The horsemen arrested

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Somewhere in a police station, FBI agent misty muffins was doing some paperwork when she gets a phone call.

"Misty luggins. What? I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you say magicians?"

"Yeah, miss, magicians"

"Ugh, Where are you now?"

"I'm at Aria. I'm heading up there to grab 'em now"

"FBI! Hands where I can see them. Let's go. Get 'em up. Come on. Let's go. Get 'em up. Put the book down"

Inside snake was reading a book, webs plays cards with piranha and wolf and shark are playing pool.

"Okay. You got me" snake drops his book and webs and piranha holds their hands up.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!" Am officer named bob aimed his gun at wolf.

"Alright just give me a minute" wolf taps the ball with his stick then holds his hand up as shark does the same and drops his stick.

"Oh, my! Do one of you guys mind giving us a hand with our bags?" Webs says.

"Let's go" says bob.

As the bad guys were getting arrested they were being praised and cheered by fans.

"Boss, please tell me this is a joke"

"I just got Willy Mears to finger Paulie Attanasio.
I'm a month, two tops, away from blowing this whole thing open. Get Turkelson" Misty was outraged.

"He's in Atlantic City. Ma'am"

"What about Cowan? Look at him. He's just sitting there on his ***"

"Hilarious, luggins"

"I don't have time for this magic-god I hate magicians, they are so complicated"

"This magic just pulled 3 million Euro out of a Parisian bank"

"That's how much they got?" Misty asked.


"Actually, 3.2" they turned to see a fox.

"Who is she?" Misty asked. "Who are you?"

"Diane foxington from Interpol. I'll be working the investigation with you"

"It's nice to meet you interpol" Misty and Diane shake hands.

"I look forward to working with you, too, Agent luggins"

"Where's the French guy?" Misty asked.

"I already spoke to him" says Diane.

"Oh, you did? You spoke to my witness before me?"

"Well he's useless"

"Oh, really? Why is that?"

"Because he believes their magic was real"

"Oh, he believes the magic was real? You're right, he probably is useless. Is it okay with Interpol if we talk to him, too? Thank you"

FBI agent Misty luggins and French Interpol agent Diane foxington seize and interrogate the Horsemen about the robbery

"I have never stolen a thing in my life, okay? I tried to give the money back, but they won't take it"

"Okay, okay, okay, let's just say you robbed a bank" Misty says.

"I did"

"Fine. Fantastic. You did But since I'm new to this,
can you explain to me how you went from Las Vegas to Paris in 3 seconds?"

"With the teleportation helmet"

"Okay, what the hell is going on here?"

"He was hypnotized during the show. I told you, he's useless" Diane explained.

"Okay, I'll deal with you when I'm clone
with this other ***"


"During the show, half the audience was hypnotized
to believe they were in the Philharmonic. I guess that "***" was the trigger word"

"Okay. Hey, hey. Ecoutez. Etienne, come on down from there. You're not in the Philharmonic. How do you say "stop" in French?"Misty was furious to deal with a man hypnotized to play the violin.

"Stop" Diane says.

"Tell him to stop"

"No, I can't. You just have to let him finish his movement"

"Okay, I need a time-out. Too many French people in one room"

"Alright Diane So which one of these idiots
do you want to talk to first?" Each magician was placed in a different room.

"Him?" They see snake who was looking at them.

"Misty, for the record, mentalism has never actually
been proven to be accurate" bob says.


"That is to say, that it's not a science. It's more for entertainment"

"All right"

"Just don't believe everything the guy says. That's all"

"Please convey my deepest apologies to your colleague out there" snake says. "I'm really sorry about this
whole Tranny Tuesday thing. I was out of line"

"Tranny Tuesday?" Diane asked.

"Well, it's an arrangement he and his wife have. Or might not have, if you believe everything your lackey
is saying to be correct. But isn't there a proud tradition in the FBI of men wearing dresses? No shame, Bobby. No shame. I'm just having fun"

"Was this your card?" Wolf shows a card to Diane.


"See, I knew you weren't a queen of hearts lady,
and I respect that. The trick usually works better
when I'm not strapped in here, but I understand protocol"

"Okay, okay. So, if you had nothing to do with it,
then how did the playing card get into the vault?"

"Oh, yes. That would be...What do the kids call it these days? Oh, yes, that's right. Magic"

"Just answer the question, okay, smartass" Misty goes rough on him.

"All right. Sorry, sorry, sorry" wolf knocks over his coke, "oops, You can keep that. Don't share it with her though" he points to Misty only to annoy her.

"It says here you are a mentalist What exactly is mentalism?" Misty asked snake.

"Tricks, mostly. Some science. Targeted guessing
might be a most apt description. Along with some intuition and the occasional... Voices in my head.
Says here you can even hypnotize people over the phone"

"Did your research, did you?"

"IRS audit. Back taxes. You've had a long hard slog back into the limelight, haven't you, mr. Snake?"

"Yes, indeed, it has. And I do appreciate that trip down Memory Lane"

"As far as I understand it, when the man from Paris
put on the magical helmet..." wolf says.

"Listen to me" but Misty was getting impatient she slammed her fist.

"If you didn't rob that bank, then you knew about it.
Which makes you an accomplice. So if you wanna walk out of here today, I'd suggest you start..."

"Now you listen to me, unless you think there's a D.A. in the state of Nevada who'd be willing to make sense of this to a jury, then we have a show to perform.
And you, Agent luggins, have a drawing board to get back to"

"You are literally begging to be arrested. You know that?" Misty says.

"If it means you would actually do it, then, yeah. But you won't. Because if you did, it means that you,
and the FBI, and your friends at Interpol, actually believe, at an institutional level, in magic.The press would have a field day. And we'd be even more famous
than we already are. And you guys would look like idiots even more than you already are. Well, no, not you. But Misty. Right?"

"Hey!" Misty gets offended.

"You have, what we in the business, like to call,
"nothing up your sleeve." And you know it"

"You have big daddy issues" snake says.

"Okay, that's enough" Misty had her patience.

"I'll tell you what. Your average therapist is gonna charge you $200-$300 for this sesh. Me? I'll take a tenner. Okay, later, if you're feeling magnanimous,
I'll still take a tenner"

"You wanna know who sat in that chair before you?
Mob bosses, murderers, and thieves. And you know who put them there? The women who's sitting in this chair. So I warn you, I can maintain my resolve much longer than you can maintain that phony arrogance.
And the instant that you even show the slightest crack in that smug facade, I'll be there. I will be all over you like..." Misty says to wolf.

"Like white on rice? Sorry. That's unfair. Let me warn you. I want you to follow. Because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be 1 step, 3 steps, 7 steps ahead of you. And just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than
exactly where I want you to be. So come close. Get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see" wolf mocks her.

"That's it I'm gonna nail you..." Misty tries to grab him but he gets the chains on her.


"Something wrong with that soda, Miss?" Wolf turns to the can.

Diane opens the can and pours the sodas out to find a key.

"Oh! ***!" As the liquid beverage was coming towards Misty's phone, wolf saves it.

"First rule of magic. Always be the smartest guy in the room"

but, having no evidence to hold them, have no choice but to release them.

"Boss, what are we doing?" Bob asked. "We're letting them go?"

"They all but admitted they're gonna do it again" Misty says.

"About a half an hour ago, you didn't give a damn about them What changed?"

"I met them"

"Hey. Agent Misty. Hey, I ran a check on the audience.
Most of it was just filler People that Tressler dragged in to pack the room. But guess who was sitting there in the back, filming the whole thing?" Diane asked.

"I don't know"

"Thomas chesterfield"

Misty eyes opened, "Thomas chesterfield, the guy from TV with the DVDs and shows?"

"Okay, well, he debunks magicians. He exposes them.
He shows you how to do their tricks" bob explains.

"Get him on the phone" Misty tells Bob.

"I did. You're having lunch with him in 45" Bob says.


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