A new act in new orleans

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Thomas and the FBI follow the bad guys to their next show in New Orleans.

Where they were in marmalade's plane traveling to New Orleans, he was on a talk show virtually.

"2 days ago, no one heard of these guys, but tonight's show sold out in 35 seconds. I think these guys have cracked the secret to show business. Give your audience $3 million. Puts 'em in a good mood, doesn't it?"

"Best finale ever" marmalade says.

"They're gonna be the first magicians in history to get laid. Remember, if the oxygen mask comes down,
put it on the lawyer first. Remember"

"Oh, yes. I always do. It's lawyer first, then myself and then the children"

"Then yourself. Yes. Then the children"

"Um... Allow me to make plain what we've both been thinking" snake was board out of his mind.

"And what's that?" Webs asked.

"This is stupid"

"We should be getting there a few minutes early. So, sit back, relax. We should be in the Big Easy soon. Appreciate you flying with us today"

Meanwhile in another plane, Diane and Misty were on their way.

"So, what's in it for professor marmalade, besides the money?" Misty asked.

"Ego maybe" Diane was playing with cards.

"Okay, pick your card. Look at it, put it in the deck, and tell me. Oh No, don't tell me"

"Okay. Okay. Thomas was there that night. He knows exactly how they pulled it off. What about him?"

"What are you saying? You think they could be working together"

"I don't know. All I know is that these guys were a bunch of street magicians a year ago with no resources. So, how do they go from doing that to this
without some kind of outside help?"

"Is this your card?"

"No, my card is sitting over there in that guy's lap.
Nice shuffle"

"You know, this is hard. According to this book,
some of those guys practice one simple move eight hours a day for years"

"Really? Some of those guys seriously need to get a life"

"Is it magicians, in general, you have a problem with?
Or specifically those guys?"

"I could care less about magicians in general. What I hate is people who exploit other people"

"Exploit them how? Try again"

"Um...By taking advantage of their weaknesses. Their need to believe in something that's unexplainable
in order to make their lives more bearable"

"I see it as a strength. My life is happier when I believe that. Is this your card?"



"Yeah. Cool"

"That smile on your face. Is it real?"


"So let me ask you, Ms luggins. Do you feel exploited?
Or did you have maybe a tiny, tiny bit of fun?"

"Guy goes to the doctor. Doctor says, "Sir, you're gonna have to stop masturbating."He says, "Why?"
He says, "So I can finish the examination." Shark tells a joke causing everyone to laugh.

Wolf steps out of the restaurant to join the others.

"Oh, wolf, can I talk to you about my role in the show real quick?" Piranha asked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Hey, guys. We got a show to prepare for"


"Oh! Do we now?" Snake steps up to him.

"Oh No, no, no, don't do that. You're not doing that thing to me. No" wolf steps back.

"What thing? I'm just looking at you"

"No, you're not. I've been watching you for a year.
I know all of your little tricks"

"That what they are to you? Tricks? Yes, it's gimmicks. it's Barnum statements. It's reading the eyes. Body language. I get it"

"Oh If it's such an easy thing, why don't you do webs?"

"Yeah, wolf. Why don't you do me?" Webs says.

"No, you're too easy. I'll do shark"

"No. Do me" Professor marmalade says.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. Do the pig"


"Even better"

"But I warn you, I can be difficult to read, when I want to be"

"Just stay with me, okay? So, professor, you were a tough kid. You know, kind of a real rapscallion. You had a dog. A real tough dog. A brutish breed. Like a real..I want to say, Ben the bulldog"

"Actually, I was a prissy little tot. I had a fluffy white cat called Snuffles" everyone laughs at him.


"Ah. Sorry"

"Wait, let me try one. I can do way better than that" piranha says.

"Let him do it" webs says

"Come on, give me one more time. One more time"

"Shark can do way better than that" snake added.

"Let's do family. You had an uncle on your mother's side. He had a real, kind of...A real masculine name.
A real, kind of, salt-of-the-earth...You know, a real stick-it-to-you...Like it was some kind of Paul. Thompson? Was it a Paul...Okay. You know what? I got nothin'"

"Nearly though"

"Was I?"

"Yeah. My uncle's name was Cushman Armitage" marmalade laugh.

"Really? Snuffles and Cushman Armitage? That was your childhood?" Wolf was annoyed with everyone laughing at him.

"I certainly hope tonight's show is gonna be better than this" marmalade says.

"Don't worry. Just you wait"

They landed when Misty was searching the streets, "Hey. Come on, give me some good news on a hotel room, please"

"What, are you kidding me? No, it's Mardi Gras, Misty.
There's nothing within sight of the theater"

"Hold on a second. Hold on. Where is that fox?Hey, hey! There you are. What, doing a little sightseeing while in New Orleans?"

"No. Do you see that woman up there? That's Marie Claire. And she has a lovely apartment for us. You're welcome"

"Yeah. We got a place. If you want to keep playing
into their hands, go for it. I'm just trying to understand how they think"

"You think I'm playing in their hands, do you?"

"I don't know how any of that is gonna go against this"

"This what? This magic?"

"Lionel Shrike.In Central Park, he has a guy pick a card and sign it. Then he goes to a tree that has been there 20 years. They saw the tree in half. Inside the tree, encased in glass, is the card with the signature.
How did he do that?"

"I have no idea. But I'm sure there's a logical explanation. Excusez-moi. You guys got a guy in that lobby yet?"

"No, but I do have some good news. Remember how Mr wolf is such a control freak, he's got his whole crew
on those tracking bracelets?"

"What tracking bracelets?"

"He has every member of his crew wearing a tracking bracelet.Those bracelets are on a sub-8 flat-band.
So as long as wolf is tracking them..."


"...our boys can track wolf from right here in the mobile command unit"

"Okay, call me if you get any movement"

"Copy that"

"You are missing the big picture here, agent Misty.
There is a place in Paris, Pont des Arts. Sometimes in the mornings I sit on a bench there. And I watch the people make a wish and lock it in a lock on the bridge.
Then throw the key into the Seine. All day they do this.
Mothers, lovers, old men. Watching the key sink into the water and their secret is locked away forever.
Real and, at the same time, magical So, do you really think it's possible there's a sixth Horseman?"


Then Thomas started his episode in a voodoo shop, "
There is a legend of a secret order born in ancient Egypt called "The Eye." It is said they perfected sleight of hand to steal food from the Pharaohs and give it to the slaves. Their purpose? Using magic and illusion
to even the scales of justice. Are The Horsemen next in a long line of fools to believe this myth? Will they evade the rules of law and logic like they did in Las Vegas? Or will the dark mysticism of this Southern swampland get the better of them?"

But his show gets interrupted when he hears sarcastic clapping, which he turns to see Professor marmalade.

"Bravo, Mr. Chesterfield"

"Either you have a cease-and-desist, which you don't, or you should leave. Because cat eat gerbils"

If I want something to cease or desist, it does. And last time I check the gamers always outsmart the cats"

"Take five"

"According to your potential backers, you stand to make 2.5 million tops from your best special. I have here a check for 3.5 million"

"To walk away?"

"To fly away. My jet is at your disposal"

"Let's not kid ourselves, Professor. You're in this to ride them up. I'm in it to ride them down"

"I take it that we do not have a deal. And therein lies our conflict. Let me be blunt. My bank account is much, much bigger than yours. And my lawyers are much stronger. And they will manacle you with so many injunctions. Until you stand by, hopelessly watching everything that you own drain away
in front of your greedy little eyes" marmalade burns the check threatening Thomas.

"This isn't the first time I've been threatened and it won't be the last, And I'm still here"

"It is, however, the first time you've been threatened by me. And if you do anything to sully my investment,
the ride down, which you mentioned, will be sudden, precipitous, and measurable on the Richter scale"

"Oops. You shouldn't have done that. According to superstition, one who uses a doll to enact one's own wrath, is likely to bring that very wrath unto himself"

"Oh Isn't that funny? And I thought you didn't believe in magic"

Later that night everyone gets ready, "Do me a favor.
Visualize your most adventurous sexual experience" snake says to webs.

"Stay out of my head, you perv"

"Well, no, if I stay out of your head, I'm never gonna get into your pants"

"You're not my type"

"Right So let's stick with this exercise And it helps..."

"Pardon the intrusion" suddenly Thomas arrived.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck tonight.

"What, so you can try to expose us later on your little website?" Shark says.

"And on demand"

"That's not gonna happen" webs scoffs.

"Oh, no? Operating on a special plane because of The Eye? I heard it's a lovely place. Lots of starshine and moonbeams. Make any magician's wish come true.
You've come a long way, much further than anyone would have expected of a bunch of wanna-bes and has-beens"

Snake gets offended and gets in his face, "If by "has-been" you're referring to me, I just wanna say I'm flattered, because I always considered myself a never-was. Do you mind if I do a quick read on you?"

"By all means"

"Okay, I'm picturing a little boy. He wants to be a great magician someday. And though he's good, he's not quite good enough. So he ends up at the bottom of the entertainment food chain, feeding off of those who have the talent that he never did. Tell me. Am I getting close?"

Then wolf gets up, "Wait. Before you go. I'm working
on something new. Do you have a second? Okay. Name a card"

"King of hearts"

"Knew it"

"Okay. It's up your left sleeve"

"Is it? No. No, I don't see it up there. You know, why don't you check your unnecessary velveteen pocket there?"

"Yeah" Thomas finds a card that says: suck it.

Everyone laughs by his reaction,Anyway, thank you so much for coming by, but this is kind of a talent only area, so..."

"Break a leg"

"Hey, you break something, too" snake says.

"Oh I almost forgot my daughter will be seeing your show tonight"

"Oh you have a daughter" wolf says as he and the others were intrigued.

"Is she hot?" Piranha asked who is aroused.

"Oh ho ho ho" Thomas chuckles sarcastically then he pulls out a knife then he pins piranha down aiming his knife ago his neck threatening him.

"She's a child, and you stay away form her or I'll tear off your skin, pull out your own bones, chop up your flesh and cook it into sushi for my dinner tonight"

"Hey!" Wolf get offended and pulls Thomas away from piranha who rubbed his neck and both glared at Thomas.

"Terran me all you want but you leave them out of this"

Thomas and wolf stared at each other, "best of look to you" Thomas leaves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Savoy management welcomes you to tonight's special performance,
The five Horsemen, Act Two. Unlike traditional performances, The Four Horsemen encourage you to film, call your friends, upload, stream, and tweet the show freely. Thank you The show will begin in a few minutes.

Thomas, marmalade Misty and Diane all taken their seats when Misty pulls out something.

"Nice watch"

"Oh It's a family heirloom"

"Oh. By the way, I know how he did that trick."


"Shrike. So, when he was 14, he saw a hole in a tree in Central Park. He had a guy who worked at the carousel sign a card for what looked like a routine little trick.


"At the guy's retirement, 18 years later, Shrike performs, has the guy sign a card, and presto!"

"The card is in the tree"

"It was in the tree for 18 years"

"The card was in the tree. The tree grew around the card in 18 years. I mean, that isn't magic. It's not magic"

"The point is, the trick was not to look closely. It was to look so far that you see 20 years into the past. After Shrike drowned, they never found the body"

"What are you suggesting?"

But before Diane could explain the show started, "professor marmalade presents me wolf, Mr snake, Ms tarantula, Mr piranha and Mr shark, The five Horsemen"

"Thank you. Before we begin, we'd like to single out
two people in particular. Two woman to whom we'd like to dedicate tonight's performance. FBI Agent Misty luggins and the lovely, if somewhat inexperienced, Interpol Agent Diane foxington, everyone" wolf shines the spotlight on them too then the throws boos them.

"Yeah, Agent Misty has personally vowed to "nail us." Piranha says.

"And we encourage him to do so" shark says.

"if she has the brains and the fur" snake says.

"What is magic? Our argument, nothing but targeted deception. So I want you to look. Look as closely as possible. Because the tricks you are about to see
may not seem connected. But we assure you, they are.
Is what follows 100 different tricks? Or is it one giant illusion?" Wolf says.

"And now for one of the oldest tricks in the book" shark says as webs was on his shoulders and he holds a white rabbit.

"Wolf, if you wouldn't mind opening up the box" webs says as wolf shows a black box.

"and showing everybody that it's completely empty"

"Now, we're gonna need 12 courageous volunteers" snake says as he looks around the room.

Then he sees a white fur 14 year old cat girl, "you over there" he shines the spotlight and she gasped as everyone cheered for her.


"Yes you come on up" he slithered down and takes her hand.

Thomas glared and watch as snake takes the young lady on the stage.

"What's your name beautiful" wolf telas her hand and press his lips against it when snake escorts her to him.

"Oh, well it's definitely not beautiful" she was flattered by his charm when he winks at her.

"But it's true"

"My name is princess" it was Thomas daughter.

"Tell me miss, are you Thomas chesterfield's daughter" snake asked.

"Yes, how did you know"

"Ahah, a magician never reveal his secrets" snake says.

"Now I'm gonna take sweet little Fluffy here,
and put her inside this mystery box" shark says as snake whispers into princess ears.

"There are two pencils out there. Hold 'em up high. Let me see 'em" piranha says.



"And now, princess you will say the magic word" wolf says.


"Yes, and I will wave this magic wand for no reason. And then...Fluffy has magically vanished"

"That's amazing" princess says.

"before your very eyes"

Then snake takes her hand, "now princess If you haven't experienced mass hypnosis, you're about to" he whispers into her ear.

"When you hear the words: light as a feather, you're gonna come on stage and fall in a deep sleep where someone will catch you and takes you away to a nice place...." He snapped his fingers and she stands next to the others there.

"And sleep. Down, down. Sleep, sleep. Completely sleep. Good, good. Sleep, sleep"

"And now we are gonna debunk a few magic myths this evening. We all know that Fluffy is, in fact, alive and well" webs says as wolf reveals a two way mirrorin the box.

"And Fluffy has miraculously appeared. As has the mirror which makes the box only appear as though it's empty" shark says.

"When you hear the word "freeze" you are all football players And your job is to tackle, dismantle, crush,
tear limb from limb, the quarterback. But not you princess" snake says.

"Now, we've all heard of pulling the rabbit out of the hat" webs says.

"But has anyone heard of pulling a hat out of a rabbit?" Shake pulls the hat out of the rabbit.

"You will know who the quarterback is. He will be the one saying that word. Freeze"

Wolf makes bubbles out of his hands.

"Three, two, one..."

Piranha throws some cars out one lands in the pencil the other cuts the pencil.

"Put your hands in the middle.One, two, three..."

"Kill the quarterback!"

Princess approaches shark who opens his hand and takes out a rag, he puts in on his hand and as he pulls it up 20 doves came flying out amazing her.

Then piranha takes her hand leads her to a wheel, "hold this for me" he puts a apple in her mouth and he thieves cards at her, they missed till one slices the apple in half, then wolf blows a big bubble above her and she it pop confetti came flying down on her, she laughs.

"Laddies and gentlemen, princess chesterfield" wolf takes her back or her seat.

"Now At the intermission, we asked you to write down
your current bank balance, and seal it in an envelope.
Now it's time to take those envelopes out. Everyone take 'em out. Now, everybody, shout out your name.
All at once. Go" snake says then everyone starts shouting indistinct.

"Go on Shout 'em out" snake encourages them.

"Clement? Frannick?"

"Yeah! Up here!"

"Oh. Way up there. Okay. Dina? Robertson?"

"That's me!"

"Okay. Names. Names. Let's go" more keep shouting.

"Josepha Hickey?"

"That's me!"

"Josepha, I want you to focus on your balance,
and count from one to 10 out loud"

"One, two, three, four, five..."

"Stop. Is the first digit 5?"


"Do it again. This time, faster"

"One, two, three, four, five, six..."

"Stop. Six. Again"

"One, two..."

"Josepha, is your bank balance $562 as of today?"

"Yeah. That's what I got"

"Unfortunately, you're wrong. Okay, Dina, 1, 4, 7, 7"


"Thank you, You think it is. But in fact, you, too, are wrong. Uh, Clement... You do not have $6,500 in your account. In fact, everybody stand up. Everybody. Yeah. Put your envelopes to your forehead. Focus on your number. Ooh! Oh. This is... Oh, dear. Just as I feared.
Oh, this is strange. You know, I hate to say this, but you're all wrong. Every last one of you is dead wrong
about what you think is in your account.Okay, you can sit down now"

Then wolf whispers in his ear, "Oh! Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. This evening would not be possible if it weren't for our great benefactor professor marmalade.Big applause! Big applause!" The lights shines at him who he waves at everyone who cheered for him.

"But that's not all we like to delicate this performance to a very special person, someone who inspired this trick...laddies and gentlemen give it up for....THOMAS CHESTERFIELD" wolf points at Thomas.

Thomas was surprised as everyone claps and the spotlight aims at him and everyone claps for him.

"In fact Thomas, actually, why don't you come up on stage for the finale?"

"Come on down, Thomas!" Snake says.

"Come on down, Art!" Says webs.

"There he goes." Shake says.

"Okay, good" says piranha

"Are we on red?" Misty asked.

"Bright red. We're all standing by"

"All right, no one leaves the theater. No one"

"There he goes" piranha says.

"Now, Thomas, did you fill out your envelope?" Webs asked.

"Well, no need. We've done it for you" wolf says.

"Now, Thomas, I took a guess. North of 140. Am I right?" Snake says as piranha brings out a huge envelope.

"Actually That's 140 million, by the way"

"I'm sorry, snake. How can he be right about his balance and everyone else be wrong?" Wolf asked which Thomas raised a suspicious eyebrow at him.

"I think possibly because he, too, is wrong" snake says.

"Now Everybody, take out your paper. And using the flashlight under your seat, start to warm up that paper" shark says.

"I think your correct balance begins to appear" snake says.

"Now, Thomas, don't worry, we have a flashlight for you too" wolf says.

Shark and piranha holds the envelope when snake brings in a big flashlight and webs turns it on.

Then the numbers started to change...


"Huh? Wow"

"Whoa What's going on there, wolf?" Snake says.

"Wait. This is weird. A second ago, it said $144,579,651. But now... Now it says $70,000 less"

"What exactly are you doing?" Thomas growls at wolf.

"Payback bitch, never mess with a wolf, because if you mess with a wolf....you get bite and tear to shreds"

"Josepha, can you stand up?" Snake says.


the magicians transfer more than $140 million from Thais private accounts to certain members in the audience, composed of people whose insurance claims were denied by one of Thomas company in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

"Now, what is your new number?"

"$70,562 now in my account"

"Is it possible that Josepha's balance went up the exact amount that Art's went down?" Webs asked.

"Maybe webs?" Shark says.

" it Hey. Check it out. It's happening again" piranha says.

"Is it?" Wolf asked.

"Wow. It is" webs says

"Thomas balance has gone down another 280K. Dina Robertson? What did yours say?" Snake says.


"We have a confession to make" webs says.

"She's right. We lied about something" piranha says.

"Yes. None of you were chosen at random" wolf says.

"All of you have one thing in common. Everyone in this room was a victim" snake says.

"Including you too princess" shake points at her head had a bit of concerned in his tone.

"A victim of the hard times that hit one of America's most treasured cities" webs says.

"Some of you lost your houses" makes says.

"your cars" wolf says.

"Your businesses" piranha says.

"Your loved ones" shark added.

"But all of you were insured by the same company" wolf says.

"Chesterfield Insurance" they all point at Thomas.

"You were abandoned"

"You were loopholed.."

"...out of your settlements"

"This is all for show. Correct?" Thomas asked wolf.

"All" meaning we're doing it onstage in front of a paying audience? Then, yes, it's for show" piranha says.

"Whoa! Whoa! I've got $82,000 in my bank account! It says it right here on my cell phone! Everybody, look at your cell phones right now! Everybody!"

Everyone started cheering while others booed at Thomas princess started to feel frightened.


"Hey Is this for real?"

"I don't know"

"Is this happening?"

"I don't know! I can't tell!"

"Hey! Did you do this?" Thomas glared at snake.

"How could we, Thomas?" Piranha says.

"We don't have your password We'd need access to information we could never get our hands on" webs says.

"Ah, yes, security questions, for instance, like, I don't know, your mother's maiden name or the name of your first pet" wolf says.

"Where would we get that information, Thomas? You certainly would never tell us. But your daughter would and boy did she sang like a canary" snake smiled.

"What? Princess would?" But then Thomas remembered when she got on stage snake whispered to her.

"Light as a feather stiff as a board you will tell me every password you father owns"

"You son of a bitch" Thomas was furious grbaswolf shaking him who seemed calm.

"You have a lovely daughter Thomas" wolf takes his hands off.

"Very beautiful and she has the most beautiful voices" snake says.

"You're a very lucky dad" shark wraps his arms around him.

"I don't know how a lemon so sour like you could end up related to a peach like her" piranha says.

"She's swamping, she's lovely she's a doll, she's a vision, she's a dream...she's perfect...too perfect for you" wolf says.

"You don't mind if we take her do you" snake says.

Each one leave to exit the stage Thomas was so angry he tires to grab them but he sees his ankle was chained to the floor.

"We got confirmation. It's really happening. They robbed him"

"Do not let them get away" Misty yells.

Shark and piranha head to the audience to professor marmalade.

"We got to go Professor" shark says.

"Well ready when you are" marmalade holds his hands up.

Shark and piranha looked at each other then piranha shrugs as shark grabs marmalade.

"Oh" he goaded when shark runs to the stage.

"Hey, we left you the jet and the Rolls" snake says.

"But there is one more thing we're taking from you" wolf says.

Landxwhat would that be, you practically took all my money, what more could you steal from me" Thomas growls.

"Oh that's so easy, what we want is...your daughter, we're taking her, hope you don't mind" wolf smiled.

"What? No! Don't you dare!" Thomas growls.

Then wolf shouts out, "light as a feather Stiff as a Board Pretty as a Picture Dead as a Doornail"

As he went on, princess was hypnotized by the trigger word she walks up the stage.

"Dark as the Night Mad as a Hatter Troubled as the Tide Right as Rain Cold as Ice Innocent as a Lamb
And Slippery as an Eel"

"NO!" Thomas tries to grab princess.

But as she approaches wolf, she falls a sleep and he grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder.

"Don't worry we'll take very good care of her for you" wolf says.

"You got hell to pay!" Thomas looks back at her stage to see the whole audience shouting and booing at him.

"Stop! Stop! Nobody move! Freeze!" Misty says.

attempts to capture the magicians, but members of the audience who were hypnotized tackle Misty when she says a certain word, allowing the magicians to escape


"We are The five Horsemen. Good night" they all said.

"Get 'em off me! Get off! Get off me!" Misty pushes them off.

"Get off me!"

"All right. I want everyone on the street! Everyone!"


and a vengeful Thomas is going to expose them for robbing him of his money and his daughter.

"Bob, meet me in front of the theater and bring the tracker" Misty says.

"Let's go! Let's go! Now! Come on! Let's go! Give me the tracker"

"Let's go"

"FBI! Clear!"



"What have you got? That's him right there. Follow the red dot.

"All right, I'll take this"

"Go. Box 'em. Cut 'em off that way"

"He's turning left on Burgundy"


"Hey! Move! Move! Move!"


"I got him heading north on Bourbon. Sorry. Move, move! Hey! Hey, excuse me. Move, move! Excuse me.
Ow! I've lost him at Bourbon. Damn! Where are you?
Excuse me. He's heading south on Exchange Place"

Diane caught wolf with princess, "Stop!"

She aims his gun, he throws princess to shark who caught her and ran as he holds his hands up.

Then he jumps over the fence getting away.

"What are you doing?" Misty follows after him.

"He's going in Napoleon House. Move! Move! Move out of the way! Hey! Move! He's in the bathroom.
I have him in the bathroom"

But when she heads in the bathroom, she sees that he was gone.

"No! No! No!" She heads outside and gets surrounded.

"Freeze!" She realized she was tracking herself.

"Lower your weapons!"

"What? I'm tracking myself! UGH!"

NEWSCASTER came on, "The Horsemen left egg on the face of what they call the alphabet agencies, calling into question the efficacy of the FBI's task force

Misty was strees she started to drink, a strong drink to forget everything.

"as well as the woman in charge of the investigation,
Special Agent Misty luggins, who was publicly ridiculed, and even tackled at tonight's performance
Talk about a fumble. They should've let a man on the job This is quickly becoming a national story, as The Horsemen have now seemingly pulled off the impossible for the second time in as many days. And I'm getting word that they taken Thomas chesterfield daughter princess chesterfield and professor marmalade  Two nights ago in Vegas, The Horsemen
seemingly robbed a bank in Paris..."

Diane approves her, "Hey. What are you doing?"

"I'm having a drink"

"I came to get you. I'm worried about you"

"You're worried about me. Well, I'm worried about you. Mr wolf. You had him"

"He didn't have a weapon. I couldn't shoot him and you know that"

"Yeah, but you... You let him go. Didn't you? Some partner you are, letting the bad guy go? I thought you said you were a desk agent"

"What is this? What's the Eye of Horus?" Misty noticed a book on the floor.

"Oh, certainly nothing I want to get into tonight.
But when you're sober come find me ok" Diane pats her back as Misty passed out on the counter.

Suddenly Diane gets a phone call, "hello"

"I was a $140-million distraction?" Thomas Yelled, "how could you let them go with my daughter"

"I know you are upset Mr chesterfield but please calm down, we are working hard"

"I suggest you go and find them my daughter by t since I can't trust I'll have to do that myself"

"Thomas please be reasonable sir"

"They made me look like a fool tonight, me, now there will be blood on my hands, I'm gonna expose them like they did to me" he slams the phone.

"So I suggest you sit back and enjoy your front row seat. if you expose them now. Might as well do it yourself

"Hey" Diane wakes up to see Misty back and reading her book.

"Sorry I'm at a loss"

"You know, when Mr  snake said I hardly spent any time away from the desk, he was right. I'm a researcher. That's what I do best"

"So what's this all about?"

"Supposedly, if you buy into it, The Eye are the keepers of real magic and the protectors of those who practice it. "Candidates for initiations must follow a series of commands with blind obedience."

"This isn't real"

"But there are some who think it is May I? According to this, they only take new people twice a century. So what? The Horsemen are doing these shows in order to get into this thing?"

"I don't know I don't know. I mean, I guess these guys
could just rob banks to rob banks. They don't have to put on a show for that"

"It's probably just a myth"

"But it doesn't make any sense, and I don't think logic will solve this for us"

"You don't say?"

"No I believe that some things are only discovered
if you take certain leaps"

"Well we should get some sleep now Thanks. Good night"

"Yeah. Good night"


"It's all right"

"If The Eye did exist, we'd have to assume they were watching us, right?"

"Sh*t. I think someone is watching us, but it isn't magic"

"Your fears are correct"

They suspect that there may be someone helping the Horsemen.

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