Who is kira

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Then it gets worst when wolf has to take on the case.

"So wait, you're taking the Investigation, since when?" Princess asked.

"Because I just got added last week"

"And you are telling me this now because...."

"Knowing you'd have this sort of calm and thoughtful response, I can't imagine why I didn't bring it up sooner"

"Alright then"

"The governor thinks this Kira person is a threat as long as others but personally....terrorists killing each other and criminals turning themselves in I think it makes our jobs easier, heck I'm grateful for this Kira person but some say, "How does Kira get to decide who lives and dies, who's guilty and innocent?
Is there a complaints department if I don't like one of Kira's decisions? Or would complaining get me put on Kira's list?"

"Is that what everybody at the station thinks?"

"Well, it's safe to say I'm ahead of the curve on that one. Hey, how do I look?"


"All right. See you this afternoon"

wolf goes to the chief's office, "you wanna see me"

"Yeah Just got a call from the FBI. Apparently, they got someone who wants to speak with you. Personally I have no problem with this Kira person, heck they made my job so much easier"

"Tell me about it And who is that?"

"They're not really saying. Just said he helped them out before and he's got a theory on the Kira situation"

"I just got the case. What does he want?"

"I have no idea. They said he's a little different. In fact, they'll probably send a representative..."

"Detective wolf?" They turned to see a man. "I am to meet with wolf, local head of the Kira investigation,
in his office at 9:00 a.m"

The chief and wolf look at each other then wolf approaches him.

"Yeah that's me, What can I do for you?"

"I am Watari"

"You know Cops don't like it when you go after other cops, but, apparently, they hate it when you go after their god"

"They support Kira?"

"Kira's doing away with the "Most Wanted" list.
These guys wanna throw him a parade. But now that rumor has it Kira's a cop, it's in my world"

"The idea that Kira is associated with law enforcement is not a rumor. It is a fact, uncovered by the individual I work with"

"Oh, yeah, and who's that?"

"He goes by the letter "L."

"L is real?"

"You're familiar?"

"Yeah, I hear things. That giant smuggling ring
in Eastern Europe, practically handed to police on a platter."

"L would like to speak with you regarding the Kira investigation"

"Okay. When?"

"Right now"

They chat through a computer but only he sees the letter of his name.

"Hmm, Detective wolf"

"What is this?"

"A one-time offer. I'd like to assist you in the capture of Kira"

"Why me? The FBI, CIA have hundreds of men on this"

"I've been in communication with Interpol and the FBI, but I believe you have something they do not"

"What's that?"

"An in-depth understanding of potential suspects"

"Why would I have a better understanding? The FBI thinks the killer is operating out of Japan"

"Because of the name Kira"

"Ah, but the name is an intentional misdirection.
He wants us to believe that he's Japanese, operating a half a world away. He's not" he starts eating candy.

"Kira's in Seattle. Shall we help one another?"

Meanwhile in princess school, she sees a boy tearing down the decorations for the winter formal dance, she was walking with Eddie.

The two were annoyed by the behavior so she writes his name and has the boy fall down the stairs.

They meet up in the computer lab where princess finds something.

"Justice for the Wicked." What is this?" Eddie asked.

"It's a site for Kira worshipers. They put up names of people that deserve to die"


"I know right"

"Rapists, pedophiles, human trafficking, murder"

"This guy killed four people in a house fire" princess syas.

"I don't know. How do we know that it's real?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if somebody killed your girlfriend and you put him on the list to kill him?"

"What would you do if some guy killed me?"

"Oh, I'd kill him"

"Yeah? But that is the reason why we can't kill people based on website rumors"

"It's not like that Eddie These are real people with real problems, and they've been ignored. They need our help. My help"

Wolf has meet L in a secret location, "Figured you'd be older And that I'd be able to see more of your face"

"Yes, well, I find I'm not in a very trusting mood these days. I took the liberty of moving your evidence to a more secure location"

"Oh, I can see that. Why? Were you gonna let me know or...?" Then someone hands him a candy bar.

"Wow, this is very, very impressive, Mr MOE wolf.
Your men must be proud"

"Ask your partner how my friends think about me these days"

"So you did all of this yourself? Even more impressive"

"Actually no I had help with my friends"

"Please, wolf, have a seat. Rest your glutes Mm-mmm. You've made two mistakes. This is zero day, Kira's first recorded murders. But previously, on April 15th,
convicted felon James W. Brode had taken his wife and children hostage. I remember that. You think that was Kira?"

"Initial speculation was that his behavior was drug-related, but lost in the ensuing crush of Kira activities
was the fact that Brode's toxicology had come back clean. The stand-off had never made national news,
and it was only broadcast on local Seattle stations"

"So that's how you knew he was here"

"I infiltrated your network in order to ensure that there hadn't been a data breach. Prior to my access,
the network was intact"

"Did you just hand me evidence you hacked the Seattle P.D.?"

"I handed you evidence your web friend miss tarantula
that whoever Kira is, they have access to the database
from the inside"

"Kira's one of ours. Here's a cross-reference list
of officers and their access as well as the dates of Kira activities. The Federal Administration has agreed
to make resources available to us. We can begin seeing
who was where when."

"And What exactly are you gonna do?"

"I'd like to start by speaking with Kira"

"And how are you gonna do that?"

L Came on the news, princess was doing homework when Eddie calls her.


"Hey princess, you might wanna see this, turn on the news"

"Why? what's wrong?"

"The individual known as Kira, as I'm sure you're aware, has taken credit for over 400 deaths"

"Bloody hell"

"While we don't know how he kills his victims, we do know how he chooses them. Prior to these deaths,
all of the victims have had their identities released to the media. This would suggest that Kira is not some omnipotent force. He's a person... like you or me.
He is also a coward. A child wielding power he does not understand, mistakenly believing in doing so,
he's at no risk to himself. He's wrong. Kira, if you're watching this, know that I am coming for you. Unless, of course, you'd like to kill me right now"

Princess was threatened when behind her, ryuk laughed.

"Now I'm rooting for this guy"

"Would you shut the bloody hell up?"

"No? Well, in that case, Kira, I shall be meeting you face-to-face very shortly"

"Who does this guy think he is?" Eddie asked.

But she wasn't the only was furious, wolf confronts L

"What the heck was that?"

"I have a theory. Kira cannot kill by simply sight alone.
He needs a name and a face. Every victim we've seen so far fits this pattern"

"So you antagonize him on purpose?"

"While withholding my identity from the record. Now, we know that he wants to kill me but is unable"

"And what if you're wrong?"

"Then, wolf, I'd be dead. Either way, we'll have gained
valuable information"

"He always pull this kind of stuff?"

Later that night, princess hears her family arguing over what happened.

"Is he crazy"

"Who does this guy thinks he is"

So princess approached wolf, "hey"

"Oh hey princess" wolf smiles with everyone actually casual.

"Hey, sorry to bother you"

"It's alright we were just-"

"Talking" snake smiled.

"Yeah that's right talking, do what's up, everything ok"

"Everything is fine, You guys getting close to catching Kira?"

Then wolf frowns, "Oh, I'd say the haystack's down
to a hay pile. Still a lot of hay"

"I saw the press conference today. Who's that guy on TV with the turtleneck?"

"You like that look? Snake thinking of taking it himself"

"I think I might pull it off"


" he Goes by L. He's an independent investigator"

"Wow, so you don't even know his real name"

"Yeah right" webs chuckles with piranha joining in only to get an annoyed look from wolf.

"About the only thing I know is he's got some handler named Watari. Really likes ice cream. He's connected an awful lot of dots"

"Do you think he's connected the dots because he's Kira?"

"I don't think so sweetie. He has a history of cracking big cases. Besides, I think you can tell when you're
sitting across from a killer like Kira"

"Right. Of course. What happens when they catch Kira? Just out of curiosity"

"Well... he's murdered over 400 people, so, my guess...
it's probably gonna be a fight between those who want to hang him and those who want to dissect him
and figure out how he did it"

Then they noticed how distraught she looked, "You okay?" Shark touched her shoulders.

"Oh Yeah. I'm fine"

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