Monty's Golf and Underneath the Fazbear Theater

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They made it out and ended up near the door to Roxy's green room, but unaware that they were going to get an unexpected surprise from an old foe.

Foxy was back and was behind them and following them for revenge.

there they hear Roxy crying in front of her mirror. They quickly step back to avoid her.

"Who's there? It's nothing. Don't get distracted! Get back out there!" Roxy said as she walks out of her room.

Wolf looks around then he gets an idea, he puts princess back into Glamrock Freddy's stomach hatch, against snake wishes.

Snake checks his watch to see it's 3:30 now.

They use the vent in the Freddy's room to get into Chica's room. They crawl as fast as they can before the music man toy could catch them.

They made it into Chica's room. Piranha then sees a present and opens it to find the Party Pass.

"Freddy! I found the party pass!" Piranha said.

"Well done." Glamrock Freddy said.  Suddenly, they heard that moon animatronic laughing.

"Oh great! That horrible moon thing again!" Shark said.

"No that can't be right, we destroyed him" wolf said.

"How Can he still be alive" snake hissed.

"Quick, find a recharge station. You should be able to see their locations on the map." Glamrock Freddy said.

"No it's time to end this" snake says as he finds a axe on the wall  and takes it.

Webs checked her watch to see the time, it is 3:56 AM.

When they exit the room and as moondrop came by, he chopped off his head again, then continue on their way.

Shark checks his watch to see it's now 4:00 AM.

"Bad guys, that party pass is very special. It will let you into the Fazer Blast or Monty Golf. However, it could only be used once." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Great. How do we use?" Snake said.

"Just give it to a Party bot. They usually stay in front of the attractions collecting Party Passes. If you have one, it will let you in I have marked both locations on your map." Glamrock Freddy said. The bad guys now had to decide on which attraction they should go to... Fazer Blast or Monty Golf? Tough decision.

"Uh huh and how Can trust you" snake said.

"Come on snake, he's just trying to help us" Wolf said.

"Oh yeah and how do we know he's not just trying to play us, for all we know he could be just like the others" snake said.

"Look just because you're so edgy with animatronics on a count of what happened to you on your birthday when you were a kid that doesn't mean you should lash out of him " Wolf argued.

"I just don't see why we should trust him" Snake argued.

"He's trying to help and all you're is acting like he's the bad" wolf argued back.

Just then princess open the hatched after hearing what wolf said about snake's past, she watches the fight but then she turns around and her ears drop and eyes looking terrified.

"Uh wolf, snake" she whimpered.

Then they all turned to see foxy staring at them, they didn't move, all they did was stare horrifying then he starts to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Quickly get to Monty golf, you'll be safe there" Freddy has he Takes princess out and handed him back to wolf.

"Great! Good idea!" Wolf said as they headed up stairs and go down to Monty Golf, as foxy chased after them, went to distract foxy, wolf handed her to shark.

By the entrance elevator, a party bot was there, piranha then gave the pass to the bot. It allows them to enter. They go into the elevator and go down. As they do, they hear Montgomery Gator's voice in elevator.

"Welcome to Monty's Gator Golf - Home of the Hurricane Hole-In-One! We are currently closed for the night. Come back soon!" Monty said.

"Look for the Security Office in the back hallway. Since there is no flash photography allowed in Monty Golf, Faz Cams are often confiscated here. Mainly because they are only sold in Monty Golf. It is a very clever marketing plan." Glamrock Freddy said while he goes after foxy.

"Huh? Interesting." Webs said.

"Be careful Freddy" princess said.

"Oh, I can't wait to see how this place looks!" Shark said. The door opens and the bad guy look amazed to see the golf course room. It was a green swampy alligator themed room.

"Whoa, this place is awesome!" Webs said.

"It looks like we're in a swamp." Piranha said.

"This is so cool! So much detail in this place." Shark said, "it's gator-tastic" shark says. Then he puts princess down and she walks up to shake, he takes her paw in his tail.

"I gotta say, this place is quite something. Right, princess ?" Wolf said, he looks down to see her smiling.

"Yes, But let's focus, we need to find get out of here" snake said.

"Why I like it here, we took just chill here and play a few rounds of golf" shark says.

"It reminds me of home in the Amazon river"piranha says.

they explored the golf course looking for the security office.

"Expect for one problem guys, monty" webs says.

Then shark grabs a golf club and pretends to swing it.

They then a a food joint called Monty's Gator Grub. They went inside and used the back door to get to the office.

"The security office is nearby. You might want to look around the office and see if there's a way to stop Monty from hurting you." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Will do." Wolf said. They finally found the security office. As they did, the alarm went off.

"Oh relax it's not like he's here" shark says as opens a door and sees Monty roaring at them.

"Bad guys! They know you are all here. Get the security upgrade and get out!" Glamrock Freddy said.

"AH" shark screamed as he slams the door and runs.

Wolf opened the Freddy head and gets the security badge when they hear Shark screaming, snake opens a present and sees a another Freddy themed camera.

"Keep in mind that it will not work on Monty, due to his sunglasses." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Snake complained.

"There's got to be another way to defeat him" wolf says.

Then Piranha finds another present and opens it, inside is a Mazercise Ticket.

"You found the Mazercise ticket! Now you can enter Mazercise." Glamrock Freddy said.

Then shark came in, shutting the door behind them screaming, "we got company" shark says.

"Works for me" piranha says.

"Let's go" wolf says.

"Snake picks up princess and carried her.

They then sneak out avoiding Monty and the security bots in the golf course. They finally made it back to the elevator.

"Phew! That was close." Shark said.

"Now we have to head to this "Mazercise" place." Snake said.

"I think I remember seeing it on the highest floor." Piranha said, "I been there a dozen times today" he scratched the back of head feeling embarrassed.

They exit the elevator and head up to the highest floor while they avoid the bots and Roxy.

They arrived in front of the room where the bot was. Piranha gives it the pass and it lets them enter.

"Welcome to Mazercise! Work off the calories while you eat. Sign up for a membership pass today! Super cool perks include discounts on pizza, nachos, fries, and cookies! Now that's the smell of fitness!" Chica said.

"Oooh boy, sounds delicious, we Might be able grab a bite here." Piranha said as he rubs his hands together and licks his lips.

They look around to find what they need here. They find the back door and go in while staying out of sight from the security bot. They enter a room with buttons and controls.

But then snake noticed princess looking sleepy and feels cold.

"I know your tired princess" snake said, "but try to stay awake, we're almost out of here okay..., princess"

He then felt that she wasn't moving, he stops and puts her down.

"Princess?, guys guys stop, I think there's something wrong with princess"

They all stopped and surrounded princess as they bend down and saw how she was barely breathing.

"Princess?" Wolf called toon her but she didn't answer, "princess!" He shakes her shoulders trying to wake her.

"Oh no guys when's the last time she ate" wolf asked.

"I don't know" piranha says.

"The last time she ate was when we had that pizza delivered to us after her birthday cake" shark says, "which was I think 8 or 10 hours ago"

"Oh no" wolf says as they looked at each other with worried.

"She must have low blood sugar, we need to get her something to eat, quick does anyone have a candy bar or something" wolf says.

"No" shark says as he goes to his pockets.

"Nope" webs says.

"Sorry hermano" piranha says.

Wolf quickly panicking, picks up princess and holds her, he felt her slumped on his chest, he can barely hear her breathing.

"We need to find a vending machine or something" wolf says.

"I think this place has a snack bar" piranha says.

"Ok let's go" wolf says, "piranha lead us where the snack bar is"

"You got it hermano" piranha says as he leads them through the maze.

And after running in the maze, it lead them to the snake bar.

Wolf had laid princess on the counter to check is she was still breathing.

While shark finds some snack, the best he could do is find some cookies and a candy bar.

"Stay with us princess" wolf said.

"I got something" shark says then they all help her chew and swallow the sweet confections down.

"There we go" webs says.

"Eat up princess" shark said.

And after princess eats the candy bars, she regains conscious and webs sees a panel with buttons and switches.

"Huh, These buttons change the maze. I wonder what the right combination is?" Webs said. She then flips the switch on the wall.

"According to that message, one of the S.T.A.F.F. bots brought the key to the Superstar Theater. The entrance is located in the Daycare." Glamrock Freddy said as he was get beaten by foxy.

"Okay, I guess we're going back there, even though we were banned." Webs said as the bad guys walk up to her, wolf was carrying princess.

They then worked their way back to the Daycare. After passing the security bots, they make it to the Theater. They go down further into the theater. They finally made it to the bottom floor, but when they got there, they saw endos again deactivated.

"Oh no! Not these guys again!" Wolf said.

"Relax, they're deactivated. Let's just get that key." Webs said.

They began to explore looking for that key. After going through many rooms, they find a dressing room and piranha found a present with the Mazercise Control Key.

"Yes, I found it." Piranha said, he then checked his watch and saw that it is 4:30 AM now. They then headed back outside only to find that the endos have been activated.

"Oh, no! Now what?" Shark asked.

"Run back up the stairs!" Wolf said. As they did, the endos started to follow them.

Princess finally woke up and saw the window catching up to them, she takes the faz cam.

"Say Cheese!" She said as she flashes the cam at them.

The flash deactivated them temporary. This gave them the chance to go back up. They only have two hours left, they might be able to survive.

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