Every villain's origin

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"Here's my day so far; went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams, and got my butt kicked pretty good. Still, things could be a lot worse. Oh, that's right. I'm falling to my death. Guess they can't. How did it all come to this you ask? My end starts at the beginning. The very beginning. Yes, that's me. I had a fairly standard childhood. I came from what you might call a broken home, literally broken. I was 8 days old and still living with my parents. How sad is that? Clearly it was time to move on"

" Here is your Minion, he will take care of you"

""And here is your binky"

He puts the binky into Megamind's mouth and then utters his last words to his son.

"You are destined for..." but The ship closes and starts to take off.

"I didn't quite hear that last part, but it sounded important. Destined for... what? I set out to find my destiny. Turns out a kid from the Glaupunk Quadrant had the exact same idea. That was the day I met Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. And our glorious rivalry was born!"

baby Megamind's ship is heading towards a large beautiful house.

"Could this be what I was destined for? A dream life filled with luxury?"

baby Metro Man's ship appears in front and crash lands into the beautiful house.

"Apparently not! Even fate has its favorites. No big deal. A much different fate awaited me"Megamind's ship lands in Metro City Prison.

" A baby! How thoughtful" lady Scott holds infant Metro Man in her hands.

"Oh, yes, yes. I saw and thought of you" lord Scott was too busy reading.

baby Megamind's ship opens and he sees the prisoners crowding around looking at him.

"Luckily I found a lovely little place to call home"

" Can we keep it?"

one of the prisoners is showing him picture cards of a policeman and a burglar.

"A place that taught me the differences between right and wrong. Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes on the other hand had life handed to him on a silver platter" baby Metro Man flies around the ceiling.

"Our baby can fly!" without looking he continues to read his paper.

"Yes, yes, nothing but the best for you, darling"

"The power of flight, invulnerability, and great hair!" the image freezes at Mr. GTS as the tip of his hair shines.

"But I had something far, far greater. My amazing intellect! A knack for building objects of mayhem"

Now riding a tricycle made out of Metro City license plates, baby Megamind rides down the hall with some of the inmates following him. His pacifier shoots a beam through the wall and is stopped by the warden.

Megamind as a child is being escorted out of prison and taken to School.

"After a few years and with some time off for good behavior, I was given an opportunity to better myself through learning at a strange place called 'shool'. It was there that I once again ran into Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. He had already amassed a gigantic army of soft-headed groupies"

Metro Man as a child uses his laser vision to heat up popcorn and all the school children cheer and clap.

"He bought their affections with showmanship, extravagant gifts of deliciousness. So I too would make this popped corn and win over those mindless drones"

"Lights out!" The prison lights turn off.

Megamind uses his pacifier as a flashlight to add some more sketches to his invention while Minion watches.

Megamind's object to produce popcorn for the school children explodes and Metro Man uses his powers to put the fire out.

"That's when I learned a very hard lesson. Good receives all the praise and adulation while evil is sent to quiet time in the corner"

Metro Man sends Megamind to the back of the room and is rewarded with a gold star sticker.

" So fitting in wasn't really an option"

Metro Man plays a ukulele as the class sings "Itsy Bitsy Spider".

While they were learning Itzy Bitzy Spider, I learnt how to dehydrate inanimate objects and rehydrate them at will.

Then at lunch time, as he enters the cafeteria, he smiled around everyone who only scoots away from him.

"I was always the outcast" Megamind fires a ray at Minion turning him into a cube, and adds a drop of water on the cube to bring Minion back to life. The latter sees the former belly-up as he taps of the sphere. Minion wakes up as the two share a smile.

"Some days it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world. No matter how hard I tried I was always the odd man out"

MM picks a girl with a cast and crutches to be on his team.

"The last one picked. A screw up! Black sheep!"

dodgeballs are being pelted at Megamind.

"Bad boy!" As a new round begins, Megamind buckles up a helmet with spikes on them. As the dodgeballs fire, lightning from the spikes reflect the balls hitting a car, a man's head, and nearly hitting the teacher, but deflected by MM.

He is rewarded with yet another gold star sticker.

"But that's when I found some friends who understood me"

Back in the cafeteria, he felt a hand touched his shoulders.

He looks up to see a young pup, who smiled at him, he smiled back.

"I found some friends who were outcasts, treated differently"

He looks around to see other kids coming to sit with him, as the young pup sits next to him, he sees a tiny tarantula with overalls and pigtails smiling at him showing her two Buck teethes as she pulled her tiny lunch box up.

Then a baby snake slithered up a chair, then a pup shark pulled a seat, then he turned to his left to see a young Piranha, he smiled at him.

"They were my only friends, they made me and minion feel like...we were alone, they called themselves: the bad guys"

When minion sees young Piranha they nudge their heads together.

"That's when it saw it" young Megamind looks around at his friends"

"Was this my destiny? Wait... maybe it was! My team made me Realize that Being bad is the one thing I'm good at. Then it hit me; if I was the bad boy, then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all!" He leans in closer and the young bad guys hear his plan and they all nodded to each other and smiled mischievously.

Then bad guys distracted the class while Megamind sets off a chemical explosion in the schoolhouse.

"I was destined to be a supervillain, we were the greatest team of all time"

The bad guys and megamind robbed banks and jewelry stores.

Skipping to high school, "that's was when after high school, the bad guys had to leave to a new town to start something new in their legacy"

Wolf frown as he waves goodbye to Megamind along with the others.

Megamind and minion frowned and waved bye as the bad guys took off.

"They were my only friends but I decided I had to be the greatest villain for them" he looks at minion and smiles.

"we were destined to be rivals! The die had been cast! And so began an enduring epic lifelong career...and I LOVED IT!"

a gallery of newspaper articles appears, featuring Megamind and Metro Man's battles.

"Our battles quickly got more elaborate. He would win some, I would almost win others! He took the name Metro Man, defender of Metro City I decided to pick something a little more humble; Megamind, incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy!"

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