The fianl act

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"You were right. It's bigger than all of us" Misty says to Diane.

"This is one time I'm not happy being right"

"It was an honor working with you Interpol Diane"

"Same with you agent Misty" Diane walks off.

Then fuller ran to her, "Misty, Misty, Misty!"


"You see that?" He hands her the stolen money.

"What?" She sees the money had the picture of the bad guys on it.

"Where's the real money?" Misty asked.

The real money from the Elkhorn safe is found in thomas's car.

"You're under arrest!"

"Hands in the air! Now!"

"Ugh great" Thomas says.

and he is arrested, presumed to be an accomplice with the Horsemen, meanwhile the remaining horsemen come out of a subway station and head to a cemetery.

"I've been framed" Thomas says as he was interrogated by Misty.

"I'm sure you were"

"Yeah, but I can prove it. I always do. Just like I predicted that you'd play the fool"

"Let's just drop the theatricality, all right? The cameras aren't rolling in here. Fellas, can I have a few minutes
with my friend here alone, please"

"Sure" the guards locked her with him.

"All right. I got information to trade"


"I believe that's how it's done. Huh? If it's of some value. These bars give a man time to think. And I'm pretty sure I know how they did it. Remember the rabbit trick in the second show? The box was never empty. The room wasn't either. After gaining access to the warehouse, The Horsemen left the real safe and transformed the whole room into a giant rabbit box.
You go charging in there, thinking the safe was already gone, Missing the trick. Again. Which was to make you think the safe had already been stolen, so you'd drop your guard and leave. Now, while you were busy
playing with balloon animals, someone was breaking into the warehouse"


"Mr piranha"

"Holy sh-"

"No. No way. He died right in front of my eyes"

"Unless, of course, he didn't"

Back with the bad guys or horsemen, they try to get the gate to unlock with princess there"

"It's locked" wolf says.

"Weren't you listening? Nothing's ever locked" then piranha shows up.


"Well done, Mr piranha! Good work"" wolf says.

"You're a big boy now, piranha" snake says.

"Mr piranha" princess was glad to see him.

"That's yours first lesson princess: magic is all deception" wolf says as piranha chomps the locks.

"He escaped in a standard FBI vehicle, right? Led you to the bridge. Where the other Horsemen were waiting
with an identical replacement car. It only took a split second for you to lose contact with it and make the switch. When you crawled into that burning car, quite heroically, I might add, you almost died trying to rescue what I assume was a cadaver from the morgue" Thomas goes on.

"Why go through such an elaborate and dangerous plan just to frame one guy?" Misty asked.

"I don't know"

"They never kept any of the money they took"

"Yeah, that's the part I haven't been able to put together yet"

"But I just gave you information that is substantially more important"

"No. Not really"


"I finally got a chance to really look into Lionel Shrike.
His comeback attempt. His accident. The insurer who denied the family's claim? Chesterfield Insurance.The bank that carried the note? Credit Republican of Paris.
What do you make of that?"

"A sucker is born every minute"

As Misty visits him in jail, Thomas deduces that the Horsemen duped the FBI into following the duplicate safe, allowing piranha, who faked his death using a decoy car and a cadaver stolen from a morgue with the assistance of the other Horsemen, to break into the real safe (which was in fact hidden behind a giant mirror to trick the FBI into thinking that it was missing) and frame Thomas with the stolen money.

"What if all this was just leading up to us getting mugged in Central Park at 2:00 a.m.?" Snake says.

"No, I'm telling you, we're right where we need to be
We just have to find..." wolf says

Then princess sees the tree with a card inside, "That?" She points.

"The Lionel Shrike tree"

"And the card encased in glass"

"What do we do now?" Shake asked.

They all take their cards they were given and as they all came together, they emerged into one crystalized card with an eye on it and as it shines on the tree.

"Oh, nice!"

Carrousel Music Plays and behind them a carrousel starts.

"So, here's my new theory. The legend is that the "Eye" is everywhere or so I'm told, Waiting for the truly great magicians to distinguish themselves from the mediocre ones. Maybe that was you. Deep down inside you wanted nothing more than to be part of the "Eye,"
but you were never invited. So you try to destroy them.
But instead what happens? You pissed them off"

"The Eye isn't real"

"Okay, then, explain then. Who's behind all this.
Somebody with an obsession"



"Somebody prepared to sacrifice everything. Somebody so prepared to lose that they wouldn't even be a suspect until the trick was done"

"I don't want a profile. I need a name. Who? Who?"

"I don't know who. But they had to have access to the
warehouse to plant the mirrors. Always a step ahead of me. And the FBI. Got past them not once, not twice, but consistently. Almost as if they were on the in..."

"Someone like me" says marmalade.

Then Thomas realizes that Professor marmalade is the mastermind behind the Four Horsemen's plots, which proves Diane's suspicions correct.

"The inside" marmalade was behind Thomas who a cup of tea stirring it looking smugly, he was inside while Misty was outside the cell.

"You" Thomas says.


"Why?" Thomas and Misty asked.

"That is the question, isn't it? You're right. I can't tell you how long I've waited to see the look on your face"

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"What do I want? I want you to spend the rest of your life in this cell, staring at four walls and wondering how you missed it. How you let yourself be so blinded by your ego that you convinced yourself that you were one step ahead when you were always two steps behind. And you're gonna see what's it like to have someone special taken from you, oh that's right you don't care about your daughter, so you're gonna watch as your daughter gets raised by a group of magician's who will be a better family then you" marmalade is outside the cell walking away.

"Well you heard him agent Misty he confessed, arrest him" Thomas says.

But she looks at marmalade then back to Thomas then back to marmalade to which she walks away.

"That won't be necessary since I have the 6 horseman"

"Wait a minute. Misty, marmalade! How did this happen? Marmalade! Why? Why?"

At the Central Park Carousel, the horsemen and princess are welcomed by marmalade as the newest members of the Eye.

"Oh, my God" webs says.

"Professor marmalade" princess ran to him

"I did not see that coming" shark says.

"That's impossible!" Snake says.

"No way" piranha muttered.

"That was actually pretty good" wolf says.

"Thank you" marmalade says.

When I said, "Always be the smartest guy in the room." Wolf says.

"We were in agreement" mermaid says.

"Okay. Right"

"Princess, it's good to see you are ok and you'll be in safe arms now, I trust the bad guys will take such care of you"

"I sure hope so" they turned to see Misty.

"I've never seen her speechless" wolf says to webs.

"I take that as a huge compliment" marmalade says.

"Hey, man, I'm so sorry for-" piranha tries to apologize.

"It's alright, just get in there and you take care of princess, you all take care of yourselves, good bye" she walks off.

"Hey, listen, for the record, I have always been a 100% believer. And the amount of energy I have expended
to keep these infidels on point..." snake says.

"Relax, you're in" marmalade says. "Come" then he jumps inside the moving carrousel.

"The real magic is taking five strong solo acts and making them all work together.And that's exactly what you did. So welcome. Welcome to the Eye"

"But why ask us to kidnap princess" wolf asked.

"To create a new magician, come now we have so much to learn princess" marmalade vanished with in the carrousel.

"You ready for this" wolf asked as he takes princess hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be" they walked in together then they all vanished.

in Paris at the Pont des Arts, Diane was reading the newspaper when she stumbles upon some old story about Lionel Shrike.

"it was all connected. Credit Republican. Tressier Insurance.Bonjour" she turns to see professor marmalade behind her.

"Bonjour" she waves "And Elkhorn? What's the connection to Shrike?"

"Elkhorn started as a safe manufacturer. They used cheap steel. They cut corners. When he got to the bottom of the river, the safe warped. And he was trapped"

"He was your grandfather" she said.

"Shocking hadn't it, The morning before the show
didn't feel like any other day. When my grandfather said he had to go to work, he could see that I didn't want him to leave. So he gave me his watch, and he told me to count the seconds until he came back.
I have never let his watch stop since then. And from that moment on, I created a persona. I planned. I worked out every detail"

"But how does Thomas fit into this? Why kidnapped his daughter"

"My grandfather was all the family I had, After his funeral I was taken in by a kind girl named Elizabeth, Elizabeth was princess mother, she was the best friend I after had but after a tragic accident in a car incident Thomas was forced to save his wife or unborn daughter so he saved princess"

"Wasn't her life more important"

"It was but Thomas blames princess for her death so I vowed to give her a good home a good family to take care of her, just one more secret to take care of, One more secret to lock away" he gives her a lock and key.

She locks it and throws the key into the serine.

🐺: You come a little closer...closer Because now you know our secret.

🐍 We could be anywhere.

🦈 Watching you.

🕷️ We're looking for someone to help us with our next trick.

🐠 On the count of three,
open your eyes

🐱 and tell me what you see.

🐹 One...two...three

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