No purpose

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Megamind and Minion both laugh. Crazy train plays. They go on a crime spree, which does not last long. Cut to Megamind sitting in his office staring at a drinking bird desk toy.

"I know, I know. Always thirsty, never satisfied. I understand you, little well-dressed bird. Purposeless, emptiness. It's a vacuum, isn't it? It's...What's your vacuum like?"

Minion breaks through the door, singing and playing air guitar on a statue.

"Going off the rails on a crazy train, sir!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Not now, Minion. I'm in a heated, existential discussion with this dead-eyed, plastic desk toy"

" something wrong, sir?"

"Just think about it. We have it all. Yet we have nothing. It's just too easy now"

"I'm sorry. You've lost me, sir"

"I mean, we did it, right?"

"Uh, well, YOU did it, sir. Yes, you've made that perfectly clear"

"Then why do I feel so...melancholy?"

" Melancholy?"


"Oh, well, uh...what if tomorrow we could go kidnap Roxanne Ritchie? That always seems to lift your spirits!"

"Good idea, Minion. But without him, what's the point?" He gesturing at the statue of Metro Man.

"Him, sir?"


"Okay, um... All right, well...That's something to consider, and, um, well, I think I'll just power down for a while, then"

Cut to Roxxanne, broadcasting outside of the Metro Man museum for her news spot.

He was always there for us. Dependable. Perhaps we took him for granted, or maybe... we never really know how good we have it until it's gone. We miss you, Metro Man... I... miss you. And I have just one question for Megamind. Are you happy now? This is Roxanne Ritchie, reporting from a city without a hero. Coming up next, are you ready to be a slave army? What you need to know"she does the cut sign to Hal.

" Aaand, wrap that up and give it to a child on Christmas! Cause we're done"

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Hal"

"Wait, Roxie, I'm havin' a party at my house, It's gonna be like off the hook, or whatever. You should come over. I got a DJ, rented a bouncy house, made a gallon of dip. It's gonna be sick!"

"Oh, I...I don't know, Hal. I don't really feel like being around a bunch of people"

"No, no, no! That's the best part, it'll just be like, you and me" Awkward Silence.

"Wow!, that's certainly very tempting. But..."

"I did hire a wedding photographer. That's just in case we were like, something crazy happened and we wanted a picture of it like, maybe we should have this for like, ever. Like a memory, you know?"

"Um, I'm gonna pass. I have some work here that I need to do, anyway"

"Cool. So, Thursday? Soft Thursday?"

"Goodnight, Hal"

"It's a soft yes on Thursday"

Roxanne turns and goes up the stairs, he goes back to his van.

"What's wrong with me?! "Rented a bouncy house?" Chicks don't like bouncy houses, they like clowns!" he hits his van and Roxanne hears him shout.

"Ow! Aaah! Stupid van! You broke my finger!"

Megamind and Roxxane both ascend the museum to the statue of Metro Man on opposite sides of the building.

"I've made a horrible mistake. I didn't mean to destroy you. I mean, I meant to destroy you, but I didn't think it would really work"

"What are we supposed to do? Without you, evil is running rampant through the streets"

"I'm so tired of running rampant through the streets. What's the point of being bad when there's no good to try and stop you?"

"Someone has to stop Megamind"

"Hey, we're closing soon"

"Ugh! You scared me! Barry, right?"


"Bernard. I was just..."

"Well, I was talking to myself. You probably think I'm a little bit nuts"

"I'm not allowed to insult guests directly"

"Thank you. I just... Bernard, I'll just be another minute"


"Thanks" Cut back to Megamind.

"I had so many evil plans in the works; The Illiteracy Beam, Typhoon Cheese, Robo Sheep. Battles we will now never have"

His voice echoes, and Roxxane starts walking around the platform to investigate the noise.

"You know, I never had the chance to say goodbye. So it's good that we have this time now. You know, before I destroy the place. Nothing personal, it just brings back too many painful memories, wolf was right all this crime is just gonna leave an empty void inside me"

Megamind activates a countdown bomb and starts walking away.


"Roxxane?!" Megamind runs towards the elevator, where he bumps into Bernard.

"Uh, that's a pretty tasteless costume"


"Megamind's head is not that grossly exaggerated" Megamind scans Bernard with his disguise watch.

"Uuh! You even made a cheap replica of his dehydration gun. How unc..."

Megamind shoots his dehydration gun at Bernard and turns him into a cube.

"Hello, who's there?" Megamind transforms himself into Bernard right as Roxxane turns the corner.

"Oh! Whoo! It's just you, Bernard"

"Oh, yes. It's just me. Bernard.."

"Well, thank you for letting me stay"

"Look, I wouldn't stay here for more than two minutes and thirty-seven seconds if I were you. We're having the walls and ceiling removed"

"Wow! That sounds like quite the renovation. I guess I'll um...catch a ride down with you then"

She gets into the elevator with Megamind disguised as Bernard.

"I kept thinking he was gonna do one of his last-minute escapes"

"Yeah, he was really good at those"

"Oh! If only the world had a reset button"

"I've looked into the reset button" he starts to cry, "The science is impossible"

"Oh Bernard.. I didn't know you had...feelings. Are you okay?"

"Metro Man's gone. And now there's no one left to challenge Megamind"

"Oh, come on, Bernard! As long as there's evil, good will rise up against it. I mean look what happened to the bad guys, they went from the worlds greatest criminals to working with policemen"

"Uuh, they sound like they done something for themselves I wish!"

"I believe someone's gonna stand up to Megamind"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, it's like they say. Heroes aren't born, they're made!" Megamind has a realization.

"Heroes can be made. That's it! All you need are the right ingredients."

"Yeah. Bravery"



" Of course!"


"Imperative! And a smidgen of DNA. Oh, with that anyone can be a hero!"



he laughs and picks up Roxanne in excitement, and his alarm goes off to warn him of the bombs timer.

"I think we should run!" Roxxane leaves in a taxi outside the museum.

"Bye!" He turns to the statue of Metro Man.

"Time to put the past behind us" he transforms himself back into Megamind.

"Only the future..." the museum suddenly explodes in front of him.

"Aaaah! Oh! I'm too close! I'm genuinely scared right now! Oh! I hope no one's seeing this! Aah!"

At the bad guys house, princess was on shark's leg as he sat down, he lifts her up and down.

"Higher higher" she giggled.

It made wolf smiles then he heard the phone rang.

"Hello?" He picks it up, "oh hey megamind....what?"

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