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It was raining in a small house, it was June 1971, and a Young tarantula named webs was in the dark, all dressed up in a blue dress.

She started a job working as an animator working for Archgate Pictures, she spends her nights working overtime on animations, drawing pictures of bendy.

But on that note she lives with her husband Pepe.

A mysterious figure was walking up to her and right behind her as she was drawing bendy.

When an arm of green arms wrapped around her waist and pulls her in an embracing hug, her back against his chest.

"What is it Pepe?" Webs asked as she wrapped her arms around his hands.

"Come back to bed baby"

"I can't you know i have work"

"I want cuddles" he muttered, "the bed feels empty without you"

"Keep your pants on"

"I can't help it if you make me feel so hot inside" he nuzzled his face in the back of her neck.

"You're always so sensual at night
at night"

"I want cuddles and you in bed" he slides his arm up to her chest.

"Ah. Hey" She could admit how this was turning her, but she needed to focus on work so she tries to pull his arms down.

"Tone it down a bit"

"I can't help it if you make me wet"

"Why are you always so horny" he nipples on her earlobe and she clutches her hands as he moves down to her neck.

Then after being seduced by him, he turns her around and they opened their mouths for a deep wet kiss, he grabs the abdomen of her butt lifts her on the desk, he grabs her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

But before the make out sex could continue any longer.


They hear a baby crying which was their son: Pepe jr.

They both let go, then Pepe ran as webs goes back to work.

"Don't worry I got this" Pepe says as he rushes to the nursery room.

And in a small white carriage was a baby hybrid of a orange brown striped tarantula and Piranha with fins.

Pepe junior was crying then Pepe senior picks him up and cradles him to calm him down.

"Oh mijo, i got you, Shh shh shh"

The baby then calms down and he Carried the baby to bed.

Then the door opens and he turns to see webs carrying her bag.

"Hey honey, I got to pull a double shift tonight"

"What? Again?"

"Yeah i know, apparently they need a extra pair of hands"

"You always work a double Night Shift that can't be good for you baby"

"It's only going to be a couple days, we'll do something tomorrow night ok"


She then cups both his cheeks and brings him in a kiss.

"Goodnight honey"

"Aw ok but just so you know, You're putting my duck in jail"

She chuckles softly....

Later that night, it was 10:00, webs was at a studio drawing pictures.

"There you go little guy and only 800 more frames to go, no way I'm getting through tonight without some coffee"

On her desk was a picture of Pepe and their baby.

Webs and Pepe have been married for 15 years, and when Pepe jr. Was born It's been a challenge for them, webs took the job to help them get by as Pepe took a job as a singer but is getting some time off.

"Probably some downstairs, time for a little adventure"

So she leaves the room to find it was isolated and empty.

She didn't like it, it was giving her creepy vibes, but she thinks about Pepe and her baby to calm her nerves.

Then suddenly the lights went out causing webs to jump.

"AH" she looks around the dark building and heard thunder coming from outside, she then realized...the blackout was caused by the rain and Thunder.

"Calm down Tara, it's just the rain, nothing to worry about I'm sure the lights will be back soon"

Creeped out she continues to walk around, she decided to leave, so she tries to open the door only to find it's locked.

"Really, they locked me in" she was annoyed, "go thing I brought my own key today"

She heads back to her office but gets jumped when she finds a cutout of bendy right next to a portrait of Joey drew.

"Ah...huh? Who put this here?"

She completely ignores it and heads back to her office and grabs her keys.

"Ah, here's the key"

So she unlocks the door and enters inside a creepy, dark and abandoned floor.

"Ugh, not the most-welcoming hallway I ever seen"

For a spider, it was sure making her skin crawl.

She careful wanders around, eerie music played which wasn't helping.

" someone there"

She moves along and gets inside a elevator but suddenly.

Someone opened the elevator, "AH!" She jumped.

"Tara?" But saw that it was just Pepe.

"Pepe" he gets inside the elevator with her, he looked worried.

And he was wet, he wore a beige fedora with a white long sleeve shirt with suspenders, navy dark striped pants and black and white shoes.

"Pepe what are you doing here"

"Jr. Is missing"


"I went to sleep after I lay him back to bed and after you left I woke up from the thunder and found jr was gone and the door was wide open"

"What that can't be...i locked all three locks myself"

"I think someone took him here"

"Why here?"

"Because i found some unusual footprints from our house to the studio, i don't know what to do"

"Do t worry, we'll find him" she takes his hands in hers.

Then suddenly the elevator doors get open by a creepy janitor named: Wilson.

"Tara" he whispered her name in a creepy voice.

"AH" Tara gets scared as Pepe holds on tight to her.

"Ugh Wilson"

"Hey, you scared us to death Chico" Pepe glared at him.

"Um sorry my dear"

Pepe didn't like where this was going and he especially didn't like how he was looking at Tara like that.

"Didn't mean to frighten you or your boyfriend"

"It's husband actually"


"Your working late tonight, a pretty girl like you, shouldn't be wandering around all by yourself"

"Just what are you getting at creepy" peor insulted him as he was getting bad vibes from him.


"And got the record She's not alone, she has me"

"Mind if I...step in"

"Actually yes-" Pepe says.

"No, please come in"

As he gets inside, Pepe holds on to webs and pulls her closer and away from the creepy janitor.

"You look like you could use a little company"

"Hey what am I...chopped liver" Pepe feels offended.

Then Wilson started to cough and Pepe cover Tara.

"'s been really nice this pass week"


"Hey hey hey, you keep your eyes away my wife you pervert"


She pulls him away as they whispered to each other.

"What are you doing?" Pepe asked.

"Just trying to start a conversation"

"I don't like the way this guy looks at you"

"Can't you just trust me"

But then they hear a loud rumbling and the lights turned red.

"What was that?" Tara asked as she held on to Pepe all scared and terrified.

"Please tell me we're not trapped in here"

"Don't you worry my dear, it's just a little short in the system, happening a lot in these past few days, no need to fret" Wilson then fixes the elevator and the doors open.

"Let's see what we can find, come along now, old Wilson will protect you"

Pepe then starts to get angry, threaten by this janitor.

He grabs Tara by her waist and pulls him away from her.

"Listen here mccreepy, she doesn't need you when she has me and furthermore, she is married and had a family so just buzz off, which we kinda have problems of our own right now"

"He's right Wilson, I need to go"

But just then, "I know where your son is"

Pepe and tara freeze then they turned around to face him.

"How did you know our son was missing"

But Wilson ignores him and they follow him.

"Hey! I'm talking to you"

He works on a light box, "ah, there we are, just a few more switches to throw, follow me and I'll tell you where your baby is, it will be"

So they followed Wilson in a creepy exhibit but Pepe didn't trust him so he keeps fara close to him.

"Looks like someone has been messing with the exhibit"

"So, it's not our problem Chico" Pepe growled.

"There should be something on each of these pedestals"

"Look we didn't follow you so we could fox your dam problem, we came do you would tell us about our son...NOW WHERE IS HE"

Pepe was getting impatient and angry but Tara held him back.

"Tara sweet Tara"

Pepe was getting disgusted by him, "hey! Watch it bum or those will be the last words you say about my wife"

"I'll tell you about your son if you do an old man a favor and go find the items and I'll aren't you the power"

The first thing they find is The tool wrench, Pepe who was angry by Wilson and pulls it out roughly.

"Pepe please calm down"

He puts the wrench back, "I just don't see why we should trust that creep"

"Look if we're are going to find our son, Wilson can help" she find the cog in a box against the wall and Pick up the disc near Bendy's sign. Then Pepe grabs the Bendy plush sitting on a seat in the corner.

"How did he even know that jr. Was missing" Pepe asked as they Place each object on its pedestal to continue the adventure alongside Wilson.

"I don't know but please try to control yourself"

"Tell him to stop talking to you like that, I don't like how he looks at you...I don't want him to take you away from me" he cups his hands in heres.

"No one is going to take me away from you"

She takes his hand pressed his palm against her face, they stared at each other's eyes.

Then suddenly...Wilson appeared like candy man.

"Only one thing-"

"AH" they both jumped and hold each other.

"Left to do....pull that switch"

They look at the switch then back to Wilson....

"Why?" Pepe asked as he gets suspicious again.

"Pull the switch and your find your son"

Pepe hesitated but he saw a worried look in Tara's eyes.

So he pulls the switch and everything turns pitch darkness.

"Ah" Pepe panicked.

"It is done"

"What's going on?" Pepe was in a panic


"Oh tara...the thing's you've set in motion"

They turned to see that they just turned on the ink machine.

"The ink is calling to us, my dear"

Now Pepe was angry, he marches up to Wilson and grabs him by his shirt.

"Hey cretino, you said if we did you a favor you would tell us where are son is now where is he"

But Wilson just stared at him, "ANSWER ME" he grunts.

"Shh, don't fret...we're going home"

"What the hell are you talking about hermano"

But then he lets go and see he is trying to grab webs.

"Whoa...stay back" he gets in front of Tara to protect her from Wilson.

"Listen to me Tara, pay attention to these last words"

They looked around to see the room was getting flooded by ink.

"Because very soon, you will forget everything"

Then he grabs Tara, "LET ME GO"

"HEY!" Pepe gets very angry, "let her go" Pepe grabs his arms.

"Come find me Tara, and I'll show you your purpose and where your baby is, I'll show you the truth"

"This can't be real" Tara starts to get scared.

"What truth, what's are talking about loco"

"What are you doing"

"What?" Pepe asked.


He pulls tara and Pepe into the ink and that's when the beginning starts.


And chapter one begins...

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