Alien invasion

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Kirby speaking alien language when he jumps on joy.

"Those are your parents? And they brought the galactic armada?"

"What!" Princess and foxy asked as princess looked terrified.

Kirby goes after them, princess hides.

"Watch out for the kid! Don't hit him!" But as chicken little was going after him, his dad grabbed him.

"Son, there you are. Get in the car. We gotta go"

"No wait. Dad, I gotta tell you something"

"What? I know, I know! You were right! AIien invasion. I see that now. Look up! There it is!"

"Dad, you know, about that... It's actually a rescue mission"

"Rescue mission?"

"You see, this alien kid was Left behind by mistake and they're coming back to get him! So we have to help him, 'cause if we don't, who else will?"


"Ugh! Forget it. You wouldn't believe me anyway" as chicken little ran after Kirby

"Son! Son, come back! Son! Chicken Little!" Bunch ran after him, the others followed.

"Mr. CIuck! Wait! He's telling the truth!"

"He is!" Runt gasp for air, "Though, given his track record, we understand why you don't believe him!"

"Children little wait?" Princess called him but then a leg hits the ground hard, it was a mechanical leg crossing over her

Princess whimpered when she made a horrified realization as she turns around and three more legs landed next to her.

Then she saw three robot aliens glaring at her, "AH!" She panicked.

Foxy gasped then she looks around and finds sharp rocks.

Then back with the bad guys, everyone was rushing as they pack their bags, getting ready to leave, everyone scattered around the house, webs crawled underneath wolf as he was in the living room, he had his and princess suitcase.

"Ok we need to get out of here now" snake says.

"Wait a minute guys, we need to princess" wolf says.

They all turned to him shocked, "where's princess?" Snake asked.

"I don't know but she's out there, probably terrified and being chased by whatever's out there, we need to go get her"

"Ok, come on, let's go" snake says as they all headed outside.

"Ok everyone split up" wolf says then they split up.

Streets were filled with fear as everyone panicked, ruining around, when the aliens started going on ground.

"Is there any sign of him"


"We'll have to send in the ground troops" the aliens came flying down.

A ground of a fleeing crowd stopped when they look up to see the lieutenant alien surrounding them.

But through the crowd, foxy throws a rock at it defending princess but as a result, before foxy gets zapped and vanished, princess pushes her out of the way.

Which made the city panicked more then goody gets zapped instead.

"Come on we got to find chicken little" princess grabs foxy.

It was a terrible time to run in the streets when cars are in a chaos, Kirby was running to his parents.

"Watch out for the kid! No! Don't! Don't hit him! Don't hit... Look out!"

"Chicken Little!"

Then Kirby stops and turns around to wave at chicken little when a large truck with horns heading straight towards Kirby.

He screamed and chicken little slingshot himself with a car antenna.

He grabbed Kirby and they went flying into the cinema and bounced off the screen.

But outside princess gets surrounded by the aliens, they come in closer claws spinning like blades, she covered herself then screams really loud.Foxy tries to fight them off

"AH!" She would've been gutted when wolf came in, he slides down knocking the alien.

"Stay away from my daughter" he growled when he gets up.

Webs crawled on princess shoulders and hugs her cheek comforting her as she cries.

"It's ok princess, it's ok" she says when wolf bends down and covers them when more aliens came in.

Then snake slithered around the aliens neck, he squeezed them tight till their body crushes.

Then shark threw a trash can at one alien then he threw the lid like a Frisbee to the alien's head.

One alien watched and when it gets closer, he tripped and fell like something was grabbing his leg.

It was piranha, he grabbed its leg, then he banging it back and forth then he swings him around and throws him into three more aliens that were heading their way.

After that, wolf picks up princess, "ok princess we need to go"

Diane ran to foxy, "come on foxy"

"No, chicken little needs my help" princess says to wolf

"Princess we need to go now"

"Princess wolf, can you trust me on this, please" she begged.

Wolf paused, then he sighs when he sees how princess was loyal to her new friend, he turns to the others who make the same look.

"Alright Let's go"

But once they get inside, they see chicken little and his dad.

"What? Where's your head? We gotta get outta here! Come on! Come... You, with the running and the jumping!"

"Dad. No, wait"

Princess and wolf watch as they pull back and forth, then they jumped when they see Abby came in.

"What are you guys doing? We gotta get outta here! It's Iike War of the Worlds out there!"

"She's right buck we really need to go" wolf says.

"Stop pulling!"

"Chicken little you need to talk to him" princess says.

"I'm telling you! Just Iisten to me for one second! It's not dangerous!"

"We are under attack! Will you two stop messing around and deal with the problem?"

"Which ones we got two" foxy asked.

They all stopped and turned to her, "she's right, buck you need to talk with your kid" wolf says.

"And chicken little It's time you stop hiding and running from this and talk to your dad, closure" princess says.

"You're never there for me!"


"OK, that's not what I had in mind, but..."

"You're never there for me. I mean, you were when I won the game, but not when I thought the sky fell. And not at the ball field and certainly not now!"

"This is good! Keep going. Keep going!"

"You've been ashamed ever since the acorn thing happened and we have to talk because Modern Mallard says avoiding closure can lead to molting. I'm already small and on top of that, I don't think I could handle being bald!"

Princess facepalmed herself, "ugh" the she slowly shook her head but foxy chuckles.

"I... I... I didn't.....realize, son. I-I never meant to... The acorn, the sky, I mean, the whole..."

Wolf crossed his arms seeing buck was having trouble finding his words.


Buck turns to wolf and sees wolf staring at him making a tell-him-the-truth look.

"You're right. You're right. Y... Your mom, she was... You know, she was always good with stuff Like this. Me...I'm gonna need a lot of work. But you need to know that I Iove you, no matter what. And I'm sorry I... And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel Iike that was had to earn"

Then wolf and princess saw how they were working things out, they smiled softly, then when the two hugged finally patching things up, it reminded wolf and princess what they have.

Then foxy gets her shoulderd grabbed by Diane who knows the feeling.

They look up at each other then wolf wrapped his arm around princess pulling her close to his chest, she rest her head against his chest.

Then they let go wolf walks up towards them,

"You know buck"

Buck and chicken little look up at him, "from one partner to another, I know it can be hard talking to your kid, trust me...I know, I have a hard time talking to princess, we all do, we keep secrets from her, we often fight but mainly because of the secrets we keep but the reason we do this because...I feel like we're not good enough for her"

Princess was surprised, "what?" She walks up to her and he faces her.

"Why would you think that"

"Everyone looks at us like we're an odd match, and it bothers us, we think people Shane you because you are seen with a family of criminals"

"Ex criminals, and that's not true, you guys are good enough for me, you all took me in when my real father never loved me, it was you that cared enough for me to give up crime"

"And I never regret it but the only thing I'm afraid losing you, I don't want someone to report us and gave child service take you away from me"

"That's never gonna happen, I would never leave you guys, you're the only family I ever have, you are the best family I ever have and I'm not ashamed of that to say it, you guys mean a lot to me"

"And you mean a lot to us too princess" the two hugged, she wrapped her arms around his waist and he wrapped his around her back.

"I'm glad to have you as my daughter" the others were touched then they regrouped for a group hug then chicken little and his dad hugged again.

But it was time to end the therapy session, "And we're good. Let's go. Let's go"

"Yeah I hate to ruin this touching family moment but we got a world to save remember" foxy says.

"Yeah can we wrap this up" Diane added.

"Okay, Dad. All we gotta do is return helpless Iittle Kirby"

"Who" wolf says as they see the little alien took a interest in Buck.

"Ah!" The others panicked as they hid behind princess, still shocked by the little alien as they point at it, stammering.

"It's-that-uh" wolf turns to princess who smiled with a smirk.

"I know guys I know, he's family are looking for him, all we need to do is return back home"

the bad guys get up from hiding...

" Return this whatever it is? This is crazy! Crazy! Crazy wonderful! Just tell me what you need me to do"

"Do you really mean it?"

"You bet! Anything, son"

"Come on, Dad. We've got a planet to save!"

"And we'll help too" wolf says.

"Crazy supportive. That's me! Ohh! This thing Likes to nibble, doesn't it?" Buck chuckles.

"By the way, I'd Iike to say I've always found you extremely attractive!"

"Now that's closure"

"Wait! Wait! What's goin' on?! Oh, they've given her an alien mind-wipe! Aaah!"

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