Tragic accident

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back in Elsa' ice palace, she paces around looking distraught and talking to herself.

"Get it together. Control it. Don't feel. Don't feel. Don't feel. Don't feel!"

ice cracks, Elsa looks around and notices ice spikes growing out of the castle walls as they make their way to Kristoff's friends, Olaf stares at The Northern Lights as he lies down on his back on Sven's back

"Look, Sven. The sky's awake" behind them Anna and Kristoff are walking when Anna starts to shiver.

"Are you cold?"

"A little" Kristoff goes to reach put his arm around her but stops himself, he then notices the steam vents up ahead.

"Uh...uh...wait. Uh...come here" he takes her to the steam vent and she holds out her hand to warm up.

"Ooh" Kristoff starts to lead off them off again.

"So, uh...about my friends. Well, I say friends, they're more like family. Anyway, when I was a kid, it was just me and Sven until they, you know, kind of took us in"

"They did?"

"Are you an orphan too" princess asked which surprised him.

"What do you mean orphan too,  I don't want to scare you, they can be a little bit inappropriate. And loud, very loud. They're also stubborn at times, and a little overbearing, and heavy. Really, really heavy. Which you'll...but you know, you'll get it. They're fine. They mean well" Anna touches his arm to reassure him.

"Kristoff, they sound wonderful"

"Okay then" Kristoff steps forward, turns to face Anna, Olaf and Sven and opens his arm out.

"Meet my family" Kristoff turns to the rocks and waves.

"Hey, guys!" Olaf and Anna look at him like he's crazy.

"They're rocks"

"You are a sight for sore eyes" Anna and Olaf watch him looking dumbfounded; whispering to Anna as they watch Kristoff.

"He's crazy" they watch Kristoff kneeling down in front of one of the rocks.

"Hey, woh. I didn't even recognize you. You've lost so much wight"

"I'll distract them while you run" Olaf steps forward and waves at the rocks.

"Hi, Sven's family!It's nice to meet you!" whispering to Anna.

"Because I love, Anna, I insist you run. I understand you're love experts! Wooh. Why aren't you running?"

"Uh...okay. Well, I'm gonna go" she turns to leave.

"No, no, no! Anna, wait!" suddenly the rocks start rolling.

"Kristoff!" the rocks roll towards Kristoff and unroll revealing themselves as the trolls.

"Kristoff's home!" the trolls jump around with excitement shouting Kristoff's name and Olaf starts to join in.

"Kristoff's home! Wait. Kristoff? It's purple!" he stops turns to one of the trolls, then one of the trolls grabs Kristoff's hand and yanks him down.

"Ah, let me look at you" another troll lifts up his jacket.

"Take off your clothes! I'll wash them..."

"No! I'm...I'm gonna keep my clothes on. Look, it's great to see you all, but where is Grand Pabbie?"

"He's napping. But look, I grew a mushroom" he turns and shows the mushroom growing on his back, then another kid troll steps forward.

"I earned my fire crystal" an adult troll holds a small stone in his hand.

"I passed a kidney stone"

"Kristoff, pick me up!" the kid troll jumps up on Kristoff's arm.

"You're getting big. Good for you" another kid troll jumps on his back, Anna watches the trolls in confusion.

0Trolls? They're trolls" terrified princess stands behind her.

suddenly there's silence and all the trolls turn to look at Anna.

"He's brought a girl!"

"A girl!" the trolls pick Anna up by her feet and rolls her down and throw her into Kristoff's arms

"What's going on?"

"I've learned to just roll with it" he puts Anna down on her feet and immediately Bulda pulls her forward and starts examining her face.

"Let me see. Bright eyes. Working nose. Strong teeth. Yes, yes. She'll do nicely for our Kristoff"

"Wait, wait, wait! Oh." Kristoff looks embarrassed.

"You've got the wrong idea"


"No. That's not why I brought her here"

"Right. We're not. I'm not..." Anna smiles, looking uncomfortable.

"What's the issue, dear? Why are you holding back from such a man?" she starts singing "Fixer Upper"

Is it the clumpy way he walks?

Troll #1: Or the grumpy way he talks?

"Oh, no"

Troll #2: Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped weirdness of his feet?

she pick up his foot.


Troll #3: And though we know he washes well he always ends up sorta smelly.

Bulda and Troll #1: But you'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and sweet.

"That's nice. But..."

Bulda and Troll#1: So he's a bit of a fixer upper. So he's got a few flaws.

Troll #4: Like his peculiar brain, dear.

Troll #5: His thing for the reindeer.

Troll #4 and Troll #5: That's a little outside of nature's laws.

"This is not about me!"

All Trolls: So he's a bit of a fixer upper, but this we're certain of. You can fix this fixer upper up with a little bit of love.

they push Kristoff towards Anna and they both look embarrassed.


Kristoff to the trolls as they continue to sing, "Can we please just stop talking about this? We've got a real, actual problem here. Can we please just stop talking about this? We've got a real, actual problem here"

"I'll say. So tell me dear, is it the way that he runs scared?"

Troll #5: Or that he's socially impaired?

Kid Troll #3: Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods?

"I did not need to know that"

Troll #1: Are you holding back your fondness due to his unmanly blondness?

All Trolls: Or the way he covers up that he's the honest goods? He's just a bit of a fixer upper. He's got a couple of' bugs.

"No, I don't!"

All Trolls: His isolation is confirmation of his desperation for healing hugs. So he's a bit of a fixer upper, but we know what to do. The way to fix up this fixer upper is to fix him up with you.

the girl trolls pulls Anna away and the boy trolls pull Kristoff away in the opposite direction.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Enough! She's engaged to someone else. Okay?!" the trolls stare at him, blink and then they huddle together.

Boy Troll #1: So she's a bit of a fixer upper.

Boy Troll #2: That's a minor thing.

Boy Troll #3: Her quote "engagement" is a flex arrangement.

Kid Troll: And by the way, I don't see no ring.

All Boy Trolls: So she's a bit of a fixer upper, her brain's a bit betwixt. Get the fiance out of the way and the whole thing will be fixed!

Kristoff puts his face in his hands in frustration, the girls trolls continue to sing to Anna.

Bulda: We aren't saying you can change him cause people don't really change. We're only saying that love's a force that's powerful and strange. People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed. But throw a little love their way...

All Girl Trolls: Throw a little love their way and you'll bring out their best! True love brings out the best!

the trolls put on Anna and Kristoff cloaks and crowns made out of leaves, wood and stones.

All Trolls: Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper, that's what it's all about.

Boy Troll: Father

Girl Troll: Sister.

Kid Troll: Brother!

All Trolls: We need each other to raise us up and round us out. Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper, but when push comes to shove.

they push Anna and Kristoff closer together.

Olaf: The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is...

All Trolls: True, true, true, true, love. Love, love, love, true love. True...

a troll priest stands in front of Anna and Kristoff.

"Do you, Anna, take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded..."

"Wait, what?!"

"You're getting married!"

"Love!" just then princes collapses on the ground, Kristoff and Anna ran to her, catching her.



Kristoff holding princess in his arms, "She's as cold as ice" just then Grand Pappie rolls in.

"There is strange magic here"

"Grand Pabbie!"

"Come, come. Bring her here to me" Kristoff carried princess over to Grand Pabbie who takes her hands.

"This child's  life is in danger. There is ice in your heart, put there by Elsa. If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze, forever"

"What? No"

"But you can remove it, right?"

"I cannot. I'm sorry, Kristoff. If it was her head that would be easy, but only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart"

"An act of true love?"

"A true love's kiss, perhaps?" Bulda kisses the boy troll next to her and the rest of the trolls kiss each other, Princess collapses again.

"But she's a kid"

"We need to get her to her family" Anna says.

"Pull us out, Sven" Kristoff grabs one of Sven's antlers and he pulls them up onto his back.

"Olaf! Come on!"

"I'm coming!" Olaf jumps onto Sven's back to join Kristoff and Anna and Sven takes off.

"Let's go"

Hans and the men along with piranha from Arendelle have found Elsa's ice palace; Hans turns to the men

""We are here to find Princess Anna. And of course a child named princess" he turns to princess.

"Be on guard, but no harm is to come to the Queen" he gets off his horse.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir" just as Hans approaches the ice staircase suddenly Marshmallow rises and slams his fists down and roars, Hans and the men draw their swords, Marshmallow throws the men aside including the Duke's two guards, but due to being small piranha was easily to past by him, just then they notice Elsa looking through the front door.

"The Queen" as Hans is fighting off Marshmallow he notices the Duke's guards running up into the castle after Elsa.

"Come on!" they notice Elsa running up to the top floor.

"Up there!"

"Come on!" they chase after her and trap her on the top floor.

"We got her!" they raise their crossbows.

"No! Please!" one of the Duke's guards shoots an arrow but Elsa manages to produce an ice shield top stop the arrow hitting her.

"Go round!" the two guards go round the shield and aim to shoot at her again.

"Stay away!" she throws ice at them to stop them.

"Fire! Fire!" Elsa shoot more ice at the guard to stop him.

"Get her! Get her!"outside the castle Hans continues to fight off Marshmallow as he attacks them and after nearly being crushes.

Hans manages to use his sword to cut off one of Marshmallow's legs making him fall over the edge of the cliff.

inside the castle Elsa continues to defend herself against the Duke's guards using her powers, she manages to get one stuck to the wall with several icicles and as she's about to throw the other one off the balcony with her ice Hans and the rest of he men enter.

"Where's princess?!" Then piranha threatens her with a knife.

But she made a worried and concerned look, "I'm so sorry"

It had him concerned, "why? What did you do?" He asked.

"Queen Elsa! Don't be the monster they fear you are!"Elsa snaps out of her rage, she pushes piranha with her ice, just then the guard stuck to the wall aims his crossbow her.

but Hans quickly runs and holds the crossbow up just as he fires the arrow which then hits the ice chandelier overhead making it fall and nearly crushes Elsa, but she manages to run in time but is knocked down unconscious.

Elsa wakes up to find herself locked up in a tower in her castle, she notices the window and runs towards it but she's stopped by the chains on her hands, she strains to look out the window and notices Arendelle is completely frozen and covered in snow.

"Oh, no. What have I done?" just then Hans enters with wolf.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"I couldn't just let them kill you"

"Cause you can't, she's the queen and the key to stopping this" wolf says.

"But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna"

"Anna has not returned" Elsa turns to look at the window with worry.

"And our daughter went with her to help you, piranha told me what happened, did you see her"

"Mr wolf please I know you are concerned about your daughter but right now we got pressing matters to think about" hans says.

"My daughter's safety is more important"

"And we will find her and bring her back but right now, we need to deal with our ice problem, so Elsa If you would just stop the winter, bring back summer. Please."

"Don't you see, I can't. You have to tell them to let me go"

"I will do what I can" he turns and leaves, Elsa looks down at her shackled hands and sees the shackles begin to freeze over.

"What happened to princess? Did you see her" wolf tries to interrogate her.

Kristoff holds onto Anna as she holds onto princess, Sven rushes to get them back to Arendelle with Olaf gliding on the snow next to them.

as princess shivers in Anna's arms, she puts her cape over princess, Kristoff puts his hat on her head.

"Just hang in there. Come on, buddy, faster!" as they go down the hill towards Arendelle Olaf looses control as he slides down the hill.

"I'll meet you guys at the castle!"

"Stay out of sight, Olaf!" as Kristoff rides into Arendelle.

"I will!" Olaf slides off into the village streets and a woman scream as she notices him.


"IT'S ALIVE!" Then the guards notice Kristoff and Anna riding towards the castle on Sven.

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