Every happy fairytale ending

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"It's Princess Anna!" they stop outside the castle gates, Kristoff jumps off Sven with princess in Anna's arms, she shivers as they walks towards the door.

"Are you go-gonna be okay?"

"Don't worry about us" the castle gates open, Gerda, Kai and another maid rush to help Anna.

"Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick"

"My Lady" they take princess from Anna's arms and helps her walk through the castle gates.

"Get her warm and find her family, immediately" anna says

"We will. Thank you.

"Make sure she's safe!"

as Anna is swept away towards the castle she looks at him before the castle gates shut, Kristoff stands there for a moment looking with worry, finally he turns and walks off.

"Oh, you poor girl, you're freezing. Oh, let's get you inside now and get you warm"

inside the castle Hans meets with some of the dignitaries and the bad guys.

"I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna"

"You cannot risk going out there again"

"And princess is still missing" piranha added.

"What are we gonna do" shark asked.

"If anything happens to her..."

"If anything happens to the Princess, you are all Arendelle has left" 

"As of now we are doing a search hunt for them I can't seem to get anything form the queen but if we don't work together both of our girls will-" wolf says.

just then Kai and Gerda bring Anna into the room who carried princess.

"He's in here. Prince Hans"

"Princess" wolf was relived.

Hans rushes over to Anna as she hands princess to wolf.


"You're so cold" wolf says to princess.

"What happen" he asked Anna.

"There was an accident"

"Everyone leave now, give us some space" wolf says.

"Right we'll give you guys some privacy" snake says as they have everyone leaves the room.

"What happened out there?" Hans asked.

"Elsa struck princess with her powers"

"What?!" Wolf and Hans were shocked.

"You said she'd never hurt you" Hans says.

"You said that-" wolf growls at her.

"Ah! I was wrong"

Wolf sets her down on the couch nearby, Hans sits next to her as she lies on the couch.

"Wolf, here allow me I think I can help her" Hans says.

"What? And how are you gonna help her from...THIS?"

"Sir I know you are in frantic but right now I think it's best if you let me handle this I promise you I will help your daughter"

Leaving no choice wolf glares at Anna then he left.

"She froze her heart and only an act of true love can save princess. But I don't know how it's gonna save princess because she is just a kid"

"A true love's kiss, Anna?"


He strokes her face gently, then leans in to kiss her as the music swells dramatically... but then suddenly, he stops and pulls away with a menacing grin.

"Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you"

"...What?" Hans gets up and walks towards the window.

"You said you did" Hans closes the curtains.

"As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I knew I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere"

"But...what are you talking about?" Hans puts out the candles.

"As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course, but no one was getting anywhere with her. But you..."


"You were so desperate for love, you were willing to marry me, just like that! I figured, after we married, I'd have to stage a little accident for Elsa" he grabs a pitcher of water from the table, he goes over to the fireplace and pours the water on the fire putting it out.

"You're the spy" princess says in realization.

"The what?" Anna asked.

"He's the spy my family's been looking for"

"Yeah but I don't think you're gonna be alive to tell them"

"Ah" she cries in pain.

"Hans. No, stop it!"

"But then she doomed herself, and you were dumb enough to go after her. And this one...this little kid had to come in and go after the queen to help her, she got in the way"

"Please...! She's just a kid and what about her father? You promised"

"I promised I helped her, I didn't promise I would save her, All that's left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer"

"You're no match for Elsa" Hans walks over to Anna, bends down and takes her chin.

"No, you're no match for Elsa. I, on the other hand, am the hero who is going to save Arendelle from destruction. And so will wolf when he finds his daughter is dead"

"No!" he turns and walks towards the door.

"You won't get away with this!" as he opens the door he turns to look at her.

"Oh, I already have" he leaves and locks the door, Anna goes over to the door and tries to open it.

"Please, somebody help!"

Princess collapses on the floor leaning next to the door.

"Please! Please..." at a council meeting with all the dignitaries and the bad guys.

"It's getting colder by the minute. If we don't do something soon we'll all freeze to death" Hans enters the room.

"Prince Hans"

"How's princess" Hans pretending to look distraught.

"I'm so sorry Mr wolf, but your daughter...she is...dead"

"What...?" The bad guys were horrified terrified and scared, they help wolf  to a chair.

"What happened to her?" Shark asked.

"She was killed by Queen Elsa"

"What? No"

"No! The queen but how-" snake was shocked.

" wolf I know you are hurting but she wanted me to tell you something" Hans comforts wolf who is distraught.

"What is it?"

"She wanted to say: she wants you to avenge her, she wants you to kill the queen" Hans takes wolf's paw and in his other hand he takes out an revolver and puts it in wolf's paw

To which wolf holds it and clutches on tight his eyes watery.

"There can be no doubt now, Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger"

"Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to you"

"It is With a heavy heart, I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason and sentence her to death. What says you Mr wolf" Hans turns to him.

After brief grieving, wolf gets up, "ok let's get her"[

inside her cell, Elsa notices ice taking over the walls, she tries to pull her arms out of the shackles when she hears the guards outside.

"Hurry Up! She's dangerous. Move quickly"

"Be careful"

"It won't open!"

"It's frozen shut" just the ice takes over the cell the guards break open the cell door, Hans pushes passed the guards to enter and they see Elsa has escaped by using her powers to blow open the back wall.

Kristoff and Sven, looking sad and forlorn, head back to the mountain, Sven stops, looks back then runs past Kristoff to stops in front of him and grunt.

"What is it, buddy?" Sven nudges Kristoff with his antlers.

"Hey, watch it. What's wrong with you?" Sven does a couple loud grunts.

"I don't understand you when you talk like that" as Kristoff goes to walk on suddenly Sven lifts him off the ground with his antlers.

"Ah! Stop it! Put me down!" Sven dumps Kristoff to the ground and does another grunt.

"No, Sven! We're not going back! She's with her true love" Sven makes a face as if to say "no, she isn't"; just then the wind picks up, Kristoff looks back.

"What the..." he sees a blizzard forming over Arendelle.

"Anna!" he hops on Sven and rushes back towards Arendelle.

"Come on! Come on, boy!" back inside the castle in the locked room, Anna is lying on the floor with princess trying to keep her warm as she shivers with cold, she sees ice forming on the ceiling then the door handles jiggle as someone tries to open them.

"Help" suddenly the door opens and we see Olaf taking the carrot out of the lock and putting it back on his face, he enters the room and notices Anna and princess lying on the floor.

"Anna! Oh, no" he notices the fireplace is out, he quickly places more wood in the fireplace and accidentally throws one of his arms in there, he quickly retrieves his arm and lights up the fireplace.

"Olaf? Olaf, get away from there" Olaf stands by the fire looking at it in awe.

"Whoa! So this is heat. I love it" he leans closer and holds out his hands towards the fire when suddenly one of his hands catches fire.

"Olaf no" princess says.

"Ooh! But don't touch it!" he shakes the flame out and goes over to Anna and as she helps princess to sit closer to the fire.

"So, where's Hans? What happened?"

"I was wrong about Hans. It wasn't true love"

"But we ran all the way here?"

"Please, Olaf, you can't stay here, you'll melt"

"I am not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you" Olaf sits behind her to shield himself from the fire.

"Do you happen to have any ideas?"

"I don't even know what love is"

"That's okay, I do. Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. Like, you know, how Kristoff brought you back here to Hans and left you forever" a realization comes over Anna.

"Kristoff loves me?" Olaf moves around to face her.

"Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?" the fire starts to melt his face and he pushes his nose back in.

"Olaf, you're melting"

"Some people are worth melting for" as his face starts to melt he tries to hold it up.

"Just maybe not right this second!" suddenly the blizzard outside blows the windows open.

"Don't worry, I've got it!" Olaf rushes over to the window and starts to close the windows.

"We're going to get through..." suddenly he notices something.

"Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something" he breaks an icicle off the window and uses it as a telescope.

"It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way!"

"They...they are?"

"Wow, he's really moving fast. I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind"

"Olaf. Keep an eye on princessl he rushes over to her as she Anna gets up.

"I'm common with you" princess tries to get up.

"No, no, no, no, no. You need to stay by the fire and keep warm."

"But I need to get to my family and warn them of the spy"

"I'll do that but right now. I need you to try to get warmed up as fast as possible" she got to leave suddenly she see icicles forming on the ceiling, she rush out of the room.

She run through the hallway the walls and ground start to ice over and suddenly she stop when huge spiky icicles form ahead of them.

"Uh...back this way!" as she turn to go the other way more huge icicles form and stop her in her tracks.

She look around as the whole castle starts to ice over; out on the fjords Elsa is runs through the blizzard.

back at the castle Anna and Olaf bust open a window and Olaf helps Anna to step on the ledge.

"Slide, Anna!" they both jump down and slide down the snow with Olaf gathering the snow around his body, as the stop at the bottom his bottom half looks huge with extra snow.

"We made it!" as Anna gets to her feet Olaf shakes off the extra snow; on the fjords Kristoff rides Sven as fast as he can when they hit the blizzard.

"Come on, buddy, faster!" Anna and Olaf reach the shore of fjords.

"Kristoff!" They start walking the blizzard blows Olaf's body apart, he shouts as he goes swirling off.

"Keep going!" Anna struggles through the blizzard.

"Kristoff!" Kristoff continues to ride Sven as fast as he can through the fjord.

"Come on!" as Anna struggles to walk through the blizzard.

she struggles on; back to Kristoff and Sven, as they race ahead one of the frozen ships falls to the side causing a massive crack in the ice which causes Sven to jump and Kristoff falls off his back onto a piece of ice, Kristoff looks out and sees Sven has fallen into the water.

"Sven!" Sven manages to pull himself out of the water and onto a piece of broken ice.

"Good boy" Kristoff turns and rushes off on foot; back with Anna, she continues to struggle through the blizzard.

"Kristoff" as Kristoff is rushing on he hears Anna's voice, "Kristoff"

"Anna!" as Elsa struggles through the storm she notices Hans and wolf approaching her.

"Elsa! You can't run from this!" she turns to face him.

"Just take care of my sister"

"I know what you did to my daughter, your sister said that you froze her heart" wolf aims his gun at her.


"I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was ice, her fur turned more whiter" Elsa suddenly realizes what she's done.

"A child is dead...because of you"

"No!" totally distraught, Elsa turns and falls to her knees, instantly the blizzard stops.

As the blizzard has stopped Anna, now hardly able to move, sees Kristoff walking towards her across the fjord.



Kristoff rushes towards her, Anna goes to move towards him when she hears chatting, she look to the side to see Hans and wolf, Hans pushes wolf to Elsa who holds a gun, ready to kill Elsa, who's on her knees weeping.


Conflicted, she watches as Kristoff runs towards her, she turns to go save Elsa.

"Go on wolf, finish her, kill her, it's what your daughter would've wanted" Hans encourages him.

But wolf thinks for a moment then he turns aiming his gun at Hans shooting at him who dodges.

"What are you doing?" Hans demanded.

"I know my daughter very well, and I know she would never want me to kill"

"Anna!" Elsa rises and stands as Ana runs to her.


she then hugs Anna just then both Olaf and Kristoff have reached them from opposite ends of the fjords.

"Anna?" they hug each other and hold on to each other tightly.

"Oh, Elsa"

"Mr wolf you're daughter isn't dead she's still alive but I don't know for how long"

"What?" He was relived, "princess is alive?"

"Yes but I don't know for how long, Hans is the spy"

"I should've known?" He glares at Hans.

"Elsa you don't need to live in fear, I'm not afraid of you, I love you" Olaf's face lights up as he realizes what saved Anna.

"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart!"

"Love will thaw...Love. Of course" she looks at her hands.



Elsa raises her arms and suddenly the ice on the fjord starts to melt, beneath their feet the bow of a ship thaws and rises as they stand on it, the snow and ice across the kingdom melts bringing back the warm summer; to Elsa.

"I knew you could do it"

"Hands down, this is the best day of my life...and quack possibly the last"

Hans was about to make a break for it but gets surrounded by the bad guys, then Kristoff prepares to go over to fight him but Anna stops him, she walks over to Hans and he looks at her in confusion.


"The only frozen heart around here is yours" she turns from him but then suddenly turns back and punches him in the face making him fall overboard into the water, Elsa comes over to Anna and they hug each other, over her shoulder, Anna looks at Kristoff smiling,

later shark picks Hans and puts him on a ship, where wolf arrest him.

"Prince Hans, you are under arrest conspiracy of taking over arendelle"

on the deck the French Dignitary is talking with Kai.
"I'll take it from here aren't wolf, I will return this scoundrel to his country. We shall see what his twelve big brothers think of his behavior"

"Arendelle thanks you, my Lord" just then the Duke is being escorted by some guards onto the ship.

"This is unacceptable. I'm a victim of fear. I have been traumatized. Ow! My neck hurts! Is there a doctor that I could see? No?" he sees that no one is buying this act, "I demand to see the Queen!" Kai steps down behind him.

"Oh, I have a message from the Queen." he reads from the scroll.

"Arendelle will henceforth and forever no longer do business of any sort with Weaseltown"

"Weselton! It's Weselton!" the guards drag him up onto the ship.

"Ha, weasel town" piranha laughs nudging snake.

"Wait princess Anna, is my daughter still alive" wolf was concerned.

"Yes but she doesn't have much time only true loves kiss can save her"

"That I can do" wolf smiled.

Princess was unconscious on the sofa her body almost ice the bad guys entered the room wolf leans down to kiss her forehead and the ice melted she woke up to see the bad guys were relived.

Anna runs through the crowd towards the village square pulling a blindfolded Kristoff behind her.

"Come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on. Come on..."

"Ow! Okay, okay. Here I come" suddenly he smacks straight into a pole, "Ah! Pole!"

"Oops. Sorry" she drags him to a spot by the docks.

"Okay. Okay. Here we are" she notices he still has his blindfold.

"I owe you a sled"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! And it's the latest model" Sven poses in front of the sled.

"No. I-I can't accept this"

"You have to! No returns. No exchanges. Queen's orders. She's named you the official Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer" Sven shows off the medal around his neck.

"What? That's not a thing"

"Oh, sure it is. And it even has a cup holder. Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it!" suddenly he sweeps her off her feet and spins her around.

"I could kiss you!" there's an awkward embarrassed silence and he puts her back on her feet.

"I could. I mean, I'd like to. I'd...may I? We me...I mean, may we? Wait, what?" Anna steps forward and kisses him on the cheek.

"We may" he smiles and kisses her, Olaf runs excitedly through the village square with his little snow cloud following him above his head.

"Summer!" he notices some flowers.

"Ooh. Hello" he bends and takes a long sniff of the flowers pulling up some of the pollen up his nose which makes him sneeze and his carrot nose lands straight into Sven's mouth who puts it in his mouth, looking distraught at being noseless suddenly Sven stuffs the carrot back into Olaf's face, he laughs and hugs Sven.

last lines; Elsa stands in the castle courtyard with villagers around her, she is confronted by the bad guys.

"We like to thank you again for helping our daughter and bring us the crook" wolf says as they get ready to leave.

"Thank you so for saving my kingdom it is sad that you have to leave"

"Yeah well it's time for us to go now thank you for inviting us your majesty, come now princess say good bye"

"Bye Olaf, bye princess Anna bye queen Elsa" she waves as piranha takes her hand.

"And that chica is the end of the story" piranha says as they leave on the ship to home.

"Are you ready?"

the villagers cheer and using her powers Elsa creates an ice rink, everyone starts ice skating, Anna slides over to Elsa and she catches Anna just before she slips.

"I like the open gates"

"We are never closing them again" Elsa waves her hand form ice skates over Anna's boots.

"Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate..."

"Come on, you can do it!" Elsa grabs hold of Anna's hands and pulls her along on the ice, Kristoff and Sven slide past them.

"Look out, reindeer coming through!" Elsa holds on to Anna's hands as she tries to ice skate.

"I got it. I got it" suddenly she starts to slip, "Ooh! I don't got it! I don't got it!" Olaf slides in and joins them.

"Hey, guys"

"That's it, Olaf" Olaf helps Elsa to teach Anna to skate.

"Glide and pivot and glide and pivot..."

Olaf and Elsa continue to show Anna to skate and everyone enjoys themselves;

the camera zooms out to an establishing shot of Arendelle castle, now patched up with touches of blue and snow-related elements.

The view goes to black except for the snowflake at the top spire, which fades away moments later as the film ends.

after credits scene; Marshmallow, who is still alive, wanders into Elsa's ice palace stumbling as his legs are back, he steps onto Elsa's crown, he picks it up, looks around then puts the crown on his head which makes him smile and calms him down.

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