The deal

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"This is our way out of here"

"We'll make posters?"

"No. What's on the poster, Babs. What's on the poster. We'll fly out!"

"He must be very important to have his picture take. What do you suppose he does?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's a professional flying rooster. He flies from farm to farm, giving demonstrations"

"Do you suppose?"

"Oh, absolutely"

"Not in the dark, no. No, not in there. No. Get out. Good. Gotta get..." he mutters, then looking in eyes of the chickens, "Ahh! Who are you? Where am I? What's goin' on? Ouch! What happened to my wing?"

"You took a rather nasty fall"

"And sprained the anterior tendon connecting your radius to your humerus. I gave it a wee bit of a tweak, Jimmy, and wrapped her up"

"Was that English?"

"She said you sprained your wing. She fixed it"

"I made the bandage"

"I-I carried you in" they all chatter at once.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa! Whoa. Let's back up and start from the top. Where am I?"

"You're right. How rude of us. We're just very excit... This is a chicken farm"

"And we're the chickens"

"Yeah, with you so far. Chicken farm, chickens..."

"I don't like the look of this one. His eyes are too close together"

"Fowler, please"

"And he's a Yank!"

"Easy, Pops. Cockfighting's illegal where I come from"

"And where is that exactly?"

"Just a little place I call the land of the free and the home of the brave"


"No! America"

"Oh! America"

"Poppycock. Pushy Americans. Always showing up late for every war. Overpaid, oversexed and over here!"

"Hey, what's eating' Grandpa?"

"Oh, don't mind him, Mister... Mister?"

"The name's Rocky. Rocky the Rhode Island Red. Rhodes for short"

"Rocky Rhodes?"

"Catchy, ain't it?" He takes a cup.

"Um, Mr. Rhodes, is this you?"

"Uh, who wants to know?"

"A group of rather desperate chickens? You see, if it is you, then you just might be the answer to our prayers" they all chuckle.

"Well, then, call me a miracle, doll face, 'cause that's me" they all clap.

"And what brings you to England, Mr. Rhodes?"

"Why, all the beautiful English chicks, of course"

"Give order!" Bunty pushes Rocky, spitting water out.

"You see, I'm a traveler by nature. I did that whole barnyard thing for a while, but I couldn't really get into it. Hi. How are you? Nope" the chicken lays on the ground.

"The open road. That's more my style. Yep, just give me a pack on my back and point me where the wind blows. In fact, you know what they call me back home? You're gonna love this. The Lone Free Ranger"

"Isn't that great?"

"I knew it was possible"
Rocky: Oh, it's possible, all right.

"I knew the answer would come"


"We're all going to fly over that fence, and Mr. Rhodes is going to show us how, right?"

"That's... What? Did you say "fly"?"

"You can teach us"

"No, I can't. Listen. Shh. You hear that? That's the open road calling my name, and I was born to answer that call. Bye" he runs out the door.

"He must have very good hearing"

Meanwhile in the farmhouse, piranha was messing with the cow's bell laughing when he heard footsteps.

He looked and see princess coming toward the house, he panicked.

"Hey we got a problem, the kids coming" he says to wolf.

"What!" Then everyone started to panic.

"Ok everyone hide and don't make a sound" wolf says as they all ran to hide.

Once princess heads inside she heard muttering and whispers.

"Huh? Hello? Is anyone there?" She looks around and she kicks a bucket that appears mysteriously on the floor.

"Huh?" She picks it up wondering how it got there, when behind her piranha who looked worried.

So she puts it back and her heads to the cows, petting them when she hears a chicken not the caged ones but a regular one running in a panicked out of a dark corner.

"Huh?" Curious, princess approached the dark area.

She reaches out slowly then out came piranha holding down a chicken.

"AH!" They both screamed.

She felt back and when she ran she bumped into shark who turns looking down then he screamed.

She tried to leave but webs crawled down in front of her stopping her.

"Hey it's ok kid relax"

But it only made princess scream even more, she fell and back up to a pile of hay.

She gets up but only to get jump scared by snake, who pops out of the hay.

"AH!" She stayed on the ground frozen in fear.

Snake slithered up and close to her, "don't worry I'm make her quiet" he snickered wickedly.

Then wolf cuts in stopping him, "snake don't!"

Then he turns to princess who screams even louder.

Wolf began to panic then he covers her mouth with his paw to prevent her screaming.

She muffled and was shaking terrified by them but then wolf looks at her calmly.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok, we're not gonna hurt, I know you're scared I be scared too if I was you but we don't want any trouble ok, I promise we won't hurt you...I'm gonna take my paw off and you're gonna be quiet right?"

She nodded, "ok" he slowly takes his paw off and she stayed quiet.

"See I'm not gonna hurt you" he grab her shoulders.

"Who-who are you?" She backs away still after.

But before they could answer she recognized them, "wait a minute you're those bad guys who robbed the store right"

"Yeah that's right"

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well you see kid-" wolf says, "we were trying to get away when the cops tailgate us our car crashed so we ended up here we thought we could hide here till the heat blows over"

"Well you can't hide here" princess says

Snake felt offended, "why not are you gonna eat us out, I can make sure she won't say a word" he rises up threatening to eat her.

"Snake stop" wolf says, "what's your name kid?" Wolf asked.

"Princess chesterfield"

Everyone gasped like they knew here, "princess chesterfield?" Webs asked.

"As in daughter of Thomas chesterfield ceo of chesterfield inc.?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah that's it, but anyway you can't hide here Mrs tweety is good at finding things, she'll know something is up, and when she does, she'll find you"

Back with the chickens, "Okay, okay, where's the exit? Ah, this way"

"Mr. Rhodes, um, perhaps I didn't explain our situation properly. We lay eggs day in and day out, and when we can't lay any more, they kill us"

"It's a cruel world, doll face. You might as well get used to it"

"Which part of "they kill us" do you not understand?"

"Hey. I got my own set of problems to worry about. Besides, this birdcage can't be that hard to bust out of. In fact, watch me"

"It's not so hard to get one chicken out of here or even two, but this is about all of us"

"All of you?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you"

"Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You want to get every chicken in this place out of here AT THE SAME TIME!?"

"Of course"

"You're certifiable. You can't pull off a stunt like that. That's suicide"

"Where there's a will, there's a way"

"Couldn't agree more. And I will be leaving that way. But..."

"But... Mr. Rhodes?"

"I'm the new type of guy"


"That likes to roam around I'm never in one..." he looks at a truck, gasping, Rocky runs down, then the man gets out of the truck, closing the door, looking at a truck, saying, "Circus"

"So that's it. You're from the circus"

The bad guys and princess heard, "what was that?" Wolf asked.

"Shh! You're on the run, aren't you? You wanna keep it down? I'm trying to lay low here" they hear a doorbell.

"I should turn you in right now"

"You wouldn't. Would you?"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't"

"Because I'm... cute?" she squawks, then Rocky holds Ginger's mouth.

"Hey, hey, hey! What kind of crazy chick are you? Do you know what'll happen if he finds me?"

"It's a cruel world"

"I just decided. I don't like you"

But at that same time, the police arrived and the bad guys saw.

"Oh no it's the cops" piranha says.

"Great what do we do now?" Snake hissed angrily.

"Excuse ma'am there was a robbery today, you maybe have some criminals on the loose we follow the leads here, there is a big reward for their capture"

"Oh really" Mrs tweety says.

"I just decided. I don't care. Now, show us how to fly"

"With this wing?"

"Teach us then"

"No!" she squawks louder.

"He's valuable, you say?"


"Get the torch"

"Now you listen here, sister. I'm not going back to that life. I'm a Lone Free Ranger. Emphasis on free!"

"And that's what we want. Freedom!" he gasps, then Mr. Tweedy turns the flashlight on.

"Fancy that. They're coming this way"

"Oh, oh, no. No. Oh, no. They're on to me"

"Teach us to fly and we'll hide you"

"And if I don't?" she squawks, then Rocky grabs Ginger's mouth.

"Was your father by any chance a vulture?"

"Do we have a deal?"

Rocky looks at Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy, then opening a gate, they both run by the house, then Mrs. Tweedy looks with a flashlight at Ginger and Rocky.

"Time to make good on that deal, doll..."

"The name is Ginger" she knocks, then the door opens, they grab Ginger and Rocky, then Mrs. Tweedy looks at the chickens, except Bunty, then closing the top.


"Not really"

"Maybe this will help" she tries to get out Rocky.

"Nice hideout. Ouch. I had more room in my egg"

"We've held up our end of the deal. Tomorrow you hold up yours"

"What deal?"

"The flying!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right, right. Don't worry. I'll teach you everything I know. Now, which bunk is mine?"

they all wave and shout, cut to a disgruntled Fowler in bed with Rocky.

"Absolutely outrageous! Asking a senior officer to share his quarters, and with a noncommissioned Yank, no less. Why, back in my day, I'd never..."

"Hey! You weren't exactly my first choice either. And scoot over. Your wing's on my side of the bunk"

"Your side of the bunk!? THE WHOLE BUNK is my side of the bunk!"

"Just... What's that smell? Is that your breath?"

"It's absolutely outrageous"

The bad guys see Mrs tweety heading to the farmhouse with the cops.

Princess thy all were panicking, she felt empathy for them so she steps out.

"Stay here and keep quiet"

"Hey what are you doing!" Snake was threatened but wolf stops him and shushes him.

Mrs tweety see princess coming out shutting the doors.

"Princess what are you doing in there?" Mrs tweety asked.

"I uh-I heard a noise and heard something frightening the cows"

"I knew she would eat us out i should've ate her when I had the chance" snake says.

"Shush snake" wolf says.

"What did you hear?" She asked as she tried to open the door but princess panic along with the bad guys.

"Oh no we're dead" piranha mutters.

"It was a possum!" Princess stop her closing the door.


"But I already killed it"

"Are you sure there was no one else in there?" Mrs tweety says suspiciously.

"Yea positive Mrs tweety"

"If I find you are hiding something you are in trouble"

"Yes ma'am"

"Let's go" Mrs tweety ordered her.

As the two head back to the farm, princess looks back as the bad guys were relived.

They look at her as the cops leave, "sorry to bother you ma'am give us a call if you find anything"

"Will do officers"

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