New alliance

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Later that day, outside the farm, a car chase was taking place.

A police car was chasing the legendary bad guys after they robbed a jewelry store.

"They're gaining on us" shark panicked.

"We're not gonna lose them" webs shouts.

"I blame piranha for this" snake hissed.

"It wasn't my fault" piranha says.

"You tripped the alarm" webs says.

"It came out of nowhere" piranha spat back.

"Guys relax" wolf tries to calm down.

"How can we they're on our tail what if we get caught" snake says.

"I don't wanna go back to jail" shark says.

In order to save his friends wolf sees the woods, "hang on guys we're taking a detour"

The ground was bumpy and eventually the car crash into a tree.

They all groan, "is everyone ok" wolf asked.

"Yeah we're fine" snake says.

Then they hear the cops getting closer, "come on guys we got to get out of here" wolf says.

They were running as the cops tried to find them, they ran as fast as they could, they stop to catch their breath.

"What are we gonna do" shark asked.

"We can't hide forever" snake added.

"Don't worry guys we just-" but then something caught wolf's eye.

He sees a farmhouse, "quickly guys this way" so they all ran inside the farmhouse.

"Great now what?" Snake asked.

"Don't sweat it guys all we have to do is lay low for a while till the heat dies down, till then, just hide in here" wolf says.

Snake looks around in the farmhouse which they are in, which shark plays on some hat, piranha sits on a cow and webs was hanging on a web.

"In a farmhouse, sure great idea what's the worst that can happen" snake said.

"Will you relax what can happen" wolf takes a peek.

Then he see princess coming out of the house, "oh hello there beautiful" he looks at her.

Then like a sense she turns to his direction looking at him.

"Ah!" He panicked and shuts the door.

"What's wrong?" Snake asked.

"I think that kid just saw me"

"What kid?" Snake peeks to see her feeding the pigs.

"This is gonna be awhile" snake says.

Later that night, the chickens head to but 17, knocking the door, opening a window was ginger then closing the window, they both walk inside, one of them grabs Babs closing the door.

Then a rat named Nick knocks on the door.

"You called? Nick and..."


"At your service"

Ginger opens the door, then they all look at Mr. Tweedy, opening a curtain.

"Over here" they all run, with Nick and Fetcher running by Ginger.

"We need some more things"

"Right you are, miss. How about this quality handcrafted tea set?"

"Uh, no"

"Or this lovely necklace and pendant?"

"It's love..."

"Or this beautiful little number, all the rage in the fashionable chicken coops of Paris. Simply pop it on like so, and as the French hens say, "Voila!"

"That's French"

"That's two hats in one, miss. For parties, for weddings. Oh, but madame, this makes you look like a vision, like a dream"

"Like a duck" Nick was annoyed by the answer fetcher gave.

"No, thank you. We're making this. We need these things. Can you get them?"

"Oh, oh, oh, this is a big job, miss. Oh, bigger than others. No, no. This is gonna cost..."

"Same as always. One bag of seed"

"You call this pay?"

"It's chicken feed"

"What else could we give you?"




"We can't give you our eggs. They're too valuable"

"And so are we" nick grabs the box, then tossing the bag back to Ginger, "After you, Fetcher"

"After I what?"

"Move!" He pushes Fetcher.

cut to Mr. Tweedy, looking out the window, sitting down.


Mrs. Tweedy is typing on a typewriter, "Twenty-two and nine. Fourteen shillings and threepence. Seven and sixpence times three. Two and nine. Fourpence halfpenny. D-oh! Stupid, worthless creatures! I'm sick and tired of making minuscule profits" then She looks at a book, saying, "Sick And Tired Of Making Minuscule Profits?"

then moving the papers, saying, "Turn Your Chicken Farm Into A Goldmine", opening a book, looking at the man holding a bag, with the bubble talk, saying, "I'm Rich!"

"Oh, yes. Those chickens are up to something"

"Quiet. I'm onto something"

"They're organized. I know it"

"I said, "quiet"

"That ginger one. I reckon she's their leader"

"Mr. Tweedy!" She slams the table getting his attention.

Mr. Tweedy removes the binoculars from his eyes and he's jumped of Mrs. Tweedy's shouting and gasps.

"I may finally have found a way to make us some real money around here, and what are you on about? Ridiculous notions of escaping chickens"

"But... But..."

"It's all in your head, Mr. Tweedy. Say it!"

"It's all in me head. It's all in me head"

"Now, you keep telling yourself that, because I don't want to hear another word about it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, love. But you know that ginger one..."

"They're chickens, you dolt! Apart from you, they're the most stupid creatures on this planet. They don't plot, they don't scheme, and they are not organized!"

Ginger is slamming the gavel three times.

"Order! Order! Quiet, everyone. Settle down. I would like to call to order... Please, if you could just settle..."

"Quiet here! Let's have some discipline in the ranks! What, what!"

"Thank you, Fowler"

"In my R.A.F. days, we were never allowed to waste time unnecessary chitchat"

"Yes, thank you, Fowler"


"Right! Carry on"

"Now, I know our last escape attempt was a bit of a fiasco, but Mac and I have come up with a brand-new plan. Show 'em, Mac"

"Right. We tried going under the wire and that didn't work. So, the plan is, we go over it" they all show a catapult.

Mac showing a chicken turnip, "This is us, right? We get in like this. Wind her up, and let her go!" the chicken turnip splats on the wall when Fowler ducks, then they all scream.

"Good grief! The turnip's bought it!"

"Farmer's coming!" She blows a whistle, the chickens all run, then sliding the paper back under the bed.

"Operation Cover-up!" She puts a blanket on Fowler, then closing the floor, and papers.

"Whee! Ouch!"

Mr. Tweedy looks at the chickens with a flashlight, looking at a teapot and the chicken, then the blanket lands on the teapot chicken, hearing a chicken clucking.

"Mr. Tweedy!" the top hits the head.

"Where are you?!"

"It's all in your head. It's all in your head. It's all in your head"

Princess steps outside after Mrs tweety gives her orders.

"Princess?" Mrs tweety calls her. "You better be attending to those cows"

"Yes Mrs tweety" she heads to the farmhouse to milk the cows, where the bad guys were hiding.

the chicken opens the curtain window, putting a thumb up, then getting down.

"Think, everyone, think. What haven't we tried yet?"


"We haven't tried not trying to escape"

"Hmm. That might work."

"What about Edwina? How many more empty nests will it take? And what about princess, she's just a child"

"Perhaps it wouldn't be empty if she'd spent more time layin' and less time escapin' as for the child she wasn't given much of a choice her father abandoned her here remember"

"So laying eggs all your life, and then getting plucked, stuffed and roasted is good enough for you, is it?"

"It's a livin'"

"You know what the problem is? The fences aren't just round the farm. They're up here in your heads. There's a batter place out there somewhere beyond that hill, and it has wide open spaces and lots of trees, and grass. Can you imagine that? Cool, green grass"

"Who feeds us?"

"We feed ourselves"

"Well, where's the farm?"

"There is no farm"

"Then where does the farmer live?"

"There is no farmer, Babs"

""Is he on holiday?"

"He isn't anywhere. Don't you get it? There's no morning head count, no farmers, no dogs and coops and keys, and no fences"

"In all my life I've never heard such a fantastic, load of tripe! Oh, face the facts, ducks. The chances of us gettin' out of here are a million to one"

"Then there's still a chance" ginger walks outside, then closing the door, with Fowler laying down on the ground, then putting hands on, then crying.

"Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. What am I doing? Who are you trying to fool? You can't lead this bunch of..." she bangs on the fence, then holding on, "Oh, heaven help us" the cannon fires, then Rocky appears.



Rocky flies by Ginger, chuckling, then spinning on the vane, screaming, bouncing on wires, and went flying down, screaming into the chicken feed.

"Whoa! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. You've been a wonderful audience." Rocky gets hit then a paper flies in the sky.


"By 'Eck!"

the paper lands on Ginger, looking at the paper she gets an idea.

"That's it. Get him inside quickly"

the dogs walk with Mr. Tweedy, closing the curtains, turning on the lantern, showing the paper, saying, "Rocky The Flying Rooster"

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