The conjuring: terror strikes the hearts

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Inside the house, webs was asleep in piranha's room, she was sleeping on his bed next to him.

When she felt something grabbing her, Not funny, piranha!"


"Stop grabbing my butt!""

"That's not me, I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah right! And Stop farting! It really stinks!

"Don't blame that on me, i only do that when I'm nervous about lying remember"

Wolf arrived home when he hears banging noises then shark came downstairs.

"Hey wolf!"

"shark, what are you doing out of bed? And What's that sound?"

It's princess. She's in my room. She sleepwalking"


He goes upstairs to see princess hitting her against the dresser.

"I've never seen her do this before" shark says.

"Well this is a first, but I'm sure it's just a Phase or something"

They both watch her still hitting her head against the closet, unaware of what to do.

"So do we wake her or..." shark was about to wake up princess when wolf grabbed his hand.

"No, you know it's dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker...we'll just put her back to bed"

Wolf carefully approached her then he slide his hand over her forehead to prevent her from hitting again.

"Hey, hey, sweetie!" He whispered, "Let's go back to bed...I'm gonna take her to my bed, Good night shark"

"Night wolf"

The next morning, snake was getting out of the shower when wolf told him about last night.

"sleepwalking? Well that's new" snake says.

"That's what i says, anyway She ended up in shark's room, he was very concerned about it"

"Well I'm sure it's nothing, why don't you leave her here with me" but then wolf noticed on snake's back he had more bruises, one bigger then the last.

"Oh, my, snake. You got another bruise here"

"Huh?" He goes to a mirror and was shocked by it.

"Does that hurt?"

"No...It's weird!

"Yeah, do me a favor, and go see a doctor for that? We don't want princess worrying now"

"Yeah" he tríes to cover up the bruises with makeup foundation.

"Yeah, I will. Drive safe. And good luck on your date"

"It's not a date, just a lunch meeting with the governor"

"Uh huh, well where in's called a date"


Wolf heads outside when he sees princess sitting on a checkered picnic blanket playing pretend picnic.

"Hey princess, what are you doing?" He asked.

She had this cute little Spring Spanish Princess Dress Suit.

"Playing pretend picnic"

He walks up to her, "it looks great if it were real"

But just then they heard something hitting the house.

"Ah" princess screams softly as she jumped.

Wolf carried her and they see...a dead bird twitching.

"Ugh" wolf was disgusted by it as princess was scared.

"Is that a dead bird"

"We should get you inside"

T that evening, snake was inside the house alone with princess, he had his morning coffee when he heard princess talking.

"Yeah. Yes. I do. A bird crash the window but wolf thinks it's best that we played inside, I don't have a best friend. The best I can do is Eddie...Eddie is a friend from school...You're my friend, right? Yeah, let's play"

Snake gets a closer look to see princess was on blanket talking to the music box"

"Princess? Who are you talking to?" Snake asked as he entered inside.


"Rory? Is he one of the stuffed animals you named"

"He's my new friend"

" Oh, really? Is he being nice"

"Yes. You want to see him?

"Yeah, uh-huh. How?"

"With this" she shows him the box.

"Oh that thing, alright I'll give it a try"

"Good, When the music stops, you see him in
the mirror, standing behind you"

"Creepy but Okay"

"But you have to twist the key"


Snake turned the music box on but his skin crawled when he noticed something off.

He turns around and gets jumpscared by princess.


"Ah" he chuckles.


"You almost gave me a Heart attack kiddo!Well, okay"

"I guess Rory doesn't wanna come out, huh?

"Say do you want to play hide and seek"


"Ok you hide and I'll count ok"


"One. Two-" they count together and she ran to hide.


"I'm gonna go hide now"

"Four. Five,Six. Seven.Eight. Nine.Ten. Ok ready or i come"

He heard her giggling which lured him back to shark's room.

"Alright, I know where you're hiding.Give me a clue baby!"

He then heard giggling coming from the closet, he smiled mischievously.

"I'm gonna get you now. Oh gee I wonder where princess could be...give up now baby because i know where you are hiding and I can hear you breathing! GOTCHA"

But when he opened the closet, he saw nothing.


"Boo" she jumped right behind him, "gotcha, I was in piranha and webs's room.

Then later that night, webs and piranha were sleeping.

When webs felt someone grabbing her, "ugh, Stop it, piranha...It's not funny anymore.I'm trying to sleep, please don't grab on my butt"

Then someone pulled her down, alerting her.

"AH!" She looked around, she was getting scared then she looked underneath the bed, she saw nothing when....

The open door starts to move, she was freaking out.

"Piranha" she whimpered his name and shake him.

"Ugh...webs?"he was half awake when he sees webs was shaking in worry.


"What are you doing? Webs? Are you alright?"

"Do you see it?"

"See what?" He asked when he looks at the same direction.

"There's someone behind the door"


"There is someone standing over there"

He looks annoyed "webs, there is no one there, I don't see anyone"

"No...It's's looking right at me"

Then piranha gets up, he was tired and grumpy .

"Piranha, don't, piranha!"



"Just look, look! Look! There's no one, no one's here. See? Ugh, it's that smell again! Owh my..."

"It's standing right behind you"

"Webs, webs?"

Then something jumped at her, "AH"

It woke shark up, "guys? what up?" he says.

Piranha held webs as he tries to calm her down.



"What's going on? What happened?"

"There's someone else in here!" She cried.

"What? Where?" Shark asked.

"By the door! It was behind the door!" She pointed out.

Shark looks behind the door but they all see nothing.

"Baby, there's nothing in here" piranha says as he rubs her back.

"There's nobody in here webs" shake says.

Then princess came in, she rubbed her eyes, as she was woken up from the shouting.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Baby" shark says as he picks her up, "it's nothing honey, webs just had a very bad dream"

"NO! there was someone else in here!
I was just sleeping, and then I felt someone grab me, I thought it was piranha"

"Shh, it's ok baby" he cradled her while soothing her fearful nerves.

"No, no! it talked to me. It said...
that it wants princess dead"

Piranha and shark looked each other worried, princess had her face buried in shark's neck but she wasn't crying.

While webs wrapped her arms around piranha's neck for comfort.

The next morning, Lorraine was outside with Judy in the henhouse,

"Mr. Winston!"

"Winston! Winston!"

"Get behind him"

Ed watch as he gets inside the car, Lorraine noticed.

"Where're you off to?"

"Uh, I just gotta run to the store for a few things"

"Why do you even try?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"In 15 years, have you been able to lie to me?"

"Pastor Gordon called, he's got a case he wants us to look into. I said I would check it up myself"

But she insisted on tagging along, "Lorraine, myself!"

"I'm coming with you. I know you're worried
it's gonna happened again. Yeah, I am. I really am! Maybe it's just time we take a break, write that book.

"Do you remember what you said to me
on our wedding night?"

"I think your mother is mad?"

"No...After that, You said that God brought us
together for a reason, right? I'm pretty sure it's
not to write a book. I'm gonna get dress"

Later that night, they arrived at an couple's home.

"We isolate the disturbances to the attic.
Now I just want you to listen for a second"

"Oh my God, that's it!"

"Do it again, Ed!"

"Right now it's just my weight. It take the water coming off the pipe combined with the wind come through the broken window...and these boards gonna expands and rub against each other.You heard it all through the house because these to the radiator"

"So this place isn't haunted"

"No, it rarely is. There's usually always some kind of rational explanations"

But at that same time at the bad guy's summer home, snake was in the bathroom.

He seems to be getting more bruises up to his neck, so he starts wearing a turtleneck then he takes some pills.

He was heading back to bed when hears giggling.

"Princess, it's way past your bed time" he heads in the dark hallway but he finds princess asleep in her room.


Then he heard a loud crash coming downstairs and he saw that the picture frames of the and princess crashed on the floor, glass shattering.

"Who is that?" He passes by the shattered pictures, looked around and saw the basement door was open.

"Whose ever down there, I'm gonna lock you in now!"

But then the door shut on him and he went trembling down the stairs.

"Ugh" he gets up and he felt his blood ran cold, carefully looking, a ball bounced out, he was officially freaked out.

He quickly slithered upstairs trying to open the door when the lightbulb shattered and he was trapped in the dark.

"Help! Help me up, Help!"

But then he hears laughter again, looking around in the dark, he was lucky he carried a flashback, he took it out of his hat and his tail trembled trying to hold it.

He scans the darkness when, "Hey, want to play Hide and seek?"

Then something behind him grabbed his shoulder, "AH" he tries to open the door.

When upstairs, shake was sleeping when he hears banging noise.

"Ugh" he moans as he turns on the light and saw princess trying to get in the closet.

"Princess? Okay! Alright? Alright, come on.
Come on.There you go. Okay, you can just sleep with me tonight, alright?" He careful lifts her up and lays her in bed.

"Right here. There you go"

But then he suddenly heard the closet doors banging, as shark carefully approached it, princess lifts her head up then shark opens the door to find...nothing.


But when he turns back around, he saw princess was looking up at something.

"Princess you ok?" He had to asked.

"BEHIND YOU!" She pointed.

He turns back around and someone or thing was on top of the closet.

"Ah-a-a-ah!" He screams in a high pitch scream.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

But outside wolf arrived home with Diane after their date.

"I had a great time" Diane says.

"Me too, say why-" but suddenly they heard Shark screaming.

"Do you hear that?" Diane asked.

Then that's when they both realized it, "shark!"

They quickly ran inside as snake was banging on the door.

"Help! help! help! Help!" Then the door opened and he land on the floor, "ugh" he gets up shaking his head.

"Snake?" wolf says.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then suddenly they heard princess screaming.

"PRINCESS!" They both shouted then the three of them rush upstairs.

"Who's in here?" Wolf howled as he turns on the lights and he saw shark was on the floor rolling around screaming while princess was hiding underneath the sheets.

"Princess! Shark What happened?" Wolf asked as he ran to princess and picked her up cradling her.

"A witch attack shark"

Shark finally snapped out if it when he saw the thing that attacked him was gone.

"What witch?" Wolf asked.

"There's something in here and it jumped on me" shark started to become hysterical then piranha entered the room.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"There was a witch on Top of the closet" princess pointed out.

"Somebody gonna tell me what's going on here!" Diane asked.

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