Rocket in the pocket

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It transitions to a bright early morning sunrise in Rockwell. The camera pans through the pier and zooms towards the hill, a young boy who is Hogarth Hughes cycles down the street and stops outside Chat 'n' Chew diner. He enters the diner and looks around to see if his mother is around.

"Over here, honey!"

Hogarth notices his mother at the bar and he approaches it with a box in his arm.

"Hey, Mom! You won't believe our good luck. Guess what I found?"

"Hogarth, we've been through this before. No pets"

"Oh, but he's not a pet, Mom. He's a friend"

"Hogarth, we've got to rent a room this year if we're gonna make ends meet, and no one wants to live in a place with shredded upholstery"

"You'll never know he's there. I'll keep him in a cage"

"Until you feel sorry for him and set him free... in the house. You remember the raccoon, Hogarth?"
"I remember the raccoon"

"Please, Mom, at least look at him"

"All right. Where is this guy?"

Hogarth turns to the box, but he discovers it empty and the lid opened. Thankfully, his mom didn't notice, because she is busy talking to another waitress.

"I will go get him, okay?"

He leaves the bar to start looking around the diner under tables. He approaches one with a man behind the newspaper

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Sir? Excuse me--!" he brings down the newspaper away from the man's face to find that he is actually sleeping. The man is Dean McCoppin, who wakes up.

"What's that?"

"Please don't move. My pet's under your table" Dean is about to look underneath, "Don't look! If you make a scene, my mom won't let me keep him"

"What kind of pet, kid?"

"A squirrel. He's friendly"

Then, they hear Earl talking to his friends about what happened to him last night.

"I'm telling the truth, dang it! It came from outer space. I saw it. And it was headed toward land. I called the government in Washington about it. Maybe it was a Sputnik or an invader from Mars. That's what it is. It's an invader from Mars! A spaceship of some kind. An unidentified flying object"

"Unidentified? Knowing you, Earl, I'd say it was either whiskey or beer" they laugh at him.

"Hey" they turn to Dean, "I saw it too" The patrons look at Dean suspiciously and turn away.

"I rest my case" They laugh again, Dean sighs in annoyance.

"I believe you. What if it is Sputnik?" Dean takes off his sunglasses, unbeknown to them, a squirrel looks up Dean's trouser leg, "Or a flying saucer from Mars? I bet we could find it"

"Sorry, kid. I didn't really see anything. But if we don't stick up for the kooks, who will?"

Annie walking by, "Is my son bothering you, sir?"

Suddenly, Dean's eyes widen, and he grits his teeth awkwardly.

"Yes, I mean No!" he bangs the table, "Call me Dean" Hogarth and his mom look dumbfounded.

"Hogarth, you were going to get your pet, honey?"

"I will, Mom. Right after I finish talking with--"

"Dean" Annie leaves to go back to the bar.

"Found your pet"


"It's in my leg, man. Squirrel's up my pants, Hogarth. I'm trying not to wig out here"

"Don't wig out" Dean begins to jolt uncontrollably.

"Okay. He's heading north now. I'm sorry, kid" he gets up from the table and stands in the aisle, "I'd like to apologize to everyone in advance for this" he unzips the flyer on his pants and the squirrel starts running away the diner, causing the customers and the waitresses and waiters to scream and panic.

Annie has seen all, and turns to glare at Dean. Dean places his sunglasses on nervously.

"Check, please" From Annie's POV, the camera pans to Hogarth who smiles nervously.

"It's a rat!" Later, Hogarth cycles down the path back to his home.

Home Alone- Inside Hogarth's house the phone rings and Hogarth answered it.

"Hello, this is Hogarth Hughes speaking. Who's calling please?"

"Hogarth honey, I'm really sorry, but..." She was cut off when the waitress comes out of the kitchen. To the waitress.

"Thank you. I need to work late tonight. There's some cold chicken in the icebox. You can have that and some carrots"

"I'm way ahead of you, Mom" he Opens the bread box.

"Good, I'll make it up to you, okay?"


"I love you, honey"

"Me too" He's about to hang up.

"And, Hogarth no scary movies, no late snacks, in bed by 8:00"

"Got it?"

Later that night, Hogarth is watching a black and white movie on TV. The clock reads "8:47"

"Why, the porpoise can communicate telepathically, Miss Melon" Hogarth fills the twinkie with whipped cream and eats it.

"If we can transplant at least 15% of their brain matter into ours we may be able to read minds" Brain is on the floor, "Darn. A perfectly good brain wasted" To Miss Melon leaving the lab, "I think you've seen enough. How about a nightcap? Let's say my place"

"Oh, sheesh"

"I was thinking the same thing. Mind reader"

"Darn. I seem to have left my keys in the lab" Hogarth eats popcorn, and the man goes back to the lab to get his keys he tries to turn on the light.

"Hmm" The brain moves slowly on the floor.

"You're gonna get it"

The man picks up his keys and hears shattering noises as Hogarth hears something.

"Who's there?" Hogarth goes upstairs and carries his toy gun.

"No! No! No!" Hogarth quickly goes downstairs and sees the Brain monster attacks the man on TV but suddenly the TV goes static.

"Aww, come on!" He smacks the TV trying to make it work but no effect.

"Stupid antenna"

Later, Hogarth goes out the window with his flashlight, climbs up the tree, crawls on the roof. The antenna is torn the wooden fence is broken and Hogarth sees giant tracks on the ground.

"Invaders from Mars!" Hogarth realises what is going on so he goes to his bedroom he pulls out his BB toy gun from under his bed, takes out his helmet, the tape, his boots from his toy box, he tapes his flashlight to his BB gun, puts on his boots, his helmet. He looks in the mirror and he salutes himself. He puts his coat on and he goes outside into the night.

Into the Woods/Annie picks up Hogarth

In the forest, Hogarth holds his BB gun and his flashlight is on he quietly walks and he sees damaged trees with broken limbs he gulped nervously as he sees more damaged trees then he sees a light spark he pants quietly and he cocks his BB gun he sees the power station he looks around quietly as the giant robot from behind looks around.

Then, Hogarth turns around and gasped upon seeing the robot walking he runs and he trips over and sees his BB gun damaged.

Hogarth looks on as the robot walks to the power station he picks some metal and eats it. Back at Hogarth's house, Annie comes home and she sees the TV on.

"Oh, Hogarth"

Back in the woods the robot continues roaring as Hogarth covers his face. So Annie gets a flashlight and turns it on.

"Hogarth? Honey?" She Goes upstairs.

The robot is still roaring and Hogarth is terrified as he gets up and runs.

"Hogarth?" She realises that Hogarth's bed is empty.


As Hogarth runs he stops and thinks he goes to the power station.

He sees the power switch he pulls the switch he falls backwards and the power is turned off.

The robot falls backwards to the ground Hogarth felt shocked about what happened.

Hogarth crawls up the broken tree limb he throws a stone trying to wake him up but no effect.

Hogarth climbs on the giant and he throws the stone into the robot's mouth.

The robot starts to wake up and Hogarth screamed as the robot gets up and Hogarth runs in fright he sees the car coming.

"Help! Help! Stop! Help!"

"Hogarth? Hogarth!"


"What do you think you're doing?! Don't you know better than to wander off at night alone? What if something happened to you?"

"I'm sorry, Mom"

"Oh, don't you ever do that to me again, Hogarth I was so scared. I thought I'd lost you"

"Mom? You won't believe this. Something ate our TV antenna"

"Oh, Hogarth"

"No! I'm serious! Oh but it's not Sputnik, like Mr Stutz thought"


"No, it's a robot! No, really, it is! And the robot, it's 100 feet high! And it eats metal!"

"Stop it! Just stop. I'm not...I'm not in the mood. Come on. Let's go home"

Annie drives Hogarth home, Hogarth felt disappointed that his mother didn't believe him.

He looks out the back car window as the robot looks at him.

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