The birth of kira

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On the news a man jump off the bridge after he held up an apology note on some cardboard for the chief which she saw.

"That man attack my mom and now I finally got vengeance for her" Eddie says.

"The note was filled with names when I got it. Whoever had it before us, what did they accomplish? Just small-time killings, revenge, petty crimes? I think we can do a lot more than just settle some random scores"

"How about this guy?" Eddie says while they go through the criminal database.

They look up on a military leader named: Jin hwang, for his death, princess choose electrocution. In which Jin electro himself during interrogation.

"I don't want people to say they're scared of it or horrified"

"What do you want them to say?"

"I want them to say... "Thank you."

"Look at those people. They're a bunch of sheep"

"No, they're not. They're looking for someone who's not gonna let them down the way cops do and politicians"

"And that's why they have you"

"It's bigger than me. It's bigger than us. What they a god. So let's give it to them. Let's give them a god, let's make a name for her. A god that never lets anybody down. It's not gonna solve a few crimes, it's gonna solve all crime"

"A god that scares the live out of the bad guys
until they don't want to be bad anymore?"

"A god who inspires hope that things can actually change"

"How about Kira?" Eddie suggests.

"Kira? What does that mean?"

"It means "light" in Russian and Celtic It also sort of means "killer" in Japanese, so if they're looking,
it's gonna be on the wrong continent"

So the birth of Kira spread like a disease, "Who or what is Kira? That's the question facing baffled investigators today as death row inmates in six different continents were found dead in their cells.
Each victim left behind the same message written in perfect Japanese"

"It reads, "Lord Kira has returned to punish the wicked." None of the victims actually spoke Japanese..."

Eddie would research any criminals worth killing and princess would write their death.

"I think I got one"

"Reports are that the previously elusive leader of the terrorist movement blew himself up in front of his men, Kira is apparently behind the bizarre deaths"

Then they moved on to Seattle police department, "Five members of the cartel apparently threw themselves in front of an oncoming train Kira is responsible for all of these acts that are happening right now"

"The globalists will have you believe that Kira's the New World Messiah here to right the wrongs of our time. This is another bid by the super elites to sweep the rug from under us and shape our reality by what can only be described as one of the greatest false flag
operations in the history of covert ops"

"Fear they will be punished by Kira has led to a series of wanted criminals literally turning themselves in"

"Kira's had a bigger impact on crime than anything I've seen. I don't wanna say our job's gotten easier,
but look around you"

Princess has made an impact to the police and around the world....but little did she knew, her actions will soon drawn the attention to something much bigger.

"News out of Japan tonight where Kira has apparently struck again. More than a dozen were found dead in a Tokyo nightclub, a scene authorities described as "incredibly gruesome." What can anyone tell us about Kira? And perhaps, more importantly, can anyone stop it? And should they?"

Kira's actions draw the attention of enigmatic international detective L.

"It makes no sense. The Nakamuras and the Inagawas
have had a truce for over ten years. How would Kira even know about them?"

"Because I tipped him off"


"I've had access to law enforcement databases for some time. I've been seeding the names of obscure criminals, waiting for a hit. And now... we know who we're looking for"

He gets in a car with his friend, a thing about L, he eats candy.

"How long since you've slept?"

"Forty-one hours"

"And you're certain of your conclusions?"

"Yes" hums softly.

"The insulin spike from the candies will focus your mind for final consideration. When it fades, you will sleep for one hour. Wear these to properly prepare
your body clock" he hands L some special glasses.

"I've been contemplating several different strategies.
I honestly don't know that I'll be able to sleep"

"Sleep is key to strong thought"

"Yes. Would you mind singing a song for me?"

"Of course. You're out of the woods You're out of the dark You're out of the night Step into the sun, step into the light Keep straight ahead For the most glorious place" voice seems to fades and echoing away when they arrived at a plane.

"On the face of the Earth and the sky Hold onto your breath Hold onto your heart Hold onto your hope
Walk up to the gate and let it open"

L arrives in Los Angeles, deduces Kira is a Seattle-based student with close ties to the police and indirectly concludes Kira can only kill by knowing the name and face of their victim.

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