Trouble in gym

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"OK, everyone. Listen up! I don't wanna hear any quacks, tweets, oinks, whinnies or cocklee-doodle-doos when I say... dodgeball"

The kids all cheered but some were not excited as the others.

"Oh, man"

Princess turns her head to chicken little who looks nervous at foxy.

"Pump it up! Pump it, pump it, pump it!"

"Split into two teams. Popular versus unpopular...oh and princess?"

Coach grabs princess and pulls her in front of the class.

"Since you're new here, you could just sit this out"

Everyone was shocked, including her, he walks her to the bench.

But foxy was outraged, "coach it's no fair she has to sit this one out, isn't this a all students must attend the activities" foxy asked.

"Yes, occasionally, but princess is very fragile, so I think it's must if she sits this one down"

"It's ok coach, i wouldn't mind playing" princess says.

"Are you Sure?" He asked.

"Yep" she nodded.

"Ok just be careful, alright everyone, just go gentle on princess, take it easy on her"

"Coach?" Runt raised his hand.

"Yeah, unpopular?"

"Shouldn't we review safety guidelines?"

" Sure! Hit the pig, kids!"

And immediately everyone is throwing balls at each other.

"Aaah!" Runt screams as he avoids the dodgeball, "Look out!"

"Calm down, Runt. Just... Just do what Fish is doing"

Ruby tries to copy fish but failed then chicken little reunites with abby.

"Tough morning?"

"A run-in with my old nemesis"

"Gum in the crosswalk?"

"He won this round"

"Your old foe!"


"Incoming on your right"

"Thank you! Oh and I made a new friend today, you see that kitten over there"

"You mean the one that's just standing while dodgeballs are being thrown?" Abigail asked as they princess just standing still as dodgeballs get thrown at her but doesn't hit her.

"Her name is princess"

"Well she seems real nice, I like how she stood up to foxy and not be frightened by her, kids got bravery in her, I like her"

Foxy was getting impatient and tries to knock princess out herself but princess runs.

And despite being in a dress and wearing heels, she still avoids getting hit, which only makes foxy even madder.

"I heard about the movie. Tough break"


"Well, Hey! Maybe it'II just go straight to video"

"That's the Least of my problems. This morning... this morning my dad told me I should basically disappear. But that's not gonna get me down. Because I've got a plan. You want to hear about it?"


Chicken Little: No, no, no no, no! This one's good. Look, one moment destroyed my Iife, right? One moment. Warthog at 3':00!"

"I see him Yes!"

" So I figure all I need is a chance... AII I need is a chance to do something great to make everyone forget the "sky falling" thing once and for all. And then my dad'II finally have a reason to be proud of me"

"Time out!"


"Hi, Tiffany!"

"Hey, man, what's goin' on?"

As everyone was on break, princess walks up to Chicken Little and his friends.

"So, uh... what do you think? Oh princess this is abby"

"Hi" she waved.

"Hey, OK, Iisten. You said the sky was falling. Your dad didn't support you"


"And you have been hurting inside ever since, right? It's hurt. It stung. OK?"

" It's hurt, but... Yes"

"That's the nutshell"

"OK. Yes, but..."

"No. Buh-buh..."

" But, it's..."

"Buh! What's got to happen now is the nut needs to be cracked open. And not one Iittle chip at a time, but... bam! Smash! Bits of emotion flying everywhere! Anger! Frustration! Denial! Fear! Deep depression, in fact! You see what I'm saying?"

Runt, chicken little and princess stares at her surprised.


"AII right, forget the nut part. Here's the main thing. You have got to stop messing around, and deal with the problem"

" OK, yes, but.."

"Here's the real solution. You and your dad talk-talk-talking... closure!"


"CIosure, talking about something until it's resolved. Wait! Hold on! See? Look. There's a whole section about it in this month's Modern Mallard. Incredibly appropriate!"

"I told you, I have a plan"

"Yeah, but according to Cosmo Duck, you should "stop the squawk and try the talk." Beautiful Duckling says, "Avoiding closure with your parents can cause early molting." See? CIosure"

Princess couldn't help but overhear the conversation.

"You know, sometimes when I have problems, my dad talks to me, we talk when we get into a argument"

"See your new friend gets it, Come on! Just repeat after me. You, your dad, talk-talk..."

"Abby, Abby, Abby Iisten! Talking's a waste of time. I got to do something great so my dad doesn't think I'm such a Ioser"

"Talking isn't a waste of time, and you are not a loser" princess says.

"Yeah princess is right, You are not a Ioser.You're inventive and resourceful and funny and cute and..."

"What?" Princess and chicken little says.

"Yeah... uh, Runt! Should Chicken Little have a good talk with his dad and clear the air or keep searching for Band-Aid solutions and never deal with the problem?"

"Band-Aid solutions!"


"Well, I'm sorry! I'm very bad at reading facial cues"

"Fish, help me out here"

They see he makes a tower out of her magazines, princess was astounded by it and was amused by fish, then she giggles when he came falling down.

"Men!" Abby says to princess who nodded her head.

'"Twas beauty that killed the beast"

"I guess only us girls are good at honest communication and sensitivity"

Princess nodded in agreement then her eyes opened shocked.

"LOOK OUT!" She tries to warn Abby but Abby gets by a dodgeball.

They saw that it was caused by foxy, princess helps Abby up then she storms up to foxy gracefully.

"That wasn't very nice"

"Ah beat it kitty" foxy smacks her and she fell and went sliding across the gym.

"Ow" she whines.

Chicken Little was angry for foxy hurting princess.

"That does it! We were in a time-out, Foxy! Prepare to hurt. And I don't mean emotionally, Iike I do"

Foxy snaps her and goosey beaks up chicken little.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! Whoa!" She then throws up the window.

"We will save you! Fall back! Mad goose!"

He falls down and grabs on to the fire alarm, it cause the sprinklers to turn on, then princess hid underneath the bench.

"Uh oh" she says.

The coach came in and the last thing chicken little saw was foxy grabbing princess.

"Oy, let me go" princess tries to release her grip and not move.

"I'll teach you not to mess with me" foxy threatens her as they head outside.

"Chicken Little!"

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