The Eye of the Storm

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(A request for 1214ng )

The sound of a sputnik beeping as it is seen the standard WB shield zooming in from the darkness and into the red Looney tunes rings.

The banner appears around the shield with the words "FEATURE ANIMATION", and the shield comes to a stop.

The byline "A TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY" fades in afterwards, and the logo darkens as it fades away as the sputnik beeping sounds begins to disappear to silence.

"WARNER BROS. presents" fades in on-screen for a few second and fades out and the film's title fades in and it zooms in slowly and then rapidly towards the viewer.

Then it cuts to space, the sputnik orbits from the distance to the right and to the left towards the viewer as the camera pans to reveal the planet Earth and the sunrise.

"EARTH 1957" fades in below, and fades out afterwards.

The storm is brewing around the side of North America, the sputnik orbits away and the camera pans past the moon and we see a bright dot in the distance.

It zooms in rapidly past the viewer to reveal itself as a comet and the camera pans back to planet earth where the comet is heading towards the eye of the storm.

The camera zooms in towards the storm, and the flash transitions the scene to the an ocean waving rapidly.

"SOMEWHERE OFF THE COAST OF MAINE" appears below, and fades out as a boat appears in the ocean.

"Mayday! Mayday!" the scene changes to Earl Stutz piloting his boat.

"This is the crawler Annabelle. I've lost my bearings and I'm taking on water. My last good reading is 44 degrees north, 68 degrees...." he begins to notice the comet crashing landing in the distance.

"Portland Station to Annabelle. What is your current position?"

Earl Stutz grabbing the radio to reply, "I don't know exactly, Portland. Off the coast somewhere, near Rockwell! Wait" he notices a lightbeam in the distance.

"The lighthouse! I see it!"

The lightbeam turns around and another lightbeam appears, Earl's relived look fades away.

The boat then crashes into the metallic structure, causing the hull to break apart and Earl to fall through the window and on deck.

Earl looks up and gasps and as the camera pans upwards to reveal the silhouette of a giant robot with glowing white eyes.

Earl slowly backs away, but the waves engulf him and wash him off the boat.

Earl begins to swim up the surface as the boat sinks, the waves crash into the rocky cliff and they drain away to reveal Earl had made it on one of the rocks.

He looks up as the camera pans up several rocky features to see an actual lighthouse, its lightbeam engulfs the screen.

The scene nexts to Diane heading inside the FBI building as she were walking to the conference room where the other bad guys were to see their boss.

"I got your message what's going on?" Diane asked.

"I'm glad you're here Diane we recently got an alert that something came and went crashing down into a little town called Rockwell" their boss says as he hands her a profile with pictures of the mysterious item.

"A pilot claims to be something big"

"Uh huh and you want us to investigate it" she asked.

"No, this man wants you to investigate it" he turns his attention as a man in a suit named:Kent Mansley walked in.

"Diane, bad guys meet: Kent Mansley, he'll be assisting you"

Once he walked in they see a guest there as their boss introduces to him to him and leaves the bad guys to him.

The person the bad guys met is Kent Mansley who works for the government and hires the bad guys to work with him by solving something in Rockwell Maine.

"You must be the bad guys" Kent shakes wolf's hand.

"Was the bad guys but now we're FBI's" wolf says.

"Oh is that so" Kent chuckled, "what made you changed, wanted to do good for the community"

"Yeah that or it was because of mainly that" wolf points to princess who is 8 years old with a pink bow on the side of her head.

She was on the playing cards with piranha on the floor.

She puts the cards down, "I win" she smiled.

"Doh" piranha groans.

"We retired to become parents, best decision we ever made" wolf says.

Kent gets a look at her, "hey isn't that Thomas chesterfield's daughter?" He asked.

"Was his daughter, till we took her in, he didn't deserve her" webs says as she adjusts princess bow.

"But doesn't she still keep his last name" Kent asked.

"Not anymore" wolf says.

"So what name does she take" Kent asked.

"Well I wanted her to be princess wolf but others didn't like the idea" wolf eyes the others, "so know..." he sighs in frustration, "she goes by, princess foxington, unfortunately it's the only thing we agree on" wolf turned to Diane who smiles.

"Ok so shall we get going now" she asked.

"Alright we need to get to rockwe, me can get fast by plane" Kent says.

But the guys looked worried, "actually we may have a problem, we don't have a babysitter to watch princess while we're Gone" wolf picks up princess.

"Oh don't worry we'll bring her along with us" Diane says.

"What are you crazy, we can't take a child on a dangerous mission" wolf says.

"Don't worry she'll be fine" Kent says.

"Are you even sure it's ok to bring a child on a mission"  wolf asked.

"There are other kids there she can make new friends" Kent says.

"I don't know about that, some of her family are very overprotective of her" Diane turns to the bad guys with annoyed look.

"I just don't know if princess will be safe whatever it is we're looking for" wolf says.

"I can assure you Mr wolf, your daughter will be in perfect safe hands, trust me" Kent says.

They Looked at each other and accepts this mission, "alright, let's do this" wolf says. and they also brings Diane and Princess too.

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