Poltergeist: when fear strikes the hearts

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Diane look up where princess ran, "I'll go talk to her, she'll listen to me more then you"

Diane walks upstairs to princess room as wolf groans.

"I should've just told her from the beginning" wolf says.

"I told you she was going to find out sooner or later" snake says as he sits by his friend.

Meanwhile in princess room, Diane saw princess was upset, she was on her bed, hugging her knees, and the cat was comforting her by rubbing his head against her leg.

"Hey princess...are you ok?" Diane asked as she sat next to princess.

"He always does this you know, keeping secrets from me"

Then wolf came in, he smiled nervously, but she looked away hugging Diane, she was in no mood to seeing him.

"Princess I'm sorry I didn't told you about me and Diane, I just-I thought you wouldn't like the idea of me and Diane together"

She then lifts her face up to lol at him, "wolf I don't you know that I like Diane, she's like a mom to me"

"What about webs?" Diane asked.

"She's more like a supportive aunt as you are as a supportive mom"

Then webs crawled from her back, "you bet I am"

Then wolf bends down to her, "listen princess me mad mad Diane are going out to eat, you're Going to stay here with the others ok"

But princess didn't react, she just crawled in her blankets and turned facing away from him.

"I'll be fine"

Diane looks at wolf who was looking concerned about princess.

"Are you going to be ok"

"Just go wolf"

That part, right there made him sad, he left with Diane taking his arm and walks him to the car.

"Come on let's go, she's be fine"

Then outside the door, snake was waving goodbye.

"Go on wolf, and don't worry princess will be fine, we'll keep an close eye on her, have fun...bye"

Then when he slithered away, he heads to princess room.

He lays next to her when back with wolf and Diane were in a seafood diner, wolf felt bad about lying to princess.

"I told you I should've told her" Diane said.

"I know, I know and your right but how could I tell her about us?"

"You know that princess wouldn't mind who you see but you know that she hates lying"

"I know and I just wish I could make it up to her...but how"

"Here's a thought, how about tomorrow the three of us go out to this 50s diner and we can talk this out"


"So how's the new house treating you" Diane asked.

"It's ok, except for this bone princess found"

"What bone?"

"Oh she found this bone well the cat found this bone in the yard"

"Well I once knew this couple that moved to Willow Point. Who had a brother that had a house in that development back in the 90s. They never visit him because of the cemetery thing. The thought of it just gave me the willies"

"What "cemetery thing"?"

"Just that that development was built on a former cemetery. but they moved it though"

Then wolf makes a shocking face as his jaw dropped.

"Yeah. The developers relocated the whole thing to Broxton Park. 200 acres. This was years ago. Honestly I thought it was just a rumor"

"Are You're kidding me!"


But then that's when they both realized it, "princess!"

"We got to go" wolf says as he leaves cash on the table and they get up and drove back to the house.

"They moved the whole cemetery?"

"The realtor didn't mention it" Diane says.

Then back at the mansion, princess was woken up by the thunder.

"Ah!" She was very terrified she wraps herself In a blanket and looks around, shaking.

"There's nothing to be afraid of" she told herself.

Then when webs was asleep listening to her music, but her music stop and she woke up.

She look at her phone to see it glitching again.

"Huh" she walks around the house when the basement door opens and she walks through it.

And when she goes downstairs in the laundromat m

She tracks the source of her phone problem to the floor.

It cracks and she tries to peel it off when the floor gets flood by black ooze.

"Ah" she fell back and whimpered then she felt someone was staring at her.

She turns around to see lighting striking and a dead corpse was watching her.

Then the lights started flicking and she step back only to feel that something form the black ooze was grabbing her and trying to pull her in.

She tries to pull herself out then she panicked.


She screamed so loud that it woke up piranha who was sleeping on his bed but he heard webs screaming.

"Huh? WEBS, I'm coming" he ran out of f his room.

Then in princess room, the Thunder got louder and the tree.

She got spoke and she quickly turned on her flashlight, she shined the light around the room, she turned around when she felt something was watching her then something pushed her jewelry box on the floor.

"AH" she jumped when her jewelry scattered all off the floor.

Then she looked down to see the clown doll was underneath her bed.

"AH!" She dropped her flashlight and jumped off the bed to quickly pick it up.

But she saw the clown doll was gone then car screech.


"AH!" She fell and watch the cat hissed and ran out of the room.

Then string was pulled and the clown doll was right behind her, it laughed and pounced on princess.


Her screaming woke up snake who was sleeping in a chair in the living room.

"Ugh...princess?...PRINCESS!" He quickly slither up stairs but her door shut and as she feel trying to push the clown off then She threw him off.

But the tree breaks the windows, "AH!" She rolls over and the clown grabs her leg.

"AH!" She kicks him off and shattered his porcelain face.

Then snake tries to open up the door, he jiggled the handle.



She ran to the door and she tries to open it.

"Princess, open the door, let me in"

"Help the clown's attacking me-AH!" She then saw the tree shaping into a hand and trying to grab her.

"AH!" She backs up to the closet then she hears scratching sounds.

And in shark's room, he heard his window scratching.

"Ugh" he opens his eyes to see the tree was alive trying to claw its way in.

"AH!" Shark panicked and ran out of his room.

"Uh uh...this is too freaky for me" he said.

Then the tree stopped attacking princess and she was get terrified of what was in the closet while snake was trying to bust the door open.

"Ugh...ugh...hang on princess...ugh, I'm coming...ugh"

Then the closet doors finally open very slowly, her lights flickered.

Then something came out of the lightbulbs and went into the closet.

Then Her necklace slowly went towards the closet, princess gets up to get it back but when she gets too close to the closet.

She was surrounded by darkness and she turned around to see she went too deep in the closet.

She ran out but a large hand grabbed her and pulls her in the closet.


Snake looked even more worried when he hears princess screaming even louder.

"PRINCESS!" Then shark arrived.

"Hey! We need to get out of here now!"

"But princess is in danger and her door won't budge"

"Then stand back" shark punches the door and they see princess was being pulled in the closet as she holds on to the bed.

"PRINCESS!" They both yelled.

Then piranha marches down to the laundromat to see webs being pulled, he grabs her and pulls her out.

"Hey! You ok?" He asked.

She was in shock and started quivering in fear, he hugs her and carried her out of the room.

Then outside Diane and wolf arrived, they already see chaos forming around the house.

"Princess!" Wolf ran inside and in her room the  arm pulls her in and she screams as she gets thrown in the closet.


"PRINCESS!" Snake and shark try to save her...but it was too late.

The door closed and all they saw...was an empty closet.

Wolf arrived in her room, he was worried.

"Princess?" He looks around for princess.

But snake approach him and he placed in wolf's hands...princess necklace.

"No" he whimpered then he fell on his knees his heart breaking as he grip on tight of the necklace.

"It's all my fault"

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