Rescuing princess

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Walking in the dark, abandoned daycare, carefully not stumbling upon the moon creature.

Then heard princess screaming, then saw her being attacked by the moon animatronic.

"PRINCESS" they both screamed as they ran to the moon creature.

Both moondrop and princess looked at them, then snake pounced on moondrop, causing it to drop princess.

And while snake and wolf dealt with moondrop, princess ran away but only to be bumped into Freddy.

She was surprised by him, then when he picked her up, she started to cry, Freddy was programmed to hurt her but when he saw her crying something inside him changed like a rest button.

So instead of hurting her, he runs away with her.

"HEY" snake yelled then while he was distracted, he didn't see moondrop getting the nonce on him.

"AH" and pinned him to the ground, snake tried to uses his tail to pull its hand off but when he saw moondrop raising his hand at him ready to attack.

Wolf grabbed a axe and chopped its head off.

Then ran after Freddy and when they finally caught up to him, they were shocked to find princess gone.

Snake got defensive and slammed Freddy against the wall with his tail.

"Alright buddy, WHERE'S PRINCESS!" He demanded.

"Don't worry, she is somewhere safe" glamrock Freddy said.

Then there was a knocking on his stomach.

"Hello, hello"

Snake opened it and saw it was princess inside.

"Princess" snake breath in a sigh of relief, princess climbs out and snake catches her her, pulling him away from Freddy.

"Are you okay, are you hurt" snake asked as he uses his tail to hold her face and checks to see for any scars.

"No I'm fine" princess said.

"She is not broken" Freddy said as he approached them but snake didn't trust him,

"Back off pal, you just stay away from us ok"

"But I mean no harm" Freddy said in defense

"Oh save it I know you were the one that kidnapped her"

"But I did no such thing"

"Oh and I should trust you"

"No He's right snake" princess said, "he didn't kidnap me, it was that hippo, he grabbed me when the lights went off then he gave me to that moon creature and besides he saved me"

Snake looks at princess then throws a suspicious glare at glamrock freedy.

"Well whatever the case is" wolf said, "he can't stay here we got to go"

So the four of them tried to walk out of the daycare, passing by the broken moon animatronic.

Something caught princess eyes.

She saw the most beautiful ballerina, she's ever seem.

"She's pretty" princess said, snake looks at her and scolds at her.

"Uhh kinda creepy looking don't you think" snake insulted ballora.

Ballora slowly turned her head as if she head him.

Then when princess was face snake's back, she looked around the daycare then looks up, screaming in horror.

"AH" snake heard her screamed and turned around see what was scaring her and was kicked in the face.

"AH" snake winced in pain.

Dropping princess, she screams running, wolf turns around and gets a kick to the chest.

Princess tries to get away but then was approached by ballora.

Princess tries to back away from the ballerina animatronic as ballora reaches out to her.

Freddy saw how scared princess was, so he punches ballora straight in her face, breaking a par or her face showing her Endoskeletons face, he eye was open.

Freddy picked up princess and gave her to wolf, wolf was surprised that he helped them.

"Go!" Glamrock Freddy said.

"You-you're helping us"

They then saw ballora getting up, ready to fight again.

"GO I'll distract her longer enough, go to parts and service, I will meet you there"

Wolf trusted him but snake still didn't like Freddy.

"And how or why should we trust you" snake asked.

"Because I want to help you"

He was then ambushed by ballora, she was on him, he tried to get her off.

"GO NOW!" he yelled then they ran, princess watched as Freddy was getting brutally beaten.

When they exited the daycare, they tried to find a way to get to parts and service.

"I don't wanna celebrate my birthday here anymore" princess said as she clutched on tight to wolf.

Snake patted her back to comfort her, "don't worry princess, we're never coming here again, I promise princess"

"Now we just need to figure away to get to parts and service" wolf says then princess sees the elevator.

"Look we can take the elevator" she pointed.

"Good idea princess" wolf said and they got inside and pressed a button.

But instead of taking them to parts and service, it took them down to kid's cove.

They wandered around the room.

"What is this place" snake asked.

"This is kid's cove, it's like the daycare but kids get to play around and act like pirates but something happened to this place, they had to close early because something happened to animatronic" princess explained.

And as they continued to walk in the kid's cove but their main attraction was a giant realistic pirate ship and on that pirate ship was non other then...

Foxy the pirate fox, he started to sing and it spooked them.

"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me" foxy singed.

"AH" wolf and snake screamed.

"Who's that" snake asked.

"That's foxy the pirate fox and next to him is his first mate mangle.

"We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.
Stand up me hearties, yo ho" mangle sang along with foxy.

"Ugh" snake was disgusted by mangle.

We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot.
Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

They past by them as they hear the singing fade.

We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.

Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

Maraud and embezzle and even highjack.

Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

But then then scene changes ominous as foxy changes a glance at snake and wolf.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We kindle and char and in flame and ignite.

Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

We burn up the city, we're really a fright.

Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villains and knaves.

"Ok princess, how do we get out of her" wolf asked.

Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

"The exit is at the other side of foxy's ship" she pointed at the ship.

We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs.

Which means they have to past by the creepy animatronics.

Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

"Oh great" snake said in annoyance.

We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads, Stand up me hearties, yo ho.

They then climbed on the ship, carefully without falling in the water.

But as they head to the other side, snake gets a power punch to his stomach, sending him flying hard in the ship.

Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads, Stand up me hearties, yo ho, Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

"AH" snake screamed then when he regained consciousness, he saw that it was foxy attacking him with his sword.

"ARG" foxy yelled as he tried to hit snake with his sword.

"Whoa, wolf" snake slithered away from the foxy hook hand animatronic.

But before wolf could help, he was being crowed by mangle.

As the disfigured animatronic, backed him up to the end of the ship, wolf looks to see he was nearly close to the water when he gets an idea.

He kicks the animatronic with his foot, causing it to spin around.

Then when mangle got dizzy, she looked around to see when wolf went with princess and turned to see he was right behind her and punched so hard she tripped and fell on the water, short fusing her.

Meanwhile with snake, foxy had finally got snake at the plank.

"Ah" snake panicked as he saw he was at the end of plank then looks back at foxy who was welding his sword at him and laughing.

"Any last words matey" foxy said.

"Yeah, heads up" snake says.

"Huh" foxy turns around and sees wolf giving him a hard punch to his face.

"Ah" foxy fell back as shake slithered underneath and pass him.

Foxy nearly lost his balance when he felt that he was at the end of the blank, he stops then looks up when he sees snake glaring at him and punching him so hard, his face broke and he got knocked onto the ground.

They watched as his body and face got shirt circuit by the water, burning his face off.

"Alright let's go" snake said.

As the three exit the kid's cove, down in the water, zooming in on foxy.

His eyes twitched and rolls slowly up above the ship.

This wasn't over yet.

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