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Fowler walks up.

"Company, attention!"
Ginger uses the rock to hammer the nail on the poster.

"Well, today's the day, girls. We're going to fly! I can feel it!" they all cheer.

"Finally, we get to see a real professional in action"

"Better start warming up. I'll go and get him. Rocky, come on. Everyone's waiting, so I told them to..."but she notices that Rocky isn't here.

"R-Rocky?" All she sees is a bag, she looks at a badge but what she saw was heartbreaking.

She went walking down, others saw her and made the same horrid face looking at it.

then grabbing a badge and grabbing a torn poster, opening it, saying, "In Town For One Week Only", with a picture of rocky being shot out of a cannon.

thunderclap then rain started to pour, by the spoon under the fence, rocky is seen walking by the rain, then walking down.

Princess was holding an umbrella w huh em she heads to the barn to find the bad guys gone.

She looks around feeling lonely and terrified, "wolf?"

"Oh, a cannon. Aye, that would give you thrust"

"I knew he was fake all along. In fact, I'm not certain he was American"

"So, what's the next plan, hen?"

"Let's face it. The only way out of here is wrapped in pastry. At we can do is try to get princess out of here"

"Perhaps he just went on holiday"

"Perhaps he just went away from your infernal"knitting!" wipes in the mud

"You were always the one that was always hitting him. See how you like it" mac pushes Bunty.

"Don't push me, four-eyes!"

"Quiet there! Quiet, I say! Dissension in the ranks. Precisely what Jerry would have wanted. The old divde and conquer. A proper squadron work together, like we did in my R.A.F. days. Jocko at the stick, Flappy at the map, and old Whizzbang at the tail-end Charlie. WingCo would give the call, hop in the old crate, chocks away! Wizard show it was. That's how you get medals."

"Oh, will you shut up about your stupid blooming medals!"

they all gasp, then the medal lands in the mud.

"How dare you!" hits Bunty with his cane, "Madam, forgive me. A-As an officer, I offer my most-"

Bunty punches Fowler to the mud, they all gasp, then Bunty attacks Fowler, soon they all attack Fowler, ginger looks at the medal, then touching it she realizes something.

"Fowler?" the chickens continue attacking.

"Everyone, shut up!"

the chickens stop attacking, with Babs holding on the leg by the mouth, and a long pause.

"Fowler. What exactly is the R.A.F.?"

"What do you mean, what is it? The Royal Air Force is what"

"Then what's the "old crate"?" the chickens all open a top, looking at fowler.

Meanwhile with princess, as she sulk over her new friends gone, someone approaches her.

"Hey kid why the long face" she gasped when she recognized the voice.


She looked up and saw him, the bad guys walking in.

"You came back" she ran and hugs wolf.

"Come on kid you didn't think we were gonna leave you here did ya" wolf says as he picks her up.

Then back with the chickens...

"Ahh! There she is. Gorgeous, isn't she?"

"You mean, you flew in one of these?"

"Beautifully built. In fact, there's a bit of a story to that as well. We were out on a "recce," you see. Ops had given the go-ahead, but the weather duffed up" he continues talking.

"Yes. Of course. We might actually be able to pull this off. We're still going to fly out of here"

"What, what?"

"Fowler's provided the answer"

"I have? Uh, yes, yes, yes. Of course I have. Uh, how have I?"

"We'll make a crate. Mac, you'll handle the engineering. Babs, manufacturing. Fowler will be chief aviation advisor. Bunty, eggs"



"Right, just like the ones that rooster was gonna lay. Only roosters don't lay eggs, do they?"

"Don't they?"

"No, it's a lady thing, apparently. Ask your mum.

"One egg for every item on the list. First payment in advance"

"Right! When do we start?" She gives an egg to Nick.

"Come on!"

"And we'll help too" they turn to wolf and others who has princess.

"You? But why do you want to help us?" Ginger asked.

"All I ask is that you let us take princess, I know you don't trust me but I wanna be a good father to her then her real father"

Ginger eyes him suspiciously then she shakes his hand right before crushing in.

"If you hurt her, I'll hurt you"

"Fair enough, pack your bags kid you're leaving" wolf says.

Two gnomes, A.K.A Nick and Fetcher, walk by the pie machine.



they continue walking at Mr. Tweedy, fixing the machine.

"Huh? What the dickens?"

he turns to find his tools had disappeared from his toolbox and find two gnomes, which are really Nick and Fetcher, walking away with the tools.

"Oh, gnomes now"

Ginger puts the hand out, following by Nick and Fetcher as gnomes, then they take their gnomes disguise off.


they take a wrench to Ginger, then they take the tools.

"Give me"

Mr. Tweedy continues fixing the machine, then they all use to take their nails out by dropping in the can, then using a hammer to take out the nail, then grabbing a broken wrench, then taking a nail out, then the bunk bed lands on the chicken, screaming, then Fowler walks by, with pants on, then pulling the string, the the tools fall down out of the pants, then raising his hand, then plugging the machine, then putting smoke on Mrs. Tweedy's face, then they pull a clothesline by the dogs.

"Ohh! All right, here"

they all grab a blanket, then they all sew the blankets, then the chicken cuts the blanket with large scissors, then Babs cuts the blanket, squealing, with her tiny scissors, then Mr. Tweedy continues fixing the machine, then Bunty puts the eggs down.

"Eggs from heaven!"

"No! From her bum!"

they both laugh, then closing the top, then putting wood down, then putting a screw on a wood, with the bad guys helping then they hammer a screw, then Mr. Tweedy puts a gear on the machine, then the chickens saw back and forth, then he continues fixing the machine, shark lifts princess so she can hammer a nail in, then using a wrench back and forth, then putting the door on the machine, then putting a gear on, spinning around, then they all cheer, then blowing smoke, then hammering the nail, then they hear a machine chugging, with an arrow pointing to red, saying, "Gravy Pressure", then pressing a button, then the gravy shoots at Mrs. Tweedy and she screams.

"Idiot!" She kicks Mr. Tweedy.


"That was close. Too close. We can't stop now. Come on, everyone! Go for it! Really go for it! Go, go, go, go!"walks under, then they all fix.

"Mac, we need those calculations quickly"


"Agnes, that has to be really secure. Gracefully up there, Fowler!"


"Keep up the good work princess"

"Yes miss ginger"

"Bunty, give him a hand. Well done, Babs. Keep it up"

"No problem, doll face"

she walks out of hut 17, looking at a poster, saying, "Rocky The Flying Rooster"

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