Chapter 2

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Nancy was in the car with her dad as they were driving home to pack.

"I want you to promise, no more least while we're in California.
You'll go to school, shopping, spend some time with teenagers. It's what you're supposed to be doing. Give it a try....there's a big time detective there, who's not easily impressed, so I don't want you to mess this up for me ok, I need to look professional to him...You know, I've always picked cases that help people"

"Others first"

"That's right"

"But this one is a little different...If everything goes well and the big guy is impressed...I could start making some real money"

"We have enough money, Dad"

"I'll be the judge of that, thank you.At any rate, I'm starting something new. I can't be worried about..."

Then his phone rang...

"How you doing, John? Yeah, I'll meet you at the deposition as soon as my train gets in.
Well, we don't have an airport out here.
I wish I was kidding" and as he dad talked on the phone.

Hidden In the back seat were her friends, This is a terrible development"

"What are you gonna do?"

"You have a mystery to solve in la-la land"

"I'll figure something out, I hope"

A exterior shot of a newspaper was shown of how Nancy nets mcNabb.

After she finished packing, waiting at her front door was Ned.


"With all the commotion, I didn't get to give you this" it was a small box

"I needed a new compass The old one's wobbly.
Thank you"

It was a new compass...

"In case I'm not with you...on your birthday"

"That's so sweet..Ugh, I just don't know, if I'll get to use it"


"My dad let me choose the house we're gonna live in, so I chose one with-"

"With a mystery" Ned finished her words, knowing her.

"But not just any mystery. One of the greatest unsolved cases of all time. Dehlia Draycott"

Exterior shots show a famous actor named Dehlia Draycott"

"The movie actress"

But Ned had no clue of here, "Mm-hm"

"Before your time. Twenty-five years the height of her fame, she disappeared for five months. Nobody knew where. And when she came back, she threw a giant party. She never went downstairs to greet her guests. She was found floating in the pool. Dead."

"Gee, that sounds like fun"

"I know, right?"

"But I didn't tell my dad...about the house...
...and now he's not letting me do any sleuthing, There was a hostage situation. I can kind of see his point, but..."

Then her dad came through them taking his suitcase.

"Hi, Ned. Bye, Ned Gotta scoot, Nancy"

Nancy and him take their bags to the car when an kind old lady came out with a tray.

"Mr. Drew, Some pfeffernsse, just in case......and some ginger cupcakes, your favorite, You're gonna get hungry, I know it"

"Nancy, hold on Thank you so much"

"Bye, guys, See you soon"

"And have a safe train ride, okay?"

"I'll miss you."

"Don't get hurt. Please, you have to keep in contact"

"Um, Ned? Don't worry, about that guy from Smallville, He's not my type"


"You have a type?"

Then Nancy and get dad were riding in a taxi when she saw the sherif.

"Chief McGinnis! I just wanna let you know......that I'm not sleuthing anymore. Bye"

"Nancy Drew not sleuthing anymore? Ha, ha. I don't think so. Ha, ha, ha"

As they wave goodbye, they were sit in a train, well it was more like a sleep car ride but as her dad slept, Nancy was up reading.

Once they arrived in California, Nancy was amazed by it, he dad was on the phone.

"Hi, this is Carson Drew. I'm running a little late. Dad? Don't you think people who talk
on cell phones, um, miss things?"

"Like what, hon?"

"Like that woman in the street?"

He stopped when he saw there was a women in leopard fashion.

"Uh, Mr. Drew? Nancy?"


"Hi. Thank you so much, for not running me over. I'm Barbara Barbara, of Barbara Barbara Realty. You're here. I'm gonna get right out of your way"

"How do you love it? Uh, gorgeous. Oh. Welcome"

They walk inside the house...

"It's not exactly what I had in mind, especially given the price" mr. Drew says.

"Well, as I told your daughter on the do pay a premium for my-"

Then Nancy hits the piano, "Oh, I am such an oaf. Um, as you were saying, you pay a premium......for history, architectural significance. I mean, Dad, look at this woodwork"

"Yeah, what she said"

"Who's this?"

He sees the painting of Dehlia Draycott...

"Dehlia Draycott, the great film legend. This was her home"

"Didn't your daughter tell you?"

"We've both been somewhat busy" then his phone rang again.

"Oh, excuse me. Gotta... Yeah. Hello?"

"Do you know what? With a little tweaking, you could be adorable"

"Um, thank you?"

"Yes, you're just a makeover waiting to happen.
I'm gonna give you the name of my stylist. Oh, come on, let's go upstairs. I can't wait to show you"

They walked upstairs but then..."Did you hear something?...I suddenly got a chill"

They ignored it and continued to the top...

"Have a look around, if you want"

But then Dehlia Draycott appeared in front of she was a ghost.

"Don't be afraid. Please don't be afraid of me.
I'm here to help you, You don't understand, I want to- I want to help you"

But she turns to see the relator laughing...

"I love that.They fall for it every time.
That's a projector. Oh, it's from one of her old movies"

"There are so many booby traps all over this house. People get so scared sometimes,
they wet their pants"

"Ha, ha. Where's the gift shop?"

"That's the spirit"

"Miss Barbara Barbara, I know I called asking for a house with a mystery......but things have changed, and...It's complicated, but we're gonna need a different house"

"Honey cheeks.Read the fine print.No refunds, no exchanges. And besides, you know, there's nothing else available, in your price range"

They rushes back downstairs...

"I'm gonna use the gents', then run to that deposition"

"Watch this"

"Something just happened in the bathroom...
...which I am at a loss to explain. Ah- The house has a haunted theme. It's like a theme park. It's so fun, right, Dad?"


She turns around and some stranger looks down on her.

"Oh, did I mention? There's a strange caretaker. He lives in an apartment down the hill"

"What's your name?" Nancy asked.

"Leshing Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.l"

"Nancy Drew Thank you very much"

"Uh Leshy? We need to talk about the lawn"

Nancy begins to unpack, she hears a strange sound and finds her shoes gone.

"Dad? Mr. Leshing? Someone stole my moccasins and an important folder"

"Mysteries just find you, don't they?"

"I'm letting the professionals handle this one.
I'm on hold with the L.A.P.D."

"Calling the police to solve a crime. I like it"

"It's been 57 minutes. They must be having a busy night.

"Yes, I'd like to report a theft. I'm fine! A favorite pair of moccasins and a Pee Chee folder have been stolen. Please send an officer over immediately....Someone must have told a joke over at the precinct"

"Yeah. That's it"

"Because it would be irresponsible......for a police department to laugh at a crime"

"You're right"

She hangs up and was in bed reading but she heard floors creaking.

"Dad?" She assumed it was him, so she calls leshing.


"Leshing, this is Nancy I needed to prove your whereabouts"

But she heard something coming from downstairs, she looks in the dark and got startled by leashing.

"Someone's in the house.How did you get here so quickly? If you're accusing me..."

Then the sound came again upstairs, "The attic. How is it possible for someone to be in the attic...and escape, while we're coming up the stairs? Is there another staircase?"


"Do you believe in ghosts, Mr. Leshing?"

"I am a ghost"

"The Four Seasons isn't haunted. What do you say?"

"Dad, you hate hotels"

"Spa treatments, Room service"

"These books must have been Dehlia's. May I borrow some?"

"If it were up to me, I wouldn't let anybody in the house, period. But you're paying the rent,
so do what you want"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Good night"

"I like him. So turns out there's a mystery here after all"

"Dad, that mystery stuff is so boring to me now. I've completely moved on"


"That was really just a phase, you know, like papier-mch or puppets. It's over, done, finished, gone forever"

"Got it"

So Nancy went back to bed, while reading Dehlia Draycott, she stumbles upon something.

A letter it was Dehlia Draycott for someone else, "dear Lou I'm sorry to have vanished, like I did. I know you have been looking for me. Something important happened last week.
I can't be the Dehlia I was anymore. I'm writing a new will. I need to make provisions
for someone else. D.

"D is Dehlia, but who's Lou? Who's the "someone else"?

Many questions filled her head, but she remembers what her dad said.

"No. You' re not sleuthing. No, sirree. You' re just reading a letter"

She slides the letter back in...

"that happens to be a major a fantastically famous mystery. That means nothing to you. You're gonna go to bed
and be reasonable, Nancy. You're going to a new school. You're gonna make wonderful friends. You're a normal teenager.
You really are. Yeah. Yes."

Because a new opportunity awaits for her tomorrow.

In the new school as the new girl, she saw a few girls looking at her.

It was going to be hard for her to make some new friends.

But just then...

"Hey princess" she heard a male voice as a student was being dropped off.

"Bye dad"

She was about to make a new friend, she turns to see a white female cat, she was her age and dressed as nice as her.

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