The dangers of mrs tweety

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cut to the dog snarling at Ginger, walking backward
Mr. Tweedy grabs Ginger.

"I've got a score to settle with you"

"Bloomin' heck! They've got Ginger!"

he continues walking, holding Ginger, then closing the gate.

"We mustn't panic. We mustn't panic!" Then they all scream.

Princess heard and she came in with Fowler and rocky.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Quiet there! Quiet, I say! Let's have some discipline, what, what. The enemy has taken a prisoner! This calls for retaliation! Retaliation!"

"Fowler what's going on?"

"What's going on? What's happening?

"They got Ginger, Mr. Rhodes. They're taking her to the chop!"

"What?!" Princess panicked.

"Well, what are you waiting for, laddie? Fly over there. Save her!" they all stop screaming.

"Of course... No, no! No, that's just what they'd expect. But I say we give them the old element of surprise"

"And catch Jerry with his trousers down. I like the sound of that. What's the plan?"

"The plan... The plan. Then plan... Uh, Babs! Give me that thing. Bunty, give me a boost" he grabs the hanger, then zipping down like a zipline, then landing inside the Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy's machine, then walking to the machine, holding Ginger.

"Whoa, look at the size of that thing" Mr. Tweedy puts Ginger in the foot lock.

"Oh, no!"

"Chickens go in, pies come out" Mrs. Tweedy walks away]m.

"Chicken pies. Not... Not apple pies. Chicken!"

The bad guys took a peek of the machine, "what is that thing?" Webs asked.

"I don't know we better find out"

Ginger tries to open the foot lock, then gasping while looking at a hole.

"Oh, great. Brilliant!"

"Yo, baby doll!"


"I'm coming!"


Rocky slips on the machine like a treadmill, "I'm still coming!"

"Come on! Stop this thing!"

Rocky trying to get Ginger, "I'm gettin' there!" the foot lock releases Ginger.

"Oh, shoot!"

"Rocky!" the lever pulls down, saying, "On"

"I'll be down before you can say-" Rocky gasps and looks up at the vegetables, "Mixed Vegetables?!"

He falls down from the vegetables, then sliding down, looking at an arrow, saying, "Veg", then flipping another arrow, saying, "Meat", then sliding left, then falling closer to the blades, holding on, then Rocky continues sliding, by a pie.

"D-oh! Get it? Dough"

Ginger tries to get her feet out, "I'm stick!"

"Nothing to it. Oops" he tries to get his feet out.

they both look at a roller, then they both scream, then they try to get the feet out, then Rocky hops to Ginger.

"Hang on!" He grabs a chain, then they both fall down on a flat pie.

"Look out!"

they both duck while making the shape of a pie, then they rise up, then they slide down, then squirting then pies, then the vegetables land on the pie with Rocky and Ginger, getting out, then looking for a carrot.

"Hey! Aha!" He puts a carrot inside a hole it starts vibrating.


they both give high five, then the machine splats Ginger and Rocky, then moving into the oven, then they pop out of a pie.

"Oh, it's like an oven in here" gasping, then the fires appear, then closing the door.

"Come on!" they both run.

"Wait up! I'm com-" lands on a pie. Ginger runs to the door.

"Don't leave-" falls on another pie, "Get over to the-" falls in the pie.

Ginger slides in the door, then putting a wrech in the door to stop closing, then grabbing Rocky.

"The door! Come on!"

the door continues closing with a wrech holding on, then they both scream, then they slide under, with the green hat taken off, then grabbing the green hat, then putting the green hat back on, then Rocky wipes off, then the drops land on Ginger, then the carrot continues vibrating, then the gears vivrate, then the machine vibrates.

"She's gonna blow! Run!"

the gears continue vibrating with a wrench holding on, then hearing an alarm bell ringing under the sign, saying, "System Blockage", then the arrow puts to red on a scale, saying, "Gravy Pressure"

"What did you do, you great pudding?!"

"I didn't do 'owt!"

Meanwhile with the bad guys they were looking in their office, papers everywhere.

"What are we looking for again wolf?" Webs asked.

"Anything about what "Mrs tweety is up too"

But then when webs gets on the desk, she goes through the drawers and she finds something that shocks her.

"Wolf you might wanna see this"

"What is it?"

They all gathered and wolf finds a paper about princess.

"When princess was a baby her dad didn't wanted her so he gave her away to his good friend Melisha, every year he would come by to pay them"

A flashback of Thomas holding baby princess in the rain, he knocks on the house where Mrs tweety came out.

Thomas hands her the baby and some money, she takes it and smiled ending the flashback to the bad guys looking horrible.

"The poor kid" shake says.

"She don't deserve this" wolf says.

"This is gonna hurt her so much" piranha said.

the machine vibrates, then the gears vibrate, then squirting the carrot out, then hitting the gear, then the gears fall down, then they slide down.

"Turn it off!"

"It won't turn off!"

they both continue running away from gears, with pieces flying, then they grab a chain, then swinging, then they fly in a box, then they both sigh, then they lay down, then putting the sticker on Rocky, saying, "Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Pies", then walking to the sticker on Rocky, saying, "Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Pies", then taking a sticker off.


"We've got to show the others. Come on" Mrs. Tweedy unplugs the machine, then the machine powers out, then grabbing a pie which the bad guys heard.

"Come on we got to go" wolf says and everyone leaves.

"Look! I fixed it! Huh?"

Mrs. Tweedy splatting a pie on Mr. Tweedy cuts to Ginger putting the sticker on, saying, "Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Pies.

"Chicken pies?"

"Ohh! Oh, no!"

"Yes, but..."

"I don't want to be a pie. I don't like gravy"

Wolf and the bad guys have told princess everything, "I'm sorry kid" wolf bends down, when she was sitting down holding her legs, she was distraught.

"Ladies, please. Let's not lose our heads"

"Lose our heads?"

they all scream again, then flapping on a bed, then laying down, while holding on.

"What I meant to say was, Rocky and I sabotaged the machine and bought us more time. And better still, he's going to fly for us tomorrow" they all cheer.

"And once we've seen how's it done, we'll get it. I know we will. So don't worry, because tomorrow everything's going to go much, much smoother"

Ginger goes to see princess where she finds the terrible news.

"Hey princess you alright" ginger asked.

"No, I just found out my dad left me and he's never coming back for me"

"Well that's ok princess by this time tomorrow we're gonna fly out and I'm gonna be taking you with me"

"It doesn't matter anymore, I don't have a family anymore" she quivers which made wolf feel even more bad.

"It's gonna be ok I promise, it'll get better you just need to see the bright side of things"

When it didn't work, snake said something regretful, "well that's life for you kid, not everything what you expected, sone parents give up on their kids not many are lucky, you count as one of them, face it your dad doesn't want you"

"Snake!" Everyone scolds him.

Then princess gets up and runs away bursting in tears.
Away kid don't get upset" webs says.

"Princess" ginger reach out to her then she turns to shake scolding her, "what is wrong with you"

"What I'm just telling her the truth"

"Was that supposed to help her" wolf growls.

"Why do you care she's just a kid and by this time tomorrow morning we'll be gone and this will all be a nightmare let the kid be someone else's problem" snake slithered to sleep while everyone glares at him.

Rocky walks away, then opening a door, then looking at Fowler.

"All right, Pops, what did I do now?"

"A very brave and honorable deed, sir" he clears his throat.

"In the light of your action this evening, I... I dutifully admit that I have misjudged your character. I present you with this medal for bravery" he puts the badge on Rocky, "And, I salute you" puts the hand up and down, "In honor of the occasion, I surrender the bunk entirely. I shall sleep under the stars" walks away, "Oh, uh, I await tomorrow's flying demonstration, with great anticipation" walks outside.

"You and me both, Pops"

Later that night, while everyone was sleeping, snake was wandering outside the barn, he had trouble sleeping.

It was probably because of what he said to princess, he finds her on top of the barn, she wrapped herself.

He sighs as he slithered up to the barn sitting next to her.

"Hey..listen kid, I wanna apologize for how I acted I know you didn't wanted to hear the truth that way but-"

But when he sees her crying, he sent him on a guilt trip.

"Ok kid your dad shouldn't have never abandoned his own no kid should be treated like this"

"It's alright, my father never cared about he, he only cares about money, it's been like this ever since my mom died i guess he stills blames me for her death"

"It's-not your fault kid, I'm not good with this kind of stuff this is all wolf"

Then he wraps himself around her shoulder pulling her close against him.

"Look kid, you're is an idiot for leaving such a great kid he has, you're warm nice kind and very sweet, he should've known how lucky he was too have such a great kid, any dad would"

"Thank you Mr snake" it made her better know he cared too and she nuzzled against him which he got nervous.

"Ok ok" he smiled and rubs her shoulders.

Back with rocky,he looks at a badge, then Ginger walks up to Rocky.


"I'm sorry. Were you..."

"Is this your... I'll get down"

"No, no, it's just... No, I'm glad you're here, because..."

"Since you're here..."

"I'm sorry. You go first. I'll..."

"You go ahead" they both sit down.

"Um, I just wanted to say, I may have been a bit harsh at first. Well, what I really mean is, thank you for saving my life. For saving our lives. You know, I come up here every night, and look out to that hill and just imagine what it must be like on the other side. It's funny, I've... I've never actually felt grass beneath my feet. I'm sorry. Here I am rambling on about hills and grass, and you had something to say"

"Uh, y-y-yeah. Um, it's just that, y-you know, life as I've experienced it, you know, out there, lone free rangin' and stuff, it's, uh, it's full of disappointments and, uh..."

"What, you mean grass isn't all it's cracked up to be?"

"Grass! Exactly. Grass. It's always greener on the other side. And then you get there and it's brown and prickly. You see what I'm tryin' to say?" Ginger nods, then shaking his head.

"What I'm trying to say is, you're welcome"

"You know, that hill is looking closer tonight than it ever has before" she puts her hand down by Rocky.


"Well, good night, Rocky" he walks away.

"Good night, Ginger"

he sighs, then walking down, then looking at the paper, then looking at the sky.

After a while, snake and princess asleep but he woke and he saw the time.

"Oh shoot" he picks up princess, slithered up the barn then he opens her windows and puts her on the bed pulling the covered over her but it made him smiled seeing her sleep.

"Sleep tight kid"

He slithers back to the barn, he sleeps on the pile of hay just thinking about princess.

"Hey, we need to talk" snake says to wolf who was sleeping next to him.

"What?" He was angry.

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