The rules

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Later after the incident, princess returned home but she had a horrid by what she saw.

But when she entered, her family approached her after hearing what happened.

"Hey you ok?" Wolf gets up but she had her face looking away, she didn't wanted him see her like this, "we heard what happened with that kid at school, was he a friend of yours"

" he wasn't"

"Oh good"

"Listen I rather not talk about it...I'm just-I'm just gonna go to bed" she walks upstairs.

"You wanna us to tuck you in?" Shark and piranha approach her.

"Oh no no no, I'm fine I just-I need to be alone" she stops them and heads to her room.

Leaving everyone looking up concerned for her.

"I can't stand seeing her like this" shark was the first to spoke.

"Can't imagine what's she's going through?" Piranha added.

"Poor kid" webs says.

"Can't say I blame her, she is probably going through a lot right lot, I would want some space too if I was her" snake said.

"Ok guys just relax I'm sure she's fine, she probably needs some time to take this all in, some alone time"

"Speaking of which how's our good friend Antony Skomal" webs asked.

It was a case wolf was working on, "not so well, reporters say he brought the court so now he's a free man"


"Aw man"

"You can't be serious"

"You got to kidding me" they all complained.

"Yep" wolf says.

"And there's nothing we can do about it" snake says.

"Nope Nothing at"

"Well thats just great"

But upstairs princess overheard and she sneaks in wolf's office and takes his file of Antony Skomal.

Then in her room as she studies his face, she takes out the book.

"Rule 64: Each page of the note contains the power of the whole note. Rule 95: Anyone may write names in the note, but only the keeper can possess it for more than seven days." Bloody hell, How many rules does it take to..." but then she finds something sinister in the pages.

"Don't trust Ryuk.

He is not your pet.

He is not your friend."

Thunder rumbles and she jumped, she turned to see her closet door open wide.

Worried, as she carefully approached it, she takes an apple from her bag and throws it in the closet.

She heard crunching sounds and the eaten apple gets thrown back to her.

"Hey, kid"

"AH!" She falls back when she saw he was behind her.

"It's pronounced Ree-yook"

"Ryuk. Oh. Sorry. Hi. Sorry for the mispronunciation. But sir-Mr-uh-Ryuk, what exactly can I do with this Death Note?"

"What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well, it says that I can specify the manner of death.
If I can choose how they die, does that mean I can actually control them?"

"Every human spends the last moments of his life in the shadow of a death god If we so desire, we can influence those moments. There are, of course, limitations. Rule 20: A subject can be influenced for no more than two days leading up to his death." Two days?"

"Bloody hell Your fingers are huge"

"Rule 28: Each death must be physically possible,"
so no shark attacks while someone's on the toilet" it made her laugh a bit.

"As much as I love that idea"

"Uh, I hope you don't mind we asking but....where did it come from?"

"The history of the note is as long as history itself"

"But who gave it to me? I mean, did you give it to me?"

"The last keeper of the note passed away. It fell to me to find a new one"

"But What if I didn't want it?"

"You may pass it on. Or better yet, I will"

"How would you do that?"

"I told you! When the note is separated from the keeper for seven days, I find a new one"

"So...Who wrote those warnings about you in the margins?"

"Oh, is that what we're gonna do with the note, little princess? Rules and warnings?"

"I have to be sure I can trust"

"The name and the face is all you have to have" he says as he catches looking at a picture of Antony Skomal.

So having no request, she wrote his name and death, Antony Skomal was celebrating having dinner with friends.

But who would thought it would be his last one, a woman knocked over a salt shaker and as a waiter was distracted.

He slipped ram into Antony Skomal and impaled himself with a steak knife.

Everyone was stunned when he spits out his own blood.

Then next morning, wolf gets a call, "hello?  Yeah, no, it's fine. What's going on? Say that again. You gotta be kidding me. All right, yeah. I'll see you in a bit. All right"

He knocks on princess door who was asleep on her bed.

The sound woke her up and she realized she had the book wide open.

"Hey. It's me"

"Hey, uh, one second" she panicked and hides the book in her bag.

"Come in" she acts casually.

"Hey, what you up to?"

"Uh, oh nothing just accidentally fell asleep early"

"I just got a call. Do you remember Antony Skomal"

"That creep?"

"Yes, apparently he is no more. Impaled himself on a steak knife in the middle of a restaurant.

"Oh...oh dear" she acted surprised.

"Yeah. I know right"

"You seem happy"

"Well that creep had it coming when he was eyeing you
But you know that old saying: Karma's a b*tch. Anyway I got Love you, honey"

"I love you, too"

Wheh he left, ryuk appeared and he chuckled it was then princess realized she had the choose people's death...but only the bad ones.

She heads to school, but gym, she took the time to go into the book.

"Go, go! Yeah! Watch your feet!"

Thats when Eddie approached her, "hey You ok?"

"Uh, what? Oh yeah I'm fine, are you ok"

"Oh yeah I'm great,  It's terrible what happened to Kenny" he sat besides her in his gym clothes.

"You don't have to lie. Kenny was a sociopath,
and just because he's dead does not make it a tragedy"

"Right. Yeah he was a jerk I just wish I'd seen it. I heard his head spun all the way around"

"Actually, his head exploded into a million pieces. In case you're wondering" but he can see on her face...she saw..

"You saw it?"


Then he noticed the book in her hands, "what's that?"

"Oh it's nothing"

"Death Note"? What is it?"

"Uh, I can't tell you"

"Why not"

"Do you really want to know?"


"Okay, then I'll tell you. I just...Follow me"

They head to a private room, the library, she hands him the book for him to see.

"Is this a new horror story"

"When you see him, try not to freak out" she looks around for him.

"Well I'm a little freaked out now. Wait. See... who?"

And when she looked back at Eddie, she jumped to see he was right behind him.

"What's wrong?"

"Behind you"

"Huh?" He turns but doesn't see anything, "there's no one there are you feeling ok?" He was concerned about her.

"What?" She muttered.

"Only the keeper of the note can see me"

"The human whose name is written in this note... shall die."

"Kinda dark?"

"Um, will you just read the last entry?"

"Kenny Doyle decapitation"? Oh gee, princess? Did-did-"

"I have, and... I'm gonna sound crazy Eddie, but I have a death god"

But Eddie just stares at her, "and if you don't believe me, you are gonna want to see this"

They head to the computer lab and watch a live crime cam.

"Authorities received a 911 call..."

"Okay, i can work with that"

"..overheard a violent argument between Mr. Brode and his ex-wife earlier today"

Then princess starts writing in the book.

"Things escalated, as several gunshots were also heard,
and the situation is still unfolding. Authorities are standing by. Seattle police and Seattle SWAT trying to de-escalate the situation"

"This is live coverage of the hostage situation.

"Okay. Now Watch Eddie"

"Police are now confirming the hostages!are Brode's ex-wife and children"

"Hope you know what you're doing" she looks back at ryuk.

"With his violent history, police are hesitant about moving in on this situation"

James steps out of the store with wife and holds a gun to her hair.

"You stupid b*tch! You f***ing stay there, you snot-nose little douchebag!"

"It appears that James Brode is exiting the storefront"

Eddie is puzzled at first...

"It looks like he has released her. That's definitely a good sign"

He salutes to them before getting run over by a truck, Eddie winced by it.

"Oh my god!"

"Oh, my goodness"

"Uh, folks, we are trying to get more information. I hope no children were watching this. This is obviously very upsetting footage. In case you're just tuning in,
the man holding his family hostage just saluted to cameras before being run over by a rogue SWAT truck.
We apologize for these disturbing images..."

"I killed him" she says to Eddie. "I guess I should feel guilty, but I don't"

"That woman and her kids are only alive right now because of what you did. What is there to feel guilty about?"

"Thing is, I know what it's like to be feared from men like them, because of what my own father did to me, until I got this book. I just keep thinking, I mean,
why should it just be for me? I mean, all the people that make life miserable, make life dangerous...I can reach them now. Do you think that I'm crazy?"

"If anything, I think you're not crazy enough. We could change the world"

"We"? Like "we" as... as in us?"

"Yeah we're in this together since kindergarten right" he placed his hand on top of hers.


"We're getting an update live...The police are extremely hesitant..."

"Eddie is there one person that ever wrong you or your mom"

"Well I do know one guy" he takes the book and starts writing down.

Then back in her room when her parents were gone, they made out on her bed.

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