Chapter 5

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Shark arrived at the girl's house, it reminded her of Nancy.

But since shark couldn't let Nancy in on it, the best thing she did...was followed him.

"You're who I'm looking for" shark says as he was in her home.

"I am?" But the girl was confused...

"Hi" then Nancy came in

"You got to be kidding me" shark groaned.

"Did your parents tell you that you were adopted?" Nancy asked.

"It wasn't hard to figure out I mean, I didn't look anything like them"

"His daughter doesn't look like him, he thinks what you're going through" Nancy pointed at shark.

"Hey!" Shark got offended.

"My mother passed away, and then my father...
I had to get away from him"

Then that moment had reminded shark of princess mother, he gets a flashback of Thomas.

"You were the one at that heist" wolf says softly.

"Yes and after what you did, I had to rued my wife to the hospital I was forced to either choose to save my wife or daughter and foolishly I had to save my daughter, it was the biggest mistake of my life, after that horrible night I sworn I was going to get my revenge on you and I knew exactly how, you see after Carmella died I had experimented on princess and made a discovery that she has this rare and special power call cute-tism, she Can hypnotized people with her cuteness into doing anything I want, how did you think I got this much money"

"Wait so you would experiment on your own daughter" webs asked.

"What kind of father would do that to his own kid" shark growled.

"You a really lousy father, you don't deserve princess" snake hissed.

"Oh and you'll make better parents" Thomas says.

"You can't do that to her, she's just a child" snake says.

"Uh, I left home early"

"Dehlia Draycott"


"Dehlia may have made a provision for you.
If we prove you're her daughter, there may be some money. Is this some kind of a practical joke?"

"Oh, no. I don't joke"

After the meeting went south, shark took Nancy home.

"I told you to stay out of this, I can handle this myself"

"Oh yeah you handled that pretty well" She mocked him.

"Look kid, what are doing mixed up with this any way, it's not your business to sleuth around crime, shouldn't you be out shopping or whatever you teens do"

"Actually it is my business to solve whatever mystery comes my way"

"Wow mysteries just...seems to find you doesn't it"

"My dad tells me that"

"Look I don't know where're your from but I'm here, it's a dangerous place, people get hurt, you best to leave it with to the professionals"

"Hey! Delia decott maybe you're friend but that doesn't mean that-"

But just then a car crashed them, nearly crushing them to the wall but shark turns the wheel and they escape on the highway.

It only scratched up the car and left a few dents.

"That car, it almost hit us

"No kidding, what was you're first clue" shark grunts.

"I wonder who tried to kill us"

"Yeah, I'm wondering that too but it is not your business to go freelancing without a permit so stay out of this"

"Actually....In fact, I'm kind of freaking out about it, cause Well, usually when someone
tries to kill's because I'm onto something.

"Yeah...same thing happens to me too all the time, don't get your hopes up"

"There were dealer plates on the SUV I made note of the make, year and model. Plus, the damage sustained from hitting the barrier could help us identify it too"

"Us? Oh no no no no no no, there is no us, there is only me, You're just not like the other girls, Nancy do yourself a favor and don't be getting ahead of this, you'll only find disappointment"

He arrives at her house, Nancy gets out of his car.

"You'll lucky I don't be telling your dad what you're up to, so last chance you need to stay out of this...this last thing I need is to watch after another teen girl...goodbye Nancy"

She watches him take off, "goodbye mr. Shark"

She was having lunch with her dad when her phone ringed.

"Oh. Hello?"

And at that time shark was at the mansion, he answered the phone as princess was sketching in a book.

"Do not look into this"

They hear a mysterious voice...

"Dehlia Draycott business. If you proceed, you will be harmed. Do you understand?"

"Oh...We' re not interested in mudslide insurance..."

"Who is this? Who are you?" Shark felt threatened when princess looks at him with worried.

"...but, um, thank you for calling. Have a nice day"

"You call this number again and I'll track you down" shark slammed the phone, he was feeling stressed.

Princess walks up to him and she grabbed his arm to comfort him.

"Who was that shark...are you ok"


He then grabs his hat and coat and heads out the door, "I'll be back princess"

But going against his wishes, Nancy meets the senators.

"Whoa, what's this?"

"I apologize, sir. Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Nancy Drew. It's very nice to make your acquaintance. I've been trying to set up
an appointment, but..."

"Posture, eye contact. Pay attention, people, that's breeding"

"I was just wondering if I could have five
minutes to discuss something with you"

"Any time at all. Here's my card" he hands Nancy his card.

"Oh! Thank you"

And when shark arrived he saw Nancy and he glared.

"It's about one of your clients, a movie star"

"Ha, ha, all my clients are movie stars, muffin"

"Well, I may have found some evidence suggesting that-"


"Um, It may imply that"

"Absolutely astonishing"

"As I was saying-"

"I'm very disappointed, senator. Well, as you know, you do owe me a favor or two. Well, talk to somebody else on your staff. Maybe they can help you out on this"

Shark and navy head back to jane's apartment.

"you're not going to let this go are you?" He asked.

"I'm needed wherever there is a mystery"

So shark let Nancy took this one to see how she would handled it.

"Jane? Are you there? Hi. I saw the lawyers who represent the estate today and they-"

"It's all right.I don't need any help"

"What? Don't you wanna know if you're Dehlia's daughter?"

"Just leave us alone, okay? You seem like a really nice person. I'm sorry"

When the door closed at her, she turns to shark.

"I told you kid...dis-appointment" then he walks home.

And at that night Nancy lay awake thinking for what shark said.

But she sees the ghost of Delia, "The will is in the Chinese box"

"So there is a will"

"Miss Draycott collected chinoiserie. Last year, the owner sold off the most valuable pieces, against my wishes"

"Do you remember the name of the dealer?"

"You ask a lot of questions"

"Is it this place? I noticed the ad was circled. Do they have the box?"

"Let me tell you something, young lady.
Everyone who has tried to piece this thing together has run into trouble"

Then she gets a phone call from her dad.


"So you should be getting an early birthday present/reward thing......for going along with my "no sleuthing while in California" thing"

"Dad, you shouldn't have. I don't really deserve it"

"Yes, you do. I know it hasn't been easy for you
and this'll make me feel less guilty"

"But what is it?"

"Uh, just walk outside"

She opens the door to see it was princess.

"Princess" Nancy was surprised to see her.

"Hi. My dad dropped me off"

Then behind her was her car, "My roadster"

Princess was surprised too, "nice car, I wish my father would give me a car"

"Dad, how did you get it here?"

But what she saw next stunned her...

"Happy almost-your-birthday" it was Ned.

"Ned.You drove this all the way here? Uh, yeah, it wouldn't fit in my suitcase"

"Huh, I've missed this car so much...and you.I've missed the car and you"

But she realized princess was still there, "Oh. Oh, Ned, this is princess. Princess, my..."

Ned and princess looked at each other, "is he You're mate?" Princess asked.

Bed looks at her confused, "lover" she groaned playfully.

"Actually Ned is...a really good friend from River Heights"

"Wait. Did I interrupt something?" Ned asked.

"Yes, actually. You did" Nancy says.

"Hello?" Her dad was still calling her.

"Hello? Nancy?"

"Oh, Dad. Thank you so much"

When she hangs up, everything becomes awkward.

"Well you're friend is very cute Nancy" princess commented on Ned.

"Thanks but I'm not interested" Ned says.

"Oh don't worry I have a boyfriend, Eddie, he's the chief of police's son"

They then took a drive to a Chinese restaurant.

"Hello. Would you like to order some drinks?"

"I'll have a glass of milk, please" princess asked.

"I'll have the exact same thing" Nancy ordered the same thing.

"Who is this person?" Ned asked.

"Nancy and I met, in class, I'm her new apparently But things seem ok between us"

"We're basically best friends" Nancy says.

"It's funny that she never mentioned you" princess says.

Then bed makes his order, "Um, can I get an iced latte?"

"No latte in Chinese restaurant, silly"

"All right. Wow, this is fun, huh?"

Nancy tries to bring the mood up...

"Ned and I have known each other since second grade. He helped me solve the mystery
of the missing chalkboard erasers"

"It was a janitor"

"Oh, fantastic. So you're a mystery solver that's amazing, how come you didn't tell me"

"I'm sorry who are you again" Ned asked.

Then while med and princess talked, Nancy went inside a shop.

"Hello. I'm looking for a box. That is, one in particular"

"What kind of box?"


"Well, you've come to the right place"

Then princess and ned followed her in.

"So this is why you wanted Chinese food"

"Nancy? What are you doing in here?"

"Everybody pick a row. Check inside each box.
We're looking for a will"

" Wait, what's over there?" Princess pointed out.

So the three check every boxes...

"Ned, did you see this box yet?"

"Nothing there"

"How about you princess?"

"Nope still nothing"

"There is one more" the shop ower showed her the last one...and nothing.

Then Nancy and princess walked together, she noticed something.

"So, Nancy, what's the deal with you and Ned?" Princess asked.

"Huh? Do you hear something?" But she heard a sound.

"No, I mean, are you guys dating or is it a friends with benefits thing? Cause I have a good relationship with Eddie and maybe I can help you guys"

But Nancy saw that in her car was a bomb

"Excuse me, I have to defuse this bomb"

"What?" And princess gasped when she saw the bomb.

Nancy then ran and threw the bomb in a pothole.

And when it exploded, both Nancy and princess were put in a concussion.

Ned checked to see if Nancy was ok, then she saw someone was kidnapping princess and shoved her in a car while she was still unconscious.

"That's the SUV that tried to run us down.
The side's damaged. Come on"

Ned and Nancy went after the suv to rescue princess.

"They turned up that street!"

"Hold on. I thought we were driving away from them"

"That's why I got in the car"

"Buckled up?"

"Say we do catch up with them, what happens then?"

"Seriously. It gets my goat when someone tries to kill me. It's so rude. And they have princess who is the daughter of a top of the one detective who doesn't like my sleuthing if he found I got his daughter kidnapped, he'll tell But it only makes me wanna try harder.
Then let the horses run"

"We will go the posted speed limit and no faster. Everybody in the universe drives over the speed limit, Nancy"

"What I'm trying to say the ends do not justify the means"

"Your means will lose them. It's important to judge the ends and the means independently..."

" do what's right"

"Didn't you promise your father that you wouldn't sleuth?"

"Aren't you breaking that promise? What are you gonna do?"

I have to stop working on this case. I have to stop and be normal, after I save princess"

But then...the suv escaped, taking princess along with them.

Nancy knew slammed her head against the wheel, she knew she was going to be in a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Shark is not going to be happy that I lost his daughter"

"Mr. Shark?" Ned was puzzled.

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