New class

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It was another day in Los Angeles and another year to start the school year.

Princess was getting ready, when Diane arrived, "bye guys I'm go drop princess to school"

"Ok see ya princess"

"Bye honey"

"Bye" they all waved to her bye.

It was her first junior year of high school, a freshman, she was 16 and still young, she had put on a new uniform because she got accepted to a new school.

But as Diane drives princess realized Diane wasn't taking her to her schedule classroom.

"Uh Diane I think you got the wrong directions"

"Actually princess I know where I'm going" she takes princess to an abandoned school up a hill outside the city in the woods.

"Diane?" Princess gets worried when she sees how old the school is, busted windows and creaky walls, cow webs everywhere and dust.

"Don't worry it'll be fine I promise" Diane placed her hand on top of hers"

Believing her, princess gets out but then as Diane walks with her in the halls she takes princess to her first classroom.

"You enjoy your class today ok and be careful"

"Wait what?" But Diane left as she shuts the door.

Princess looks around and she sees a classroom filled with strange kids.

That's when she recognizes these familiar faces, they were creepypasta, one of the most deadliest kids in the world.

Ben, eyeless jack, Jane the killer, Jeff the killer, Jason the toy maker, ticci-Toby, the rake, the puppeteer, the black wolf, slender man, smiling dog, sally.

Princess was terrified as she looks at the classroom filled killers then they looked at her.

She looked at smiling dog who smiled creepy at her, "AH!0 she panicked as she fell back.

Then they all gathered around her, they seemed to leaning in close on her.

Princess starts hyperventilating like she's about to have a heart attack when she covers herself and screams: "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"

But what she saw next only surprised her, everyone held out a "welcome new student banner and one of them held up a cake with a knife stabbed right into it.

They all looked at princess confused who seems puzzled too.


"I'm sorry we didn't mean to startle you" smiling dog says.

"We just don't get that many new students here" sally says.

"You mean you aren't gonna hurt me" princess asked as she was still shaking.

"Oh no no no" eyeless jack says.

"But are you guys one of the creepypasta kids"

"We are but we're just....." smiling dog tries to explain.

"Misunderstood, you know" Jane the killer says.

"People are afraid of us before they even know us so we attack those who cross us" slender man says.

"Now, then" then their teacher came in but the teacher sounded familiar.

"Let's begin homeroom Class monitor, on your command" the teacher faces the board not looking at the students who pull guns out.

"Duck down" smiling dog whisperer to princess.

"what?" Princess had a bad feeling.

Then she duck underneath a desk and covers herself when everyone starts shooting their teacher.

But he maneuvered their bullets with flips jumps dodge and all kinds of tricks.

"Good morning. Everyone I'll be taking attendance,
so please, fire all you like"

"What kind of classroom is this?" Princess asked.

"Oh I'm sorry welcome to class E also known as the assassination classroom" smiling dog explained.


After running out of bullets, the teacher jumps down, "excellent all present and accounted for no tardío! Congratulations everyone" the teacher claps his hands.

But then as the smoke clears, princess went to see who their teacher was.

But then her eyes open wide when she saw that her teacher was: Thomas chesterfield, her father.

"Father?" She gasped.

Then everyone gasped and when Thomas saw his daughter after so many years, he smiled.

"Princess it is so good to see you again my dear, my my how you grown"

"Wait, that's your dad?" Jason asked.

"Oh no no no" princess panicked.

"I'm so glad to have you joining my class" Thomas gleamed.

"Ok now let's get back to the subject at hand here" smiling dog says, "He's way too fast. The whole class opened fire and he doesn't even have a scratch"

"Yeah" everyone muttered.

"Excuse I like to know what's going on here I wasn't told to be sent to this assassin class" princess says.

"Oh right well you see princess was it, We...are assassins And our our teacher. In other words your father, I hope there's no hard feelings"

"No luck today either eh? That's really too bad Numbers are no substitute for inventiveness, perhaps? That any hack can point a gun and pull a trigger? Some of Column A, some of Column B? I get that you're trying to cast the net as widely as possible, so to speak, but the approach lacked originality. When the target clocks at Mach 20, an assassin has to think outside the box. But I have to say princess out of all the kids in the world they would bring a nonthreatening sweet girl like you, I know you aren't a assassin so what are doing here"

"Apparently I was forced into this" then she whispered to herself, "Diane"

"Ha right Mach 20 way right" ben scoffs, "No freaking way did you dodge that hail of bullets!"

"He's got a point, I mean, these are only BBs, right?" Slender man asked.

"You coulda just taken them on the chin"

"Yeah! That's right!"

"Very well, Gather up the BBs and hand them over"

Thomas shot his own arm only for the bullet to reflect off it and hit everywhere in the room for the students to duck behind their desk.

"Any bullet can kill me but remember my arm was cut off and I replaced with a metallic substance that can crush anything" he slams his arm on the wall leaving a hole making everyone flinch.

"But I'm more concerned about you putting a classmate's eyes out especially you princess since you are going to be joining my class"

"No shooting in the classroom unless you're trying to kill me. And I do hope you can kill me—before graduation, that is. Now then, let's put away the arms and ammunition and begin class"

That last part had princess worried, so she whispered over to smiling dog.

"What on earth is he talking about" princess asked.

"Oh you didn't know, we have to kill your father before graduation or he'll destroy the world"

To be continued.....

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