Alien chased

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"Run!" They all ran out of the UFO.

"OK! That's it! We're running back to your house and you're gonna tell your dad!"

"OK! You're right, you're right!"

"I'll see if my family can help" princess says, "if they were here they would be very terrified"

"Of course they would" runt says, "who wouldn't be afraid of an alien invasion"

"An alien invasion they can handle, it's the me on a UFO ship that scares them"

"Why?" Abby asked.

"Because they are very super protective of me"

"Do you really think anyone is gonna believe this" foxy asked.

"Why wouldn't they?" Abby asked

"If they didn't believe him before, what makes you think they'll believe this" foxy asked

"Well we got to try" princess says.

But just outside, the aliens came back, once they entered, they noticed the orange funny that was there, they panicked when they saw that it was gone.

But then they all stopped when they noticed princess stopped First screaming.

"AH!!" They all looked up and freaked when they bump into the aliens.

"Stayin' alive Stayin' alive Stayin' alive"

They run back, chicken little closed the door to but them some time while they escape.

Fish and princess were the first to exit then foxy when runt jumps down, he gets stuck.

"Oh, Runt!"

"Push! Push! No!"

"Runt!" Abby tried jumping on him to push him down, then she tries to pull him out.

"No! Not pull! Push!"

"We gotta get outta here right now! Come on... No! Come on, you guys! Hu... Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! OK, time out! So... have you been to the mall? Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy"

"I'm sorry. Tension makes me bloat"

She finally jousted him out and he landed on fish as foxy pulled princess and walked away in time.

"Come on, guys! Hurry, hurry, hurry!" As they all made it out, they ran in the fields.

"Look out!"

"Thanks! Curse these genetically tiny Iegs!"

But as they ran, they didn't see they were heading to a ditch, they tripped and rolled right into the fields.

"Ugh" princess was hurt, she gets up to see she was covered in dirt, she got her dress ruined and she quivered when she saw that she got a scratch/cut on her knee, she limps as she ran back to the others.

Foxy looked to princess, she ran and carried her, "come on"

They decided to hide in the fields unaware that the aliens switch their claws for machetes and cut through the fields like a helicopter.

"Get down" foxy gasped and pulls Princess, she whimpered and cowered down, when she heard buzzing noises.

"What's that noise?"

"Sorry. Nervous eater" they see ruby was eating a corn.

Then they ducked when they see the aliens citing down the fields looking for them.


"Wait! Fish!"

"The school bell! We've got to ring the school bell to warn everyone! Come on!"

While they ran to the school, the aliens created crop circles in the fields.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"Go! Go! It's Iocked!"

"I Can pick pocket the locks, my dad showed me how" princess says as she heads to the doors and takes out a pin.

But they see the aliens lights were getting closer.

"They're... they're comin'"

"It'll only take a second" princess says but chicken little sees the vending machine.

"I need a soda"

"Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy!"

"The corner's wrinkled!"

"Why are we doing this?"

"Here allow me" princess takes the dollar fixes up a bit then puts it back in.

"Come on, take it, take it! Yes!"

But the machine puts the dollar out and runt snapped, foxy freaked that she keeps princess back.

"Come on! Work! Work! Work! You work!"

Princess and the others were surprised by his sudden outburst.

Then the machine cough out a orange soda for chicken little.

"What happened? I blacked out there for a second"

He blast his way up, but he flew off, he tries to grab on but he slipped.

Luckily he pulled a brick down and it landed on the soda and gives him a little push.


But before he could ring the bell, he gets a flashback.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

"It was just an acorn. A little acorn! I can't tell you how embarrassed I am, folks"

But he snapped out of it when he hears his friends were in danger.

"Ring the bell! Come on, Chicken Little! Ring the bell!"

The aliens got closer and they grabbed princess by her waist, as they pulled her closer, she shuts her eyes.


He rang the bell and it woke the whole neighborhood.

Buck was asleep when the bad guys were watching a horror movie, that when buck woke up and heard the bell.

"Now the weather with Riz. A cold front is moving in so... The alarm bell has been activated! Quick! Get a camera crew!"

the people gathered at the school. The aliens dropped princess and started to flee.

"Chicken Little! You better have a good explanation for this!"

"There's, there's... It's a... You have to... D'oh! Doo wah!" He leaves.

"What did he say?"

"There's... It's a... You have to... D'oh... Doo wah"

"Follow me! Come on! Hurry! Hurry! AIiens here! AIiens here!"

The bad guys came in, then they looked around.

"It's... it's happening again"


Wolf turns to see princess running to him, she jumped in his arms and he caught her, rubbing her back when he felt her shaking, everyone surrounded her.

"Hey princess what's wrong? What happened to you"

She was so scared that she stirred and mumbled thing they couldn't.

"What? What is it honey"

"It was aliens"

They all looked shocked, then lol back at her worried then they followed the others to the fields.

"Auntie Diane" foxy ran to her aunt.

"Foxy? what is going on?"

"We'll explain later but right now you have to see this"

"Come on! Hurry! Hurry! Come on. Come on. You're about to see it!" The spaceship is starting to take off.

"Quick! It's taking off! Come on! If you don't hurry, you're gonna miss it!"

"Oh, Look! A penny!"


"Oh, right"

"Hurry! Hurry! Come on! Quick! It's taking off! Come on! Hurry up! PIease! It's right in..." But the UFO went invisible and was gone.

"What are we Lookin' for?"

"I don't know"

"What happened?" Foxy whispered to princess

"I don't know" she replied

"Where did it go"

"Uh, yeah. OK. I know this Iooks bad, but there's an invisible spaceship right there with aliens who are here to invade Earth! Let me show you" he throws a rock.

" Ooh, bad throw"

"OK, Iet me try again"

"Bad throw"

"Okay. Well, we all know I don't have a very good arm, but you see, there's these cloaking panels on the bottom. They make it disappear. And I know this because one fell out of the sky and hit me right on the head"

"Oh, it's the acorn thing all over again"

Wolf and the bad guys turned to princess who was still shaking as she hugged wolf.

"Princess? Are you sure you didn't see anything else?" wolf asked

"Yeah you were probably attacked by a bear or something?" Snake jokes.

"No! I Swear it was the aliens, they were here, they chased us, tried to attack us, they tried to hurt me" princess says.

They were a bit concerned, seeing she went through so much tonight.

"She's just probably traumatized by something" wolf assured everyone.

"No they're telling the truth" foxy says shocking everyone.

"I was there with them, I saw everything, I believe them now"

"Eh, there's no story here"

"Well, at Ieast we can sell the video to Chickens Gone Wild"

"I'm telling ya everybody, it was here!"

"No, wait! There were aliens!"

"It's true! They had eyes... They're glowing and then tentacles! And maps with planets with X's through them! Aah!"

"Runt, that's enough! Don't make Mommy take away your Streisand collection!"

"Mom? You Leave Barbra out of this!"

"Why can't you keep that child of yours under control?"

As Everyone was arguing, wolf could see how hard buck was struggling, he understands how hard it is to raise a kid, he looks down at princess who was now shivering.

"What kind of parent are you?"

So he gets in front of buck defending him, "ok that's enough, leave him alone everyone, he's already have it bad enough what with you shaking him for his kid"

Chicken little and buck were stunned how wolf was defending him...mainly because, he knows what's it like to be an outcast.

"I'm telling the truth. Dad! Dad! I'm not making this up! You gotta believe me this time"

"No, son. I don't. I can't tell you how embarrassed I am, folks. I'm really sorry about this, everyone. Looks Iike this is just a big, crazy misunderstanding"

"Well, other than the penny, this whole evening was a wash!"

"Oh, Mr. CIuck, don't take it so hard. No one blames you" foxy tries to comfort him.

Wolf looks around and it shocked him to see what a father and son can't see eye to eye, he can relate to that.

He looks down at princess as she witnessed everything, she looks down in guilt, her face was wet after she have been crying, the last thing he wants is seeing his daughter so unhappy and terrified.

"Come on princess, you had a rough night, let's get you home" he carried her home.

"Auntie Diane you have to believe them" foxy says.

"It's alright foxy, I'm just glad you finally look after your cousin"

"Well she is my cousin"

But outside in the fields, a little alien was left behind, he looks up to see the shop leaving him, he gets scared and sad.

But he wasn't the only one, he saw chicken little walking home sad and he follows him.

But up in space things were about to get...much, much worst.

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