Trapped in Parts & Service with the Endoskeletons

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They entered the room in hopes to find the gang before they could attack Glamrock Freddy.

"Guys, guys are you here" wolf called out for them but didn't get an answer.

"there's something here." Wolf said. In front of them is a endoskeleton robot. This is what the animatronics look like without their cover parts. When they turn away from it, it would follow them. They realize they need to be careful. They run into a gate.

"It's blocked. I wonder if there's a way around." Wolf said. Snake then sees a vent big enough for them to fit.

"Hey, I think I found a way!" Snake said. They begin to crawl through, as they did, the music man toy followed them. They crawl faster and make it out before it could catch them.

"What is that thing" wolf asked.

"Don't know but it followed us earlier" snake said.

They enter a small factory that creates the endos. It looks like this place was where the endos were created.

"Creepy robots." Snake said shuttering as he held princess closer. They continue to pass many doors and open them by pressing a green button.

"That wall just moved!" Wolf said.

"Great! Let's keep moving" snake said.

"Hopefully Freddy is doing okay." Princess said. They come across more endos and it seems like they are playing the game Red light green light. They hurry on to get out of here. They come across another room.

"He's a robot, he can't feel pain" shake said.

"It's a security office. Hm. Should be one of those badge head things in here." Wolf said.

They enter some kind of play room with endos hanging in the room. It looks like they're in standby mode. Wolf then sees the Freddy head and gets the security badge they need.

"Got it! We can open Parts and Service now." Wolf said.

"Good, now let's get out of here." Snake said. Suddenly, the endos got released and activated.

"Oh, come on!" Wolf said.

"Let's go!" Snake said. They rushed back to the recharge station and open the door to the Parts and Service room.

Wolf looked at his watch to see it's now 3:15 AM. They heard a voice in the room as they tried looking for the others.

"Webs, guys, where are you" wolf whispers.

They look through the clear screen to see Vanessa standing there with Glamrock Freddy strapped to a chair table with his head detached from his body.

"... the chief found the kid with another person earlier and locked them up in the Lost and Found." Vanessa says.

"That is great news. They can be returned to home" Glamrock Freddy said.

"Except for one problem, they escaped" Vanessa said.

"How unfortunate. If you reattach my head I will go look for them now." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Their names are: princess, wolf, snake, webs, piranha and shark also known as the bad guys, do you know how I know they escape? I found ballora and moondrop damaged" Vanessa said.

"Vanessa, they are ex criminals with unique fighting skills" Glamrock Freddy said.

"If you're part of this, you're scrap. Monty will run the shows, until Parts and Service can slap your casing on a new Endo. Hang out here for a while. I gotta find that kids and some ex-convicts." Vanessa said as she walks out of the room through a different exit.

"Vanessa! Do not leave me like this." Glamrock Freddy said. She finally left the room leaving poor Freddy trapped there.

"Oh, poor Freddy. We need to get him out of there." Princess said.

"Why what's he ever did for us" snake said.

"Snake" princess shout at snake and giving him a glare.

"Come on snake He's did help us escape, we can't leave him." Wolf said as he ran.

"Ugh alright fine" snake whined.

They enter the room, they see the bad guys coming out from hiding.

"Oh good you guys made it" as they entered the room, they see broken animatronics scattered on the floor.

"We tried to get away from him" webs pointed out to Freddy.

"But then these guys tried to attack us and he helped us by beating them and then he got brutally beat" shark added.

"Then we heard someone coming piranha added.

"Bad guys! I'm so glad you are here and alive." Glamrock Freddy said.

Then the rest of the bad guys saw princess, "PRINCESS!" they were all relived to see her okay then they ran and one by one they hugged her.

"What happened, where did you go" webs asked.

"She got kidnapped, by him " snake points his tail at Freddy.

"It wasn't me, I didn't kidnap her" Freddy says.

"Oh yeah and then how do we know it wasn't you that took her, for all we know you could be pretending to help us so you can grab princess"

"Snake, I already told you, he didn't kidnap me it was another animatronic !" Princess said.

"Please! Use the console to let me out, I can help you escape" Glamrock Freddy said.

"And how can we trust you" snake asked.

"Because...I want to help you" Freddy says, giving the bad guys including wolf their trust.

Wolf then goes to the computer console to let him out.

"Welcome to Parts and Service. Please select your desired procedure." The Parts and Service voice said. Then he clicks a few buttons and readies the door.

"Please enter the protective cylinder to continue." The Parts and Service said. The door opens and they go to Glamrock Freddy.

"What'd they do to you?" Wolf asked.

"Routine maintenance. I am functioning much more better... now. Grammar function error... Perhaps I am still not at peak performance. Could you re-attach my head?" Glamrock Freddy said.

"I dunno. It looks complicated..." wolf said.

"Just reconnect the wires and be careful. I am not quite myself at the moment." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Here I help" webs hopped on wolf's shoulders.

"In case of emergency, protective cylinder will protect important service personnel outside of the protective cylinder. Deactivating animatronic safety protocols now. It's recommended that no mistakes are made during the procedure." Parts and Service said.

Wolf raises his hand with webs so she can get on Glamrock Freddy's chest to work.

"To reconnect Freddys head, repeat the correct sequence by pressing the flashing buttons on Freddy's upper body." Parts and Service said.

It wasn't hard to follow the correct sequence to fix Freddy, once it was done. The robotic arms reattached his head to his body.

"Good job. Now, use the testing console to diagnostics and complete the procedure." Parts and Service said. Webs did that and Freddy was good to go.

"Good job. Freddy is all patched up and ready for the big show. You may now exit the protective cylinder." Parts and Service said.

They leave the area and webs finished the upgrade on the computer. She looks at the watch and sees it's 3:30 AM now. On the table, she sees three small AI CPU chips. They looked empty, she grabbed them and put them in her pocket.

"There's so much tech stuff in here" webs says.

Is there anything we can use to stop the other bots." Wolf asked Glamrock Freddy.

"Bright lights in the eyes cause us to briefly malfunction. I suppose a Fazerbaster or a Faz Cam could work." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Where do we get one?" Trap asked.

"You can win a Fazerbaster in Fazer Blast. Faz Cams are often confiscated in Monty Golf, but you will need a Party Pass to open one of those attractions. Chica normally gives them out for birthdays. Check her green room in Rockstar Row. You may find one there. Use the service elevators at the back of the room. They go up to Rockstar Row. It looks like they are all out of order except Roxy's." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Or We can use this" princess says as they all turned to see her holding up a faz cam.

"Where did you get that" wolf asked as he takes the camera.

"I won it when we were all playing fazer blast"

"Okay let's go." Wolf said. As they walk to the elevator, webs then sees blueprints schematics for parts for the other animatronics.

"Hey guys? Check out these pictures. Chica has some sort of special voice box, Roxy has new eyes, and Monty was given better claws, hmm"

She started to think as she got an idea, "hey maybe If we get these! We could upgrade Freddy so he could help us!" Webs said.

"Yeah! We could make stronger than the others." Wolf agreed.

"Bad guys, those parts belong to my friends. I would never do anything to hurt them." Glamrock Freddy said.

"What? Are you kidding All they've done all night is try to hurt us and trying to kidnap princess !(under his breath) They get what they deserve." Snake said.

"There must be a good explanation. They are not capable of hurting a guest. None of us are. It would go against our programming." Glamrock Freddy said. They then headed to the elevator and head up to the next floor. Things were going good for them, but they still needed to be cautious in the mall.

Meanwhile outside the Pizzaplex, Diane was in the waiting anxiously for the bad guys to gone out with princess when all of a sudden.

"Diane?" She looks around and saw professor marmalade calling her.

"Professor marmalade"

She looks down to see him holding a bouquet of flowers.

"What are you doing here" marmalade asked.

"I'm just waiting for wolf and the others to come back with princess, what are you doing here"

Marmalade walks up to the Pizzaplex and puts the flowers on the side of the building where it revealed a mural of children dressed like angels.

"I always come here to honor the children that died here"

"Wait what? What children? What are you talking about" Diane asked and marmalade turns around making a confused look.

"Oh you didn't know, this place is known for the murders of the missing children from the 80s by a man name afton"

This made Diane make a horrifying look.

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