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Chicken little, princess, and surprisingly wolf, Foxy Loxy and buck were zapped inside the ship.

They looked around to see that now everything or everyone were vaporized but...they were boring inside,

"Tic Tac?"

Then three large angry eyes in a loud voice popped out, it was the alien.

"Why did you take our child?"

"Hey, hey! Just...Just hold on there, buddy! My son did not take your kid! You were the one that Left him behind! That's bad parenting! And I should know!"

"Silence!" His voice echoed scaring them, "Release the child!"

"OK. OK, OK"

Buck drops Kirby and as he falls he walks to a door that opens and a female alien like him picks Kirby up.

"Sweetheart! Oh, Kirby, I'm so happy to see you! My darling!"

Buck and chicken little sighs, "That was close"

"At Least they're back together"

"They got their kid"

But it wasn't over just yet....

"You have violated intergalactic Law 90210! A charge punishable by immediate particle disintegration!"

Dozens of death rays and blasters aimed at them.

"Oh, snap" it was an extreme shocker to them.

Princess gasped then wolf shields her.

Then Kirby shows up and starts jabbering,"Hmm? What's that?"

He then jabbered again, " Hmm. I... I don't quite..."

Thrn yellow three eyes appeared, "Melvin, honey? He's saying they're telling the truth. It was just a misunderstanding"

Kirby jabbered in agreement, and the scary alien felt embarrassed.

"Well, then. This is awkward"

"Yes, it is"

" I suppose I should..."

"Put the big guns away?"

"Yes, yes" the guns get put away.

"Now put them down"

"Of course"

They get set down gently.

"And turn off your big voice"

"But I don't..."

"Turn it off"

"But... But I don't get to use the big voice very often!"


"Yes, dear"

The eyes disappeared then the door opened for the robot aliens but honestly....

It showed they are just small harmless aliens, one yellow and one red.

"Hi. Uh, anyone want to try the big voice?"

"Again, I cannot tell you how sorry we are for this whole misunderstanding"

The bad guy were surprised, "this were the aliens?" Shark asked.

"Oh, dear goodness. We are so very sorry"

"Yes we are. And if it hadn't been for your son there, well, we might have vaporized the whole planet"


" Oh my goodness! What a shame that would have been. I mean, where else would we pick our acorns?"

"We stop here every summer on the way to the in-Laws"

"Every year"

The bad guys nodded in agreement as they realized it.

"Well that explains everything"

"Oh yeah. Looked on all the other planets and you only find them right here on Earth"

"Just as it says here on your primitive graphic display"

"That caught our eyes"

Then an Alien Officer appeared, "OK, everything's been put back to normal, except for this one, over here"

"Hi, y'all!"

Everyone was surprised to see how friendly and girly foxy was, including the bad guys and princess.


"She got her brainwaves scrambled during reconstitution. But no worries! We can put her back the way she was"

"No! She's perfect"

"Lollipop! Lollipop!" Runt sings with her and Diane approach her, she smiled.

"I agree, I prefer her like this"

"Diane?" Wolf says.


Princess approaches her, "are you alright foxy"

"I'm fine cousin"

"Whoops! Darling! Look at the time! We better get a move on. Alright, then. It was good meetin' ya. Sorry for the whole full-scale invasion thing. But, hey, I'm a dad. You know how it is with your kids. When they need ya, you do whatever it takes"

Melvin hugged Kirby, then buck and wolf does the same with their own kids, except wolf had his arm around princess and she touches his arm.

Then a piece of their ship fell off, "There goes that panel again"

But as it does, chicken little was surprised and princess nudge his shoulders.

"Every year we come here, this thing falls off. Seriously honey, someday it's going to hit somebody on the head"

Then everyone else was surprised but the bad guys and princess rolled their eyes playfully.


"You can't return the panel., can ya?"

"Now that's ridiculous"

" You threw away the receipt again"

As the aliens take off, Kirby waves goodbye.

"Silence!" Melvin used his big voice again.

"Melvin, did you just try and use the big voice on me?"

"Um... uh... Who we talkin' about?"

"So I'd Like to see the movie they make about you now"

Wolf overheard, "a movie you say?"

"I just hope they stay true to what really happened"

"Oh yeah, It's was going to be the summer block buster of the year, you guys should come to see it, you could be the surprise guests"

"I guess it would be a good family activity for us to do together as a family" wolf says

"Oh, son, these people are from Hollywood! The one thing they'll never do is mess with a good story"

Two month later, they were all at the movies, watching the new chicken little movie.

"Red alert! Man your battle stations! Status report, Mr. Fish"

"Commander Little, the evil Foxloxian Army has broken through the planet's atmosphere"

"But that means..."

"Yes, I know. The sky... is falling"

"Commander Little! No!"

"PIease... call me... ...Ace"

"Ace is your real name" princess whispered behind him.

"Yeah, incredible right?"

"Oh, Ace! No!"

"I never intended to bring you into this... Abby. Runt, do you copy?"

"Yes, commander?"

"Runt, my friend, an alien fleet is about to invade Earth. Civilization as we know it depends on me and, to a Lesser extent... you. So I've just got one question for you: Are you ready to rock?"

"Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley Iow..."

"Raise your pork shield, Runt. Prepare to engage. Stay on target. Stay on target! Give 'em a taste of the other white meat!"

"Cap'n! Look out!"

"Runt! Runt, are you all right?"

"No, no. Ya gotta go on without me, commander. Just leave me some ammo, a little water, some chips if you have 'em"

"This is amazingly accurate"

As they enjoyed watching the movie, when it came to the romantic part, princess rested her head on wolf's arm and he looks back and he smiled, he looks back at the movie while using his other hand to wrap around princess.

"He was my good friend. Oh, Abby. At least I still have you... Abby"



Abby and chicken little were reaching out for the same popcorn bucket when their hands touched and they slowly hold hands.




Then a female white fur adult cat in a space jumpsuit flew to the actor playing princess who had a jet pack and a gun.

"Ace" she had white hair with a bit of dye purple mixed in, and was in a ponytail and she wore makeup.

"Cadet Princess so good of you to come on my darkest moment"

"It's what friends are for" She says. "I hope you don't mind I brought my cousin along"

"Agent Foxy Loxy here sir, I infinite inside the ship, I know their weakness"

Then chicken little and princess turned to each other and smiled.

"Good people of Oakey Oaks" at the end of the movie, the actor playing princess stands next to Abby.

"Though at times it may feel like the sky is falling around you, never give up. For every day... is a new day!"

"A new day!"

He ignites his soda fuel rockets then the actor playing Abby jumps in his arm and they took off revealing him wearing paper pants.

"Oh, Ace!"

After the movie ended, everyone cheered and clapped for chicken little including princess and the bad guys.

Chicken little turns to see princess clapping and smiling at him, light shines at him.

But the next day, chicken little and his dad were visiting the bad guys but they saw something.

They saw the bad guys were packing up, they even looked happy about it.

Chicken little turned to his dad and they ran, princess was being squeezed by foxy as she was crying and hugging her goodbye.

"I'll miss you cous" she cried.


She lets go of princess and waved as she walked off.

Then princess turns to chicken little, "well that was weird" princess says.

"You'll get used to it" chicken little and princess looked at each other, feeling awkward not knowing what to see when wolf meets buck.


"Oh hey buck"

"Hey...so...what's up...you guys...going somewhere" he asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"Afraid so, were going back home"


"Yeah, buck, we don't live here, we're not from here, we're from Los Angeles, this isn't our home, it's Diane's we were just staying here for a little vacation but now it's time for us to go back home"

Buck and chicken little were sad, they liked the bad guys and princess, they liked having them around.

But it was going to be hard for them to say goodbye.

"Well I guess this is goodbye" buck says as he holds his hand out for wolf.

He looks down at his hand and takes it as they shake.

"I guess this is really good bye princess, it's too bad you can't stay here, I really liked having you around"

"Don't worry, we'll come back and visit you guys again"

"Well thanks for everything princess, you beloved in me when no one else would"

"Oh please, It's what friends are for, it's what they do, thanks again for being a good friend to me, I really appreciate it"

After a brief second, they both hugged, "thanks again for everything buck" wolf says.

"No...thank you for everything and..." he rubs to his son as he smiled, walked up to him.

"For Boeing me and my son closer"

"No problem" wolf and everyone gets inside the car and he hands him his number.

"Just remember if you need someone to talk too, give us a call"

Buck smiled, "I will" he waved them bye with the card in his hand.

"You take care of yourself now, and your kid"

"I will"

"Bye chicken little" princess pop her head out and waved.

"Bye princess" he waved back.

"You guys come back soon you hear"

"Trust us we will"

"You're always welcome to our home"

"See you soon Buck, bye"

Chicken little and Buck watch as the bad guys took off till they disappeared.

"I sure am gonna miss them" buck says.

"Me too, they were great friends"

Then chicken little and his dad talk as they walk home.

"That movie was pretty great"

"It sure was dad, it sure was"

The end

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