Saving oaky oaks

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"OK, son. What do we do now?"

"Yeah what's the plan?" Wolf asked.

"Uh, OK. This is a piece of cake, Dad. All we have to do is take the kid down the street to the giant metal alien"

But they see it's not going to be easy, when Turkey Lurky is attacked by one.

"Please sir, We surrender! Here! Take the key to the city! Key to my car? Tic Tac?"

They all looked terrified, "yeah I don't think they aren't going to let us do it easy" foxy says when wolf picked princess up.

"Ok, is there anyway to stop invasion without getting you kids endanger" wolf asked.

"Ok, Forget plan A!"

When aliens come their way, they all quickly hide behind a car.

"Uh-oh. OK, OK, what now, son? Who, by the way, I support 100 percent" buck gets a Pat on the back by shark.

"Uh, plan B?"

"Ha-ha! Of course! PIan B! What is plan B?"

"You might wanna hurry if we are going to save the world" snake complained.

"Snake!" Princess and wolf looked at him.

"Hey at least he's trying" buck defended his son now.

The Kirby starts jabbering, "Pooteetah! Pooteetah!"

"What? You have to go to the bathroom? You want juice? A snack? Corn dog on a stick? Want to play some golf? What do you want?!"


Then princess could see he was pointing up at the ship.

"I stink at this. I'm a horrible father" snake pats his back to comfort.

"Don't worry, raising princess wasn't exactly a easy job for us too" shark says.

"Uh you guys" princess says, "I think he's trying to say his parents are up there" she pointed

"Boka toki" Kirby shook his head in agreement but...

"No, no, I am"

Kirby gets frustrated then he turns buck's head.


"Oh. Is that your parents?" Foxy asked

"Think that's what he's been trying to tell us" princess says.

"Pooteetah, pooteetah" sputtered.

"That's it, Dad! PIan B! All we have to do is duck and weave through traffic and make our way through town square while avoiding the death rays from alien robots. Then we get to Town Hall, climb up to the highest point of the roof and give the kid back to its parents"

"Yeah!" Buck was feeling ease when he has to get out there with aliens blasting at everyone.

"Ok" wolf picks princess up, "let's do this"


They came out and ran passed the aliens that blasted the cars.

Then buck trips over a trash can and the other adults fell over him.

Wolf stops, he looks back and helps buck up when they see chicken little catches Kirby and aliens surrounded him, princess shields him and foxy gets in front of her with a rock to fight off the Allens.

He shields them with the lid and the laser blasted back at the alien, then he threw the lid at the others, knocking them both down, wolf was impressed.

"A-ha, Now that's what I call takin' out the trash!" He picks up chicken little and wolf catches up to him.

"That was pretty impressive buck, you're one great dad" wolf commented Him.

"That's You're Not so bad yourself"

But as they head to the oakus oakum, they get blocked by a bigger and taller and angry alien.

"OK, chicken little. Now what?" Foxy asked.

Everyone looks worried and wolf holds princess, covering her as she buried her face in his neck.

But then piranha saw something, "Fire truck! Incoming" he pointed out.

And before they could get blast at, they get rescued in a fire truck by runt.

The bad guys get on top, wolf sets princess down.

"Hang tight princess" he told her and she nodded.

"Plan C!"

"What exactly is plan C?" Foxy asked.

They see they were being chased by more aliens and they were driving away from city hall.

"Uh chicken little aren't we heading the wrong way" princess pointed out.

"Yeah city hall is the other way" foxy added.

"Runt, no! Turn around! Go back to Town Hall!"

"But they'll vaporize us!"

He sees Fish gurgling, "You want me to do what?"

"Runt, just do it! it'll work! we'll survive!"

"I will survive?" And in that realization runt turned backed.

"Brake, Abby!"

"OK" she was too busy in Lalala land to be freaking out, she held a daisy.

"Floor it!"


"Deploy Ladder, Fish!"

When he pulled the ladder out, runt rings the bell to get the aliens attention and as they get knocked down, more aliens attacked the bad guys.

But piranha punches them down, shark smacked them with his hand and wolf kicks them off while protecting princess.

Once tries to grab princess when foxy hits the arm off with a rock.

"I'll survive I will survive-" runt says as webs came down and her face dropped.

"Hey piggy?, look out"

"Watch out ruby" foxy points.

"Hey, AH" he didn't see they were about to hit city hall, he stops causing everyone to fell through the doors.

Snake rolled into a wheel, shark grabbed webs and piranha then wolf shield princess by grabbing her and holding her and as he covered her, he fell and rolled on the floor, foxy and Diane rolled over at the same time.

They look up to see more aliens coming in, buck and chicken little see the elevator was out of order, so they move on to stairs.

"Plan D, come on guys let's go" buck tries to get the bad guys.

But he saw them looking at the open door when the aliens were running towards them.

Wolf turns to face him, "no, you go on ahead, we got this,"

She nodded her head and walks closer when the aliens did.

"Whoa, hey what are you doing?" Buck was about to grab her when wolf stops him.

"Do t worry, She's got this"

"Princess what are you?" Foxy asked then

As She closed her eyes and when the aliens came up and tried to attack her, she opened her eyes wide and purred, the aliens stopped and stared deeply into her eyes.

Then their eyes turned pink and they begin to attack the other aliens.

Buck, chicken little and foxy were surprised as princess looks back.

"Oh, that you meant by hypnotized cuteness, impressive"

"We'll hold them off as much as we can, just get you and your kid and that alien kid to his parents"

"Ok good luck" Buck ram upstairs.

"Oh hey Buck"


"Thank you...for helping us"

"If anyone should be thanking, it's me with you guys"

"For what?"

"For bring my closer to my kid, thank you" they both smiled then Buck ran upstairs.

Diane turns to foxy, "foxy take princess"

"Ok" so she grabs princess and follows him.

"Plan D!"

"Yeah!" Which was a struggle for him since he isn't in shape like he used to be.


"Thighs hurting. Drumsticks burning. But Loving you! Full support!" He groaned as they helped him.

But downstairs the aliens were getting bolder, they boring off the aliens with whatever they could find, snake strangled them, wolf chops them with an axe, piranha and shark just punches them and webs hops from head to head making them hit one another.

But at the top, as they go through the fire escape, Buck gets stuck.

"I can't get out! Come back, son! We can't go out this way! It's dangerous"

" No, Dad, I can do this!"

"It's too dangerous"

"I can do this. I can. You gotta believe me this time" buck saw a twinkle in his eyes, he knew he had to believe in him this time.

"I... I do, son"

"OK, hang on tight" he slingshot them to the top.


"Here's your kid! Look over here! Here's your kid! He's OK! He's all right! Stop the invasion!" He holds them up for them to see.

Back downstairs the bad guys were get out numbed as they get together in a circle.

"We can't hold them off much longer" webs says.

"No, we'll hold them off, as long as it takes" wolf says.

But then they see the aliens leaving them, "what's happening?" Snake asked.

Wolf heads outside and he gasped when he sees them climbing up.

buck saw the aliens were getting smarter and climbing up the roof.

"Son! Son!"

"Uh oh" wolf says.

"Chicken little look out" foxy says as she climbs up to him with princess.

When one got closer, buck burst out and climbed up to chicken little.

"I'm here, son!"

"Dad! Look out!" they get surrounded by more aliens

"Get away from my boy! Get away!" And buck kicks them down.

"The mighty Acorns..." then they get zapped the bad guys watches in horror as princess and foxy got zapped.

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