Wreckage in the town

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The scene changes to a classroom where Hogarth is drawing the giant robot he saw earlier as the whole class watches an educational film.

"A peaceful, stay-at-home kind of day in a town very much like your own. But then suddenly without warning.Atomic holocaust! But how does one survive an atomic attack?"

Classroom boy 1 To another boy, "Hey did you hear about crazy Mr. Stutz? He says his boat ran into a sea monster"

"I heard it was sunk by a meteor"

"No, no, no. It was a metal meteor. It ate his boat. My dad says-"

"it wasn't any of those things"

"What would you know about it Poindexter?"

"Hogarth! Don't make me come over there"

"Hands over your head, Keep low to the ground, Time to duck in cover, The bombs are coming down.
Duck and cover"

"It's about 50 or 60 feet high and it only eats metal"

"Shut up, you little spaz!"

"It's probably been sent by foreigners to take over the country"

"Yeah, we should bomb it to smithereens before it does"

"Cause all the kids who don't, Will cease to be around"
Hogarth draws a giant robot eating metal.

In Chant 'n' Chew, Annie makes Dean some coffee

"What a nice girl serving coffee to a guy like me"

"Particuarly, I have the right to refuse the service to anyone" referring the sign.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I usually..."

"Not like that?"

"Right" they chuckle softly.

"It wasn't your fault. Hogarth is... I think he's lonely"

"Yeah. Well, he's a good kid"

they smile at each other. Earl approaches Dean by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, c'mon outside. I've got somethin' to show ya"

cut outside Chat 'n' Chew diner, where Dean is examining a eaten tractor.

"Thanks for the scrap, Floyd. I can't pay you more, but well, it's- it's got this um... this large bite out of it"

"That's why I'm selling it, it's got a large bite out of it"

"That's... Who could have done this?"

"I told you what"

"Oh, yeah. Strange invaders" he walks to his truck.

"Thanks for believing me. I really did call the government. They're sending someone to take care of the whole thing"

"Jeez, Earl. You really are crazy. I mean, who in the hell would the government send?"

Answering Dean's question, the scenes changes to someone closing the car with the goverment seal with "BUREAU OF UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA".

The camera pans up to reveal Kent Mansley, a government agent, who is smoking his pipe. He takes out his ID. Followed by the bad guys, Diane and princess.

"Kent Mansley, United States Government, Unexplained Phenomena department. These are my associates the bad guys and government"

"Marv Loach. I the-"

"What happened here?" Wolf asked.

"Not sure. Sometimes the line'll snap if the weather is bad, sure" Marv and Kent and bad guys walk through the wreckage of the power station.

"But for a whole tower to get twisted up like that.... It's got me beat. It's almost like it was bitten off by some enormous beast"

Piranha was writing the notes down, "Enormous beast, yeah. What do you think? Escaped gorilla?" Kent asked.

"Maybe a tree fell down" wolf says.

"Err, what department is that again?"

"Frankly, I'm not at liberty to reveal the particulars of the agency we work for... ...and all that that implies"

"You mean the national security?"

"Let's put it this way. Once in a while, things happen... ...that can't be rationalized in a conventional way. People wanna know that their government has a response. I am that response. So were there any witnesses?"

"Well, sir, if you'll just follow me" Kent follows Marv to his truck. Marv opens his truck and takes out what's left of Hogarth's BB Gun.

"We did find this" Kent examines the damaged BB Gun.

"United States Government, huh? Guess that means something big's happening here, eh?"

Kent Mansley chuckles as he enters his car, "Biggest thing here is probably the homecoming queen-" Kent notices as the camera zooms out, his car has a chunk bitten out.


"What's wrong? Whoa" wolf says as Kent jumps out, terrified, and his fedora falls off.

He then quickly runs back to the power station. After he left, the giant robot's arm emerges from the trees. Kent is escorting Marv to his car.

"Come on Marv, I need a witness. It's around the corner"

"You go ahead I'll examine the woods, you stay safe baby" wolf runs princess head as she Diane and the rest of the bad guys follow Kent.

"Don't pull so hard"

"It's like a big "chomp" out of the side of the car. It's like a bite out of a ham sandwich, like a--"

he became lost for words when his car is no longer there. Only his fedora and the BB gun remains.

"What err- What are we looking at here, Mr. Manley?"

"Something big, Marv" he picks up the damaged BB gun, "Something big"

The scene changes to Hogarth walking to the woods while carrying metal and has a camera around his neck.

"Hello! Come out! Hey, big metal guy, I got food here for you! Metal! Crunchy, delicious metal! Come and get it!"

Hogarth puts down the metal and runs then he kneels behind the tree limb.

He pulls the camera scanning and he waits for minutes.

He wipes the flashbulb with a white paper towel. Then the camera flashed and Hogarth placed his hand on his eyes.

Moments later, he felt bored as he lies down on the tree limb.

Then suddenly, he wakes up as he hears giant footsteps approaching he pulls out the camera as he sees the small torn tree.

Then Hogarth sees the metal and he gasped, his eyes widen as he looks up to the giant robot.

He runs in fright as the robot starts to follow him. Hogarth continues to run, then he didn't see where he was going and bumps into Mr wolf.

"AH!" The two fell down.

"Sorry mister"

"What are you doing in the woods kid?" Wolf asked but then Hogarth continues to run.

Wolf looks and when he sees the giant, he quickly hides behind a tree.

"Whoa, what the-" he was shocked.

Hogarth ran Until he run into a tree limb which knocks him to the ground and his nose bleeds as the giant robot approached him, wolf goes back to save him.

Hogarth looks up at the giant robot as he sits down in front of him as the ground shook and Hogarth cringes in fear. Hogarth stretches his legs out and the robot does the same.

"So I guess you're not gonna hurt me, huh?"

"Huh?" Wolf saw and realized the giant is actually friendly.

The giant robot holds his hand out as Hogarth cringed and gasped.

It reveals the shut off switch that landed on the ground.

"The shutoff switch. You saw me save you" The giant looked at him innocently]z

"So where are you from? You came from the sky, right? From up there? Don't you remember anything? Hmm, maybe it's that bump from your head"

The robot placed his finger on his head, feeling the dent.

"Do you talk? You know, words? "Blah, blah, blah," like that? Can you do that? Blah blah blah?"

"Blah, blah, blah" the giant says in a rusty voice.

"Well, you get the idea anyway. Let's see" he Picks up rock and shows him.

"See this? This is called the rock. Rock"



The Iron Giant Picks up a boulder, "Rock?"


Iron Giant Picks up a tree, "Rock!"

"No, no. That is a tree" he Points to boulder, "Rock" Points to tree, "Tree. Get it?"

Iron Giant Looks at boulder, "Rock" Looks at tree, "Tree"

"Incredible" wolf carefully approaches them.

"That's right! Wow, my own giant robot, I am now the luckiest kid in America! This is unbelievable. This is the greatest discovery since, I don't know, television or something. I gotta tell someone. I should call--"

"No kid, they'll panic" wolf says to him.

"People will always wig out and start shooting when they see something big like him"


"Wig out. It means crazy. You know like..." hogarth Makes a crazy face and the robot mimics him and wolf laughs.

"No, no! Don't do that! That's the kind of stuff that makes them shoot at you"

"Look the government sent us here to find him if they find out about your robot giant who knows what they'll do to him"

"You can't tell them, please help me hide him" Hogarth begged.

Then wolf sees him he sighs, "ok, you seem like a good kid, I have a daughter probably your age, alright I'll help you hide him but we got to move fast"

The scene switches to the office where Kent Mansley has a meeting.

"Two nights ago, at approximately 1900 hours, sat com radar detected an unidentified object entering Earth's atmosphere losing contact with it 2 1/2 miles of the coast of Rockwell. Some assumed it was a large meteor or a downed satellite. But my office in Washington received a call from someone who reported an actual encounter with the object. This is no meteor, gentlemen. This is something much more serious. So..." The scene switches back to the woods.

"So, we can't call Ripley's Believe It or Not! because they wouldn't believe it. And uh...oh it's getting dark and if I don't get home soon, Mom's gonna wonder where I am and if she comes looking for me and sees you, then we got a screaming problem again. So for now, would you, you know, just...just stay here, okay? I'll come back tomorrow" The robot stands up and Hogarth looks up seeing how tall he is.

"Wow. Well, goodbye"

"Come I'll escort you home you're gonna need some excuse or explain your mom" wolf says as they walk away and the robot starts to follow them.

"No, no. Me go. You stay. No following. Good" But the robot does follow him anyway.

"I told you! I'll come back tomorrow! Now, stay!" The giant doesn't listen.

"No, No, No! Bad robot!"

The camera pans to Hogarth walking home as the giant follows him. Hogarth shakes his head and turns to the robot.

"Look, you can't go stomping around and you can't come with me. My mom will wig out" The robot makes a face and laughs making wild laughs.

"That's right. So you have got to stay in the forest, and I'll bring you some food tomorrow. But I gotta go home now. So goodbye" Hogarth is about to walk home then he stops and sees the robot kneeling down to the train tracks.

"Hey!" The robot is about to eat half of the train track.

"Hey, wait a minute!" The giant stops to look at him.

"What do you think you're doing? Look at this mess!"

Then suddenly the crossing bell goes off and Hogarth hears a train coming.

"Oh no.Put it back! Put it back right now! Help me I need your help! Good, good!"

"Uh oh" wolf says.

The robot puts the track back on the ground and Hogarth sees the approaching train.

"Oh yeah, put them together. See? Like this. This one here, that one there"

"Hurry kid" wolf says.

The robot fixes the track, "Okay, over, over. Good, good. Now the other one. Okay, good enough. Let's go!"

Hogarth runs but he stops and sees the train is about hit the robot.

"What the? That's fine! Leave it alone! The train is coming!" The robot finishes fixing the track.

"Come on let's go!" The robot gasped upon seeing the train approach him as Hogarth reacts in horror and wolf grabs him, they jump to the ground, Hogarth cringing.

The crash is heard and Hogarth sees the crashed train. The robot lands on the ground and his body parts land as well.

"Oh no, no, no" The robot gets up, "You're alive!" To giant.

"That's amazing" wolf says.

"Look, I've changed my mind. You can follow me home. OK? Let's go!"

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