Exposing the trick

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They turn to Thomas chesterfield, a former magician turned magic debunker.

"Mr. Chesterfield started as a magician. He was actually quite good" his assist was walking them inside his mansion.

"Really?" Misty asked.

"One of the best"

Diane looks up to see posters of Thomas, "You don't say" Diane says.

"The greatest genius is in seeing through the illusion."
That's a man who loves his work"

They find Thomas sitting in his living room, "You sure I can't interest you in a glass of wine?" He asked Thomas.

"No, no, no. No, thank you, sir" Diane hesitated. "We're working"

"I will take one" Misty says.

Taking a glass of water and swirls it around to turn it into wine, it easily surprises Misty.

"That's incredible. That's amazing"

"Red dye, palmed" Thomas reveals the trick.

"Is that how Jesus did it? That's incredible. I'm sorry. Can I just take a minute here? You were one of the great magicians. Why did you stop?" Misty asked.

"Do you know how many people went to see magic performed live in the last half decade? About 1.6 million. You know how many DVDs I sold in the same period? 5 million" Thomas says.

"Oh Right, so it's about the money" Misty says.

"Well, the money is only there because the need to know is greater than the desire to be fooled.Like you, I detest those who prey upon the gullibility of the masses" Thomas says.

"With all due respect, isn't there a cost, though, to this game?" Diane asked.

"Cost?" Thomas says.

"I don't know. Careers. Lives"

"I assume you're referring to Lionel Shrike"

"I'm sorry, who?" Misty asked.

"Lionel Shrike. A middling magician who drowned
in the Hudson River 30 years ago"

"On Mr. Bradley's first special, he revealed all of Shrike's tricks. The next year, Shrike tried to stage a comeback. He was shackled inside a safe, and dropped into the river. But he never resurfaced"

"You mean he died?" Misty was shocked.

"I didn't kill him. He killed himself trying to do something he wasn't prepared to handle. You do realize this is a game?" Thomas says to Misty

"Believe me, it's not a game" Misty says.

"It is a game. You're the game. You're being played.
And your pathetic attempts at fawning to gain my trust...I mean, come on"

"You got me"

"If you really want to know how a bank in Paris was robbed from a stage in Las Vegas, my special comes out next month"

"Or I could just bring you in on obstruction charges
and force you to tell me. Unless, of course, what you're trying to say to me is that you actually don't know how they did it"

Thomas demonstrates how the bad guys used a mock vault under the Las Vegas stage.

"Showmanship and theatrics. When a magician waves his hand and says, "This is where the magic is happening." The real trick is happening somewhere else. Misdirection. A basic concept of magic"

"I'm Not interested in the concepts of magic. I wanna know how they robbed a bank" Misty says.

"You're a fool if you think they robbed a bank. But don't take my word for it. How about a trip to Paris?
Hermia, the teleportation helmet, please, darling?"

Thomas takes the helmet and places on Misty.

"You're joking, right?" She eyes him.

"You wanna know how they did it or not?"

"I'm just gonna put this on your head"

"Step right up. There you go. Now we just pull this down all safe and snug. Make yourself comfortable. There we go And when you're ready to go to Paris,
just say the magic word"

"Blow me?" Misty crosses her arms.

"That'll suffice" Thomas says.

"Bon voyage" Diane says.

She went falling down the stage, "bonjour, you know I personally prefer to take the stairs to Paris. Welcome to the City of Light, Agent luggins" Thomas chuckles.

"Hardy har har. What was with the helmet?"

"My fun"



"So they got a vault set"


"And it's the exact replica of the little French guy's bank. So he's a plant"

"He was a dupe, not a plant. They chose him. They knew which seat he was in"

"No, no, no, the audience picked the seat. Unless, of course, the audience didn't pick the seat"

"They let them think they picked the seat"


"We'll choose one at random then"

"Actually, they were just palming the ball with the seat number they wanted"

We are looking at row number 5.

Henley, could I please have a seat number?

Lucky number 13.

Could you just confirm that this is, in fact, your seat?

"He was selected. They programmed his mind to make him go to Las Vegas"

"Viva Las Vegas"

"And then they kept reinforcing it, until he did. They trailed him. They studied him. Nothing was left to chance"

"I got his measurements"

"He had no idea he was their target. And they simply activated him in Vegas"

"When I snap my fingers..."

"And once again, Merritt McKinney"

"But how did they know what bank was his?" Misty asked.

"You're kidding" Thomas chuckles.

"Really? Can you be any more of a condescending dick?"

"Yes. Like this. There's a very rare, very mysterious way in which a magician divines an audience member's bank"

"You ready?"


"Credit card. And that's how they got the signature for the card they left in the vault in Paris" Diane says.

"Very good. You're being one-upped, Agent luggins"

"Okay, but they had to get the signature card in the vault. You said they didn't steal the money"

"No, I didn't say they didn't steal the money. I said they didn't rob the bank. My guess is that they targeted
a shipment of freshly minted money headed to the Frenchman's bank on-board an armored truck. Which, of course, is just as hard to break into. Unless you're already inside. And despite what the banks would have you believe, the men who drive these trucks are not exactly mental giants. For our Horsemen, or bad guys
it was almost too easy"

"Hey, boys" webs waved who was on shark shoulder and helps wolf and snake while piranha took the wheel.

"So, how did they make the fake money disappear from the vault? What is that?" Misty asked.

"Flash paper. Magicians use it all the time. Creates no smoke, leaves no residue"

Thomas explains that they stole the money before it arrived at the bank, replacing it with flash paper designed to look like the money, which ignited when the vents were activated without creating any smoke or residue.

He also reveals that they manipulated the audience participant (who was intentionally selected beforehand and is also the bank's owner) to attend the show, where he was hypnotized into helping to perform the final trick, also revealing that he was actually dropped into the duplicate vault containing the money below the stage.

His signature on the card in the real vault was forged using his credit card by the Horsemen.

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