Chapter 3

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"The quadratic formula: Negative-B plus or minus-"

She gets cut off by princess, " the square root of B-squared...minus four A-C, all over two A"

In gym, Nancy ran fast then the other girls but saw princess was running ahead of her, especially with catlike reflexes, she was faster then her.

In woodwork class, " I only had enough time
for 12 flying buttresses. But in actuality, there are 26"

She saw princess built the bridge of London, Nancy realized she met her match.

Even in science class, her intelligent was fringe challenged by another female teen who was better then her in every way.

In art class, she saw princess was painting a perfect portrait of sunflowers.

In much as she had her meal set, she saw princess was eating a salad, she was neat like her.

"Hey, baby. How you doing?" One of the jocks tried flirting where as she was focusing on studying for her English quiz Romeo and Juliet.

She gets them the hand and they walk away, she decided to talk to princess.

She packs her lunch and sits beside her, "Hi"

" 'ello" princess says as she continues to look down in the book, not looking up.

"Hi, I noticed you're the only one wearing formal school clothing" Nancy compliments her outfit.

Princess turns the page, "it's how my family likes it, they raised me to wear nice clothing but I never got to wear what I want to try"

"Oh...are you're parents very strict with you"

Princess then takes her eyes off the book, "very! They are super protective, it's like the tiniest thing scares, like I'm still a five year old child, I'm not a kid anymore I tell 'em but they never listen to me"

Just then the school bell ring, "oh looks like lunch is over" she closes her book, picks up her bag and heads upstairs.

the school basketball game was playing but instead of attending it.

Nancy decided to go to the library to start over with princess.

She saw princess was in the drama section, sitting in the corner, reading a romance novel for a project.

She saw Nancy was heading her way, "Hello again" She waved as she sat down besides her.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the basketball game" princess asked, She didn't wanted to talk to anyone, she just wanted to read.

"No I feel the library has more entertainment then a sporty game"

Then princess started to put the puzzles together, "oh...I see"


"You're the new girl, that explains everything: sitting alone, new outfit, fresh hairstyle, you're new here aren't you"

"Yes, Nancy drew at your service, how do you do" she puts her hand up at princess.

Then princess shakes her hand, "princess" she tells Nancy her name.

"Oh..are you foreign royalty from England and what is your real name"

Princess looks at her confused and puzzled, ", princess is my name, I was raised with it"

Princess gets up and walks out of the library with Nancy following her.

"Well princess, I'm looking forward to the start of our friendship"

Princess chuckles a bit, "right Sure mate, see ya" She waved.

But that night Nancy had trouble sleeping, only the thought of Dehlia Draycott mystery keeps her up at night.

So she stays awake trying to solve the mystery against her father's wishes.

But then she heard a noises, she follows it to a room.

In the room, she finds an old projector of Dehlia Draycott's movies.

"if a woman unaccompanied..." considered to be shameful.I've done nothing wrong. My heart is...Yes? Your heart is?"

"Cut" in the video she sees Dehlia looking worried about something as the director comes through.

"I'm sorry."

"Well, I don't know how much more time"

"And action"

They take another take...

"I'm looking forward to the journey......and I don't care that...I feel sick. I need to stop"


"What are you doing?"

She turned her head and got spoked by Mr. Leshing.

"I'm sorry, The door was unlocked, The shutters had rusted closed, and the bulbs were all burnt-out"

She goes to turn off the projector but...

"Oh, leave it on.I haven't been here since the night she..."

"You were here the night she died? How long did you work for her?"

"Year I got out of the service, I went to work at the studio. They sent me over here to project a film for her...and she asked me to stay and take care of her, so I did.That was 1971"

"When she disappeared, did you know where she was?"


"She never married and she seemed to be very private...but there must have been a-There must have been a man...Someone she loved?"

"Every man who met her fell in love with her.
It just couldn't be helped. I just don't know
if she ever felt love herself....but she always had that one good friend who gave her comfort"

Nancy went back to bed, she went back to bed, her laptop on, she did some searching of Dehlia draycott.

She went on fan sites, search all her films, the next morning, Nancy gets an unexpected visit.

And by unexpected, it wasn't a surprise, princess arrived at her door, she look deadpan.

"Oh hi, princess glad you could come" Nancy offers her inside.

"Just wanted to did you get my phone number or how did you know my phone number" she asked.

"Oh...well..I asked everyone around you know how quickly the word spreads"

"Ugh...this is what I get for being popular"

"Oh...your popular?" Nancy asked as she was surprised.

"I thought you you asked everyone"

Nancy chuckles nervously..."so what am I doing here anyway?" Princess asked, she was on a tight schedule.

"We'll after our little fling yesterday, i thought today would be a fantastic day for us to get to know each other"

Baby links her arms with princess and princess looks at her suspiciously.


"The truth is: you and I have a lot in common, we're sophisticated, we're both intelligent supremes then the average students and we're Etiquette in perfect, By the way, you live in Los Angeles for years right?"

"Yes that is correct"

"Tell me, did you know there's a mystery to this house?"

Princess looked around the house and her face dropped as she recognized it.

"Yes" she turns to face Nancy, "it's Dehlia draycott"

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