The chase

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After the show, the bad guys or horsemen return back home where they were thrilled about the show.

They pulled out some cups and champagne, wolf comes still carrying princess over his shoulders.

"I can't believe we pulled it off" snake says.

"I know right did you see the look on Thomas face when we took his daughter, speaking of which webs did you get the papers" wolf asked.

"Oh yeah I got the papers" she pulls out the adoption papers for princess.

Shark puts professor marmalade down as wolf lays princess down gently on the sofa, she for as softly as she was still under snake's trance.

They all gathered around and looked at her as she was peacefully drifted asleep.

"Look at her" wolf says.

"She's so beautiful" shark saya.

"I can't believe we're gonna be parents" webs says.

"It's better then having Thomas as a father" piranha says as snake strokes her fur.

Marmalade on the other hand seems puzzled, "you did all this just to take Thomas daughter...why?"

"Because he doesn't deserve her bad that cat had it coming when he threatened us" wolf says.

"Yeah he was gonna expose us so we decided to expose him...oh and take his daughter so we could piss him off even more" webs says.

"Well no point siting here if we're not gonna celebrate as a family, snake why don't you wake up sleeping beauty already"

The whisper in her ear, "when I saw the chant you will wake but not frightened, Lost as Eden Free as a Bird
Sly as a Fox Sick as a Dog Silent as the Night Pale as Death Guilty as Sin White as a Ghost Fresh as a Daisy
Trapped as a Rat Clear as Mud Hungry Like a Wolf
Thick as Thieves Mean as a Rattlesnake Quiet as a Tomb Brave as a Lion, and awaken" he snapped his tail.

Then princess eyes open, she gets up, confused and sees the bad guys surrounding her smiling at her.

"Whoa, what's happening...oh uh hello, where am I?"

"It's ok we're not gonna hurt you" wolf assured her with a smile and a pat on the back.

"Oh it's you, the five horsemen"

"The one and only" wolf says.

Then she realizes something, "oh but I have to get back father is gonna be worried about me"

But as she gets up they stop her, "whoa whoa hold it there kid, you're not going anywhere" wolf says.

"But my father-"

"Don't worry about him sweetheart, we're saving you from your father" wolf says.

"What? What are you-I don't know what you are-" princess tries to lie.

"Honey please we know what your old man does" webs pulls on her wrist to reveal hidden bruises.

"How did you-" she pulls her arm back then reveals everything.

"Sweetheart it's ok we know every horrible thing about your father that he has down including child abuse on his only daughter" wolf touches her shoulders.

"But we can make that go away, would you like that...I take you away"

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes that why we took you away, because Thomas doesn't deserve such a beautiful treasure"

He offers her his hand and helps her up, "but wait What? Me?"

"Yeah you see I liked what a nice painting he had so I wanted what he had"

"So we plant his little ruse to kidnap you, so we can adopt you" webs says as piranha offers her a glass of milk and shark shows her adoption papers revealing they adopted her.

"But why me"

"Because...I like you" wolf says and it made her smile.

"So we're taking you in to raise you as our own, to train you to be a magician like us" wolf says.

" but I don't know anything about magic" princess says.

"Don't worry you'll have a lot to learn" wolf says, it puts her at ease.

"Now lets welcome our newest member of the 6 horsemen" wolf says then they raised their glass.

Meanwhile with the FBI, upon Discovering that the Horsemen replaced misty's cell phone with a bugged clone.

"This is not and has never been your phone. It's a clone in every way, except for this. A bug" a female agent pulls out a bug.

"Someone has heard every call, read every text"

"That's how they were able to stay ahead of us, God damn it! Those crooks, Get me Mr. wolf's interrogation tape"

"Yes, ma'am. I have it on the hard drive"

They examine the cameras, "Picture's up. Okay, fast forward. Go on, go on. Freeze! Okay. Frame by frame. Go on. Play it through. Ah! Stop. Zoom in tighter. Tighter. There. That's where he took my phone Is that thing transmitting?" Misty says.

"Only when you're making a call or sending a text Plus I removed the bug"

"All right. Put it back in and turn on the phone. They don't know that we know about the bug. As of this instant, we are ahead of them. We need to keep it that way. Understand? Find my real phone and track it"

"Already did. As of about 20 minutes ago, it's in New York City"

"Good. I wanna cut 'em off at the knees. They got power? Cut it. They got phones, electricity, water? Cut it. Squeeze 'em out. I want 'em to feel our presence.
And get me an airplane!"

"And what about the kid"

"Put her into custody until we get ahold of her dad"

With the intention they have, it allowing them to remain ahead of the investigation, the FBI track Misty real phone to the New York apartment, where four of the Horsemen escape while piranha stays back to destroy their documents.

"The firewall's down. Do they know about this?" Webs goes through her computer

"What's going on" princess came out looking in A panic.

"They who?" Wolf says as they try to destroy the evidence, "hey sweetie how's not a good time" he tries to comfort her.

"They," "them," whoever we're working for" webs says.

"Who are we working for? And are we prepared to go to jail for them?" Snake says.

"Stop being paranoid" wolf says.

"What? I thought you said you had everything under control" princess says.

"I thought but right now, until we get everything in order I think it's best if you stay with professor marmalade"


"You'll be safe with him and don't worry he's gonna take care of you" he kisses her forehead.

"But-" before she could respond...

"Snake" wolf called him.

Then snake slithered to princess, snapped his tail and she went into a sleeping trance, she fell down a laundry chute as wolf opens it where she was got by marmalade and his servant cuddles.

"Let's go"

"It really does happen" snake agrees.

"It happened to you. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us" wolf says.

"I don't want to go back to jail" shark whines.

"Relax no one is going back to prison I promise" wolf says.

"Guys, I don't know if I can do this, all right. I don't want to go to jail, you know?" Piranha says.

"Then don't screw up. You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. Now might be a good time to start acting like one Stick to the plan. Stay here and burn it all"

The police arrived at the apartments, "I don't know what I'm doing here" wolf says.

"I don't know what you would do anywhere else. I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That's it. Then I'm gone" snake says.

"Hey You can do whatever you want when this is over, snake. But until then, you stick to the plan"

"Hey, guys. I don't to intrude but Uh... They're here" snake looks out the window

"My guys are ready to go" Misty rushes outside with Diane.

"Let's do this quickly..."

"Uh. No" but an officers stops Diane.


"She doesn't have jurisdiction here"

"She's Interpol. She's with me" Misty says.

"She stays"

"What? What?" Diane was upset.

"Stay in the car. Let's go" Misty lured some men.

"Okay. Let's do it" wolf leads his friends downstairs as they escape.

"FBI!" FBI agents came bursting through rooms to find them.

"Ladies first" wolf holds webs she falls down the chute.

"Don't move!" Agents break in a room with a mother and kid.

Professor marmalade gets called by Thomas, "Tell me"
Is my money being well-spent?" Thomas says.

"Exceedingly well" Marmalade watches them. "Now you tell me, how do you like your Horsemen?Fricasseed or fried?"


"I'll tell the Chef" marmalade smiles and inside his limousine, next besides him was princess still sleeping.

"Don't worry we're almost home" he pats her head whispering to her.

Piranha Pursued by the authorities, (just save time) he maneuvers Misty and the other agent, he attacks her with playing cards and she chased him down a chute

"Hey! Get back... Sh*t" Misty yells

"FBI. Sort of. I need your car. Thanks" Diane takes a car to get him.

As piranha ran outside he attacks to officers and steals a car.

Misty arrives outside and Diane pulls up the pursuit on following piranha.

"Good. Follow him! Whoa! There he is! Move!

A helicopter is seen reporting the car chase, "We're heading east on the FDR Drive" Misty says.

"This is not east" Diane corrected her.

"North! North! We're heading north on the FDR Drive"

"We're coming to you live above the FDR, where NYPD and federal agents, as you now see, are engaged in a high-speed pursuit, following a black sedan" Tiffany fluffit arrived in a helicopter.

"Fuller, where are you?" Misty calls him,

"Right here. Trying to catch up to you now"

"We're now trying to get you a better shot"

"Come on!"




"It looks like they're turning onto the 59th Street Bridge. As soon as we have them within range,
we will bring you those pictures live"

"Good. Just stay with him" Misty says.

"Go, go, go!""

They go nearly crashed into a bus, "Behind... You're behind the bus! Get over!" Misty says.

"Ha-ha!" Piranha was about to get away when suddenly, then Piranha loses control of his car in a fiery crash on the Queensboro Bridge.

"Oh, sh-Uh-oh!" They get out to see the car on fire.

"Come here!" Fuller tries to grab Misty as she ran to help piranha.

"Get back! Get back! Misty, let's go, ma'am! Come on, you...Come on, man! Get out!"

"He's gonna die in here"

"Leave him! There's nothing you can do! Let's go! Leave him!"

"The paper!" She pulls out a paper he had.

"Misty! Let's go! Let's go! Come on!"

In marmalade's place, princess stars to wake up when the news came on.

"Today, the unfolding story of a popular and controversial group of magicians, who have been fast capturing the public's imagination" Tiffany fluffit says.

"Bloody hell...where am I" she looks around.

"It took a dark turn when a police action that began in Chinatown developed into a dramatic, high-speed chase across the 59th Street Bridge, which caused a fatal collision that took the life of Mr piranha, one of the so-called Four Horsemen" princess gasped in horror.

"The whereabouts to the other four Horsemen remain unknown at this time. Along with the kidnapping of princess chesterfield, daughter of Thomas chesterfield who assisting the police in finding his daughter"

Unable to save piranha, Misty recovers papers pointing to the Horsemen's next crime.

"Misty, they just figured out what the paper was in Mr piranha's car"

"So they know what it is? And why the kid died trying to protect it" Misty asked.

"Evans is on his way to brief us right now"

"Let's go"

"You're gonna wanna take this first, though" he hands her a phone.

"What's that?"

"Thomas chesterfield"

"Hello? Mr chesterfield?"

"You do understand the function of the magician's assistant, don't you, Agent luggins?"

"Yeah, she's there to distract them while he sets up the trick"

"You'd be right if you weren't so wrong. While you're watching the magician, that lovely innocent is actually
pulling the strings. Don't you find it peculiar that Interpol would send you a first timer off the desk
to be your assistant? Why did she request to be put on the case?"

"She was assigned to the case"

"Oh. Luck of the draw. Like choosing a random card in the deck I find it odd, your sudden act of generosity"

"What's in it for you? Just trying to even the game. And to get back what was taken from me"

"Mr chesterfield, I promise you i will get your daughter back"

"I want talking about princess I was talking about my dignity, those buffoons humiliated me not I'm not return the favor"

"Doesn't it worry you that your little girl is out there with a brunch of criminals, who knows what they are doing to her"

"I don't care about my daughter, what I want is to get even with those bad guys, I feel like I'm playing with somebody wearing ankle weights and flippers.
Keep up, Agent luggins. Keep up"

After Misty hangs up, she sees trouble up ahead, "

"We got a problem" fuller tell her.

"Here's the safe" an agent named Cowan says showing a video.

"No, no, no. Hey. What's he doing here?" Misty asked.

"Giving us our first solid lead"

"We've been investigating a private security contractor called Elkhorn for the last five years"


"They've been hiding close to a half billion dollars..."

"So that's they're next crime"

The housemen's next crime: stealing millions in cash from the Elkhorn Company's safe. After answering a call from Thomas, Misty suspects that Diane may be helping the Horsemen, which she denies.

"The money's in a vault inside a warehouse in Queens.
We think this vault is your magicians' final target"

"The magician who died on the bridge...You pulled our classified Elkhorn file right from his crispy little hand. And despite their bullshit Robin Hood razzle-dazzle, your magicians are nothing more than common thieves"

"You left out kidnappers too, How did they get the file?"

"This is the part you're gonna find particularly interesting, Agent Misty. They patched to my server after they accessed your mobile command center in New Orleans with codes they got from your phone.
You ordered us all out to chase after them The level of incompetence displayed on this case, that's a magic trick in and of itself. Abracadabra. I'm taking over"

"Boss, he's taking over?"

"You can't do that" Misty was furious as Diane was

"Let's go, gentlemen"

"Hey. Hey. I want to have a word with you" Misty approaches Diane.

"Why the hell did you take this case?"


"People say I'm "hard to read." That's an American expression. Do you understand it?"


"Good, then let me make myself perfectly clear to you.
If I find out that you are anything other than who you say you are, I swear..."

"You know the French also have an expression.
"Faith can move mountains." If we hope to capture The Horsemen, then you need to have a little faith in me. Because I've done nothing to deserve otherwise"

"I just got myself handed to me. I am losing this case.
So faith is a luxury to which I don't have any time for right now"

"Approaching the warehouse. Units 5 and 6 cover the north and south entrances. We are going for the vault"

The FBI head to the Elkhorn Company, but find the safe missing (having been loaded on a truck under orders of one of the FBI agents, who was also hypnotized) and intercept it, deciding to follow it in hopes of capturing the Horsemen.

"Hey. Where's the safe? Where's the safe?" Cowan asked.

"What is this?"

"Where the hell is the goddamn safe?"

"We just moved it while you were outside. Evans' orders"


"I never said that"

"Sir, you got a phone call and said Washington wants the safe moved"

"You never heard that come out of my mouth, Agent.
What happened?"

"What happened? You tell me what's going on,
because this is bullshit!"

"No!" Then Misty realized something.

Agent evans was hypnotized and starts playing Classical Music Playing.

"Jesus Christ. Sir? Sir? What are you doing?"

"I think it's Beethoven's Concerto in D-Major. Where's the safe?" Misty questioned the guy guarding the safe.

"His team is loading the truck"

They all ran outside to see the truck getting away.

"Hey! Hey!"


"Stop the truck!" Misty shouts.



"Hey! Stop that truck!"

Misty And Fuller Continues Yelling then two police cars stopped the truck.

"What the hell's going on?"

"We got our orders"

"Now you've got new orders. Open it up" Misty says.

"Okay. Here's what I want.  At this moment, they think that safe's leaving this site. So we stay with it. We follow it all the way to... Where's it going?"

"5 Pointz. Up the street. So we go to 5 Pointz. Wherever the safe goes, we go. It'll lead us right to 'em.
You two are with me"

During the long car ride, "Guys... Look. Office just called with this. Horsemen posted it to YouTube
20 minutes ago"

They watch a video of the remaining four horsemen, "The point of why we're here is to say that we are not...
We cannot quit now. We've started something bigger than all of us. We have to finish it. Remember the name Mr piranha when you see us live, 5 Pointz, Queens, 7:00"

"Their show is in a half an hour"

"It's exactly where we're headed"

"I don't know, sir. I don't wanna be the naysayer,
but these guys are kinda tricky" Misty says.

"Luggins, they're entertainers"

"A stunning turnout here in 5 Pointz as the renegade Horsemen taunt the FBI into a final showdown" Tiffany fluffit and other newscaster were live on the scene.

"The Horsemen have invited us to their final round
of their three-act face-off with the FBI. What do they have in store? We're about to find out"

"All eyes on the truck" Cowan says.

"Let's see who approaches"

"Copy that"

"Agents Misty, Fuller?"

"Go, for us"

"We've got movement. Someone's walking toward the truck"

"It's a woman"


"Oh, sh*t!"

But Upon arrival, Thomas appears to convinces them to open the safe.

"What the hell's going on?" Thomas asked.

"Hey! It's the guy from the TV"

"Put your guns down. Look who it is. The fifth Horseman" Misty accused Thomas

"Are you kidding? I'm following them, just like you are" Thomas says.

"I'm not following anybody anymore. You've been ahead of us this whole time. But guess what? I'm ahead of you now. Your tail is mine"

"Agent Misty You guys are still idiots"


"This happens to be the former rehearsal space for Lionel Shrike. It's where I did my first show. Now, if you wanna look like even bigger idiots, why not open it? And while you're doing it, Agent Misty, would you mind reenacting your look of absolute befuddlement for me? It will make a wonderful cover for my DVD.
Go on Open the safe Go ahead"

"Open it"

As he convinces them to open the safe only to discover that it is a decoy full of balloon animals.

"What the hell?" One agent pulls the lock only to find it attached to handkerchief.

"What? Give me that. No. No!" Misty pulls on the scarfs then they hear the Lock Tumblers Moving.

"What is this?"

"Get back!" And once the door falls, out comes balloon animals.

"Who doesn't love a good magic trick? They have you chasing empty safes again. Once again, misdirection"

"The show is starting. Move out!"

"The question I'd be asking now, Agent Misty is...
"What happened to the real one?"

They converge on the Horsemen's final show at 5 Pointz, where the magicians appear with a farewell message to the crowd.

"Clear! Clear 'em out! Come on. Move 'em out. Move 'em out of the way. FBI! Give me a path! Clear out! Clear out!" Cowan commanded.

"What is magic?" Then wolf's voice appeared, on the building were a holographic image of wolf.

"Magic is deception. But deception designed to delight, to entertain, to inspire"

"Look out! Clear! Clear! Look out!"

"It is about belief"

"Faith" then on another building shows shark

"Trust" then on another webs.

"Without those qualities, magic, as an an' form,
would no longer exist. But what happens if these qualities are not used for their higher purpose?
And instead they're used to cheat, lie" snake appears next.

"For personal gain or for greed" shark days.

"Then it's no longer magic. It's crime" snake says.

"So tonight, for our final act, you're gonna help us set a few things right" webs says.

"What's going on here, Misty?" Cowan asked,

"I don't know"

"Showtime" wolf says.

"Look! There they are on the roof. Let's move!
Go, go, go!" Cowan points.

"Misty!" She was grabbed by Diane

"FBI, coming through!"

"What are you doing here?" Misty asked.

"They're going in the wrong direction and you know it"

"Misty! I need all personnel now!" Cowan says.

"You need to trust me. Take your leap of faith"

"Wait" she turns to fuller

"Go on I got your back"

Meanwhile in an elevator, the four remaining horsemen were having their last moment.

"Hey" snake turns to wolf


"Uh...As our, let's call it, year of living dangerously
comes to a close, in a rare moment of vulnerability,
I'd like to express a sentiment to you about our relationship"


"Well, when I first met you, I thought you were kind of a show off"

"Oh. Very funny" wolf says as the other two laugh.

"And?" Webs asked.

"No, that's it"

"That's very nice"


"I'm touched"

"Yeah. Just from the heart"

"Well, I didn't tell you where I was touched"

"Oh. you!"

"Oh, God"

"So What are we gonna do when this is over?" Webs asked.

"We start our new act: raising princess, but Our instructions run out after the show" wolf says.

"Well Even if there is no "Eye," if we were completely played and we spend the next 20 years in jail, then,
I just want to say that..." but before webs could say anything.

"I know. Me, too" wolf says.

Shark cried, "well that was a Little too sentimental for me" snake says.

But once they get it the top the FBI arrived first, "There they are! Go grab 'em! Put 'em down! Go, go, go! Grab 'em!"

But they were shocked to find they only tackled mannequins.

"Get up! What the hell? Ah, sh-" Cowan groaned.

"Hello, New York!" Webs shouts as they were on the other side.

"Thank you for the magic. And thank you for being such an incredible and dedicated audience. Unfortunately, like all good things, it must come to an end. So we would like to start our show tonight...
By saying goodbye" wolf says.

"All we wanted was to bring the world to a magic show" webs says.

"And thereby bring a little magic back to the world" shark says.

Misty and Diane find where they were recorded, "Clear the way!" And made it to the top where they were at.

"This has been one hell of a ride for all of us. But it's time for us to disappear" snake says.

"Good night, New York" wolf says. "And thank you for believing in us"

"Stop!" Misty aimed her gun as they try to run and jump off the roof.


"No!" Diane shouts.

As they leap off the roof, Diane disrupts Misty attempt to shoot them; the Horsemen disappear in a shower of counterfeit money.

"God damn it!" Cowan groans

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