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cut to Minion and Megamind walking down a street celebrating with a swarm of brainbots following.

"You did it, sir. You did it, sir"

"Yes I did"

" Us!"

"I did it!"

"We both did it"

"Not us, I!"

"You a little more than me, but still come on! When they're giving out the awards I'm going to be right here next to you, right sir?

"What awards? Awards for what? Hit it!"

highway to hell plays. A crowd of police and citizens have blockaded the City Hall, but when megamind enters, they're all so scared of him that they surrender and lay their guns down.

" Wooo! Hahaha! Drop 'em!"

"First off, what a turnout! How wild is this, huh?"

"All I did was eliminate the most powerful man in the universe. Are there any questions? Go on. Yes! You in the back"

"I'm sure we'd all like to know what you plan to do with us and this city"

" Good, I'm glad you asked that. Imagine the most horrible, terrifying, evil thing you can possibly think of... and multiply six! In the meantime, I want you to carry on with the dreary normal things you, normal people do. Let's just have fun with this, come on! And I will get back to you"

he walks backwards into City hall with Minion following behind him.

"Now slam the door really hard" Minion slams the door hard but his shadow can been seen through the door.

"They, they can still see you"


"Your elbow's still in. Good. Megamind blows open the door to the head office with a ray gun while Minion carries him inside.

"There he is, Mr. Evil Overlord"

"Oh, Minion, did you think this day would ever come?"

"No way. Not at all, sir. Never. Never in a million..." Megamind gives him an evil look.

"I mean, yes, I did"
"Look at the intricate moldings"

"I'm looking, I'm looking!"

"And what's this? It's like one of the giant monitors in the lair, but it seems to carry only one station"

"Oh, that sir, is called a window"


"All the kids are looking through them"

" Oooh! I've never had a view before. Metrocity, Minion. It's all mine. If my parents could see me now..."

" Sir, I am sure they're smiling down from evil heaven"

"And now that Mr.Goody Two-Shoes is out of the way, I can have everything I want! And there's no one to stop me! Minion! This calls for a celebration, I think it's time we call the bad guys"


"Yes, it's time for a reunion"

Megamind and Minion both laugh then they next day, the bad guys car arrived.

But it was just snake and wolf only get out of the car, when they parked outside it the Metro man museum, they head inside, looked around the place then when they see megamind in his office.



The two criminals ran to each other, "it's so good to see you man" wolf says.

"How you been old friend" megamind asked.

"Ah I been better good"



They went silence but then megamind gets on the desk.

"So...I finally did"

"Yeah, so we heard on the news"

"I finally did it"

"Yeah you did" snake says.

"I finally defeated Metro man and Metro city is finally mine" he screamed in joy.

"Good for you man" wolf says.

"And since I'm now ruler here, what do you say we rob the bank like old times"

"Oh...but we cant"

"What do you mean, of course you can"

"No megamind, I can't"

"Yes you can't"

"No megamind we really can't"

"Well why Not"

"Because I'm retired"

And that right there megamind in his steps as he turns around to face him.

"What? I'm sorry but it almost sounded like you are retiring"

"It's true, we're retired now" snake says.

"Wha-well you can't be serious, are you?"

"Yes, I'm dead serious"

Megamind and minion were in disbelief, "what-why? Minion who is this person I'm talking to abd where is the real wolf, he would never-"

"Come, I'll show you"

He drives them in a nice luxury house, they head inside and walked upstairs, wolf rest his hand on a room marked: princess room.

"Megamind, minion, this is the reason why we retired"

He opens the door to an enormous play room.

They see shark piranha and webs playing building blocks with baby princess on the floor.

She wore a Dazzle pink Long Sleeve Sequin Mini Dress.

When they finished building a castle, she knocks it down.

She giggled, everyone laughed as princess clapped.

"Again again"

"Aw" they all cooed, but megamind's eye twitch as he horrified to discover that the bad guys are retired for a baby.

Then when princess she's wolf, she gets up and walk to him.

"Daddy" she reached out for wolf and he throws in the air, catches her and they nuzzled their noses together.

"Megamind, meet our daughter princess, princess this is a friend of ours"

"Hello" princess waved then giggled.

"You got to be kidding me, you mean to tell me that you are throwing everything we believed in  for a baby...and she's a cat" he pointed out.

"Well yes, It's because she's adopted" She puts her down and she ran to snake, he used himself as a swing set for her.

"And she means a lot to us" snake added.

"I don't understand, when did this happened"

"Well, last year, but princess makes us feel like happy"

"And crime doesn't...I mean, what happened to you guys, what happened to you guys, what happened the bad guys I once knew, the ones who used to be the greatest criminals of all time, who were too legendary to be caught who stole the greatest treasures three world"

"Well we found there are better things out there than being a raising a daughter, princess has made a great impact to us"

"Oh wow, i cant believed how you guys are giving up everything just for a child"

"Hey I know how you feel megamind" snake says, "I didn't like the thought of us giving up being criminals for a baby either but once I got to know princess....well she made me feel complete"

"You guys have really gone soft and it's your lost" he walks out.

"You know megamind someone once told me that there's a better life out there for us then being criminals and their right, you can fill up that empty whole with stolen goods and power but you're still gonna get that same empty void"

"I like to see that happen"

"You'll see that I'm right megamind, you may have got rid of Metro man but soon you are going to realized how it's gonna leave an empty void in you"

"You know when you agreed to be a villain and want you ditch the child, you know where to find me, come on minion, it's clear that the bad guys have gone too soft"

Once he left wolf frowned but then he felt someone grabbing his leg, he looks down to see princess, which made him smiled.

Crazy train plays. They go on a crime spree, which does not last long. Soon megamind will realized that wolf was right, Cut to Megamind sitting in his office staring at a drinking bird desk toy.

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