Escape, plan and kidnap

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Warden Noticing the cell guard reading a newspaper.

"Read on your own time! Open up!" The guard opens the window and Warden and sees that Megamind is not sitting in his chair.

Concerned, he presses his face up closer to the window.

"BOO!" Warden jumps back. Megamind laughs.

"Good morning Warden. Great news, I'm a changed man and I'm ready to re-enter society as a solid citizen"

"You're a villain! And you'll always be a villain. You'll never change. And you'll never leave"

"You're fun"

"You got a present in the mail"

"Is it a puppy?"

the warden opens the box to reveal a hand watch.

"From Metro Man" he reads the card from Metro Man.

"'To count every second of your eighty-five life sentences.' That's funny, never thought Metro Man was the gloating type. Oh, but he does have nice taste" he puts the watch on his wrist.

"I think I'll keep it"

"Any chance you could give me the time. I don't want to be late for the opening of the Metro Man museum" the warden looks at the watch.

"Oh, no! Looks like you're gonna miss it, by several thousand years" the warden walks away.

"Oh, am I?" He starts to do an evil laugh.

"Happy Metro Man day, Metro City. It's a beautiful day in downtown where we're here to honor a beautiful Metro Man. His heart is an ocean that's inside a bigger ocean. For years he's been watching us with his supervision, saving us with his super strength and caring for us with his super heart. Now it's our turn to give something back. This is Roxanne Ritchie, reporting live from the dedication of the Metro Man museum" she does the cut sign to her cameraman.

"Wow! Okay, the stuff they make you read on air, that's un-freaking-believable! It's crazy"

"I wrote that piece myself, Hal"

"What I was trying to say was, I can't believe that in our modern society, they let, like actual art get onto the news"

" Nice save, Hal"

"Why don't, let's just get a coffee or something"

"Come on, it's time to get into the metro man day spirit!"

"Well, if I were Metro Man, Megamind wouldn't be kidnapping you all the time, that's the first thing"

"That's sweet, Hal"

"And I'd be watching you, a dingo watches a human baby"


"Okay, that sounded...okay, that sounded a little weird"

"A little bit, yeah"

"You're making a face, and that's making me feel weird" then Roxanne is kidnapped by minion as Hal continues to speak.

"Point is, I would watch you like something watching something intently with love. Not love, we're not in love. I'm not saying I love you. Okay, I love you, whatever. But I'm not saying, like, I'm in love with you, I'm saying..." he turns notices Roxanne is gone, "Roxxane? Roxaroo?"

Cut back to the prison. The warden's appearance is changed into Megamind's as he walks back from the cell.

"Get back to work! The city doesn't pay you to loaf"


"Woah, what are you doing guys? It's meEE-"

The officers taze the warden and drag him back to Megamind's cell.

As they cuff the Warden to the chair, Megamind steals back the watch and heads out the door as the Warden changes back.

"No, you fools. He's tricked us"

"You were right" The watch changes him into the Warden.

"I'll always be a villain" Megamind cackles sinisterly as he locks the door behind him and leaves the prison.

"Well, hello good looking! Need a lift?"

"Certainly do, you fantastic fish, you!"

"Get in the car, you"

"Woo! I'm free! Nice work sending me the watch, Minion!"

"You got it, boss!"

"Punch it!"

Cut to Metroman on stage punching through a brick wall.

"Alright. Put your hands in the air!" the crowd cheers in delight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your Metro Man!"

"Who's your man?"

"Metro Man!"

"Yeah, Metro City!" Metro Man flies along the crowd, high-fiving the audience.

"Give me some! Come on. Give it to me! Right on! Give me the good stuff! Alright!"

Metro Man picks up and juggles three babies before returning them and grabbing a microphone.

"Hey, Metro City. Hey. Hey" the crowd screams and cheers.

"Hey. You know, I just wanna bring it down a bit. Boys, a little lower. Thank you, fellas" the crowd stops cheering.

"Let's get real for a moment. That's right, that's right. Ha-ha. Although getting a whole museum is super cool, super cool. You wanna know what the greatest honor you've given me is? Do you really wanna know?" the crowd starts to cheer again.

"Really?" the crowd cheers louder.

"I'll tell ya. The greatest honor you've given me is letting me serve you. The helpless people of Metro City. And at the end of every day, well, I often ask myself; who would I be without you?" Then a male voice from the crowd shouts.

"I love you, Metro Man!"

"And I love you, random citizen! Ha ha ha~!"

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