The story of Atlantis

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6,800 BC, The sky was clear when a hug explosion is seen and it caused the creation of a giant wave.

The giant wave the chasing the civilian and the machines called the Atlantean.

"You fool! You've destroyed us all!"

"The wave is gaining! We have to warn Atlantis!"

"Too late!"

The wave splashes got them, as the rest of the Atlanteans go toward the kingdom, and the Atlantean watchmen, sees the wave and warns the other Atlanteans.

"Everyone to their shelters! Everyone to their shelters!"

Many Atlantean run around in panic from the tsunami.

"This way your highness. Quickly!"

"Kida, come on!" The Atlantean queen takes Young Kida as she tries to get her doll

"Kida! Just leave it! There's no time!" And then, the crystal lights on the queen and her eyes glow blue, as the king, Kashekim, sees the them, and the queen gets lifted up, carrying Young Kida's braclet.

"Mahtim! [Mother!]" The queen is getting closer to the crystal.

"Mahtim!" Then some of the people of Atlantis enter inside the shield before it closes, but the rest try to get in, but couldn't as the tsunami comes toward them.


"Close your eyes, Kida! Look away!" Then, the crystal created a shield around the city and the water splashes the shield as the kingdom sank into the bottom.

Somewhere a 7 year old kitten: princess was on the floor in her room, she was reading an old folklore about Atlantis the lost city.

After the bad guys took her in, princess became fascinated in studying lost cultures and kingdoms through history.

Her room was filled with books of kingdoms and ancient history and cultures, the ceiling was painted to look like a starry night sky, model planets and planes hanging from a ceiling, myth creatures made of art crafts, her bed was turned into a fort on the floor she was reading with different kinds of stuffed animals.

But out of all of the kingdom historical cultures, she is most fasinated by atlantis One of histories most myseries disappearences.

That's when Diane came in, "hey princess whatcha reading" she asked as she sits besides her.

"The history of Atlantis" princess says.

"I didn't think you were into these things" webs asked as she was on her dresser.

"I love historical culture, it's amazing what you can learn, do you think that Atlantis is real" princess asked Diane.

But before Diane could say anything, snake took-over.

"Oh it's real alright, as real as the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny" snake says sarcastically, "Atlantis doesn't exist it's just some made up folklore fairytales that you read like vampires and fairies, it doesn't exist"

"Now see here Atlantis does exist" Diane scolds him.

"Oh yeah, then how come no one has found any proof of it yet" snake asked and he got Diane there.

"Ok maybe no one found anything on the existence of Atlantis but many scientists are working hard to find evidence and I know someday someone will find it"

"The day that happens is when fish fly, which they don't" snake slithered out.

And Diane see he has princess questioning her beliefs, "don't listen to him princess, he doesn't believe in miracles but Atlantis is real"

"Do You really think that maybe I'll get to see it one day"

"Maybe princess, maybe"

but soon her wishes come true when wolf comes in looking urgent.

"Pack up guys, we're going to Washington D. C."

"What for?" Duane asked.

"We were given this telegram from an anonymous source saying they want RJ see us immediately, we need to go now" he scoops up princess carrying her.

"Ahem" Diane coughs.

"What?" He asked when Diane eyes him and princess.

"She's 7, she's not a kid anymore don't you think she's a little too big for you to carry her"

"She's never too old to be carried"

Meanwhile in Washington D.C., 1914

A man named Milo Thatch Cartography and Linguistics doing a presentation.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. First off, I'd like to thank this board for taking the time to hear my proposal. Now, we've all heard of the legend of Atlantis-A continent somewhere in the mid-Atlantic that was home to an advanced civilization possessing technology far beyond our own that, according to our friend Plato here was suddenly struck by some cataclysmic event that sank it beneath the sea. Now, some of you may ask, why Atlantis? It's just a myth, isn't it? Pure fantasy? Well, that is where you'd be wrong. 10,000 years before the Egyptians built the pyramids, Atlantis had electricity, advanced medicine, even the power of flight. Impossible, you say? Well, no, no, not for them. Numerous ancient cultures all over the globe agree that Atlantis possessed a power source of some kind, more powerful than steam, than, than coal. More powerful than our modern internal combustion engines. Gentlemen, I propose that we find Atlantis, find that power source, and bring it back to the surface. Now, this is a page from an illuminated text that describes a book called the Shepherd's Journal, said to have been a first-hand account of Atlantis and its exact whereabouts" Directing to a chalkboard with a set of runes and its supposed translation, "Coast of Ireland"

"Now, based on a centuries-old translation of a Norse text, historians have believed the Journal resides in Ireland. But," Carrying a Viking shield, "after comparing the text to the runes on this Viking shield, I found that one of the letters have been mistranslated" he Erases the letter R, "So, by changing this letter and inserting the correct one, we find that the Shepherd's Journal, the key to Atlantis, lies not in Ireland, gentlemen, but in Iceland" he Writes a letter C and Pause, "Pause for effect. Gentlemen, I'll take your questions now" but Then a phone rings.

"Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?" He goes to the phone and answers it.

"Cartography and Linguistics, Milo Thatch speaking" He hears indistinct angry ranting through the phone as he understands it.

"Yeah. Uh, just, just a second" He turns the light on, revealing the board to be the masks and he's in the boiler room and he walk toward the pipes.

"Pardon me, Mr. Hickenbottom" He moves the mask and then took a wrench fixing the boiler room, begins turning values, then hits the pipe, and then goes back to the phone.

"How's that? Is that better?" The caller indistinct angry ranting through the phone.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. You're welcome..."

"And don't let it happen again!"

"All right, bye" Then he hangs up the phone and he turns the chalkboard and presents it to the masks.

"Now, as you can see by th--" he Realize part of the map is in his shirt, "by this, um, map... map, uh, that... that--that I've drawn, I plotted the route that will take myself and a crew to the Southern coast of Iceland to retrieve the Journal."

The cuckoo clock time is set off four times as Milo realizes that it's time.

"Ah, showtime!" He gathers his maps and books, "Well, this is it. I am finally getting out of the dungeon" He goes to his stand and then picks a photo of him as a young kid and with a man.

Then we go to a flashback in black and white when a young Milo is being picked up by his grandpa and put him on his lap, and then Milo tries to get the hat his grandpa wears.

Then he gets off his hat and puts it on MIlo's head, as it was to fit, but it goes down to his mouth as his grandpa laughs.

Milo then takes his grandfather's hat and puts it on his head, but then it falls down to his mouth.

Then out of the mailpipe, a letter arrived as Milo takes it and reads it.

"Dear Mr. Thatch, this is to inform you that your meeting today has been moved up from 4:30 P.M. To 3:30 P.M." What?"

The clock reads five after four. "Then another letter came out of the pipe as Milo opens it and reads it.

"Dear Mr. Thatch. Due to your absence, the board has voted to reject your proposal. Have a nice weekend, Mr. Harcourt's office." They can't DO THIS TO ME!"Upstairs, the museum board members walk out.

"I swear, that young Thatch gets crazier every year!"

"If I ever hear the word "Atlantis" again, I'll step in front of a bus!"

"I'll push you! Ha, Ha!"

"Mr. Harcourt!"

"Good lord! There he is!" Milo and the heroes run toward them.

"Members of the board... uh, wait!"

"How did you find us?"

"Mr. Harcourt, wait!" The scared professors flee to the doors.

"Head for the hills!"

"Where is a guard when you need him?"

"Mr. Harcourt, you gotta listen to me, sir!" Mr. Harcourt hides behind a tree.

"Uh, sir?" Mr. Harcourt smiles at Milo, then open his umbrella and pop the maps to him and runs off the museum.

"Wait! Mr. Harcourt! Sir, l-I have new evidence that..."

as Mr. Harcourt back in the car and opens to his Chauffeur.

"Please, Mr. Harcourt! Stop! Sir, if you-- Could you hold--? Thank you very much. Look at--"

"This museum funds scientific expeditions based on facts, not legends and folklore. Besides, we need you here. We depend on you"

"You do?"

"Yes! What with winter coming, that boiler's gonna need a lot of attention"


"Onward, Heinz!" Heinz drives off, Milo chases the car.

"But, there...there's a journal! It's in Iceland! I'm sure of it this time"

Mr. Harcourt closes and slides the window in the car; Milo jumps on the hood.

"Sir, I really hoped it wouldn't come to this, but this is...Uh!...a letter of resignation! If you reject my proposal, I'll--" then he Falls off the car, "WHOA!"Yelling after the car as it drives off, "I'LL QUIT!!!" The car stops and then reverses back; Harcourt opens the window.

"I mean it, sir! If you refuse to fund my proposal..."

"You'll what? Flush your career down the toilet, just like your grandfather? You have a lot of potential, Milo. Don't throw it all away chasing fairy tales"

"But I can prove Atlantis exists!"

"You want to go on an expedition?" He tosses Milo a coin.

"Here. Take a trolley to the Potomac and jump in! Maybe the cold water will clear your head. Heinz!"

The car drives off, soaking Milo's maps and leaving him dejected at the same time the bad guys were driving by when they saw him.

"Wolf can't we help him" princess pulls on his arm, which he felt bad for Milo.

"Ok, hey buddy you need a ride" wolf pulls up next to Milo who looks up at the wolf.

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