Robbing a bank

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"It's a show"

A year later, at the MGM Grand Las Vegas, they perform as "The five Horsemen"

"mr wolf, Mr snake, miss tarantula, Mr piranha and Mr shark, professor marmalade  and the MGM Grand proudly presents The five Horsemen"

"Thank you. Tonight we would like to try something
that will, well, set us a bit apart" snake says.

"For our final trick, we're gonna do something never before" webs says. "seen on a Las Vegas stage"

"Or any stage for that matter" says piranha.

"Or any matter" shark says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we are going to rob a bank" wolf says.

"That's a lot of excitement for a crime" webs says.

"I'm getting excited. What about you, people?" Piranha says.

"1, 2, 3!"

"Okay, okay. Now, please, please, settle down.
Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Wolf asked rallying up the crowd.

"That's a lot of people with a vendetta. So we'll choose one at random then. My friends will make sure
it's random. Right?" Wolf shows that his friends uses pingpong balls with different numbers and letters, they passed it around for a crowd to choose.

"Elvis, help me out, bud"

"Thank you very much"

"In piranha's bowlare ping pong balls with section numbers. Mr shark, could you hand me a section number?" Shark throws him the first ball.

"Thank you. We are looking at Section B. Where is Section B? Okay. There. It's gonna be one of you guys. Get ready. I don't know why everybody's happy.
It's only them. Webs, can I get a row, please?" Webs throws him another.

"Thank you, webs. We are looking at row number 5.
Where is that? And snake, could I please have a random seat number?" Snake throws him the last one.

"Oh. Lucky number 13. B-5-13. Where are you? Sir, please, stand up. There you are. Hi"

A man in the audience stands up, "Could you just confirm for me that this is, in fact, your seat? B-5-13"


"Okay. Wonderful. Now, could you please tell us
your name and the name of your bank?"

"Well, my name is Etienne Forcier And my bank,
it's Credit Republicain de Paris"

"French Okay" wolf looks at his friends who all shrugged, "well We were hoping for something
a little more local, a kind of mom-and-pop credit union with no security. But that's fine. A promise is a promise. Could you please come up to the stage
and we'll rob your bank. And while he does that...
There is someone here tonight someone without whom we would just be 4 magicians working the circuit,
trying to get...Well, actually, trying to get here.
You probably know this man, if not from one of the many, many companies he puts his name on. He is our friend. He is our benefactor. Mr. Rupert marmalade.
Please, stand up, marmalade. Please, stand up"

Somewhere in the audience, marmalade stands up, he waves at everyone and right below him a certain orange brown stripe cat with an expensive suit was watching the show, let's call him: Thomas chesterfield.

"The only man here with the Queen's cell phone number" snake jokes.

"Actually, please, stay standing, marmalade. I want to say that when we came to professor marmalade, we promised that, as a unit, we could become the biggest name in magic" wolf says.

"So we wanted to say, "Thank you." And by the way, Art, you notice on the sign out front, we made sure we put your name on top" webs says.

"If you turn out to be as good as you think you are, dear friends, that won't be necessary much longer" marmalade says.

"We haven't done our closer yet. Why don't you watch it and then you can decide for yourself. Ladies and gentlemen, professor marmalade!" Shark says as snake gets the picked audience onto the stage.

"Thank you. And, of course, once again, the Cardinal of Clairvoyance, Mr snake"

Then it is shown that piranha holds up a helmet.

"Now what piranha is bringing to the stage now, is what we in the magic world call a teleportation helmet.
You will need to wear this, as it will allow you to literally fold through space and time to your bank in the...8th?"

"9th arrondissement"

"Yeah. Now, once you are there, we will be able to speak with you through this helmet. Now if..."

Snake watches as the man puts the helmet on, "Oh, my God, that's beautiful. It has the added attraction of being very stylish. It's about time the French learned from America on that subject. Is that a beautiful piece of headgear?"

"Thank you. Thank is. Thank you. Thank you very much"

"But before you go anywhere, could you please, pick a card, any card. Not that card" wolf hands him a deck of hands and the man pulls one.

"No, that's an old American joke. You can take that one"

"Okay. This one? Show it to your friends in Section B.
But not to us. Okay, great. Now if you could
just sign your name there" wolf points.


"In English, if possible. That's good. Thanks. Put it in your pocket"

"And now for one tiny detail" webs points and shark pulls out a colorful sheet and he places it in the middle and pulls it off revealing a strange machine.

"Now, Etienne, let's step into this cockamamie contraption. And I'll step off of it. Bonne chance.
It's 11:50 p.m. here in Vegas. That's 8:50 a.m. in Paris.
Your bank opens in less than 10 minutes" snake helps the man in.

"1, 2..."

"3" they count down.

"What the ***?" Snake asks surprised



"Hey French dude" piranha shouts.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like that, was it?" Wolf asked.

"Efienne?" Webs shouts.

"I liked that little French guy. Where did he go?" Snake asked.

Their final trick appears to transport an audience member inside the vault of the Crédit Républicain bank in Paris.

"Wait, there he is. No, no, no, no, please, please, please. This is Mr wolf. Can you hear me?
Etienne? Are you okay?" A screen shows the man in Paris inside the bank.


"Perfect. What do you see in there?"

"Money. Is this real?"

"Yes. Looks like 3 million or so Euros' worth. Okay, now, here's what we're gonna need you to do. I want you to take the card that you signed out of your pocket.
And I want you to take the ticket stub from tonight's show and I want you to put it right there in the middle of the money. And drop it. Now, on the side of your helmet you should feel a button. Don't press it just yet.
That button activates an air duct that connects Paris to Las Vegas. Okay, good. Now you can press it" wolf explains.

"All right, now, Etienne, hold on tight" piranha says.

"Yeah You might feel a bit of a vacuum" shark added.

"Wait a second"

Stacks of euros are drawn into the vault's air vents and showered on the Las Vegas crowd; the trick is shown to have actually happened as the Paris vault is found empty of its recent shipment of euros, leaving behind a ticket and a playing card with the audience member's signature, which he placed within the money under orders from the Horsemen.

"Thank you, Etienne. Thank you, everyone! We are The five Horsemen And good night!"

"Good night!" The five of them gathered and bowed.

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