A magic act

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"Come in close. Closer" the movie starts with wolf's voice in the darkness.

"Because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you" then in a house, wolf was practicing in a mirror, mixing up some playing cards, he has his eyes closed.

"Because what is seeing? You're looking, but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job? To take that most precious of gifts you give me, your attention, and use it against you" he opens his eyes, takes out a joker card and turns it into an ace of hearts.

In Chicago on a Monday night, Mr wolf was performing in front of some crowds.

"I'm going to flip through this deck. And I want you to see one card. Not this one. That's too obvious" he throws a card away.

"Pay close attention" he flips it too fast.

"That was too fast. I'll do it again. Are you ready?" He asked a girl who nodded.

"Okay" he goes slowly, "Now did you see one?" He holds up the deck of cards.


"Do you have one in mind?"


"Now, do you see your card here?"


"That's because you're looking too closely. And what have I been telling you all night? The closer you look..."

"The less you see" the crowd and he shouts.

He threw the cards in the air and up on a building, the lights formed the 7 of diamonds card.

It wowed the crowd, but somewhere in the crowd, the mysterious sixth horseman was watching.

Then somewhere in New Orleans, in the local airport, snake was hypnotizing a women.

"Now look into my eyes. And sleep. Okay" he caught the women.

"And..." he snapped his fingers, "If you can get this bill
from me, you can have it" he shows the 20$ bill.

"Go ahead. Take it. Get it" the women tries to take the bill but she couldn't move.

"If you can say your name, you can have it"

The women tries to speak but no words could get out.

"All right, just hang out there, wriggle a sec. I'm gonna take a little peek under the hood Of your hubby's brain" he slithers over the husband.

"Oh, no, no, no" the husband refuses.

"Ok I'm picturing..." he placed his tail on the man's forehead.

"Don't tell me"

"Of course" the guy was annoyed.

"Beach. Cocktails. Florida?"

"Look, it was a business trip"

"I mean, it is a kind of business. Maybe the oldest business"

"You know what, Honey Bee, let's..." the man tries to leave but snake stops him.

"She can't move, Mack. You're thinking of a woman's name. A! B! C! DI El Fl GI H, I, J...J? Jean. Jane. Janet. Who's Janet? You know Janet? It's not your best friend, is it?" He asked the women as she looks like she knew something, "Your sister?"

"No, please" the guy begged.

"Her sister? Oh, my God. You weren't away on business. You were away on Janet" snake accused him.


"Your wife's sister! Man that is sick"

Snake snicked as the wife attacks her man, "Okay, we need to move over here, because it seems like she's a little bit upset right now. You want this to go away?"


"Okay, pull out your wallet, Come on, get it out"

"Do you shake down everybody like this?"

"No, only the special few. What is this? 200 seem fair?
You know what? This is a big deal. Let's go $250"

"You're a stick-up artist"

"Yeah. Of course Okay, and sleep!" He snapped his tail, "Now, when I snap my fingers, you won't remember any of this. And you, Warren Beatty, every time you see or even think of Janet, you're gonna picture me naked. And that's not a pretty sight" he hits the man's head.


"And... You're wide awake!" Snake snapped his tail.

"Well, we did the best we could, but some people
just aren't to be hypnotized"

"I did it wrong?"

"Come on, Honey Bee"

"Oh, no, you did it fine"

"Let me buy you dinner"

"Look after her."

"Just have to hit an ATM first"

Outside the airport, the same mysterious person was watching.

Then in New York on a boat, piranha arrived, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am the next great magician, and I will give $100 to anyone who can tell me how this trick is done. I have an ordinary spoon from Mel's Deli, right here in Brooklyn. Check it out. Now, everyone
please pay very, very close attention. Because I'm about to bend this spoon with my mind" he bends the spoon amazing everyone.

"Thank you. Thank you. Pass that around" he passes the spoon but someone caught the spoons.

"What's this?"

"What are you doing, man?" Piranha groans.

"Look at this! Looks like we got a spoon and a stem.
I've got other tricks"

"Or you could give me my 100 bucks. You said you would"

"Nice wallet. You have a very good eye, sir"

"Thanks" piranha gives him the 100, then he jumps off the boat swimming.

It wasn't long till the man realized piranha pickpocket him.

"Wallet. My wallet. My watch! Stop that guy! Stop that guy in the leather jacket! He's got my wallet!"

But as piranha gets on land, he passed by the same stranger, he walks up to shark.

"How did you do?" He asked as they walked.

"Not good, any a-hole figured the trick but...he did donate" piranha shows the wallet.

"Ah haha ha, nice"

"I know right"

Then in Los Angeles, Thursday night, webs was performing in show, wearing a blue sequin long sleeve swimsuit.

"Okay, Los Angeles, are we ready to end this thing?"

"Yeah!" The crowd cheers.

"Ok When that timer hits zero, a tank full of flesh-eating piranhas will fall from above. A lady has to have handcuffs. Right, girls? 1, 2, 3!" She gets chained up and gets dumped in the water.

"Yeah!" The crowd cheers as she struggles to unchain herself.

But then she gets stuck, "Help! Stop it!
She's serious! She can't get out!"

"Go get some help!"

"Help, dude!"

"Get out of the way! Move! Move!" Someone tries to break the glass.

By the time she frees herself, she gets eaten alive by piranhas.

"Come on! This is ***Whoever thought of this is a sick psycho!" She revealed to be in the crowd bad everyone cheers.


Then suddenly each of them receive a tarot card leading them to a New York City apartment.

Wolf walks inside when catching his eye was snake.



"You got a card too, huh?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah, you too"

"Wow what a crazy coincidence running into you guys here" webs arrived and they see she has a card too.

"Hey webs how you been?" Wolf asked.

"Oh I been good"

"No way" they turned to see piranha and shark.

"You guys got the same card too" piranha says.

"Seems like it" wolf says.

"What did you you get" wolf asked.

"We got Death" shake says as piranha shows the card.

"The High Priestess" webs shows hers.

"I'm the Lover" wolf says.

"Hermit" says snake.

"Well we better see what this is about, snake if you would" wolf motions him to the locked door.

"With pleasure" snake used his safecracker skills to open the door.

In the middle of the room was a white rose and a note.

"What is this place?" Webs says.

"Wow. Thought my apartment was nasty" snake says

"Man, it's freezing in here. Is there no heat up in here" shark syas.

"What's that?" Snake asked.

"I don't know" wolf picks it up.

"What's it say?" Piranha asked.

"Now you don't." Wolf says.

"A rose by any other name..." webs says when snake picks up the rose and places it in a vase and the vase starts dripping.

"Guys, what's happening?" Piranha panicked.

"Look at that"

"It's gas!" Shark screams.

"Relax dummy, Just dry ice" snake says.

"Cool" piranha says.

"Wait. What do you think this is all about?" Webs asked

"Oh great Electricity is out" snake flips the switch.

"Well, let's check" wolf turns the bulb.

It is where they discover hologram technology with instructions from an unknown benefactor.

"Blueprints" piranha says as he looks at shark.

"They're incredible" webs says

"Who do you think did this?" Snake asked.

"I don't know, but I really want to meet them" wolf says.

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