A line will be crossed

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Later on, princess had called wolf explained everything, he and everyone else were furious at Diane for sending her to a classroom filled with demented children and the subject teaches assassination.

Diane was driving when she gets a call from wolf, "hello"

But on the other end he shouts, "Diane princess just called, are you crazy what were you thinking taking princess to a assassination school with sociopath kids"

"They're not sociopaths they just different"

"Uh huh, and what makes you think you could leave princess unsupervised without any protection you know she's not a killer" snake added.

"I thought this would be good for her, to make new friends"


"Look I only want what's best for her"

"Oh what's best for her that great, well we're getting her out of that school"

"Now wolf just wait a minute"

"That's what's best for her end of discussion" he hangs up having her sigh.

"What?" Princess was worried not only is she attending her father's class but she is forced into an assassination room where her target is her teacher, her father.

"Right let's begin roll call again" Thomas picks up a clip board.

"Slenderman" the tall figure just stared at Thomas when he calls his name.

"Jeff the killer"

"Here" he smiled while turning his eye at princess, it was enough to send a shiver down her spine.

"Sally Williams"

"Here" sally lifts up her hand holding her bear.

"Jane the killer" he ducks when she threw a knife at him.

"Eyeless jack"



"On time sir"

"Tiki Toby"





Madly press his fingers against his head and swings em.

"Ben drowned"


"Nina the killer"

"Here" she gets up reading her hand.

"The rake"

The humanoid creature scuttled over to Thomas smiling him, getting in his face raising its claws stroking Thomas's face.

Thomas smiles and pulls its claws down, "alright enough settle down"

"Bloody Mary"

A pair of hands slowly rolling up on princess shoulders, she felt a strange presence and screams.

"AH!" But she stops when she sees a the ghost of an unhappy woman who smiles at her.


"Here" she twiddles with a knife in her fingers.

"Smiling dog"

Princess turns to the dog on her right looking worried and when he turns towards her, he lets out a such creepy smile which freaked her out as she looked away.

"Bloody painter"

Princess turns around to see another masked killer, he looks at princess and paints a red smile on his mama and he waves at princess.

Nervously she waves back


Progress felt a tap and turning around she sees a demon forming a smile which made her winced.


"Here" she waves her hand eccentric

"The puppeteer"

"Here, sup babe" he rest his chin on his elbow while wining at princess.

"Hitting on a girl on the first that's low puppeteer even for you" Jane says.

"What? It's not offensive we get many pretty girls here"

"HEY!" All the girls get offended.

"Purple guy" princess turn to see a purple freak in a guard uniform and he smiled at her.


"Here" he turns to princess and lifts his hat to princess.


"HERE!!!!!!!!" She shouts behind princess causing her to jump.

"Jason the toy maker"

"Candy pop"

"Dr smiley"

"And finally my beloved daughter: princess chesterfield" Thomas sneered but in a cheery villain way like that feeling when you feel trapped in a room with a monster from your past you feel like you can't escape from.

"Okay, here's a puzzler for you: Solve for \(x\) in the equation: [ 3(2x - 4) + 5 = 19 ]"

"4.33" Dr smiley answered.

"Excellent because We started by distributing the 3 to the terms inside the parentheses, then combined like terms. After isolating the term with \(x\), we solved for \(x\) by dividing both sides by 6. The exact solution is \(x = \frac{13}{3}\), which is approximately 4.33 when expressed as a decimal-"

But as h went on, princess tries to avoid looking at her father and her creepy classmates when one of them tries to befriend her.

"Hey"smiling dog waved her but she was nervous.

Meanwhile at home, wolf was getting ready when piranha looks up at the sky.

"Hey funny"

"What is it piranha?" Wolf asked.

"Check it out, Crescent moon's up. During the day" he points.

He gets all their attention, they look up at the same time princess is looking.

"Is that the moon?" She asked.

"Amazing right" smiling dog says looking up.

"But it's day and it's it supposed to be a full moon" she stares at the moon closely.

"Diane what is going on?" Wolf asked.

"Ok there is something you should know and it involves Thomas"

"How did this happen? How did I get here?" Princess asked.

"I mean, as far as I know, it all started with-" smiling dog started.

Then Diane took over telling the bad guys, "two months ago Thomas escaped prison"

"WHAT?!" The bad guys panicked.

"Thomas escaped!" Shark shouts.

"When we're you gonna tell us" snake hissed.

"Why didn't you tell us this" wolf demanded.

"Issue listen after he escaped he went hiding in a underground lab he built in the sewers, he's been experimenting on himself, then there was the moon"

She points up to the moon having them all still clueless.

"What about the moon?" Wolf asked.

"Let me ask you something, have you all noticed something different about the moon, something off like I don't know how it's crescent shaped"

Webs eyes the moon closely and she realized something.

"One minute, it's fine, the next, kaboom" smiling dog explained.

"Permanent crescent" Diane finished.

"Thomas blew up the moon!" Wolf shouts.

"How is that even impossible!" Piranha asked.

"Like I said Thomas has been experimenting on himself to be invincible so invincible that not even you guys won't be able to stop him, it's all over the news" Diane turns on the tv.

Ahh... We interrupt our currently scheduled program for this breaking news bulletin--

This just in. A portion of the moon has been vaporized.

Some sources estimate over 70%.

I repeat: according--

Astronomers the world over are struggling to figure out

"My god" wolf muttered they were all horrified by what Thomas did.

"Yes and it's why princess needs to "assassinate him" Diane says.

"But Diane you know princess is not a killer you know that" wolf says.

"I know that"

"Then why? you know how she feels about being in the same room with him" wolf says.

"You know she's afraid of Thomas" webs says.

"I promise you someone will be there to make sure she is safe, trust me"

Wolf and snake turn to each other then they look at her suspiciously.

"What do you mean safe?" Snake asked.


"There was that, and then there was him" smiling dog says.

"Wait so you're telling me that father...blew up the moon"

Then Thomas came between them, "So, I'm the one
who blew up the moon, I attend to do next year but until then i am going to be your teacher for the next few months until then it's just gonna be me and you" he says in ominous voice.

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