Chapter 1

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In the darkness, webs woke up, she was on the ground.

"Ugh" she felt like she just awake from a nightmare, she sees across from her piranha was laying unconscious.

She gets a closer look around her surroundings but flipped when she saw something black popping in her veins.

"What's wrong me hands" she starts whomping, which woke piranha up.

"Ugh....webs" he helps her up, he gets a look at her hands, "webs? What's happening to you?" He asked.

"I Don't know" She fell on his chest crying then as Pepe wrapped his arms around he noticed they were in a strange room.

"Where are we?"

She lets go and looks up, "I don't know....but we need to get out of here...and find our son"

She sees a letter on the desk, every great story begins in mystery although things may be dark of the start the truth will illuminate your way, don't be afraid of who you are fear only what you may become and banished it away

-your best pal.

"What does that mean?" Pepe asked.

"I don't know but we need to get out of here "

She looks around and quickly noticed that there are steps missing from a ladder.

"We're missing some steps....let's go find them"

She Search the desk drawers in the hall to find the steps, she Now use the ladder to climb up.

"Come on Pepe" webs says.

"Coming webs"

They climbed upstairs and find another letter.

She also finds a music box, she rewind it up.

"Uh baby I don't think you should be messing with that"

But they turned to see a door opening halfway, they both crouch down.

Pepe was getting creepy vibes in the dark haunted and creepy hallway.

"Now stick with me Pepe, you don't know this place very well"


Just then, "attention children of the machine"

They gasped and jumped when they heard Wilson's voice coming from the great beyond.

"It's Wilson" Pepe panicked.

"calm down Pepe" Tara comforts him.

"This is Wilson, your friend, your protector"

"Yeah right" Pepe says with sarcasm.

"For two hundred and eleven days, you lived without the ink demon haunting your steps"

"Ink demon" they both looked at each other then Tara finds something.

"I banished him away, tore his body in two" Pepe flinched by the voice and gruesome image.

"In return, I just ask, a little favor, among you there is a stranger, a young lady and her boyfriend"

"Husband!" Pepe snapped and Tara holds his hand.

"Kill the boy but Bring me the girl, I need her to reunite with her baby"

Pepe and tara gasped as they scan around the room, she finds another letter and reads it.

"Ok tara we need to get out of here" Pepe says as he takes her Ake and tries to find the exit.

"No what about our son"

"How does he know about our baby, and how did he even kidnapped him"

This had Tara thinking, "i...don't know, look we need to get our son back"

"How we don't know where to start....and you heard what he said "children of the machine" Pepe mocked his voice, "he's sending someone or something after you, i don't want anything vas happening to you"

Tara takes his hands in hers, "you have nothing to worry about, nothing is gonna take me away from me, nothing is going to happen to me, i promise"

Pepe sighs and gives in, "ok, where do we start"

They continue walking, "ok since Wilson has jr. Here somewhere, we'll just have to check the whole building maybe we can find some clues to where he's keeping him and since he has someone out looking for us, we need to stay alert"

Pepe finds a lead pipe and picks it up, "and I'm already armored.

Suddenly they come across a floor of deep black ink.

"Ugh, what is this stuff" Pepe was grossed out.

"It's ink" But luckily tara recognized it.

They flow wheee the ink was coming from and she finds another note.

"Where do you think this stuff is coming from" Pepe asked.

"I don't know" they come to a dead end when the door opens.

Freaked out, Pepe keeps Tara back for protection but saw it was just a room do they walk in

Then something feel from the ceiling.

"AH!" Tara screams when she holds on to Pepe's arm.

They try walking around it, keeping a close eye to see if it would move.

"What is that?" Pepe asked.

"I don't know?"

They move to a different room where rara plays a recorder then after listening Pepe starts climbing up to the balcony.

He decided to get a look around and finds a security override, he searches a locker.

Then he pull the lever above the ladder to open the passage to Heavenly Toys.

Tara heard of course, "Pepe, what was that?" She asked.

"I think I found something" he pulls a rope down for her to climb on it.

After she Climb up, they follow inside, it was quiet and dripping from ink, then as they hear noises.

Soon they find themselves in heavenly toys, which was abandoned.

"Let's look around and see what we can find" Tara says.

They split up and search the place, Tara pushes a stuffed Boris and walks upstairs.

Pepe finds another lever and pulls it, but it fizzed.

"Ah" he sting himself.

"What's wrong?" Tara asked.

"Nothing" he says.

As he checks the fuse box, Tara climbs up the wall.

Then she gets attacked by a ink demon, "AH!"

The monster tries to hit her with a wrench, but she fell and Pepe catch her.

"Tara, what's wrong"

They turns to see the monster jumping down.

Pepe puts her down and she ran and hide, while Pepe charged at the ink demon and pinned him to the ground, he started punching him rapidly.

Then after a few punches, Pepe kills the demon till his fist were covered in ink.

He gets up and Tara comes out of hiding, they were both out of breath.

When suddenly, "wow"

"AH" Tara turns when she sees Alice talking to her.

"That was intense, what a man, you know you are lucky, I wish I had a man like him"

Tara was in a merge of a heart attack when she starts to panicked.

"Easy now, I'm not gonna hurt you, you look like you needed some help, but I can see that you and your boyfriend are capable of taking care of yourselves"

"Don't touch me, what are you"

Then Pepe steps up, wielding the pipe at her, "are you one of the children sent by Wilson"

"What us this horrible place"

"Yeah, I remember my first day down here, I know it's scary, but you're actually pretty lucky, you and your boyfriend"

"If we are so lucky, then our son wouldn't been kidnapped" Pepe says.

"Well the machine could have turned you into a searcher"

"You mean that think that attack me"

"No, that's a piper, well it was till your man over here annihilated him, but he's part of a gang do he careful because when they find out what you did to him, they are gonna come after your boyfriend too"

"Husband" Tara and Pepe said.

"I don't understand any of this, I can't think"

Pepe wrapped his arms around her and comforts her.

"It hurts"

"You'll catch on pretty quickly, if you can stay alive"

Pepe glared at her, "ok, that's not helping"

"Well listen closely, lesson 1: searchers Don't have legs and they attend to swarm, like bees or ants, look it's not good to stay in one place for too long around here, keep moving and stay close to the shadows, you'll find your kid, take my advise head to the upper levels, it's safer there"

"And why should we trust you?" Pepe asked, "how do we know you're not one of them"

"If that was true, you would've been dead"

"Can we come with you" tara asked kindly.

"You can't, I'm sorry, I have a wolf, he doesn't care for strangers"

"A wolf" they both said.

"Like I said, you'll catch on, good luck I hope we meet again soon, oh and one more thing, above everything else, stay away from the inn demon"

"Who's the ink demon" Pepe asked.

"Or rather what is the inn demon" Tara asked.

"Oh you'll know him when you see him, he likes to smile and he kills anything that moves"

"Wait, what's your name" Tara asked.

"They Call me alice, I'm not very fond of it"

"I'm Tara webs tarantula and this is my husband Pepe piranha"

"Well tara, welcome to the studio and your a very lucky lady to have a boyfriend like him

They hear something moved and when they took their eyes away for a second they see she was gone.

"Huh, what, how...come on tara let's get out of here" Pepe heads to the wall while Tara looks back at here Alice was, she felt something.

Their first objective was to escape the studio, they climbed up the wall, they passed by a lot of things, Tara even passes up a chance to read the letters that were near.

They Climbed the wall, another recorder plays, then as they passed a mirror, Tara noticed something wrong with her reflection.

Her body was dosed in ink, her eyes changing to yellow and her hands were in deep ink.

"Ah, Pepe" she was freaking out.

"What's wrong?"


She showed him her hands but the ink was gone.

He takes her hands, "what?" She was confused.

"I don't see what's wrong with them?"


"Come on, you're just feeling unease plus with these night shifts your eyes can play tricks on you"

Curious at first, she ignored it then they passed a ink written: where is the toy man?

They pases by the security lock, and as Pepe tries to slice it, Tara plays another recorder which reveals the code.

They headed downstairs then the place started to shake.

"Whoa!" It made them both wobble as they look up.

"What was that" Tara turns to him.

"I don't know, let's go!"

Then on a desk, another warning: he sees everything.

There were even eyes inside the drawers, "ugh" it sent a chill down Tara's small spine.

"Who do you think he is?" Pepe asked.

"I don't know, probably not good, it's probably the ink demon Alice mentioned, either way let's go"

But things get even more creepy when another recorder played and another ink writing.

Turn around

So Pepe turns around but when he looks back, he got spoke when the words now said: Wilson knows.

It was freaking him out, "uh, Tara?"

He ran to her, grabbing her shoulders, "I think we should go"

She looks behind him and grabbed his hand, "yeah I think you're right"

So they climbed up the wall again, then they see something waking and closing the door.

"Ah!" Tara jumps in Pepe's arms.

"What was that?" Pepe asked.

"I don't know? But I don't think we should stand here and find out"

They climbed down a ladder, there they find another lever, pulling it down, it opens another door with another ladder.

It was the production room, Tara finds something but it makes the ink on her come back out.

And at time Pepe searches the lockers and finds some keys.

Tara sees something moving in a large crack, she gets a closer look.

They back and exit the room, going back to the heavenly toys, Pepe pulls on the lever again

Like a maze, they run around but no matter where they go it takes them back to the same spot.

"Uh tara" Pepe was about to say something when she stopped and sees a cart of gears, he pushes it and sees a locked door, he uses the keys he found to unlock it.

On the door, it read: caution, he was about to open it when Tara grabbed his hands.

"Pepe, be careful" she begged.

"Don't worry I'll protect you"

So he opens the door slowly since it was hard to pull, they expected something to attack them when all they find is a empty and dark hallway.

They see a bar door when a spider pop out, trying to reach for them.


The door opened, and webs held on to Pepe just in case it came out to attack.

"What the heck was that?" He whispered as they carefully entered inside.

They were walking inside a wester beak room buffet.

It sure made Pepe hungry, then tara goes around.

Soon she got far from Pepe's reach, then she finds something, Joey drew once had a long lost daughter but she can't quiet make up of who his daughter was.

She moves to a locked door then suddenly, "I know you're out there, please answer me"

They hear Alice voice coming through, so she answered.


"Tara? Oh I am so glad you're Alright"

"Uh Alice, i think you and I have very different definitions of Alright"

"Where are you"

"In the animation department entrance"

"Where's your husband?"

"At the buffet, but the thing is, it's locked up tight"

"Good, that means you're heading up, use anything to use to break in, maybe get your husband to break it with his bare hand"

This gives tara a idea but then the ceiling  started to shake.

"What was that?"

"There's something in here"

"Tara, you need to get out of there, now"

She hangs up when she ran to get Pepe, "Pepe"

She gets attacked by the spider thing again.


Her screams rang Pepe's ear, he turns to listen closely then he face dropped then he realized something.

"Tara? TARA!" he ran to find her.

Meanwhile Tara ran inside a closet, she immediately locked the door when the spider thing tries to open it, she looks up at the window to see it staring at her.

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