Finding fish

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They arrived at chicken little's house, "AII right, guys. Watch this"

"Bizarre. OK. Lemme guess. You haven't told your dad yet"


"I knew it! Why haven't you told him? There hasn't been - "you, your dad, talk-talk-talking."

"Well there's much to talk about" princess says as she runs her arm.

"I know the feeling, me and aunt Diane don't exactly see eye to eye" foxy says.

"There was talking. There was definitely talking"

"Really?" Princess was surprised.

"Really? What did he say?"

"Uh..." he mumbles gibberish.

"What? All right, that's it. We are doing an intervention!"

"Now? We kinda have a serious problem right now" princess says.

"I mine but right now, he's have got to stop messing around and deal with the problem!"

"Gate to admit it but I agree with chicken little" foxy says.

"She's right!"

"Abby, please. This is exactly what fell on me the first time. There's no way I'm bringing this up again with him"

then he felt princess touching his shoulders.

"Look chicken little I know it's not easy talking to your dad, trust me, I know but you'll never get through this if you won't talk this out"

"See your new friend knows what I'm talking about"

" No, he's not"


"Sorry! I'm a gutless flip-flopper"

"And you asked why I mess with you" foxy says.

"OK. I'm sure there's a simple, Logical explanation"

"Like what?" Princess asked.

"Yeah" foxy asked.

"it could be a piece of weather balloon, or maybe it's part of some experimental communications satellite"

"Really? That's the best you got" princess says.

"I highly doubt that" foxy says

"I don't care what it is. I just want it out of my Iife, gone for good. Everything back to normal"

"Define normal" princess crossed her arms and eyed out the piece of the sky that fish was holding.

"Hey, remember when that icy blue stuff fell from the sky? Everybody thought it was from space and stuff? And it just turned out to be frozen pee from a jet airplane"

"Really?" She turns to chicken little.

"Yeah, that's right. It's frozen pee. Yeah. It's frozen pee. Pea, pea, pea, pea"

"Could you stop saying that?"

"What? Pea?"


"How about Tinkle?"



"Wee wee?"

"OK, subject change" he points out that princess was in the room and didn't wanted to make things uncomfortable for her.

"Make pishee?"

"I don't care what it is! Are you gonna help me get rid of it or not?"

Princess jumped by his outburst then she sees fish curious about the odd object, he pressed the button.

Then as the thing turns on and starts making whirling noises, princess started to panicked.

"Uh...chicken little?"

The thing flash a wade of blue light and it caused a blackout in chicken little's room, then it started to hover.

Fish was curious as he gets on it and it gives him a ride.

"FIying Fish! Take cover!"

"Ah" princess covered her head, "look out" foxy grabs her abdomen they  cowered while runt hides underneath the bed.




Princess gasped.

They see him as the sky takes him up and he gets taken inside something.

"Well that can't be good" foxy says.


"Come on, come on, come on!"

They rush downstairs where they managed to bump into wolf and buck.

"Wait, wait, whoa, son! Where's the fire here?"

Wolf bends down and grabs princess shoulders, he could see that she looked worried.

"What's wrong princess?"

"Chicken Little has something to tell you! Tell him. He can handle it"

"Who're we talkin' about?"

"We have to go help a friend" princess says as she quickly pulled his hands off and grabbed her coat as she head towards the door.

"Oh do you want us to go with you" wolf asked.

"Oh no no no, we Can handle it, it's not that big of a deal, he's just lost something, I'll be back"

"Say why doesn't foxy go whit you" Diane turns to her niece.

"What?" Foxy was baffled.

"Well you are young then princess I want you to look after her and you needs to start showing some respect to her, he's your cousin weather you like it or not"

"Right, you're right auntie Diane, I'll go with them"

"Just be careful and please look after your cousin"

"Gotta go, Dad! Bye!"

"Ha! You got to be ready to Listen to your children, even if they have nothing to say"

"Tell me about it man, but my princess is very honest with me" wolf says.

"So Tell me more about this Thomas guy"

"Well he was princess real father but he was an awful dad"

"How so?"

"He hated princess and tried experimenting on her"

"Whoa! Ok now that is low, what kind of father would do that to his own daughter"

"Tell me about it, he's the reason for her cutism"

"What's cutism?"

"Sit tight, Fish!" They follow the glow stick fish was still wearing.

"Fish! We will try to save you!"

They climb over a fence but for princess, she climbed very gracefully.

But runt crashed through it, "I'm sorry! Wait! Sorry!" He hits a car.



"We'll never get to him in time" princess screamed.

"Yes we will" chicken little assured her.

They followed it to the oakey baseball stadium.


They see that the sky stopped moving then the glow stick starts spinning around till it revealed a circle.

They looked around as the stadium started shaking, then princess looks down as the fifth rumbled and she felt her tail sticking up, which meant bad.

A gust of wind formed around them like a tornado.

Then they look up to see the circle in the sky was coming down on them.

Runt screamed as foxy grabs princess hand and they both ran out, but Abby was stuck in a trance.

"Abby! Abby! Wake up! Come on! Let's get outta here!" As chicken little pulled her out, foxy throws princess and jumped and hides in the bleachers, she cowered below with princess.

As the dust cleared that saw that coming down...was a alien UFO.

It turns out, the hexagon was part of the camouflage of an invisible UFO.

Then out of ship came robot aloe with tentacles for gets, as they walk by.

Princess was horrified by them, she cover her mouth from preventing any screams and she whimpered.

"Oh, poor Fish! He's probably stuffed and mounted Iike an intergalactic trophy or... ...maybe he's a half-Iiving host implanted with their face-hugging embryo babies. One thing's for sure, man. He's gone! Gone, man!"

"Not yet!"

They see fish was still inside the ship.

"Oh, snap"

"So I guess this means you were right about the sky falling, I think I owe you an apology" foxy says to chicken little.

"It'll probably have to wait" he says.

They head inside the ufo to find odd things, princess was terrified and wish she brought wolf along, she could use a hug right now considering how frightened she was.

Foxy sees how scared princess was and takes her hand, after witnessing the aliens she finally believes them, and accepts princess as part of her family.

Inside they see eyeballs and organs in glasses, and the eyes were looking at them.

Princess holds on to her tail then chicken little sees something more odd, an orange fuzzy thing.

Then it opened one eye, it made him jump, but as he looks at it, he sees that it was curious like he was, in a not frightened way.

They both tilted then they both blinked then princess called him.

"Oi! What are you doing? Come on!" She takes his hand and they ran.

The orange fuzzy alien grew two more eyes and four feet, then it followed chicken little.





They careful look for him as they go over vines with craw claws then runt gets frightened.

"Where are you, Fish?!" Runt and princess freaked.

"YEOW!" she jumped and claws onto the crying, she was shaking.


"Calm down you toward, you're scaring princess" foxy scolds him.

" I can't handle the pressure! Go on without me!"


"You're just fine"

Then princess slowly released her claws from the ceiling and foxy opens her arms where princess landed and caught her.

"I'II jeopardize the mission! Endanger us all! Throw me overboard while you still have a chance! Just Leave me some ammo, Iittle water, some chips if you have 'em"

" Calm. OK, all right. Listen"

"Where's your bag?"

"Everything's OK. Now breathe"


He breaths too hard that he inhaled the bag and chokes on it, princess watched him as she was scared too.

"No, slowly. Slowly. Slowly"

"OK. Now, just do the thing you do to relax"

"Hey, I get scared too but it's like my dad used to tell me, just holding you back" she holds onto her tail then she offered runt her hand, he takes it and they walk together.

"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man No time to talk Huh huh huh huh Stayin' alive Stayin' alive # Aaah!"

They jumped when runt scream, they saw what he was looking at.

A skeleton of fish in a green orb, "AH!" Princess screams as runt breaths through two bags.


"Fish! Are you OK?"

"Did they hurt you? Say something!

" Don't tap the glass. They hate it when you do that"

"All right, Iet's get out of here. Where's Runt?"

"And princess?" Foxy asked.

"Uh chicken little" he sees princess looking up at something.

"You might wanna see this" princess says.

They all see runt and princess were looking at a map of the solar system, each planets were marked down.

"Cousin, what's wrong?" Foxy asked.

And the scary part was, their planet was next in line, earth was circled next.

"We're next" chicken little whimpered as runt squealed and passed out.

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