Bad influence

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"Not showing up for class, inappropriate school attire, picking fights in gym class and the fire alarm? Ever since that "sky falling" incident, he's been nothing but trouble! Now Iook, Buck. You know I have the utmost respect for you. I mean, you were Buck "Ace" CIuck, our school baseball star. But Let's face the facts. Your kid, he's nothing Iike you at all"

Outside in a tree, princess was stuck in a tree, bo thanks to foxy.

She was scared at first but when she saw chicken little was in detention because of foxy, she felt bad for him.

Then suddenly she heard her family calling for her.

"Princess!" Wolf called for her.

"Where could've she had gone" webs asked.


"Huh?" He and everyone looked up and they were shocked to see princess was stuck in a tree.

"Princess?" Wolf looked shocked, "hang on sweetie, snake's gonna get you"

Snake slithered your the tree then he wrapped his tail around princess he carefully hands her to wolf and slithered down.

"Hey what are you doing in a tree?" Wolf asked as he had a worried look.

"Someone put me in a tree"

"Do you know who it was?" Wolf asked when they head home which wasn't too far, they see Diane talking to someone behind her.

"It was-"

"Diane, hey, what are you doing here?" Wolf asked.

"Oh hey guys, i just came to pick up my niece, guys this is Foxy Loxy my niece"

But when princess and Foxy Loxy saw each other, their face looked shocked.

Princess immediately opened her mouth, "it was her" princess pointed out.

"Huh?" Everyone was confused and Foxy Loxy looked nervous.

"She's the one that put me in a tree, then she got my new friend chicken little in trouble and she stared messing with other kids"

Diane turns to foxy and glared at her then foxy glares at princess.

"Shut up you little brat"

"Foxy! Again! We talked about this"

but once they entered inside a fox pen inspired architect house that was owed by Diane.

They still see her scolding and lecturing foxy as foxy tries to ignore her.

"This is the fifth time I hear you bullying someone"

"It's not my fault that chicken is a coward and that brat always sticks up to him, I don't know what she sees in him"

"Well unlike you, at princess has a heart, that is something you should have, and another thing, what were you thinking putting princess in a tree, what's wrong with you"

Foxy then laughed, "it was funny"

"Well I Don't think princess thought it was funny, she could've gotten hurt"

"Good it would teach her not to get in my way"

But then wolf noticed scratch marks on princess right cheek.

"Princess? What happened to your face?" He asked as he grabbed her cheeks and everyone starts looking at it.

"Foxy smacked me across the room when I tried to help someone"

Unfortunately Diane overheard, "FOXY!"

"What? she started it, she should've gotten out of the way"

"That's it, your grounded, go to your room right now" Diane pointed up to her bedroom.

"you can't tell me what do to, your not the boss of me"

"No but I can call your parents and tell them what you did"

Foxy growled and storms upstairs, Diane sigh frustrated and walks up to the bad guys.

"I'm so sorry about that" Diane apologized.

"It's ok Diane, I'm fine now" princess says.

Diane smiled softy, then wolf puts her down.

"Princess, why don't you go to your room it's the white door with a pink crown that has your  name written in gold.

So after princess ran upstairs to her room, Diane was left alone with the bad guys.

"Ok guys, I need you to keep princess far away from foxy"

"Why?" Wolf asked.

"Because...foxy is a bad influence, she's also the black sheep of the family, a troublemaker and I don't want her to lead princess down a bad road, would you?"

Everyone looked at each other then nodded in agreement.

"Ok Diane, it's what we want best for our little princess" wolf says.

"We could stay in this nice hotel we passed by, we can check in tomorrow for princess safety" but upstairs, princess heard everything.

"Don't worry this is my house not hers, I'm just watching her for the weekend till her parents finish work, they're always away and have no idea what a bad egg she is, so they trusted me to guide her down the right path and I report to them for her rudely behavior and after what she did today, how she treated princess, this is really unacceptable, again I am so sorry"

"Don't worry about it Diane, you know is, we always keep a good eye on princess, we always be sure that she's going down the right path" wolf says.

But after that conversation, princess couldn't sleep tonight, so she takes a couple of stuffed animals and stuffs them in her blanket.

Then she crawled out of her room and carefully sneak out of the house to visit chicken little at his house.

A little while later, princess door popped open by the bad guys, they were watching her sleep like they always do, they made sure she didn't make a sound.

"Aw" shark cooed then snake shush him, the wolf shushed him.

They liked to watch her sleep, It reminded them when she was a baby sleeping peacefully.

Chicken Little was looking up at a shining star as he sits on the rooftop.

"Come on. All I need is a chance"

"Hey" he got spoke when he saw princess walking behind him and sits down.

"Princess?" He was surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were alright, after what happened, are you ok?" She asked.

"I been through worst"

"I'm sorry about what happened in gym"

"It's not your fault, roxy is...she's such a bully, sorry for what she did"

"Oh It's ok, i made sure she paid the price"


"Apparently we're cousins"


"I didn't know you and roxy were related, how are related to her and aren't you a cat"

"You know the Governor diane Foxington?"


"She's her aunt"


"And She's my adopted mom"

"Oh...wait you're adopted?"

"Surprised" she smiled nervously.

"Well good luck with foxy, she's a great friend" he says sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I don't think I want to be around her and neither do my dad"

After that, they sat back, staring at the stars, "so what now" she asked.

"Princess, I need a chance, I need to do something to make my dad proud and show everyone how great I can be" he turns to her.

"That's why i decided to join the baseball team"

"I want to  join the oke oaks baseball team  but my family wouldn't want me, they're super protective of me but...i can help, I know how to play baseball"


"Yeah, my dad showed me"

"Thanks princess and with you, i can finally be known as a hero and not a loser anymore"

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