life studying dead languages. It's not gibberish to me" Mr. Whitmore comes out with his fancy suit.

"Ah, it's probably a fake"

"Mr. Whitmore, my grandfather would have known if this were a fake. I would know. I will stake everything I own, everything that I believe in, that this is the genuine Shepherd's Journal" They go to the table.

"All right, all right. So what do you want to do with it?"

"Well, Ill... Ill... I'll get funding. I mean, Ill... The museum..."

"They'll never believe you"

"I'll show them! I will make them believe"

"Like you did today?"

"Yes! Well, no. How did you... Forget about them, OK? Never mind! I will find Atlantis on my own. I mean, if I have to rent a rowboat!"

"Congratulations, Milo. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. But forget the rowboat, son" He presses a button, "We'll travel in style" Then, the models of the expedition machines appeared.

"It's all been arranged, the whole ball of wax"


"For years your granddad bent my ear with stories about that old book. I didn't buy it for a minute. So finally I got fed up and made a bet with the old coot. I said, "Thatch, if you ever actually find that so-called journal not only will I finance the expedition but I'll kiss you full on the mouth."

"Ew" piranha and webs says.

"Imagine my embarrassment when he found the darn thing"

He shows the photo of him and Thaddeus spitting in disgust when he did it.

"Now I know your grandfather's gone, Milo. God rest his soul, but Preston Whitmore is a man who keeps his word. You hear that, Thatch? I'm going to the afterlife with a clear conscience, by thunder!"

He chuckles and then sighs as he stands in front of the fireplace.

"Your grandpa was a great man. You probably don't realize how great. Those buffoons at the museum dragged him down, made a laughingstock of him. He died a broken man. If I could bring back just one shred of proof, that'd be enough for me. Ah, Thatch. What are we standing around for? We got work to do. Oh and the bad guys are going too"

"What? Why is?" Wolf asked.

"Because you have the skills and bravery for this expedtion, wolf- expert in field work. diane- an ambassador and govenor to show the people of atlantis their nice, pirannha-damage control-shark-expert in disguise. webs-tecnology, snake expert in getting throught tight spaces since he's a snake and princess a expert in lost kingdoms"

"But, Mr. Whitmore, you know, in order to do what you're proposing, you're gonna need a crew"

"Yeah" wolf says.

"Taken care of!"

"But isn't this too dangerous for princess" wolf asked.

"You'll need engineers and... and geologists"

"Got 'em all. The best of the best. Gaetan Moliere, geology and excavation. The man has a nose for dirt. Vincenzo Santorini, demolitions. Busted him out of a Turkish prison. Audrey Ramirez. Don't let her age fool you. She's forgotten more about engines than you or I will ever know. They're the same crew that brought the Journal back as for the child she'll be safe, let the kid have some adventure in her life"

"Where was it?" Whitmore shows the picture of the crew, and Thaddeus with the Shepherd's journal.


"I knew it! I knew it!"

"All we need now is an expert in gibberish. So it's decision time. You can build on the foundation your grandfather left you, or you can go back to your boiler room" Milo lays down on the chair in shock and surprised.

"This is for real"

"Now you're catching on"

"We'll only if you swear that this ship will be safe for princess" wolf asked.

"Don't worry the child will be safe I promise"

"All right. OK. L-l-I'll have to quit my job"

"It's done. You resigned this afternoon"

"I did?"

"Yep. Don't like to leave loose ends"

"Um, my apartment. I have to give notice"

"Taken care of"

"My clothes?"


"My books?"

"In storage"

"My cat?"

Then his cat, Fluffy appeared on his shoulder, meowing.

"My gosh"

"Your granddad had a saying. "Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children." He hands the journal to Milo, "This journal is his gift to you, Milo" Milo looks at the journal.

"Atlantis is waiting. What do you say?"

"I'm your man, Mr. Whitmore. You will not regret this. Boy, I am so excited, l-l-l-I can't even hold it in"

"Looks like you get to see Atlantis princess like I promise" Diane says.

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