The plan

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Back in the hideout, everyone reunites, giving hugs, reminiscing and catching up.

And in the garage, wolf came in with a board, "ok everyone settle down, quiet please, quiet" wolf gets everyone to pay attention.

They all look at him, "right, now that we're here, you're all probably wondering why I brought you here"

"From what I heard you said you had one last job for us" grinch says annoyed.

"Yeah"megamind says.

"That's what I heard" chip says then everyone muttered to each other.

"What's going on!" Charlie asked.

"You don't call us unless it was some heist" Aladdin says.

"Yeah yeah listen to listen, shut up and listen" he turns the board over to reveal a vision board with Thomas on it, the blueprints to his house and a flier with an gala event coming up.

"Out target: Thomas chesterfield"

"THOMAS CHESTERFIELD!" They all gasped.

"The most wealthiest man in Los Angeles" gru says.

"I hear that man has 12 expensive cars" megamind says.

"I heard he became rich by inheriting from his deceased wife" chip says.

"I heard he owns the world's biggest yacht" Charlie says.

"That's right, he's gonna holding a big event party, every rich snob will be there" wolf continues.

"What's the charity for?" Grinch asked.

"Helping orphans I think I don't know, anyway inside his mansion is a safe dirty a ton of gold cash and valuable treasure for ours for the taking so the plan is while Thomas is busy with his party we're gonna break into his office and steal everything in his safe, I crunch the numbers and we'll all get a share of the profit"

Everyone was intrigued, all except for the grinch, "whoa whoa time out here" he says.

"Any questions" wolf looks annoyed.

"Uh yes, stealing from Thomas chesterfield the most powerful man in history, no offense but that's crazy"

"That's exactly what I said" snake added.

"I know it's a risky shot but thanks to the good help of our friends: webs and Nicky here, we devised a plan, webs"

"Right so pulling up on Thomas, he's gonna have guards guarding the party inside and out, in the garden, kitchen, hallways, upstairs and even in his office too" webs says.

"The plan is we find a way into Thomas party without raising any suspicion" Nick says, "I'm gonna volunteer to be "one of his guards"

"that way we have someone keeping an eye out in case of any...disasters" wolf says, "Aladdin since you are the prince you can easily get a ticket in and robin here would be your assistant"

Al and Robin look at each other and smiled, "as a great thief I am, I am a very good actor too" Robin bows making everyone laugh.

"Yeah whatever, everyone here has a role to play, if this goes well we'll walking out rich as kings and queen" wolf says.

Hearing the plan everyone cheers in excitement, all but grinch who still was worried.

"Whoa ok stop" grinch gets their attention.

"Ugh ok what is it now" wolf groans.

"ok this all sounds like a great plan and all but we're talking about stealing from the most powerful important and most influential man ever, Thomas has the most advanced security system I'm talking about cameras everywhere, ever guard watching, if he spot us he'll have us hanged by the gallows"

Seeing how worried and concerned grinch was for their safety, wolf tries to ease him.

"Don't worry we already thought a plan for that too, all we need is for webs to hack into the camera system"

"And how are we supposed to do that without being caught by Thomas" grinch was being stubborn.

Then RJ gets on top of the car, "I know it's a dangerous risk but think about everything we been through together, like that time we robbed the casinos of Monte Carlo, The Museum Caper, The Underwater Treasure, The Sky-high Robbery, The Art Gallery Switcheroo, The Cyber Bank Heist, The Train Robbery 2.0, The Casino Con, The Underground Vault, The Historical Relic Raid and who can forget The Diamond Exchange that was all us, because we worked as a team sure we had some slips and close calls, like time piranha trip the alarm, or when chip and dale got caught or when megamind inventions blew up"

As they reminiscence the old days, they laughed.

"But what really matters is as long as we're together, nothing is gonna tear us apart" everyone looks at RJ as they were inspired.

"So are you guys with me" wolf puts his hand down and everyone joins in.

They all look at grinch who had no choice but to fall in, he puts his hand in.

"We're all gonna die" grinch says.

"Ok so Thomas is gonna be out of his office and home looking for suit he can wear for the gala that's when you guys come in: Charlie, itchy, chip, dale, you guys are gonna help while some of you find the password to unlocking his security to his officer and the safe I know he keeps everything in his car including important documents, think you guys can handle that" wolf says.

"Oh we can handle that" Charlie smiles at itchy and the chipmunks.

"Ok phase one of the plan: we get close enough to Thomas to get us inside the party"

Inside a clothing boutique, Thomas was trying on a purple suit.

"Hmm? Hmm?" He looks at himself but he shook his head.

"No no no, this is the most biggest charity event I want to look my best, I want people to notice me"

"Yes Mr chesterfield"

"I want something unique"

"Yes sir"

"Something spectacular"

"Most definitely sir"

"I need something that will make me stand out in front of everyone, something that screams-"

"FABULOUS" Charlie says in a German voice.

"Yes exactly-who said that" Thomas turns to see Charlie disguised as a fashion designer.

Itchy follows behind taking pictures, "oh no no no this will not stand at all, you need something that is you something wolf, something crazy" Charlie approaches him.

"Uh your face, it just screams marvelously, wouldn't you say Reggie" Charlie looks down at itchy.

"Most definitely sir"

"Who are you?" Thomas asked.

"Who am I you say? I am Ludwig von heimer, die worlds greatest stylist, I am known from all around the world and I have come to help you herr chesterfield"

Charlie wraps his arm around Thomas keeping him busy while itchy stands near Thomas cost, chip and dale came out from his jacket and grabs the keys from Thomas coat.

They quickly ran outside as Charlie or Ludwig helps Thomas try on different outfits, chip and dale get in his car and they look around.

And after hour of searching and searching, chip opens the glove compartment, they find a yellow sticky note with Thomas passcode on it.

"Yes" dale and chip cheer.

"We got the code" chip tells itchy who is listening to his ear piece, he turns to Charlie giving him a thumbs up.

Who was busy with Thomas he chose an elegant blue suit.

"It is stunning, it is elegant it is so so..." Charlie says.

"It's perfect" Thomas says, "you want to be my personal wardrobe stylist, I would love it if you and your associate would come to my gala party it's only the most exclusive event of the year"

Charlie and itchy look at each other and smiled, "we love too"

"Wonderful I will see you then" Thomas gives them tickets to enter his gala.

"We're in wolf" itchy says.

"Excellent, everything is in place"

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