Good guy or bad guy

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Princess was walking home when she heard Ryuk cackles, looking behind she noticed someone falling her.

So she pulls out her phone, "hey wolf"

Upon hearing the news, wolf gets furious and confronts L, but he wasn't the only one.

"Hey! Did You put someone on my kid?"

"We agreed that everyone with access needed to be thoroughly vetted"

"So you have someone follow our kids" the chief grabs him by the shirt.

"What? You too?" Wolf was surprised.

"Eddie called me saying he's been followed all day, do you have any idea how many privacy you are invading that's my son"

"And my daughter"

"I did not see it prudent to have you investigate yourself"

"What? We're not talking about investigating me. Or the chief We're talking about having our kids followed!"

"I investigated you and the chief, prior to offering my assistance and concluded you are not Kira. As for your son and daughter they may have access to databases
around which we have centered our search. Therefore, deserves the same scrutiny as anyone else that fits that criteria"

"No, she's a kid!" Wolf says.

"And my son would never get involved, I would know I'm his mother"

"Yes. A particularly bright kid"

"You know what? If you had any questions about my daughter, you should've come to me"

"Here you go"

Princess rides with Eddie in the Ferris wheel to get away.

"Even if they're suspicious, I don't see how they can prove it" princess says.

"I think we just go quiet until they stop following us" Eddie says.

"What do you mean "go quiet"?"

"I mean we should stop with the Death Note just for awhile"

"Are you bloody joking there are people who are like my father done horrible things, I'm not gonna let a detective stop me?"

"Come on, princess. Just get rid of them. All we need is a name" ryuk says.

"No way, I'm not gonna do that"

"Not gonna do what?" Eddie asked.

"Sorry I was talking to Ryuk"

"I like you princess you have wonderful ideas. It's your boyfriend that's getting in the way"

"What'd he say?"

"Ryuk? Not much."We're good guys ok"

"Yeah They're trying to stop us. We don't kill innocent people, princess"

"Yes I do know that, Even if I wanted to, which I don't-"

"taking out the guy following us will only indicate that who Kira really is, You'd have to get rid of all the agents, regardless of who they're following"

"They wouldn't know who it was, but they'd know what happens when you with Kira"

"Can't believe you're saying this"

"Cant believe you're not"

"Look it's my book but I'm not saying I want to kill those people, I won't even do it"

"Then do it for me ok"

""Alright fine we'll lay low for a few days just til this blows over and it'll all seem like a bad dream"

"Kira has been strangely inactive of late, something authorities are eager to point to as evidence their investigation is gaining momentum. However, Kira supporters have begun to criticize police for suppressing its activities, as a small but noticeable spike in global crime has become apparent in the absence of recent activities from the phenomena"

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I've got some homework to do I'll see you tomorrow"

"Alright bye"

"Director Pearl. These just came in from the field offices. Tell them to keep surveillance on all the potential--"

"Assistant Director Pearl is dead. Heart attack, just now"

"We need to contact every FBI agent on their team"

"This is Franks"

"Agent Franks, your team has been compromised.
Drop what you're doing and get to the nearest hospital. Right now. Agent Franks? Agent Franks, can you hear me?"

Trentemoller's "Deceive" playing when the agents commit suicidal by jumping off a high building.

Wolf and the chief were watching the news, "Twelve FBI agents mysteriously commit suicide. Some sources say it was the work of Kira. This is the first time
Kira has attacked law enforcement"

Wolf was furious as much as princess was, "that bloody wanker"

"Whoa why can you Slow down for one second?"

"He did it! Son of a- he killed them"


"There's so many rules in that thing! There must be some kind of loophole"

"And What's he gonna do if you go after him? Maybe you just need to take a minute and relax and see if this was the best thing that could've happened"

"No if he comes after our family it's over, and I'll be dam if I'm gonna end being an orphan again, Ryuk!" She returns to her room.

"You think I'm some dog, princess? You can just snap your fingers and I'll come running? Like own of your British dogs"

"Did you kill those FBI agents?"

"What do you think?"

"I decide who dies, you obey me. Those are the rules"

"Who do you think wrote the rules?"

"Ok I'm sorry but Whose side are you on?"

"There are no sides, only the game. And I knew eventually you wouldn't be able to handle playing.
I asked politely, but you didn't hear me. Let the note go. Look at the strife it's causing you and your little boyfriend. Let me find it a new home. We'll be free of each other"

"I'm not gonna give the note to you or anybody else,
and if you mess with me again, I'm gonna put your name in it" but Ryuk laughs]

"You could try. But I warn you, there are four letters in my name. Most anyone's ever gotten were two. Mm"

Later on, princess was doing some thinking while watching a horror movie with Eddie.

" We interrupt this to take you live to an announcement..."

"Uh princess you might wanna see this"

"What the blooming blazes is he doing?" She sees wolf on tv.

" Mr wolf, local head of the Kira investigation"

"Bloody hell"

"Those of you that harbored any illusions about what Kira really is, the cold-blooded murder of a dozen FBI agents should lay bare his true nature. Kira is a cowardly criminal thug concerned only with self-preservation. Not only is he unworthy of the veneration and celebration he's received in certain circles, as of today, he's not even worthy of our fear.
Understand this, Kira. You may strike me down, but another one will stand up and take my place"

"Why would he do that? He's forcing Kira to retaliate"Eddie says.

"...and another for as long as need be. We will not waiver"

"Because he's not afraid"

"We will not submit. And we will not fail"

"In local news the ex millionaire Thomas chesterfield has announced from the police that due to good behavior he is going to be released from prison immediately"

"What? You got to be blood joking me, ugh"princess was furious.

"Well this is gonna be one awkward family reunion huh princess? Princess?"

"Where is it?" Then he sees taking the book to write down Thomas name.

"Whoa What? Are you out of your mind?"

"That's my blooming dad! And I'll be dam if I'm gonna let him be released"

"Look I know you wanted to kill your dad ever since what he did to you but look what happened, your other dad Mr wolf just dared us to kill him on live television" he takes the book away.

"You really think I'm gonna kill the only man who raised me the only true father I have left, you Think people are gonna be on their knees if he can talk to Kira like that?"

"Princess This is over! Ryuk tricked us! We're not the good guys anymore"

"Either Kira stands up or they hunt us down. I'm not gonna stand by and see my old father hunt me or my family ever again"

"Princess I know you want justice for you and your family but if you kill Thomas right now, it'll lead them to us, is that what you want"

"No, I don't know"

"Just try to think rationally and we'll find another time or kill your dad, he won't get away with this I can promise you that"

"Well said, Mr wolf. Tell me, are you truly ready to give your life?" L approach him.

"If that's what it takes"

"How long will it take him to decide, I wonder?"

By the time he came home he finds a distressed and distraught princess on the stairs.

"Hey, What's going on? Are you ok"

She ran to him and hugs wolf very tight, which he returned the hug back.

Then the mood was ruined by his phone ringing, "Let me take this sweetie. Wolf"

"This is L. Just making sure you hadn't died"

"Still here and breathing"

"Excellent. Carry on"

"I'm really proud of you" princess tells him.

"Understand this, Kira. You may strike me down..."


"...but another will take my place."

"Mr wolf precious princess is Kira"

"And another and another..."

"How long since you've slept?"

"...for as long as need be"

"Thirty-one hours"

"We will not waiver. We will not submit"

"Sleep is key to strong thought"

"Trust me"

"And we will not fail"

"Nothing's gonna change once I wake up"

He meets princess in the library where she reads on myths and legends, she gets surprised by him.

"Hello, princess"

"Oh, um...hello, You're the guy. You're L"

"Yeah, well, it's not my real name. But I'm sure you're painfully aware of that"

"What are you doing here?"

"Following a lead. You?"

"Um... I was just... I'm leaving"

"I wonder if it was a difficult decision"

"If what was a difficult decision?"

"Sparing your father's life"

"Sorry, what are you talking about?"

"You must've known it would implicate you, yet you couldn't bring yourself to do it. I'll admit, I always wondered if you had a line. I guess it's fortunate for us,
the line you finally decided to draw points so clearly in your direction"

"So you really think I'm Kira"

"No, I know it"

"If you're so sure, why haven't you just arrested me?"

"Because I don't do check, princess. Only checkmate.
But we'll be there soon enough"

"Great. Well Until then, enjoy the gelato. Assuming you can eat through that thing. And I'll just, uh..."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. How do you think he does it? Kira"

"I was hoping you could shed some light on that for me. I have a theory. I think that it's some form of remote viewing coupled with maybe some latent
psychic ability of some sort. Am I close?"

"So you really have no idea, do you?"

"Well, I have several ideas. Eventually, you'll tell me
which is correct"

"What if it turned out that all arresting Kira did
was give that power to someone else, someone potentially much worse"

"You're suggesting the ability is somehow transferable"

"I'm suggesting maybe what you and the person you're after want isn't so different. Maybe they're as ready
to see the killing end as you are. And if that were true,
perhaps now would be a good time to start helping them



You know what I think, Light?

I think you want to make a deal.

Good deals are made by those

in a position of strength.

Criminals, such as yourself,

never make those deals.

What they do is wait until they're caught

and then they beg.

I'm not begging.

I'm telling you that you don't understand.

Let me put this in terms

you're more familiar with.

A man kills 400 people.

He tells us that it's complicated,

that he's misunderstood.

Do you think that Kira would hear

his excuses or walk him off a bridge?

Think you're better than me,

but you're trying to kill Kira!

-Kira, Kira, Kira!

-I do not kill, Light!

I don't even carry a gun,

it's distracting.

What I do is bring people to justice.

But the form it takes is their own making.

A consequence of their actions, not mine.

You're the one who flew into the sun.

I'm just here to make sure

you actually burn.

Well, if that's how it has to be.

-It is, Light!

You know that as well as I do.

There are no draws in this game.

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