Infiltrating chesterfield manor

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Aladdin and Robin Hood were walking into Thomas mansion.

Passing by the stairs they bump into Thomas two guards.

"Oh I'm terrible sorry" Al dust one of them.

"A thousand apologies sir" Robin tips his hat.

The two guards ignore them but then Al and Robin pull out their ID.

And as piranha snake and shark were passing by, Robin gave the first id to piranha which snake follows him, and Al gives shark the other ID, acting all casually.

Then Al and Robin Hood head inside were they going to convince Thomas to let them in the party.

He was in his office doing some paperwork, when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" he pulls out his remote and the r door opens up for a guard.

"Sir, sorry to disturb you but you have visitors"

"Hmm?" Thomas was suspicious.

He heads in the living room after locking his door and he sees Aladdin and Robin Hood sitting on two fancy recliners already have drinks in tiger hands.

When they see Thomas, Aladdin gets up to greet him, "ah there he is Mr chesterfield I have to say it is such an honor to meet you" Al shook his hands.

"Ah yes, can you gentlemen?"

"Oh please forgive the intrusion but I am prince Aladdin, the sultan of Agrabah and this is my advisor sir Robin William"

Robin gets up and bows, "charm I must say sir, it is such an mighty honor to meet the most richest man in history, the toast of society"

"Well thank you" Thomas was flattered.

But Al and Robin weren't just staying for tea and getting entrance to the party.


"Huh? Oh excuse me gentlemen, I should get that" Thomas smiled nervously.

"Sure take your time" Al acts casually along with Robin.

"Now who can that be?" He opens the door, but he looks around to see no one.


"Down here man" he lols down to see RJ in a mechanic suit with a fake mustache.

"Hi there, I'm RJ the maintenance you hired"

"Maintenance? I didn't hire a maintenance?" Then he gets a buzz from his phone.

He gets a text message from one of his guards, but it was chip and dale took one of the guards phone, they were in living room playing a card game when chip and dale were sneaking in and hack into the phone to sent a message to Thomas about hiring a maintenance.

The lights have been going off recently, just making sure everything is ok for the party, the maintenance will be here soon just to fix the lights...

"Ah never mind then please come in" Thomas opens the door for JR to come in.

"I have do guest so...will that be a problem" as RJ entered the living room he sees Aladdin and Robin giving him a wink as he returns the wink back.

"Nah no problem at all, I'm just be upstairs"

"Ok do you need any help"

"Oh no I got it I got it" so RJ went upstairs as Thomas went to talk with Aladdin and Robin.

"So where were we?" Thomas asked.

"As we were, we heard about this big party you were having and we were wondering if we could get the VIP pass to the most exclusive event in Los Angeles"

" would be grand to have royalties attend to my party"

Meanwhile with RJ, he was looking around then he opens the window for the grinch to climb.

"Quickly while Thomas is distracted" RJ says.

The two of them search for the camera rooms, the grinch hacks into the computers while RJ keeps watch.

As he scans through the cameras he finds one where it's watching Thomas office.

"Found it" the grinch pulls out a USB given by webs, he plugs it in the computer and he hacks the camera watching Thomas office so no one would see them breaking in.

"Ok I got it, we're" the grinch says as he and RJ leave.

"Great, guys were down let's get out of here" JR says.

"Copy that" Al says.

"What was that?" Thomas asked.

"Uh I said...we'll see you tonight right" Al and Robin gets up, Al shakes Thomas hand.

The grinch exits through the window and RJ came downstairs,

"Well I'm done here"

"Already?" Thomas sounded surprised.

"Yeah it was no trouble at all, well I better get going now"

"Here let me write you a check for your troubles" Thomas pulls out his checkbook.

"Oh no no no no, consider it on the house, everything's free for millionaires ok bye" RJ left quickly with Al and Robin looking nervous.

"Huh?" Thomas was puzzled.

Later that night, shark used the security guard ID to get in chesterfield industries.

Thomas was working late when shark pulls on a janitor disguise, he was "collecting thrash"

Thomas looks up to see shark, "just taking out the thrash sir"

But as shark empty the thrash can, webs crawls off his shoulders and on to the wall, Thomas was distracted on his laptop.

That's when shark came in again, excuse me sir?"

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"I hate to bother you sir but these these two guys who want to see you"

Thomas looks at him annoys, "fine send them in"

"Actually sir, they want to see you in the lobby"

Thomas groans then sighs as he shuts his laptop, "alright fine, just get back to work"

As laptop left, webs crawls down and she lifts up his computer, she hacks into his laptop to see the seating chart, she uploaded the information on her phone then she hack gru megamind and grinch as the caterers.

Thomas heads downstairs where he sees Nick Wilde and Tom the detective cat.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Nick Wilde of the ZPD"

"And I'm detective Tom"

"We heard that you were having a charity event" Nick says.

"Yea my gala"

"Well you know that there are crooks out there" Tom says.

Then piranha sneaks to a room where Thomas two personal bodyguards were waiting and watching, piranha and snake were dressed as food servers.

Piranha pushes a chart with sandwiches in it, "come and get it boys, courtesy form Thomas" snake says.

The two guards smile and grab a sandwich.

"So we wanna volunteer to be your personal bodyguards" Nick says.

"Sorry gentleman, you seem qualified but I already have personal bodyguards so there's no need-"

But then he heard a crash and painful groans, he runs to see his two bodyguards on the ground, they were sick.

Piranha and snake already left along with shark and webs.

Thomas realized he had no choice, "fine, you two are hired" Thomas says.

Nick and Tom high five each.....

"Alright, time for the phase 2"

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